A British passenger ship that had been caught only weeks before its final voyage deceptively flying an American flag. This ‘false flag’ event occurred within days of a German U-21 capturing the 3000 ton British Ben Cruachan ship for disobeying wartime cruiser rules and also capturing a complete set of Winston Churchill’s inflammatory orders, including the instructions to ram and to fly a neutral flag. Fast forward a few weeks back to the Lusitania’s final voyage, and Germany, knowing another false flag by the Lusitania was very likely following Woodrow Wilson’s green lighting England to continue their deceptive practices while giving strict warnings to Germany, took out ads and issued warnings to keep passengers off of the Lusitania while the NY Times extinguished those warnings and the Lusitania sailed on. Upon entering the war zone, the military escort was cancelled, the U-20 fired a torpedo into the massive Lusitania doing little damage however an explosion occurred due to pyroxyline, that chemically reacts to seawater, that was shipped by Dupont under the guise of “butter” with the intent of an explosion, along with tons of ammunition, then a British rescue stand down ordered, and that’s how 1200 lives were lost in order to get Americans angry enough to support an act of Congress required to enter WWI (Wilson couldn’t declare it alone) which was the plan all along! Continue Reading…

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