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Raw Milk Nutrition Facts

Raw milk is truly one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world and has a nutritional profile unlike any other food. I understand if you’ve been cautious in the past about drinking raw milk because of all the negative media it might have earned, but I’m sure you’ll change your mind once you learn why more and more people are drinking raw milk every day. Some of the main reasons that over 10 million Americans now drink raw milk on a regular basis include:

  • Healthier skin, hair and nails
  • Nutrient absorption
  • Stronger immune system
  • Reduced allergies
  • Increased bone density
  • Neurological support
  • Weight loss
  • Help building lean muscle mass
  • Better digestion

What exactly makes raw milk such an incredible superfood? Let’s take a look at its unique nutritional profile, and it will become clear.

Nutritional Profile of Raw Milk

Fat-Soluble Vitamins A, D and K2

Because raw milk comes from cows or goats grazing on grass, research studies have shown that it contains a higher level of heart-healthy, cancer-killing, fat-soluble vitamins than milk that comes from factory-farm cows. (9) Studies have shown that one of the most common deficiencies in children is a lack of fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins support the brain and nervous system and are crucial for development, focus and brain function. Fat-soluble vitamins also support bone density and help naturally balance hormones; however, they’re significantly decreased following pasteurization. (10)

Short Chain Fatty Acids, CLA and Omega-3s

In addition to being high in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, raw milk from grass-fed animals is a rich source of butyrate, a short chain fatty acid that’s widely known to control health issues related to inflammation, slow metabolism and stress resistance. (11) In fact, researchers in Japan conducted a study on mice that suggests that butyrate can be used to treat inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease. (12) Additionally, raw, grass-fed milk is packed with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which according to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cancer has been tied to cancer prevention, healthier cholesterol levels and can even help reduce body fat. (13)

Essential Minerals and Electrolytes: Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium

Raw milk is one of the highest sources of minerals and electrolytes, which many people don’t get enough of. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of these minerals is lost during high-heat pasteurization. (14)

Whey Protein and Immunoglobulins

By far, the best-tasting curds and whey protein come from raw milk. Whey protein is fantastic for anyone who’s looking to burn fat and build or retain lean muscle. Whey is high in the following enzymes and proteins (amino acids) and the best way to get these immunity boosters is in their natural forms: alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin and immunoglobulin.

Probiotics: Kefir, Cheese and Yogurt

Probiotics are only found in small amounts in raw milk, but when you ferment raw milk to make foods like kefir, yogurt or cheese, the good bacteria dramatically increase. In fact, there are no other foods in the world as naturally high in probiotics as cultured dairy products.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to raw milk benefits. One thing to clear up here is that raw milk doesn’t just come from cows. Researchers have carried out comparative studies on the properties of goat milk compared to those of cow milk and have found reason to believe that goat milk can help prevent diseases, such as anemia and bone demineralization, sometimes better than cow milk can. Goat milk  has been linked with special benefits for digestive and metabolic utilization of minerals, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. (15)

Milk Alternatives

Almond Milk

Almond milk is typically a combination of almonds, water, sweetener, thickener such as carrageenan, and, often, fortified nutrients such as vitamins A, E, and D. The problem is that most almond milk contains hardly any almonds, mostly water, added sugars, and a smattering of vitamins for good measure. As Business Insider put it:

If almond milk closely resembles any beverage, it’s a glass of water and a multivitamin.”

The amount of actual almonds in a half-gallon carton of almond milk is shocking: research suggests it’s just over a handful. In one analysis of the UK almond milk brand Alpro, almonds made up just 2 percent of the beverage, and the Almond Board of California noted that ingredients are pretty similar between UK and US almond milk brands. If you’ve ever wondered how almond milk can be so low in calories – about 30 calories in a cup, compared to 160 calories in a serving of almonds – it’s because it’s mostly water… not almonds. “Based on these numbers,” Business Insider reported, “to get the nutritional value of a handful of almonds, you’d have to drink not just a few cups of the almond milk but an entire carton of it.

Soy Milk

One of the worst problems with soy comes from the fact that 90 to 95 percent of soybeans grown in the US are genetically modified (GM). GM soybeans are designed to be “Roundup Ready,” which means they’re engineered to withstand otherwise lethal doses of herbicide. The active ingredient in Roundup herbicide is called glyphosate, which is responsible for the disruption of the delicate hormonal balance of the female reproductive cycle.

What’s more, glyphosate is toxic to the placenta, which is responsible for delivering vital nutrients from mother to child, and eliminating waste products. Once the placenta has been damaged or destroyed, the result can be miscarriage. In those children born to mothers who have been exposed to even a small amount of glyphosate, serious birth defects can result.

Glyphosate’s mechanism of harm was identified in 2013 and demonstrates how this chemical disrupts cellular function and may induce many of our modern diseases, including autism. It’s also been declared a “probable carcinogen.”

Aside from the GM issues, thousands of studies have linked unfermented soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility, and even cancer and heart disease. The only soy with health benefits is organic soy that has been properly fermented, and these are the only soy products I ever recommend consuming. After a long fermentation process, the phytate and “anti-nutrient” levels of soybeans are reduced, and their beneficial properties become available to your digestive system. To learn more, please see Dr. Mercola’s article detailing the dangers of unfermented soy.

Rice Milk

Rice milk is composed of similar ingredients to almond milk, namely filtered water, rice, and added vitamins. There’s nothing particularly healthy about rice milk along with a potential harm: arsenic.

Rice has been shown to accumulate 10 times more arsenic than other grains, due to physiology and growing conditions, and is an ingredient of “moderate” concern in rice and rice-based processed foods, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG). EWG reported:

“In 2012, the independent, highly regarded Consumer Reports research organization made public tests indicating that arsenic concentrations commonly exceeded 100 parts per billion in rice, rice flour, crackers, pasta, hot and cold breakfast cereals, and infant cereal…

Arsenic levels in rice milk often surpassed 10 parts per billion, the maximum allowed in drinking water.”

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is made from the expressed juice of grated coconut meat and water. About 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is rarely found in nature. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, a monoglyceride that can actually destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV and herpes, influenza, measles, gram-negative bacteria, and protozoa such as Giardia lamblia.

Lauric acid is a type of medium chain fatty acid (MCFAs), which is easily digested and readily crosses cell membranes. MCFAs are immediately converted by your liver into energy rather than being stored as fat. There are numerous studies showing that MCFAs promote weight loss, including one study that showed rats fed MCFAs reduced body fat and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.

Yet another study found that overweight men who ate a diet rich in MCFAs lost more fat tissue, presumably due to increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation from the MCFA intake. In addition, coconut milk is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, including vitamins C, E and B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron.

Plant Based Milk

For infants aged zero to 12 months, the panel stated plant milks are not recommended. For those aged 1 to 5 years, plant milks were also not recommended for exclusive consumption in place of dairy milk. This includes plant milks and nondairy beverages such as rice, nut and seed milk, or milk made from coconut, oats, peas or blends of these ingredients. The rationale, according to the statement:2

“Plant-based milks are growing in popularity, but it is important to note that they are not nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk. They have varying nutritional pro les based on their plant source and many often contain added sugars.”

Two studies were cited that compared the nutritional value of cow’s milk with nondairy beverages. One found that cow’s milk has higher protein content and quality compared to most nondairy milk beverages.3

The other concluded, “[I]f the goal is to provide a beverage nutritionally similar to cow’s milk for growing children, then, with the exception of soy, NDMAs [nondairy milk alternatives] are not nutritionally similar to cow’s milk and are not a good substitute.”4 The expert panel noted:5  (Source: Mercola)

Climate Milk / Future Milk

It has been decided that cows are the enemy of the Globalists. The Netherlands plan on seizing thousands of farms and reduce the number of livestock. In New Zealand, the left wing government was just defeated after farmers united to oppose them and their new ”fart tax” to reduce emissions from cows. But now countries are beginning to feed TOXIC chemicals to cows in order to get them to have less burps and farts. Yes, really! Why is that you may ask? To reduce climate emissions and meet the 2030 climate goals of course! By the year 2030, the agriculture industry has to reduce climate emissions by 5 million tons CO2. In other words, this of course goes back to the UN Agenda 2030 ”global goals” which none other than Bill Gates himself is funding.

The goal is that all ruminant livestock used for diary and meat shall be fed methane suppressing chemicals in just a few years. What are they calling this new milk? One diary producer is calling it ”Future milk” while another milk producer is called ”Climate milk” on shelves in Norway.

This chemical they are feeding the cows is suspected of DAMAGING FERTILITY or the unborn child. It has a warning label for reproductive toxicity. It has been found to very harmful to the male reproductive system in rats and none other than Bill Gates has donated $319 MILLION to the manufacturer of this chemical. Peter Sweden has done some in-depth research of this chemical they are feeding cows to find out how toxic it actually is…and what he found was SHOCKING! That research is available for paid subscribers on his substack HERE.

Type of Cow

It is important to note that the type of cow you receive your raw milk from is extremely important. The cows are separated by the type of amino acid in beta-casein.

Popular breeds like Holsteins and Friesians are A1 cows.

Older breed of cows like Jersey, Guernsey, and Normande are A2 cows.

Goats and Sheep produce A2 milk.

The most popular breeds in North America are A1 cows.

One of the major proteins in cow’s milk is casein, the dominant type being beta-casein. A2 cows have the beta-casein containing an amino acid called proline. A1 cows’ proline has mutated into an amino acid called histidine. This mutation is important and impacts the way the body digests the milk.

Beta-casein contains an amino acid called BCM-7, this is an opiate that has been widely linked to negative health effects. The proline that is found in A2 cows has a strong bond to BCM-7, this bond helps to keep it out of the cows’ milk. A1 cows have a mutated amino acid, histidine, which has a weak bond on BCM-7. The weak bond allows it to get into the milk and into the people drinking the milk.

Exposure to BCM-7 has been linked to many negative health effects:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Impaired immune response
  • Neurological impairment (Autism, schizophrenia)
  • Heat Disease
  • Autoimmune Disease

BCM-7 has been shown to cause neurological impairment in those exposed to it. BCM-7 impairs the immune response, and it has been shown that injecting BCM-7 has provokes type 1 diabetes in animals.

Research has also shown a direct correlation between a population’s exposure to A1 cow’s milk and incidence of autoimmune disease, heart disease, type 1 diabetes, autism, and schizophrenia.

This is why you need to make sure you are getting raw milk from A2 cows and not A1. Many raw milk fanatics and farmers are aware of this. Make sure that the raw milk you are buying is of the Jersey, Guernsey, or Normande cow. In North America most cows are Holsteins which have the BCM-7 weakly bonded to amino acid.

Combine the loss of nutrients and bacteria present in raw milk that is destroyed by pasteurization and the detriment it is having on the human body. Add onto that the fact that majority of the milk in North American and European countries come from A1 cows. A1 cows that have been shown to contain an amino acid that has many negative healthy effects.

You can imagine the war that is being fought in your body as you continue to consume not only pasteurized denatured milk, but also pasteurized denatured milk that has BCM-7 A1 cows milk. Pasteurized A1 milk is holding humans back and making them susceptible to future disruption.

Consuming Raw Dairy

Some states or countries where you live might have made it illegal to sell raw milk. This shows the insanity of the system and how far we have allowed ourselves to be enslaved. What you must do is find local farmers and become friends with them. Tell them that you are interested in raw milk and would love to have some. You will find that many will be happy to provide you with raw milk and are in the same frequency as you are in terms of the importance of raw milk.

Buying raw milk from local farmers. Many farms have cows and they sell raw milk to customers. This milk is fresh and comes directly from the cow daily. You want to get a good sense of the lifestyle of the cows. Where they stay and if they are allowed to go out into the pasture and eat the grass. It is important to know that you are drinking raw milk from high quality cows.

Cultured raw milk is even better. Yogurt, kumis, and kefir you can multiple the effectiveness of raw milk by at least two or more.

They are much higher in B vitamin content and Vitamin C, and the protein is the very highest quality available for human consumption.

You can make Kefir by getting kefir grains from people locally or buying them dehydrated online. Pour some raw milk with the kefir grains and within 1–2 days you have delicious probiotic rich Kefir.

The beauty of raw milk is that it doesn’t go bad. After a few days out in room temperature it begins to ferment. The natural bacteria and microorganisms in the milk begin to break down the sugars and the raw milk begins to change. Drinking sour milk is not bad and actually quite beneficial for the system. Granted it does not taste good, but it is not bad for you.

This is only possible with raw milk, not pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk goes rancid after its shelf life expires. You drink it after it goes rancid and you are likely to get very sick.

You should only be consuming dairy that is raw. Cows, goats, and horse dairy is all perfectly fine. Goat cheese and butter is delicious.

You will notice the vast difference not only in quality of dairy, but also in how you feel and look when you begin to eat raw dairy and cut out the pasteurized crap.

Side Effects of Raw Milk

There may be side effects from consuming raw dairy initially. This is normal as your body is not used to digesting the nutrients and microorganisms that exist in raw dairy. You can have wide ranging side effects like diarrhea to farting. This is nothing to be afraid of but rather a normal reaction to the body receiving this new batch of bacteria and probiotics. After a few weeks of consuming raw dairy your body will adapt to it and there will be little side effects.


Recommended Books:

  • Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease (PDF Book) – One century ago, milk was known as a healing food that cured people of many common diseases. Patients went on exclusive raw milk diets for three weeks or longer and, as a result, cured many common diseases that ailed them and still plague us 100 years later: Rheumatoid arthritis, edema, ulcers, indigestion, low thyroid function, congestive heart failure, asthma, hay fever, appendicitis, gallstones, infertility, narcotic habits, anemia, insomnia, migraines, acid stomach, eczema, tuberculosis (in its early stages). The milk diet became so popular that two practitioners most known for the diet, Dr. Charles Sanford Porter and Bernarr [sic] Macfadden, received correspondence from all over the world from people who wanted advice about going on the milk diet themselves. Both men responded by writing books to help these people put themselves on a milk diet in their own homes, under their own care. These books were way ahead of their time – they were early self-help books in the nutrition field long before the self-help genre blossomed.
  • Bernarr Macfadden in The Miracle of Milk is a popular how-to book on curing chronic diseases with milk. Porter and Macfadden even collaborated on a third publication also titled The Miracle of Milk, a rare collection of pamphlets on the milk diet. In these books they answer common questions of their patients and they provide powerful testimonials about the healing power of milk.

Chronological History of Events Related to Milk

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