The Phoenix Foundation of Homeland Security In America
Over the last 40 years, dissent has come to equal terrorism. It’s how the one percent want us to see non-violent protest.
In 2003, torture became so popular that the US Supreme Court approved the practice of withholding medical treatment for domestic law enforcement purposes.
CIA spy training for the Phoenix Program involved paramilitary training- handling weapons and making bombs- and intelligence training- surveillance, spy craft, running agent nets, setting up proprietary companies, etc.
When an agent submitted a report on a VCI suspect, a Special Branch operation began. The Special Branch would assign people to watch him or her. Special Police Officers worked in two man teams around the clock. They’d find where the suspect lived and worked and where his “contact points” were. Other agents were set up in business, perhaps a soup shop close to the suspect’s house, or a bicycle repair shop near his favorite café… Places the suspect visited were kept under surveillance.
CIA advisors like Simmons often worked under military cover. The CIA funds, equips, and manages the special police forces it has created worldwide.
When the Special Police draft a Preliminary Plan to train a new recruit in tradecraft… how to collect information, how to maintain a cover story, how to make contact with and secretly report to a case officer. Then the recruit is provided the necessary equipment: cameras, tape-recorders, safe-houses, and items like antibiotics to purchase the target’s cooperation.
Special Police Chief, SSS Chief and SSS case-officer would periodically meet with the CIA advisor to evaluate the agent’s Information Report. Then an Operational Plan was made. An Infiltration Plan is made to infiltrate VCI cadres.
PRU teams were called the CIA’s Hired Killers.”
SIFU (Special Intelligence Force Unit)- were volunteers from the Special Police and the National Police Field Forces.
The CIA lumped together peaceniks, neutralists, and political opponents as VCI (Vietcong Infrastructure). These were considered targets for extermination.
Congressman Bob Simmons (formerly a CIA officer with Phoenix) have applied the same tactics they used in South Vietnam against their “liberal” enemies in America.
In all the CIA used the Phoenix, PRU, PICs, and Special Police as part of a system of repression for the political control of people. They used assassination, extortion, massacres, Tiger Cages, terror, and torture.
General: The business party’s strategic goal is the political control of people at home and abroad- and the subsequent acquisition of their property, wealth and resources- through the centralization of power in multinational corporations and giant financial institutions exempt from anyone’s laws, as well as through psychological operations.
Congressional investigators revealed that the CIA used the Phoenix Program as “an instrument of mass political murder” to neutralize politicians and activists who opposed the puppet regime or espoused peace. Five years later, the Church (Senate) Committee reveal the extent of the FBI’s similar attempts to suppress the Communist Party in the United States, which it claimed controlled the anti-war and civil rights movements. The FBI used the same kind of illegal operations Phoenix used in Vietnam; spreading lies and using forged documents to break up marriages and otherwise harass people into submission.
The military was at the forefront of the repression of the anti-war movement, and is leading the charge again.
As Ed Murphy recalled, the 116th MIG targeted specific leaders of the anti-war movement. Photos of the targets were posted at headquarters.
That’s what DHS agents are prepared to do in the US. And with advances in technology and 40 years to learn from mistakes, political neutralizations are easier than ever. Consider the anthrax letters mailed to Democratic senators after 9/11, now recognized as an inside job. It took only a few “black propaganda” terror operations to silence the political opposition’s leadership and its resistance to the Patriot Act.
Information management- including official secrecy and false accusations- is the key to pacifying people through implicit terror, while making the internal security apparatus appear legal, moral and popular. This is being done against American citizens through the most ambitious psywar campaign ever waged on planet earth.
Timeline to Domestic Terror:
1969: CIA formed the Central Security Committee (CSC) in Saigon, S. Vietnam to dispose of citizens arrested under the administrative detention laws.
1984: Lt. Col. Oliver North created the Terrorist Incident Working Group (TIWG).
1985: Vice President George H.W. Bush created the Vice President’s Task Force on Combating Terrorism.
1986: Oliver North was appointed “chief coordinator” of Casey’s secret counterterror network through the Office to Combat Terrorism (OCT), where he planned the repression of domestic dissent and criticism.
1986: CIA’s “Counterterrorism Center (CTC), a direct descendant of the CIA’s Operation Chaos, was formed. CTC operates globally through Phoenix-style Counterterrorist Intelligence Centers (CIC)., in collaboration with suborned military, police, and intelligence services of cooperating nations. CTC has its own communications system and paramilitary Special Operations Unit that functions like a global PRU team. The CTC is modeled on the Phoenix program.
1994: The CIA’s Crime and Narcotics Center (CNC) created by DCI James Woolsey in 1994 to combat international criminal activities, DCI Woolsey in 1994 by renaming and expanding the duties performed by the Counternarcotics Center (established in 1989). The new CNC includes about 200 people, 90% of whom are CIA personnel, the standard pattern for DCI centers. …
1996: FBI launched its InfraGard program in Cleveland, Ohio. InfraGard is a “non-profit” organization serving as a public-private partnership between businesses and the FBI. It’s a private sector Phoenix Program in which business people, college presidents, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other civil guardians funnel tips to the FBI to prevent hostile acts against America’s “critical infrastructure.” It has over 50,000 employees and operates in secret. Since 2003, DHS, under FBI supervision, has shared responsibility for InfraGard assets.
September 11, 2001: The U.S. Government in cooperation with Nation of Israel (including both American and Israeli Jews) staged the synthetic terror attacks against the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
NSA’s Terrorist Surveillance Program enacted immediately thereafter, enabled US government to track billions of phone calls made by millions of Americans over a period of decades. This was part of the President’s Surveillance Program.
Oct. 8, 2001: Bush administration signs into law the Office of Homeland Security to detect, prevent, and recover from terrorist attacks and/or “weapons of mass destruction” attacks on America.
On Aug. 17, 2005: US District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled the program unconstitutional and illegal.
On June 6, 2013: the Terrorist Surveillance Program was replaced by the a new NSA program, codeword, PRISM, which collects data from major US internet companies.
October, 2001: Congress passes the USA Patriot Act, vastly expanding the governments domestic intelligence gathering and law enforcement powers, while rolling back individual rights and protections from government intrusions.
January, 2002: Information Awareness Office (IAO) established by US DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Total Information Awareness (TIA) began in 2003, then this became Terrorism Information Awareness (TIA), based on concept of predictive policing. Admiral John Pointedexter called it the “Manhattan Project for Counter-Terrorism.” It was biggest surveillance program in US history.
Nine government agencies participated: INSCOM, NSA, DIA, CIA, CIFA, Stratcom, SOCOM, JFCOM, JWAC. Companies included SAIC (Scientific Applications International Corp.), Booz Allen Hamilton, Lockheed Martin Corp, Schafer Corporation, SRS Technologies, Adroit Systems, CACI Dynamic Systems, ASI Systems International, Syntek Technologies. Cooperating universities included UC Berkeley, Colorado State Univ., Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Cornell, Dallas, Georgia Tech, Maryland, MIT, and Southampton.
This program was defunded in late 2003, but is still thriving at NSA.
September, 2002: National Security Strategy for U.S. is adopted. Henceforth, National Security Establishment conferred upon itself the right launch murderous, pre-emptive attacks on Muslim nations with valuable natural resources. Russia and China were listed as long-range strategic targets.
November 25, 2002: Bush signed the Homeland Security Act, creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to coordinate the anti-terror elements of dozens of federal agencies. This act created the policy-making Homeland Security Council comprised of four standing members, the President (as chairman), Vice President, Secretary of Defense, and Attorney General.
This Homeland Security Council is a grander version of the Phoenix Committee in Vietnam, which included Deputy for CORDS (William Colby) as chairman, plus the CIA’s station chief, MACV’s assistant chiefs of staff for intelligence and operations, and the CIA chief of Revolutionary Development.
DHS Office of Coordination and Planning oversees DHS National Operations Center (NOC). NOC collects and “fuses” information from the same federal, state, territorial, local, social media, and private sector agencies as the I&A. (Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OI&A).
DHS has Emergency Operations Center (EOC). FEMA was absorbed within DHS in 2003.
DHS has over 250,000 employees, including detectives within its own departments, every agency it coordinates, and every branch of the military.
DHS has another investigations unit that oversees international operations and intelligence functions. This unit has about 7,000 special agents operating in 200 US cities and 60 countries. It works with the CIA and assigns agents to the FBI’s Field Intelligence Groups, through which they run vast informant networks. Several DHS investigation units maintain paramilitary Special Response Teams, probably managed by CIA paramilitary officers.
DHS has its own counterintelligence unit, and a war crimes unit.
DHS maintains fusion centers which operate in every state and major city, just like Phoenix intelligence and operations coordinating centers were set up in Vietnam. Every law enforcement entity in a state or city sends a representative to the local fusion center, which tries to anticipate threats through analysis of shared intelligence. There is a fusion center in Mexico City.
Along with FBI task forces (JTTF), fusion centers serve as a cover for domestic CIA operations. CIA Chaos-style officers specialize in the recruitment of American citizens who travel abroad, as well as foreign students, diplomats, scientists, and businesspeople willing to sell out their countries for an SUV or a pat on the back.
DHS cadres instruct civilian “critical infrastructure” personnel on how to spy and report on colleagues who serve as “terrorist surrogates” by even inadvertently revealing on infrastructure vulnerabilities.
DHS “front” organizations include Citizen Corps, Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation, Community Emergency Response Teams, Neighborhood Watch, and Medical Reserve Corps.
Blacklists abound: The TIPOFF blacklist, the No-Fly blacklist; the CAPPS II blacklist (uses credit card information and secret data bases to access a person’s security risk level; and local blacklists like the one kept by the Denver police department.
Feb. 2003: Total Information Awareness (TIA)
May 2003: Bush created the Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC) as White House coordinating mechanism under future DCI John O. Brennan. Located at CIA headquarters, TTIC was staffed by counter-terrorism experts from the CIA, FBI, DOD and DHS. It responded directly to the White House political staff, beyond public and congressional scrutiny.
In late 2004: TTIC was renamed the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) and placed under the newly created position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI). NCTC operates like a global Phoenix directorate with a computerized blacklist of suspects. It has access to all military and law enforcement data bases, foreign and domestic, which it skims for “High Value” targets. If these high value targets cannot be “turned” and recruited as “penetration agents” at home and abroad, they are placed on Obama’s “kill list” and “neutralized” by some CIA/Special Forces hit team or a predator drone.
NCTC claims its databases, which have complete information on all Americans, help their “pre-crime” pacification effort. The CIA manages the NCTC and when “suspected threat” emerges, the CIA can direct every homeland component, the same way it used Phoenix to coordinate every cooperating agency in Vietnam.
The US military’s NORTHCOM is the backbone of the homeland security apparatus.
Homeland Security = protection racket and biggest boondoggle ever.
Stakeholders in the NSE (National Security Establishment/Enterprise) = owners of the private businesses that comprise the critical infrastructure of the NSE; anything related to war and law enforcement.
DHS and parallel mechanisms are identifying and targeting the NSE’s “political and administrative” opponents for neutralization. Upper tier dissidents are targets of “compromise and discreditation” campaigns.
Since creation of Homeland Security apparatus protection racket, over $8 trillion have been moved from social programs into “internal security” programs.
“Anyone can dominate others by becoming a spy for homeland security.”
DHS managers study the collective terror that Israel imposes to crush the Palestinians. At the highest levels, they wage feudalistic “economic warfare” that drive entire nations into poverty.
The PIC (Provincial Interrogations Centers) of the Phoenix Program are the model for the network of black sites, detention centers, prisons and jails America builds in every nation it occupies. Guantanamo Bay facility, the CIA has perfected torture and punishes suspects by slowly driving them insane.
The gulag archipelago of black sites the CIA built after 9/11 in eight countries, including Thailand, Afghanistan, and “several democracies in Eastern Europe.”
“Administrative detention” is the legal nail upon which the “pacification” of America hangs.
Elements of administrative detention include: “absence of human rights safeguards and normal legal guarantees such as due process, habeas corpus, fair trial, confidential legal counsel, and judicial review, vague and confusing definitions, standards, and procedures, inadequate adversarial procedural oversight, excessive Executive Branch power stemming from prolonged emergencies (the War on Terror being the ultimate example), and the involvement of the CIA and other secret, thus unaccountable Executive Branch agencies.”
“The linkage between administrative detention, torture, and repressive police states is evident for all to see, but remains unrecognized due to the systematic censorship of information. The U.S. and Israel are at the forefront of this ominous developmen6t, manufacturing crisis after crisis to maintain a perceived national emergency with its corresponding emergency decrees that target the unprotected classes and specifically US citizens such as blacks and Muslims. Intelligence laws that permit spying on suspects without probable cause of criminal activity are secretly revised and expanded, secret torture centers ensure confessions; and Star Chamber “security courts” are convened specifically to operate outside international law.
Administrative detention elements have been set in place by the Patriot, Homeland Security, and Domestic Security Enhancement Acts.
DHS issues secret subpoenas to obtain information… These cannot be refused or disclosed, so it is impossible to defend against false charges. People can be arrested for unknown crimes as a result of secret surveillance…. They are not entitled to judicial review of the warrant or the evidence obtained as a result. Detentions, evidence, trials, deportations, and executions are now conducted in secret.
Anti-terror legislation passed by Congress allows for secret searches of the homes of people who meet the nebulous criteria of “suspected terrorist.” These secret searches violate the Fourth Amendment.
The U.S. is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions. Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits “the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.”
Article 3 also prohibits mutilation, cruel treatment (withholding medicine, for example) and torture.
However, CIA legal experts argued that Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions applies “only to sentencing for crimes, and does not prohibit a state from interning civilians or subjecting them to emergency detention when such measures are necessary for the security or safety of the state.”
In this way, indefinite detention, torture and summary execution, all carried out without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, are perfectly legal in the criminal Homeland Security state because they result from “administrative procedures.”
What differentiates the CIA and the Mafia, inter alia, is that the CIA more perfectly controls public institutions and information.
For a glimpse into the future look at Israel, which has had a leading role in teaching Americans “how to do it.” There administrative detention centers make it OK to round up civilians, detain and torture them indefinitely, destroy their homes with bulldozers, cast them to the four winds, and steal everything they own simply because they are Palestinians.
Being a stateless Palestinian is a crime of status.. In America, being a pacifist is a crime of status. The key is loosely defining what a terrorist is.
Army intelligence officer (during the Vietnam War, working with the Phoenix Program), Bart Osborn stated: “I had no way of establishing the basis on which my agents reported to me suspected VCI. There was no cross-check; there was no investigation; there was no second opinion. I never knew of an individual to be detained as a VC suspect who ever lived through an interrogation in a year and a half, and that included quite a number of individuals. They all died. There was never any reasonable establishment of the fact that any one of those individuals was, in fact, cooperating with the VC, but they all died and the majority were either tortured to death or things like thrown out of helicopters.”
(CIA Director, William) Casey jumped in the stirrups of the counterterrorism network established by CIA careerists. Casey used the network to bypass Congress and launch “The Enterprise,” the network of companies established by Major Richard Secord to secretly sell arms to Iran, through Israeli agents, as a way of financing the illegal Contra war in Nicaragua. At Casey’s direction, the CIA formed death squads, demolished an oil factory, and mined a harbor in Nicaragua- all violations of international law that had as their intent the terrorizing of civilians, the sort of thing former CIA dropout John Stockwell described as “destabilization.”
… His (Congressman Rob Simmons) career illustrates how the old boy network coordinates the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government on behalf of the arms industry, to which the military and CIA are joined at the hip, while simultaneously imposing increasingly systematic repression on the American people. It is rule by organized crime under the rubric of patriotism and national security.
Just figure: the CIA runs the arms for drugs trade through its covert paramilitary army, while its logistics experts handle “off-the-shelf” shipping companies, and its financial experts create off-shore banks to recycle the cash into new operations. All of it is highly compartmented, with intelligence officers suborning foreign customs agents and special policemen, some of whom arrange, without their own government’s knowledge, the construction and operation of black sites.
Wells Dixon, attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights: “The Geneva Conventions and Common Article Three are part of US military law and training. They are part of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and they are also part of Army Regulation 190.8, which governs the treatment of prisoners. The Geneva Conventions, of course, have also protected our soldiers for more than 50 years and will continue to do so as long as we adhere to them fully ourselves.….
“There is no question that the detainees at Guantanamo have been tortured and abused by US military personnel and (CIA) agents. The Center for Constitutional Rights has documented this in a report issued in July that provides firsthand accounts from current detainees and their lawyers of many of the abuses they have suffered while they have been detained at Guantanamo.
A provision in the Military Commissions Act suspends Habeas Corpus for any alien detained in the United States … we expect that the United States will move to dismiss a number of pending Habeas cases and we will then challenge the law on the ground that it’s an unconstitutional suspension of Habeas Corpus.
The other instance I would point to is the case of Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi, a suspected Bin Laden associate who was captured a few months after September 11th in Afghanistan. He was rendered by the CIA to Libya where he was tortured and under torture provided information concerning the connection between Iraq and al Qaida. This information formed the basis for Colin Powell’s presentation to the United Nations in February of 2003 in which he said essentially that there was a connection between Iraq and Al Qaida. We now know that that’s not the case; that the information (al-Libi provided) was false, and we now know what the unfortunate results are of that information (i.e., the 2003 invasion of Iraq). So to the extent that Congressman Simmons or any other interrogator would employ coercive or other means to obtain information I would be very suspicious.”
The Phoenix Flies to Iraq and Afghanistan
… “(Since the Vietnam War), the CIA and US military have been conducting joint Phoenix-style operations worldwide without any compunctions, most prominently in Afghanistan and Iraq.
… America’s militant leaders used 9/11 to recruit and motivate a new generation of special operations forces, whose mission is to invade private homes at midnight on snatch and snuff missions. Nowhere, in any Establishment media outlet, is it ever mentioned that our political and military leaders did this because they wanted to seize Afghanistan and use to establish a colony in a strategic location near Russia and China.
As America wrestles with its role as the world’s only superpower, hell bent on Full Spectrum Dominance, the details of what “nation building” actually entails become ever more vital for people to understand.
The Bush and Obama regimes killed more than a million Iraqis, displaced around five million, and imprisoned and tortured hundreds of thousands without trial.
The draconian administrative detention laws, systematic torture and executions that characterize the occupation are still in place in 2016….. Today, Iraq’s prisons are still rife with rape, torture, executions and disappearances. ….
The systematic oppression the Americans imposed upon Iraq meets the definition of genocide in the Genocide Convention, and violates multiple articles of the Geneva Conventions guaranteeing protection to civilians in time of war.
…. What happened in Iraq amounts to an official but unstated policy of carefully planned war crimes. Indeed, the CIA modeled the Iraqi Special Police Commandos on the Special Police forces it organized and funded in Vietnam.
Every militia and Iraqi Special Forces unit has a CIA case officer in a similar management position. Every top Iraqi politician and ministry official has a CIA case officer too. And New York Times reporters drink with these advisors inside the Green Zone. It’s the family secret that enables atrocity.
The CIA plays the same role in Afghanistan that the Gestapo and SS Einsatzgruppen performed in France in World War Two- terrorizing the urban resistance and partisan bands in the countryside by targeting their friends and families. The CIA’s objective is to rip apart poor and working class families and, in the process, unravel the fabric of Afghan society, until the Afghan people accept American domination. They don’t care how long it takes, either, Afghanistan is a means to get at Russia, similar to how Nixon played the China Card in Vietnam.
The CIA’s Revolutionary Development team concept in Vietnam was the model for its Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) concept in Afghanistan and Iraq. The new and improved PRT program started in Afghanistan in 2002 and migrated to Iraq in 2004.
The standard PRT consists of anywhere between 50-100 civilian and military specialists. It has units for military police, psyops, explosive-ordinance/de-mining, intelligence, medics, force protection (security forces that organize community defenses), and administrative and support personnel. Like Scotton’s PAT teams in South Vietnam, the PRTs engage in counterterror operations as part of their political and psychological warfare function, under cover of fostering economic development and democracy.”
Jade Helm Military Drills (2015): Recent Incarnation of Phoenix
“Jade Helm was a military training exercise in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Utah. Military and local officials set up Phoenix-style coordination centers, as a way of giving Special Operations and “Civil Affairs” personnel experience working with para-militarized police forces in what was called a realistic “war experience” in domestic counterinsurgency operations.”
In the final chapter of “The Phoenix Program” (1990), Valentine states:
“Where can Phoenix be found today? Wherever governments of the left or the right use military and security forces to enforce their ideologies under the aegis of anti-terrorism. Look for Phoenix wherever police checkpoints ring major cities, wherever paramilitary police units patrol in armored cars and wherever military forces are conducting counterinsurgency operations. Look for Phoenix wherever emergency decrees are used to suspend due process; wherever dissidents are interned indefinitely; and wherever dissidents are rounded up and deported. Look for Phoenix wherever security forces use informants to identify dissidents; wherever security forces keep files and computerized black lists on dissidents; wherever security forces conduct secret investigations and surveillance on dissidents; and wherever security forces (or thus in their hire) harass and murder dissidents, and wherever such activities go unreported by the press.”
Webmaster (ETK) Conclusion: As a TI, this certainly is an accurate description of my world… a world of lies, spies, set-ups, covert operations, slander, defamation, psychological operations directed at innocent civilians, such as myself, who have been secretly and extra-judicially “watchlisted,” stripped of their civil liberties and of due process of law, and are being targeted for neutralization.
Why is there such a desperate fixation on neutralizing “dissidents?” (The term, dissident, is used six times in the paragraph above). Here we return full cycle to the introductory quote by Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany, on the home page of this website:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Indeed, the state must use all its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the greatest enemy of the (criminal) state.
Lars Schall interviews Doug Valentine, author of ‘The CIA as Organized Crime’ and asks “In what form and fashion is the Phoenix program alive today in America’s homeland?”
DV: Karl Marx explained over 150 years ago how and why (crony) capitalists treat workers the same, whether at home or abroad. As capitalism evolves and centralizes its power, as the climate degenerates, as the gap between rich and poor widens, and as resources become scarcer, America police forces adopt Phoenix-style “anti-terror” strategies and tactics to use against the civilian population. The government has enacted “administrative detention” laws, which are the legal basis for Phoenix-style operations, so that civilians can be arrested on suspicion of being a threat to national security. Phoenix was a bureaucratic method of coordinating agencies involved in intelligence gathering with those conducting “anti-terror” operations, and the Department of Homeland Security has established “fusion centers” based on this model around the nation. Informant nets and psychological operations against the American people have also proliferated since 9-11. This is all explained in detail in my book, The CIA as Organized Crime.
LS: How important is mainstream media for the public perception of the CIA?
DV: It’s the most critical feature. Guy Debord said that secrecy dominates the world, foremost as secret of domination. The media prevents you from knowing how you’re being dominated, by keeping the CIA’s secrets. The media and the CIA are same thing.
What FOX and MSNBC have in common is that, in a free-wheeling capitalist society, news is a commodity. News outlets target demographic audience to sell a product. It’s all fake news, in so far as each media outlet skews its presentation of the news to satisfy its customers. But when it comes to the CIA, it’s not just fake, it’s poison. It subverts democratic institutions.
Any domestic Phoenix-style organization or operation depends on double-speak and deniability, as well as official secrecy and media self-censorship. The CIA’s overarching need for total control of information requires media complicity. This was one of the great lesson defeat in Vietnam taught our leaders. The highly indoctrinated and well rewarded managers who run the government and media will never again allow the public to see the carnage they inflict upon foreign civilians. Americans never will see the mutilated Iraqi, Afghani, Libyan, and Syrian children killed by marauding US mercenary forces and cluster bombs.
On the other hand, falsified portrayals of CIA kidnappings, torture, and assassinations are glorified on TV and in movies. Telling the proper story is the key. Thanks to media complicity, Phoenix has already become the template for providing internal political security for America’s leaders.
A longtime author and researcher of the US national security state, Doug Valentine is perhaps known best for his book The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam, which many consider the definitive study of the CIA’s secretive counter-insurgency program during the war in Vietnam.
When I decided to research and write about the CIA’s Phoenix program1, …I went directly to William Colby, who’d been Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Colby was the person most associated with Phoenix, the controversial CIA “assassination” program that resulted in the death of tens of thousands of civilians during the Vietnam War. No one had written a book about it, so I wrote Colby a letter and sent him my first book, The Hotel Tacloban. I told him I wanted to write a book that would de-mystify the Phoenix program, and he was all for that. Colby liked my approach — to look at it from all these different points of view — so he got behind me and started introducing me to a lot of senior CIA people. And that gave me access from the inside. After that it was pretty easy. I have good interview skills. I was able to persuade a lot of these CIA people to talk about Phoenix.
One of the first people I interviewed was the CIA officer, Nelson Brickham, who actually organized the Phoenix program. Brickham graduated magna cum laude from Yale and was something of an organizational genius. He explained to me how he organized Phoenix. He also explained the different divisions and branches of the CIA so I’d be able to understand it.
Brickham gave me, over the course of several interviews, copies of all the original documents he wrote for Komer and Hart. These were the enabling documents of the Phoenix program.
The documents Brickham gave me showed in his own words what he was thinking when he created the Phoenix program. I posted all those documents online at Cryptocomb, along with the taped interviews with Brickham, Colby, Parker and several other CIA and military officers. They are part of the collection titled The CIA Speaks. I put them online so my critics can’t challenge me on the facts, other than by making up things, which they do all the time. I just quoted from these documents and my interviews. So it’s accurate reporting.2
In 1969, the CIA ostensibly turned the Phoenix program over to the US military, at which point soldiers first began to pursue a political order of battle and conduct systematic counter-subversive operations against foreign civilians. The creation of Phoenix was a watershed. Prior to it, military people were only allowed to target civilians if they were secret agents or guerillas attacking military bases or personnel. But in its fanatical pursuit of victory in Vietnam, the military deliberately blurred the lines between subversives and innocent civilians, and killed anyone who got in the way, including children, like it did at My Lai and a thousand other places.
Following its ignoble defeat in Vietnam, America was driven by a reactionary impulse to reassert its global dominance. The justifications used to rationalize Phoenix were institutionalized as policy, as became evident after 9/11 and the initiation of the War on Terror. Since then the CIA and US military have been conducting joint Phoenix-style operations worldwide without any compunctions, most prominently in Afghanistan and Iraq.
See full interview HERE
Chronological History of Events Related to Project Phoenix

Lecture by Dr. Colin Ross: The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian Candidate

The Watergate Break-In: A CIA Coup to Overthrow US President Richard Nixon