(1870-1948), a Cleveland dentist who traveled the world in search for the causes of dental decay and physical degeneration that he observed in his dental practice. As he traveled, his findings led him to the belief that dental caries and deformed dental arches were merely a sign of physical degeneration from nutritional deficiencies. Wherever he went, he found that beautiful straight teeth, freedom from decay, stalwart bodies, resistance to disease and fine characters were typical of native, isolated peoples on their traditional diets, rich in essential food factors (no processed food). When he analyzed their foods, he found that they provided at least 4x the calcium and other minerals, and at least 10x the fat-soluble vitamins from animal foods such as butter, fish eggs, shellfish and organ meats. His discoveries and conclusion are presented in his classic volume Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. The book contains striking photographs of handsome, healthy natives and illustrates in an unforgettable way the physical degeneration that occurs when human groups abandon nourishing traditional diets in favor of modern convenience foods. Read More…

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