Ptech was a software firm founded in 1994 by Oussama Ziade, Hussein Ibrahim, and James Cerrato with $20 million in venture capital. $5 million of this was contributed by accused al-Qaeda financier Yasin al-Qadi through the company Sarmani Ltd, also known as Sarmany. [1] Close to 50 other investors contributed the remaining $15 million. [2] The Boston Field Office of the FBI unsealed a 2007 indictment of Oussama Ziade, Ptech’s former CEO, and Buford George Peterson, the former CFO and COO. The indictment charges that the pair knowingly lied to investigators about the extent of al-Qadi’s investments and ties with Ptech. Another unsealed indictment, this one from 2005, alleges Ziade attempted to engage in transactions involving al-Qadi’s property, a federal offence as al-Qadi was a Specially Designated Global Terrorist at the time. If the pair are convicted on the charges, they face 30 years in prison and a $1 million fine.
Ptech FrameWork was a data modeling tool that would generate CORBA IDL files from user-created diagrams. IDL and CORBA are technologies from the 1990s that allowed different computer programs to share the same data formats. [3]
As described by Justin Pope, Ptech’s software: “visually represents large amounts of information … to help complicated organizations like the military and large companies create a picture of how their assets — people and technology — work together. Then the software could show how little changes, like combining two departments, might affect the whole. [2]
Ptech’s client list included IBM, Booz Allen Hamilton, Motorola, Sprint, Mitre Corporation, Enron, NATO, the US Department of Defense, the US Air Force, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice, the US Secret Service, the Federal Aviation Administration, the House of Representatives, the White House, and the Department of Energy’s Rocky Flats nuclear weapons manufacturing site. [4] [5]
According to Indira Singh, “Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.” [6]
Ptech has been accused of acting as a business front for al-Qaeda and/or Saudi espionage operations, such as:
- providing employment for operatives
- money laundering
- observing the internal operations of US defense organizations
- obtaining contacts and influence in the US defense community
- obtaining a position from which to launch a cyber attack against the US military
- launching a cyber attack against the US military and FAA on the morning of September 11, 2001
Michael Kane summarizes the allegations: [7]
- among the financiers and programmers of Ptech are apparent members of an international network of organized criminals involved in decades of narcotraffic, gunrunning, money laundering, and terrorism. Their personal and professional connections reach up into the highest levels of the American government, and their activities are still underway.
Robert Wright
FBI agent Robert Wright has claimed that his FBI superiors suppressed an investigation into al-Qaeda in 1998 by assigning him a veteran agent who refused to do any work on the case. Wright would say that this agent was tasked to investigate “the founder and the financier of Ptech”. [1] The FBI had earlier forbidden Wright from making any arrests of persons suspected of financing the 1998 bombings of US embassies in East Africa. [6]
Indira Singh
In 2002, Indira Singh was fired from JP Morgan, where she worked in risk management, for refusing to allow Ptech developer Hussein Ibrahim access to the firm’s proprietary software. [8] Upon suspecting Ptech of attempting to steal JP Morgan’s plans, Singh contacted Roger Burlton who told her “Don’t let them out of your sight and don’t let them leave with anything.” Burlton also referred Singh to Jeff Goins, who had alerted the FBI to Ptech’s association with Yasin Qadi. [8] [9]
Michael Kane would write that Singh’s proposed risk management system “would detect money laundering and other crimes in real time”. [8] Singh had previously pitched the idea to the CIA in early September 2001. [7]
Singh would accuse JP Morgan General Auditor Bill Moran of threatening her, saying her information sources “should be killed”, and being the force behind her dismissal from JP Morgan. [8]
In August 2002, the White House contacted news reporters to pressure them to drop stories on Ptech. These included Joe Bergantino of WBZ TV, Brian Ross and John Miller of ABC, and Lisa Myers of NBC. [6] Bergantino would say that the government had claimed that publishing the story would damage the investigation and had threatened to “blame us if their investigation got botched” and “ruin our reputation” if they did run the story. [10]
Among Singh’s other claims are that:
- Ptech staff included “17 names linked to terror”.
- Singh was told by government contacts that Ptech was “a CIA clandestine op on the level of Iran-Contra” that included “some of the same names”.
- Secret Service officer Charlie Bopp had told her that the Secret Service could not investigate the people behind Ptech.
- Private detectives hired by Joe Bergantino to investigate Ptech found the company to be a front for drug running.
- Ptech employees claimed to have seen some of the 9/11 hijackers pass through the company’s offices. [9]
- Ptech is connected to the Holy Land Foundation, the Enron scandal, and “Chicago” in 2008; 9/11 was a side effect of “erasing the trail” after Enron; and the same “boys from Texas” money men control much of the alternative press and progressive public radio including KPFA and are planting 9/11 conspiracy theories to lead away from them. Singh tagged the article with the categories “Boston mob”, “Caritas“, “drugs for weapons”, “Russian mafia 9/11”, “Viktor Bout“, and “Whitey Bulger“, none of which are otherwise mentioned in the article. [11] Singh would later suggest that Bill Bulger had a hand in shutting down investigations into Ptech and 9/11. [9]
- Radio host Michael Corbin‘s files disappeared shortly after his 2008 death by stroke, and these files included evidence of the link between Ptech and the Holy Land Foundation. [11]
- After Operation Green Quest, IBM representative Kyle Hilligoss had reported his concerns about Ptech’s ownership to the legal department at IBM and was told to stop looking into the matter. [9]
- “whistleblowers within the correct organizations” told her on 9/11 that Flight 93 was shot down, and in 2005 “it was corroborated a couple of weeks ago by people who were in a particular situation room.” [9]
Dan Verton describes Ptech and its founder Oussama Ziade as innocent victims of FBI paranoia. He notes that many Ptech employees were Jewish and that Ziade fostered a culture of friendship and tolerance. [4] Verton accuses Jeff Goins, Ptech’s Director of Government Sales, of using the FBI to shut down Ptech after he opened a competing business in the same market. [4]
Ptech employed 27 people at the time the scandal broke in 2002. Ptech has employed a total of around 200 people over time, of whom 25 were Muslim. [2]
Oussama Ziade
Oussama Ziade earned a master’s degree in computer science from Boston University and had been CEO of Associative Design Technology before becoming the the founder and chairman of Ptech.
In 2007, a grand jury would charge Ziade with laundering Yasin al-Qadi‘s assets after his assets were frozen following the 9/11 attack. [12]
James Cerrato
James Cerrato graduated from MIT’s computer science program and was chief product officer at Associative Design Technology before co-founding Ptech.
Hussein Ibrahim
Hussein Ibrahim was a professor of computer science at Columbia University in New York. He was vice president of Bait ul-Mal (BMI) from 1989 to 1995. [13]
In 2002, Ibrahim would be the chairman of the board of Horizons Software. [14]
Abduraham Alamoudi?
Rachel Ehrenfeld names Abdurahman Alamoudi as “another Ptech founder.” [15]
Board members
Yasin Qadi
Ziade described Yasin Qadi as “the major shareholder as well as a key member of the board” of Ptech. [12] In addition to the $5 million contributed at Ptech’s founding in 1994, Qadi would contribute an additional $14 million in 1998 following a meeting attended by Ziade, Jeff Goins, Ulf Fagerquist, and Roger Burlton. [6] He would also fund the Arabic translation of the software through Horizons in 2001. [8]
Soliman Biheiri
Soliman Biheiri was the head of BMI. He maintained ties with Moussa Abu Marzook, Yasin Qadi, Sami al-Arian, al-Taqwa Bank founders Youssef Nada and Ali Ghaleb Himmat, and Yusuf Qaradawi. [16]
Yaqub Mirza
Yaqub Mirza was Vice President and later President of the SAAR Foundation of Sulaiman Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi, CEO of MarJac Investments, and CEO of Sterling Management. [17] The FBI has accused him of funding the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. [13] Ziade would say that Mirza was recommended to Ptech by an investor who was not Qadi. [2]
A Ptech employee who had contacted the FBI would say that Ziade had told him that that Mirza had had contacts high within the FBI who would stop any investigation. [18]
Other employees
Other Ptech employees included:
Gamal Ahmad
Gamal Ahmad, Ptech comptroller for “one and a half years in the mid 1990s”, had been involved in a real estate deal in Chicago that the CIA described as money laundering. [4] Pope described this as “a complex land deal that was used to fund Hamas.” [2]
Muhamed Mubayyid
Muhamed Mubayyid was treasurer of Care International, [4] the Boston branch of al-Qaeda front Maktab al-Khidamat (also known as the al-Kifah Refugee Center) from around 1999 to 2002. [19] [20]
In 1994 or 1995, Mubayyid travelled to Afghanistan and met with Taliban warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. [19]
In 2008, Mubayyid would be convicted of tax fraud for falsely registering Care International as a charity. His co-defendants were acquitted due to a statute of limitations, and all were acquitted of conspiracy. [20] [21]
Suheil Laher
Suheil Laher, one of Ptech’s programmers, worked for al-Qaeda front Care International.
George Peterson
Buford George Peterson was Ptech’s chief financial officer at some point. [2] In 2007, a grand jury would charge Peterson with making a false statement on a 2002 loan application to the Small Business Administration by failing to mention Qadi’s Sarmany Limited as one of its major stockholders. [12] The charges would be dropped in 2012 after a trial led to a hung jury. [22]
Jeff Goins
Jeff Goins was Ptech’s Director of Government Sales before leaving to found a competing business. Dan Verton accuses Goins of reporting Ptech to the FBI, implying that this was done to clear the path for his new business. [4]
Goins was a co-founder of Business Analysis International, which would merge with Adaptive in 2002. By 2012, Goins would become Adaptive’s President and CEO.
Jamey Hecht accuses Goins of membership in The Fellowship, a Christian secret society. [6]
Ulf Fagerquist
Ulf Fagerquist was a Technical Adviser to Ptech as of 1998. [6]
In 1999, Fagerquest was co-author of a report on Object Oriented Enterprise Modeling and Distributed Cognition with Beryl Bellman, Armando Arias, and Raj Asava. [23]
Jamey Hecht accuses Fagerquist of membership in The Fellowship, a Christian secret society. [6]
Fagerquist died of cancer in 2012 at the age of 73. [24]
Beryl Bellman
Beryl Bellman worked for Ptech as of 1999 [23] and was among the employees who would move to BAI when Ptech started getting bad press.
Michael Goff
Michael S. Goff was Ptech’s marketing manager from 1994 to 1996 and also served as its information systems manager for part of this time. [25] [26] Goff would leave Ptech to form Goff Communications, a telecommunications and software consultancy that served the technology industry. [27]
Gary Clearwater
Gary Clearwater was a public relations contact for Ptech as of 1998. [28] Clearwater would go on to work for Adaptive.
Related Businesses
Some writers accuse Ptech of a relationship to the scandal involving the US government’s large-scale infringement of Inslaw‘s copyright to its Prosecutor’s Management Information System (PROMIS) software.
Indira Singh would describe Ptech’s software as “a more sophisticated … agile, adaptable version” of PROMIS. Her words are unclear as to whether she means a literal version of the PROMIS software or a type of software that solves the same problems.
Note: the name PROMIS is shared by other software products including the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) developed by the National Institute of Health starting in 1969; the Dohatec Procurement Management Information System (PROMIS); the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare’s PROMISe claims processing software; the Bentley PROMIS*e control system design software; the Projex Management Information System (PROMIS); and PROMIS Systems, a Canadian microchip manufacturer acquired by PRI Automation and later Brooks Automation.
Bait ul-Mal
Bait ul-Mal Incorporated (BMI) was an investment firm run by Soliman Bihieri and Hussein Ibrahim. The company has been accused of having numerous connections to terrorist organizations including al-Qaeda. [29] BMI provided funding for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. [6]
Thomas Kean, who would later lead the 9/11 commission, was an early business partner of BMI. [8]
Associative Design Technology
Associative Design Technology was founded by John C. Edwards and Nirzahi Edwards in 1982. [30]
The company developed “Process Architecture Design” software to “model and run simulations of complex systems” under the advisement of artificial intelligence expert Patrick Winston of MIT. [31] The software used “Semantic Net technology” and “Combined elements of logic and object-oriented programming (rules, knowledge base, inference engine, passive & active objects) for process architecture and simulation.”[32]
Oussama Ziade was CEO of Associative Design Technology before forming Ptech. James Cerrato was Chief Product Officer. [33] Brad Kain describes ADT and Ptech as the same company. [34] In 1993, the Comp.Object FAQ listed Ptech as a software product produced by Associative Design Technology under a list of object-oriented computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools and vendors. [35]
Business Analysis International Network
Jeff Goins co-founded Business Analysis International [36] which sold a “Workplace Integration Framework” for modeling business processes. [37] BAI also called itself the BAI Network.
BAI had close ties to Roger Burlton’s Process Renewal Group, known also as Business Process Renewal. The PRG logo was present on BAI’s web site and its web pages were loaded from the domain.[38] The Process Renewal Group logo is also present on a January 24, 2002 BAI Powerpoint presentation given by Beryl Bellman on the strengths and weaknesses of Ptech’s software. [39]
BAI would merge with Adaptive in 2002.
Note: Business Analysis International should not be confused with the Bank Administration Institute (
Adaptive was formed in Britain in 1996 to develop an enterprise management framework. [40]
Adaptive would merge with Business Analysis International in 2002 under the direction of investor Interregnum PLC. [41] Among Adaptive’s reasons for the merger was to use BAI’s contacts to sell to US government agencies that had previously been served by Ptech. [42]
By 2007, Adaptive’s staff included Interregnum’s James Gambrell as CEO, Roger Burlton as non-executive chairman, Jeff Goins as vice president for sales, and James Cerrato as chief product officer. [43] Goins would become CEO by 2012, while Cerrato would become a product evangelist. [44]
Ptech merged with Horizons Software of Egypt in 2001. Yasin Qadi funded Horizons. Hussein Ibrahim spent much of 2001 in Egypt producing an Arabic version of Ptech’s software for Horizons. [8]
Ptech changed its name to GoAgile in 2004. [45]
In 2005, the US Agency for International Development would contract GoAgile and Horizons to develop an IT Strategic Plan for the Egyptian National Postal Organization (ENPO ITSP). [46]
In 2009, Anti-Illuminati reported that Intelligile is “the current iteration” of Ptech. [33] ELS Corporation is a sub-contractor for Intelligile. [47]
See also
- 9/11 and Cyberterrorism
In this interview, Prison Planet Forum member Anti-Illuminati joins James Corbett of to discuss the information control grid and the PTech-like enterprise architecture behind it. From OODA loop and C4I to GIG and SAL, He breaks down theelements of the planned cyber terror false flag. All the documents cited in this interview can be found via the link in the documentation section for this interview.
Chronological History of Events Involving Ptech