Symbolism in Corporate Logos
Everywhere, we are being constantly bombarded with occult logos and symbols. Like, for instance, the occult logos used by corporations. There is an underlying sorcery connected to them, intended to have an unconscious effect on us. Remember, the insignia and hidden meaning behind corporate occult logos is seen by the corporations owning them with their products as a symbolic representation that they control a deaf, dumb and blind public who are totally unaware of what is going on. The sinister and creepy occult logos used by corporations in technology are no exception.
The commonly known depiction of the symbol of Baphomet – the androgynous goat with an upright pentagram on its forehead – was from the book Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie by esotericist Eliphas Levi.
Levi said of this symbol:
The goat on the frontispiece carries the sign of the pentagram on the forehead, with one point at the top, a symbol of light, his two hands forming the sign of occultism, the one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other pointing down to the black one of Geburah. This sign expresses the perfect harmony of mercy with justice. His one arm is female, the other male like the ones of the androgyne of Khunrath, the attributes of which we had to unite with those of our goat because he is one and the same symbol. The flame of intelligence shining between his horns is the magic light of the universal balance, the image of the soul elevated above matter, as the flame, whilst being tied to matter, shines above it. The beast’s head expresses the horror of the sinner, whose materially acting, solely responsible part has to bear the punishment exclusively; because the soul is insensitive according to its nature and can only suffer when it materializes. The rod standing instead of genitals symbolizes eternal life, the body covered with scales the water, the semi-circle above it the atmosphere, the feathers following above the volatile. Humanity is represented by the two breasts and the androgyne arms of this sphinx of the occult sciences.
While the symbol of Baphomet as drawn by Levi bears an upright pentagram and contains elements that seem to point towards a spiritual transcendence beyond the material world, it has often been seen throughout the ages as a negative symbol, again featuring in the persecution of the spiritual practitioners in the persecution of the Inquisition.
The negative view of this symbol has been reinforced in modern times largely by the Church of Satan who have adopted the “sigil of Baphomet” – a goat’s head contained within an upside down pentagram – as their official symbol.
“Baphomet represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat. In its “pure” form the pentagram is shown encompassing the figure of a man in the five points of the star – three points up, two pointing down – symbolizing man’s spiritual nature. In Satanism the pentagram is also used, but since Satanism represents the carnal instincts of man, or the opposite of spiritual nature, the pentagram is inverted to perfectly accommodate the head of the goat – its horns, representing duality, thrust upwards in defiance; the other three points inverted, or the trinity denied.”
– Anton Lavey, The Satanic Bible
It can also be seen to represent Aleister Crowley (the self proclaimed “wickedest man alive”) who was born in the same year that Eliphas Levi died, and therefore thought he was Levi’s reincarnation. Despite studying Levi’s teachings, Crowley appears to have deliberately inverted some of Levi’s concepts. For example, Crowley adopted the use of the inverted pentagram. Crowley also took the nickname Baphomet in the secret order of the O.T.O which he popularised. Many celebrities are, or have been, participants in this order. We will look further into the relationship between Aleister Crowley and popular artists in a future part of this series, as many artists appear to be strongly influenced by his teachings.
It seems that Crowley initially tried to awaken spiritually in light, but then turned to the dark side, and began to promote things like child sacrifice and using one’s will to obtain spiritual power.

Other Symbols of Darkness
There are many other ways that esoteric symbols from the dark side are used in the music industry; from celebrities making their hands into the shape of devil horns, to the frequent usage of the “Okay” sign, often covering one eye and having 3 hidden sixes concealed in it.
The symbol of three sixes is a reference to the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is an esoteric text that was left in the bible when most other esoteric teachings were removed (even direct teachings of Jesus that were labelled “blasphemous”) because of a passage it contains stating that “If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city”.
The beast is said to come from the abyss at the end of days, to be worshiped by all. The punishment from the powers of darkness for not worshiping the beast is death, but not worshiping the beast leads to salvation. The number of the beast adds to 18, a significant number in esoteric numerology as it represents attacks from the forces of darkness.
There are also many direct references to demons and possession which will be covered in much more detail in future articles.

Is The Use of Symbolism Deliberate?
By now you’re probably getting the idea that this symbolism is quite common. Maybe you’re wondering how these symbols got so thoroughly entrenched in our culture, or why they are so often cleverly concealed? Is the idea that these symbols bypass our conscious mind to go straight into our subconscious – the main driving force behind many of our actions?
Is it possible that the use of these symbols in popular culture is all just a big creative coincidence?
Maybe the artists, producers and directors behind their videos are using the symbols as a way to create shock value that makes their videos go viral? Maybe these artists are just using the symbols because everyone else does and they’ve become “cool”?
While those elements probably play a part in the widespread usage of symbolism we see today, in at least some cases there appears to be a deeper understanding of the symbols being used and the affect they might have on fans and viewers.
The Illuminati symbolism we see in popular culture is becoming so prevalent that it is BECOMING popular culture. While some might claim that “it’s a trend” or that “Ke$ha is making fun of it”, they don’t see the important reversal that is happening here: Trends used to come from the streets to then be picked up and reflected by mass media; Nowadays, trends are CREATED by mass media and forced on the world through repetition and omnipresence. Source
Lady Gaga, who is possibly the most prolific user of esoteric symbolism in her videos, made the following comments on her 2009 VMA performance, which many believe represented a ritual blood sacrifice:
Journalist: “Do you think it will be one of those defining moments people will remember at the VMAs?”
Lady Gaga: “I know it will. I sort of have this philosophy about things: there’s never a reason to do something unless it’s going to be memorable, unless it’s going to change things, unless it’s going to inspire a movement. […] I think after watching the performance and maybe studying it after you watch it on YouTube, you’ll see the references and the symbols come through.”
So what movement was Lady Gaga trying to inspire on her “Monster Ball” tour when she made quite a deliberate sign of the beast right in front of the all-seeing eye symbol worn by her backing dancer, just after after asking the audience “Who is a monster?” to cheers from her fans (who are known as “little monsters”, and Gaga the “Mother monster”).

If you want to see the live version of the screenshot the hand signal is at 1:44. I would recommend NOT watching the rest of the clip which is pretty vulgar.
Then there are videos like Ke$ha’s Die Young, which contains a confusing mix of dark and white esoteric symbolism (more on that in a minute) and glorifies mindless violence, partying and, as the title states, dying young. Even the live performance of this song is packed with negative symbolism, with Ke$ha wearing an upside down crucifix outfit and her backup dancers having cleverly concealed upside down pentagrams and all-seeing eyes on their pants.
When confronted about this song and the message it is presenting to young fans Ke$ha tweeted:
Forced by who? What was their motive for creating a video loaded with symbolism that serves to turn people against spirituality, and that carries such a fatal and destructive message?
There are many instances in photo shoots and videos where the use of symbolism appears very deliberate. Do the artists know what they’re doing? Have the symbols been forced on them by directors or photographers?
There appears to be some power in the world that wants our culture infiltrated by negative symbolism and it is using every means it can to achieve it’s goal.
It’s So Obvious it Can’t Possibly Be Real…
You might have heard the phrase “hidden in plain sight” before. It refers to things that are so obvious they are overlooked. In this sense it could refer to negative symbolism so thoroughly infiltrating popular culture that anyone who questions its origins are considered crazy conspiracy theorists.

Many commentators speculate that the “Illuminati” are behind the masses of symbols that are being used. This in turn has led a number of celebrities and powerful institutions to mock those who think there is more to the use of esoteric symbolism than meets the eye. Take for instance this appearance by Jim Carrey on the Jimmy Kimmel show, or this strange commercial featuring Bono from U2 and other celebrities proclaiming they’re in the Illuminati. Weird Al Yankovic has made his own take on the issue, and Katy Perry – who’s 2014 Grammy performance was steeped in negative symbolism – has also joked about wanting to be invited to the Illuminati “if it exists”.
MTV have also chimed in, publishing two articles with “concrete” reasons (which don’t make much sense if you research this sort of thing) that prove and disprove the idea that the Illuminati are behind much of the symbolism of the Video Music Awards (VMAs).
MTV VMA performances are widely analysed for their frequent use of dark symbolism which often feature things like Jack Black leading the audience in a prayer to the “Dark Lord Satan” for the continued success of those in the music industry, re-enacted masonic rituals (many believe the freemasons are linked to the Illuminati) and, as recently as last year, a performance by Katy Perry depicting the burning at the stake of a member of the Knights Templar, an ancient esoteric order of light that was persecuted. Are these articles a way of drawing attention away from what’s really happening?
All of this mockery serves to prevent people questioning what’s really going on with the music industry’s use of esoteric symbology, as who would want to be called crazy? People who are interested in understanding esoteric symbolism and the effect it has on the masses are then relegated to a land where everyone who questions things is wearing a tin foil hat. This ridicule allows the use of negative symbolism to continue spreading unquestioned and unhindered.
What’s the Motive Behind Symbols in the Music Industry?
Sadly we live in a society that has almost entirely been turned against positive esoteric spirituality through an ongoing smear campaign by governments, the anti-cult movement and mass media establishments. This is not a new occurrence. Spiritual seekers throughout the ages have been oppressed by society’s institutions and there is already a high degree of suspicion towards any form of spirituality that is not in the mainstream (think established religion and commercialized, socially acceptable spirituality).

This suspicion (and sometimes outright hatred) is fulled through the negative use of symbolism in popular culture as this promotes the idea that spirituality is either satanic (for believers of established religions) or something dangerous and elitist that is used to control the masses.
Here we begin to see a dual agenda, where symbols of darkness are promoted as “cool” to the unsuspecting general public so they come into common usage throughout the world as fans emulate their idols. Symbols as we’ve seen are powerful, and the common usage of inverted esoteric symbols attracts the forces of darkness into the lives of those who unwittingly use them. At the same time the search for truth is confused and it becomes harder to distinguish light from darkness as negative symbols are mixed with positive ones, subconsciously creating an association for people that all symbols and esoteric spirituality as a whole are evil and to be avoided (or just something to be mocked with irreverence).
There are many examples of this, often used in a subliminal fashion.
In Jay-Zs “Onto the next one” he makes gestures of the devil hand sign with what appears to be a halo around his head.
In this still from Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance we see the word “monster” above a cross.

In this photo shoot, Rihanna was portrayed as Medusa – a mythical monster – while showing the tattoo she has of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, who represents the divine feminine principle which has been represented in many cultures as a destroyer of the darkness that binds an individual.

In Ke$ha’s Die Young video she arrives at a church in a black hearse with the word “EVIL” on the side. Dressed in black and red (the colours of the hierarchy of darkness), Ke$ha is carried into a church housing an upright pentagram, where she proceeds to participate in a strange orgiastic type dance ritual with her backup dancers before trashing the church. The whole video is full of pyramids, all-seeing eye symbols and upside down crosses.
For people not interested in spirituality this creates an association between death, evil and the image the upright pentagram. For anyone who understands what an upright pentagram represents we are mocked with an image of evil destroying a temple of positive spirituality. Incidentally, Ke$ha is often seen wearing inverted pentagrams, and the only upright pentagram that seems to be associated with her is the one in the church that gets trashed in the Die Young clip.
BELOW: Secrets in Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy and world history. See how profound ancient knowledge inherited from Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement, in famous works of art, in the design of major buildings, in the layout of city streets and public spaces, and in the precise placement of obelisks and other important monuments upon the Earth, the viewer is led to perceive an elegant harmonic system linking the human body with the architectural, urban, planetary, solar, and galactic scales.