It sprang from the Bilderbergers when one of its principal members, Esso or Standard Oil’s David Rockefeller came into conflict with his fellows over whether to include Japan in the club. Upon reading the 1970 book Between Two Ages, David Rockefeller lured its writer, Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, away from Columbia University to become the Chairman and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Brzezinski, who later became the mastermind of Jimmy Carter’s foreign affairs and national security blunders, is still looked to as a policy guru by the liberal media today. Using the same collectivist mindset, objectives and premise as the CFR, Rockefeller funded and set up the New York-based Trilateral Commission with Zbigniew Brzezinski as its intellectual architect and purposely patterned after Brzezinski’s book.
Along with Zbigniew Brzezinski and a few others, including the Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller convened initial meetings and held their first executive committee meeting in Tokyo in October 1973. Members include corporate CEOs, politicians of all major parties, distinguished academics, university presidents, labor union leaders and not-for-profits involved in overseas philanthropy.
The Trilateral Commission was founded to become a type of international CFR. The goal of the Trilateral Commission is to align the free world with the advanced communist states to organize a world government. [Eric Barger, “The New World Order Under Clinton: Establishment Insiders and Political Deceit,” The Christian World Report, May 1993, pg. 7.]
Members of the Trilateral Commission were instrumental in creating the European Union as well. The EU is the prototype of global governance that will soon exert its influence to reshuffle world relationships.
Some people who are or have been members include:
David Rockefeller: Founder of the Commission; Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank board from 1969 to 1981; Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1970 to 1985; a life member of the Bilderberg Group.
- Dick Cheney, William Cohen, Dianne Feinstein, David Gergen,
- Federal Reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker
Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor and later concurrently United States Secretary of State in the administrations of presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Kissinger left office when Democrat Jimmy Carter defeated Republican Gerald Ford in the 1976 presidential elections. Kissinger continued to participate in policy groups, such as the Trilateral Commission, and to maintain political consulting, speaking, and writing engagements.
- Yotaro Kobayashi, (chairman of the Fuji Xerox company),
- Caspar Weinberger: Secretary of Defense under Reagan
Presidents George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton
- John H. Bryan (former CEO of Sara Lee bakeries, affiliated with the World Economic Forum and part of the Board for Sara Lee, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, British Petroleum and Bank One).
Due to Goldman Sachs secretive culture and revolving door relationship with the Federal government, Goldman has recently been referred to as Wall Street’s secret society, with former Goldman employees currently heading the New York Stock Exchange, the World Bank, the U.S. Treasury Department, the White House staff, and even rival firms such as Merrill Lynch. Its landmark profits during the 2007 Subprime mortgage financial crisis led the New York Times to proclaim that Goldman Sachs is without peer in the world of finance. James E. Burke (CEA of Johnson & Johnson from 1976 to 1989)
Hank Greenberg (former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), the world’s largest insurance and financial services corporation). It should come as no surprise that when AIG faced huge investment losses that threatened its solvency in 2008, the American government stepped in with billions of dollars of taxpayer money to keep the company afloat.
Lee Raymond (ExxonMobil (Former CEO and Chairman, vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute, director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., director and member of the Executive Committee and Policy Committee of the American Petroleum Institute), and others.
Close Connections to Banking Industry
The economic chaos in the world today is a direct result of policies set in motion to foster a New International Economic Order (NIEO), according to Patrick Wood writing in the August Review. The NIEO was the explicit creation of the Trilateral Commission, founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973, and their early papers and task force reports clearly asserted their NIEO plans.
Actions taken by the Trilateral Commission generally help the banking industry. Jeremiah Novak, writing in the July 1977 issue of Atlantic, said that after international oil prices rose when Nixon set price controls on American domestic oil, many developing countries were required to borrow from banks to buy oil, many of them with doubtful repayment abilities. All told, private multinational banks, particularly Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan, have loaned nearly $52 billion to developing countries. An overhauled IMF would provide another source of credit for these nations, and would take the big private banks off the hook.This proposal is the cornerstone of the Trilateral plan.
There is mounting evidence, according to Wood, that there is a plan underway to corner the global supply of gold, thus laying the groundwork for a global currency exclusively controlled by Trilaterals and their friends. By extension, economic and political mechanisms would be controlled to the same extent. From a Trilateral perspective, the Bretton Woods system had two flaws: Gold was rapidly being decentralized into non-Trilateral hands and it limited the arbitrary creation of paper money to finance projects launched by Trilateral-related global companies. Since 1973, there has been an overarching plan to quietly centralize gold into private hands, using incrementally created wealth made possible by rapidly inflating paper currencies.
In 1976, Antony Sutton wrote, “The assault on gold today is an integral part of a planned move into a new economic order under the dominance of a single country. It was Nazi Germany in the 1940’s; it is the United States in the 1970’s. In brief, the war on gold that we observe today, and discuss below, is dollar imperialism, designed to maintain the U.S. dollar as the only world currency without competitors. The purpose is the formation of a world totalitarian state under Wall Street dominance.” (The War on Gold, Antony C. Sutton, 1976, p. 63)
Technocracy and the “New International Economic Order”
As an integral decade in this ongoing “Age of Transitions,” the 1970s brought with it previously unimagined sociopolitical and economic shifts. Deflation was prevalent. The decade also saw the rise of the Petrodollar and the end of the gold-backed Bretton Woods era, as well as the seeding of eugenic “environmental catastrophe” memes propagated by works like the Club of Rome’s 1972 publication, Limits to Growth, or John P. Holdren’s equally Neomalthusian and lauded Ecoscience. It also saw the birth of the Trilateral Commission, co-founded by David Rockefeller and Zbignew Brzezinski in 1973, who, among other things, pushed forth the concept of a “New International Economic Order” to quell the world’s ailing economic and environmental “doom and gloom” forecasts.
While the nature of this “New International Economic Order” at the time evaded Mr. Wood and his research partner, Dr. Antony Sutton, the perspective granted by the passage of time has lead Patrick Wood to declare Technocracy to be the true aim of this New Order. He writes:
It is plainly evident today, with 40 years of historical examination behind it, that the “New International Economic Order” was really “new” and envisioned historic Technocracy as replacing Capitalism altogether. Technocracy was based on energy rather than money and its system of supply and demand that regulates pricing. Some distinctives of Technocracy include:
• Elimination of private property and wealth accumulation
• Replacing traditional education with workforce training
• Micromanaging all energy distribution and consumption
• Driving people to live in a limited number of cities and off of rural land
• Enforcing a balance between nature’s resources and man’s consumption of them.Are you thinking that this list is vaguely familiar? You should, because it represents the modern manifestation of programs like Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Cap And Trade, Climate Change, Common Core, massive surveillance operations and a whole lot more. All of this has been brought to us by the machinations of the Trilateral Commission and its members since 1973, and it is all part of its master plan to completely replace capitalism with Technocracy. This is their “New International Economic Order“!
-Patrick Wood, Endgame of Technocracy
The Trilateral Commission, however, was not alone in the propagation of the “New International Economic Order” ideal. As with all things global and “sustainable,” the United Nations is sure to be lurking nearby. The UN’s “Council on Trade and Development” (or UNCTAD) was the chief multinational institution (in cooperation with the Trilateral Commission) in proudly promoting such a New Order throughout the decade.
As all burgeoning Hegelians know, global problems invite (engineered) global solutions. Over the past 40 years, the “New International Economic Order” has changed its name and structure, but never its primary objectives. Its old name cast away in favor of representing our increasingly captive and globalized world, “Multilateral Global Trade Governance” is its new moniker. The threats of population bombs, peak oil, and Global Cooling prevalent in the 70s, too, have given way to the phantom foes of carbon emissions and “unsustainability” so overtly propagandized to us in the 21st Century.
Airing in 1981 on the Barney Miller Show:
Chronological History of Events Involving the Trilateral Commission

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