Taking Back Our Stolen History
United States of America
United States of America

United States of America

America was preserved by God as a land of Freedom. Many Christians came to America to find refuge and freedom to worship God as they believed. Never in history had so many unselfish leaders united together as the founding fathers. They sought a balanced government between tyranny and anarchy, knowing neither could be effective in leading a free and independent people. They believed that all men were created equal with certain unalienable rights and formed a constitution that was meant to protect the peoples rights and installed checks and balances to prevent elected men from usurping authority and acting as a king or dictator. The constitution of the United States became the hope  for freedom and liberty for all men in all countries and inspired many countries to seek their own free governments with similar constitutions.

Prosperity was plenty in the land of opportunity as men could pursue their own course of happiness. The USA went from an infant nation to one of the richest nations in just a few decades. Militarily, though outmatched on every occasion in its infancy, it was victorious due to the miraculous hand of Providence. Unfortunately, the assurance of a solid constitution to guard their freedoms, and the promise of prosperity for the hard working, many focused on their work and families and fell asleep while secret societies conspired to destroy the Christian nation. Everything has its opposite, and just as God planned to build a Christian nation, Satan on the other hand, had his own plan to build a faux kingdom of his own.

As US citizens who have grown up within the confines of American society, we have been so conditioned to believe that America can do no wrong … when in fact the US Federal Government has evolved into a global bully – now directed by a much different hand than Providence, rather a Luciferian shadow government that rules behind the scenes. Almost entirely in control of the media and every meaningful means of influence from youth to adult, the global Luciferian elite carry out much of their agenda through the most powerful nation in the world – the good ‘ol USA. It’s become the primary battleground of freedom vs. tyranny, good vs, evil, and Christianity vs. all of the tools Satan has raised against it.

But, the New World Order is still not complete. In spite of the cultural Marxism attack on Christian-based morals and values in America, there is still a strong base. There is also a growing number of people awakening to the deception used by these powerful elite to socially engineer a new America that would be willing to accept a New World Order and alert to their warmongering for profits and other evil ways. Americans are growing tired of the political games, the media lies, meaningless wars, and all of the other rich men’s tricks. God and his people will win this battle and destroy the counterfeit kingdom of Satan and re-establish the republic with moral men at the helm.

The globalist plan for America is to suck them into another war, probably ignited by North Korea, which will turn into WWIII. China and Russia will unite to destroy the US, and the people will gladly give away their sovereignty once again for more security. This time, security will come in the form of peace and prosperity granted by the United Nations who will come in as Savior – oh, but we’ll have to accept their one world religion. Well, the plan would have gone according to plan if not for a few meddling kids – Shaggy, Scooby, Daffney, and a few other freedom lovers!

A look through history on this website will show how the rich and powerful international bankers used their money and power to influence education and medicine, as well as the political, economic, and financial sectors of not only the US, but throughout the world. If America is to resist a New World Order takeover, we the people must return to the Christian morals and values that once made us great. The current state has the majority in a distracted stupor easily led by the pied pipers.

CosmicConvergence.org gives a fairly accurate description of how the globalist have affected the American culture:

Modern-day coliseums, video games and bovine growth hormone

American society has been ordered in such a way so as to justify these wildly exorbitant expenditures on constant military buildup and war machine maintenance. This has been accomplished in a number of ways, most of which occur below the radar. The drumbeat heard in every sports stadium in the country is one example. Each athletic season has its own sport which so mesmerizes the nation that the Super Bowl commercials are the most expensive in TV history. The relentless and fierce competition keep a populace conditioned in the constant state of “taking sides”. Winning at all cost becomes the mantra, for young kids and elderly octogenarians alike.

The subliminal psychological conditioning which takes place throughout the sports culture is so effective it often forms the moral touchstone for youth even as they mature. The locker rooms they grew up in function as the gladiator pits of old. The constant din of drum and horn provide the foretaste of what is to occur before the athletic combat, just as occurred on the battlefields of yore. The cheering and hand-clapping provide encouragement to win … no matter what the sacrifice. To win at all costs.

The jam-packed stadiums provide a moral backdrop for all that transpires in these present-day coliseums offering both prestige and glorification for all the actions conducted in the interest of winning. The ubiquitous office betting pools even allow those who can’t attend the weekend ‘big event’ to participate vicariously through their bets, small though they may be. Of course, the hats and caps, shirts and jerseys, keep alive the mantras of athletic battles, mimicking the helmets and shoulder pads worn on the field.

Next we come to violent video games. What better way to capture a young and impressionable mind than to steer it in the direction of gratuitous and mindless violence. After years of exposure to this highly effective mind control program, some kids will quite willingly pick up a gun and shoot their own friends, much less ‘the enemy’ in a foreign land. Not too difficult to perceive the agenda behind the extraordinary proliferation of shockingly violent kid vids.

Then there are all the food additives, vitamin enrichments, protein powders, super hormones, muscles mass builders and other newfangled chemical magic that is supposed to make the kid … adolescent … young adult bigger and stronger, faster and taller. In the meantime we all suffer with the following facts of life in a country that is consigned to starting and ending all wars throughout the earthly realm:

  1. a flouridated water supply to compromise the pineal gland and remove critical thinking from the populace
  2. chemtrail-laden air to weaken and undermine the immune system forcing the unaware into the clutches of the pharmaceutical-medical complex.
  3. food that is devoid of minerals and other essential nutritive constituents because of chemical farming, which also poisons the land and leaves toxins in the produce.
  4. vaccination programs which inject mercury, sqaulene, formaldehyde and other dangerous substances into the delicate and sensitive bodies of our children.
  5. a pharmaceutical regime that is enforced and promoted with zeal in every medical establishment across the land
  6. an all-powerful medical complex that encourages chemo, radiation and surgery, as it discourages the alternative healing modalities, holistic wellness approaches and natural methods of curing
  7. an obnoxious TV or two or three in every household beaming negative energy and propaganda messages which disseminate violence, profanity, sex and crudity 24/7
  8. an educational system which indoctrinates with propaganda and brainwashes with false facts and fictitious figures that are as meaningless as they are misleading to the impressionable mind
  9. a political order that does’t even maintain the appearance of propriety or act in the interest of the people
  10. an economic marketplace and financial system devoid of integrity, whose institutions have been in a free-fall collapse since the real estate collapse of 2007 and stock market crash of 2008
  11. societal disintegration due to the destruction of the nuclear family, foisting an LGBT agenda on everyone, proliferation of the pharmaceutical drug culture, widespread acceptance of recreational drugs, relentless promotion of celebrity excesses, mercenary deification of sports heroes, rampant addiction to information technology, worship of the Almighty Dollar, and glorification of the Consumer Society.

Chronological History of Events Related to the USA

The Mayflower Compact is Signed by 41 English Colonists Onboard the Mayflower

The Mayflower Compact is Signed by 41 English Colonists Onboard the Mayflower

The Mayflower Compact, signed by 41 English colonists on the ship Mayflower,  was the first written framework of government established in what is now the United States. The compact was drafted to prevent dissent amongst Puritans and non-separatist Pilgrims who had landed at Plymouth a few days earlier. Before being allowed to debark, the leaders of the Pilgrim colony required all male members to enter into ...
Jamestown, the first Permanent British Settlement in America, is Established in Virginia

Jamestown, the first Permanent British Settlement in America, is Established in Virginia

Funded by The Virginia Company of England, a group of Englishmen sail to the new, mysterious land, which they called Virginia in honor of Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen, and begin a settlement. The company had given them rules that no one was to own private property and that they would all follow the rules of one leader. Half of the Jamestown settlers were artisans, craftsmen, ...
The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

In 1588, the most powerful man in the world was the King of Spain, Phillip II. Flush with gold and silver from the New World, he had no rivals, save one: Queen Elizabeth of England. England was a Protestant nation and Spain was Catholic, as was most of Europe. In addition to considering her a heretic, Phillip hated her for two additional reasons: first, she was ...
The French Christian Huguenots in Florida set a day of Thanksgiving and offered the first Protestant prayer in North America

The French Christian Huguenots in Florida set a day of Thanksgiving and offered the first Protestant prayer in North America

Commemorating the French Huguenots and their attempt at seeking religious freedom in America, Rep. Charles E. Bennett sponsored a bill on Sept. 21, 1950, to establish the Fort Caroline National Memorial. In 1989, he recited the history: “The 425th anniversary of the beginning settlements by Europeans … renamed from Fort Caroline to San Mateo, to San Nicolas, to Cowford and finally to Jacksonville in 1822. … ...
Protestant Reformation Begins: Martin Luther Nailed his 95 Theses to the Door of the Wittenberg Castle Church, Protesting the Sale of Indulgences and Other Practices

Protestant Reformation Begins: Martin Luther Nailed his 95 Theses to the Door of the Wittenberg Castle Church, Protesting the Sale of Indulgences and Other Practices

Sometime during October 31, 1517, the day before the Feast of All Saints, the 33-year-old Martin Luther posted theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. The door functioned as a bulletin board for various announcements related to academic and church affairs. The theses were written in Latin and printed on a folio sheet by the printer John Gruenenberg, one of the many entrepreneurs ...
The 'Cosmographiae Introductio' is Printed and Suggests the Name "America" for the New World after Explorer Americus Vespuccius (Latin)

The ‘Cosmographiae Introductio’ is Printed and Suggests the Name “America” for the New World after Explorer Americus Vespuccius (Latin)

Cosmographiae Introductio ("Introduction to Cosmography"; Saint-Dié, 1507) is a book that was published in 1507 to accompany Martin Waldseemüller's printed globe and wall-map (Universalis Cosmographia). The book and map contain the first mention of the term 'America'. Waldseemüller's book and maps, along with his 1513 edition of Ptolemy’s Geography, were very influential and widely copied at the time. It is widely held to have been written by Matthias Ringmann although some historians attribute it ...
Christopher Columbus' Letter to Raphael Sanchez

Christopher Columbus’ Letter to Raphael Sanchez

Introduction How to treat the indigenous people became an issue as soon as the Spanish arrived in the Western Hemisphere. In this letter written soon after his first voyage, Christopher Columbus explained how he dealt with the natives and revealed his and Spain’s religious motive for exploring what he conceived to be, in explicitly religious terms (see Christopher Columbus to Doña Juana de Torres, 1500) a New ...
Italian Explorer Christopher Columbus Discovered the "New World" of the Americas on an Expedition 'Led by Hand of God'

Italian Explorer Christopher Columbus Discovered the “New World” of the Americas on an Expedition ‘Led by Hand of God’

On several occasions Columbus gave credit to the Almighty. In writing to the Spanish leaders, he said, “Our Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed. Who heard of my enterprise, called it foolish, mocked me, and laughed. But who can doubt but that the Holy Ghost inspired me?” (Jacob Wassermann, Columbus, Don Quixote of the Seas, trans. Eric Sutton, ...
Italian Navigator, Amerigo Vespucci, is born in Florence, Italy

Italian Navigator, Amerigo Vespucci, is born in Florence, Italy

He played a significant role in the establishment of America. He was the first to establish that America was a new continent and not a part of Asia. Amerigo's legacy is not only his name, but in his dignity and devotion to the divine. Amerigo had believed for years before any actual discovery that there was a New World. 'Those new regions which we found we ...