It was at this house near Buckingham Palace, in 1913, that the War Propaganda Bureau was set up, tasked specifically with breaking strong public resistance to the looming war between Britain and Germany. The Brits were manipulated into accepting a declaration of war on the German Empire with lies of the Kaiser murdering Belgian children. The project was initially financed by the British Crown, and later primarily by the Rothschilds, the real heads of the Illuminati. Characteristically, one of the two men in charge of this novel propaganda unit, Lord Northcliffe, had married into the Rothschild family. Wellington House was all about the ‘Great War, a war being fought not in the naïve hope of ‘ending all wars’, as we learn in school, but to redraw the political map, sweeping away the monarchies that stood in the way of their master plan. Another objective was to suck up-and-coming superpower America into the war and the father of PR, Edward Bernays, and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Walter Lippmann would manipulate American public opinion to do just that. In 1921, the indoctrination operations at Wellington House were transferred to the Tavistock Institute.
The excellent secret connections that Bernays and Lippmann must have had to the true holders of power can be seen in the fact that both were elevated at a young age (23 and 25 respectively) to the influential position of advisor to President Woodrow Wilson. Wilson was the first American president to have a war ‘managed’ by a civilian committee – directed by Bernays and Lippmann, as Dr John Coleman describes in The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. This American historian has researched the secret history of the manipulation of ‘our’ public opinion more thoroughly than perhaps anyone else. As far as he’s concerned, this much is clear: “Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays were appointed by Wellington House to manipulate American public opinion.”
It can never be said with any certainty whether President Wilson really was a fully paid-up agent of a future New World Order, or just an early and to date most prominent victim of this new and extremely subtle propaganda campaign. Several books on the topic claim that he was blackmailed by a celebrity New York lawyer, Samuel Untermeyer, over a secret love affair. The real extent to which this Zionist and self-made millionaire was actually able to influence Wilson’s policies still hasn’t been clearly determined. Up to the present day, blackmailing influential politicians is an effective means of bringing them to heel. For this reason, the shadow government often sees to it that politicians’ private lives are secretly surveilled and their escapades recorded in intimate detail.
With the benefit of hindsight, it’s clear that, with the exception of George Bush Junior, no other American president did as much damage to that nation (and the world) as Woodrow Wilson. He can be thanked for three innovations that prepared the ground upon which the globalized misery of the present day could begin to flourish. Since they are paradigmatic for the successful manipulation of public opinion, it behooves us to consider them in a little more detail:
- Abolition of protective tariffs. No sooner had Wilson taken presidential office in 1913 did he begin to campaign tirelessly for the USA to make its internal market almost limitlessly open to foreign goods, by removing or drastically reducing tariffs (October 12th 1913). The greatest benefactors were influential British businessmen, who were now able to flood the USA with cheap goods produced on starvation wages in India. Recall if you will the East India Company, whose trading empire played a not insignificant role in the Illuminati’s power structure. With this law, President Wilson “sounded the death knell for American commerce, that was finally to be completely castrated by NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO,” Coleman correctly noted.
- Introduction of income tax. On December 5th 1913, President Wilson signed the Federal Income Tax Act into law – condemning American citizens to an unprecedented tax on their incomes. The tax was introduced to compensate for the lost income from customs and excise. The fact that almost universally, we all pay income tax – as if it were an unalterable law of nature – demonstrates how conditioned we really already are. Coleman noted that “Income Tax is a Marxist doctrine not found in the US Constitution anymore than the Federal Reserve Bank is found in the Constitution.”
- Foundation of the private United States reserve bank. One week after the introduction of the income tax, Woodrow Wilson gave his fellow citizens a very ‘special’ Christmas present on December 23rd 1913. He signed off a proposed law that he praised as the “reformation of the nation’s banking and currency system.” It was the birth of a completely privatised, independently led reserve bank – of the mightiest nation on earth. Just six months later, Europe was embroiled in a war that was to cost around 17 million their lives. Coleman notes that “Most historians are agreed that without passage of the Federal Reserve Bank Act, it would not have been possible to start that terrible conflagration.” Note that Wellington House’s two most important agents on American soil, Bernays and Lippmann, played an important role in the flogging off of public property to a private monopoly. According to Coleman, they made a significant contribution to the deceptive wording of the new banking law, and even founded the National Citizen’s League, which, under the leadership of the above-mentioned Samuel Untermeyer made a massive public push for the implementation of the planned reserve bank.
Coleman noted in his book on the manipulation of public opinion that “One of the most interesting pieces of history surrounding the imposition of the foreign financial slavery measure was that before it was sent to Wilson for his signature, a copy was given to the sinister Colonel Edward Mandel House as the representative of Wellington House and the British oligarchy represented by the banker, J.P. Morgan.”
Bernays had this to say about the mother of all public relations efforts: “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” British psychiatrist (and later Brigadier-General) John Rawlings Rees took the lesson to heart when he founded the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) three years after the end of WWI. According to the official records, the institute was founded in 1947, but Coleman, who was able to study the institute’s records, believes this to be pure eyewash. In reality, senior figures at the Tavistock Institute began their work much earlier (in what was then the ‘Tavistock Clinic’). “In 1921, the indoctrination operations at Wellington House were transferred to the Tavistock Institute (…) where Rees continued to perfect methods of mass brainwashing.” He also founded an independent research centre for the British foreign secret service. “It was Rees who developed the methods for controlling political campaigns, as well as techniques for mind control that are used to this very day.” On its current internet site, the Tavistock Institute presents itself with the following cryptic phrase: “We work with hidden (and sometimes subconscious) factors.” Indeed: the same psychotherapeutic techniques that are used to treat the mentally disturbed can also be used to harm. Rees was an expert on psychological disturbances of this kind, which surely contributed to him being awarded command of the Directorate of Army Psychiatry during the Second World War.