Taking Back Our Stolen History


ISRAEL — that parcel of land so violently wrested from the true Semites whose ancestors tilled the soil for centuries — is not a gift from the Jewish god, Jehovah. It was given them by UN mandate in 1948 with a lot of help from their wealthy and influential Jewish friends in high places in the governments of the U.S. and Britain.

That transfer of land from the Palestinians to the present inhabitants, was a giant leap for the ancient priesthood which has planned for centuries to gain World Dominion. And the majority of people who live in Israel are not Semites. Nor are their ancestors Semites. Nor have their ancestors ever set foot in that ‘Holy Land’ of the Jews.

By their own admission, the majority of ‘Jews’ in Palestine (over 90%) are ancestors of the tribe known as Khazars, from the land of Khazaria, whose Kagan (king) adopted the religion of the Pharisees — Talmudism, not Judaism — in 740 A.D. There were millions of them who adopted Talmudism.

These Khazars are of Turko-Mongolian descent, a warlike tribe that lived deep in the heart of Asia. Their ancestors were so violent and barbaric they were driven out of Asia into eastern Europe. They settled in the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The Khazarian kingdom was the biggest country in all of Europe, comprised of 800,000 square miles. There was no ‘country’ called Russia at that time.

A Chronology of Events Related to Israel Below:

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