(Russian: Комитет государственной безопасности) was the “Sword and Shield” of the Communist party of the Soviet Union. While its primary function was internal repression of people’s basic rights, an external reconnaissance division as it is called, or intelligence organization, also handled spreading the gospel of Marxist international workers revolution to overthrow exiting legitimate governments worldwide, or “the bourgeois order” as Marxists refer to it.
During its existence the Committee had many names, finally adopting KGB in 1954 which was used until the dissolution of the Soviet Empire in 1992. Historians and writers have often in retrospect used the name KGB to refer to all its predecessor organizations going back to the founding of the Soviet Union.
At the July 1920 Second Congress of the Communist International Comintern, General Secretary of the Communist Party V.I. Lenin told delegates “we must everywhere build up a parallel illegal organisation”.[1]
Source: Conservapedia
Chronological History of Events Related to the KGB

The Disappearance of KAL Flight 007 and Congressman Larry McDonald: Evidence Shows that He and Others Survived. What Happened to Them?

The Mysterious Death of BBC Journalist Georgi Markov by the Umbrella Assassin

The Cuban Missile Crisis (a 13 day ‘Confrontation’ with USSR Keeping Americans Frightened)