Taking Back Our Stolen History
Mind Control / MKULTRA

Mind Control / MKULTRA

Why did countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why did so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control. This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. One component to understanding and deciphering the systems of control is to become a student of the magicians of influence and propaganda.

When people think about mind control, they usually think in terms of the classic “conspiracy theory” that refers to Project MkUltra. This program is a proven example of ‘overt mind control.’ The project had grown out of an earlier secret program, known as Bluebird that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. An earlier aim was to study methods ‘through which control of an individual may be attained’. The emphasis of experimentation was ‘narco-hypnosis’, the blending of mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming.

One of the most common examples of mind control in our so-called free and civilized society is the advent and usage of TV. This isn’t to say that all things on TV are geared towards brainwashing you. They’re not. But most of the programming on television today is run and programming by the largest media corporations. ..Read More

Chronological History of Events Related to Mind Control

CIA gave Project BLUEBIRD the New Designation of Project ARTICHOKE

CIA gave Project BLUEBIRD the New Designation of Project ARTICHOKE

Researchers turned their attentions to American prisoners of war held in Korea admitting on television to using biochemical weapons (including Anthrax) against Korea. They had succeeded earlier in the interrogation of Russian agents using ARTICHOKE methods. Meanwhile, a CIA propagandist embedded as a journalist at the Miami Herald, Edward Hunter, began circulating rumors of advanced Soviet and Chinese “brainwashing” methods, culminating with the publication of Brain-washing ...
French Bread was Spiked with LSD in CIA Experiment: Unsolved for 50 Years, the 'Cursed Bread' of Pont-Saint-Esprit left Residents Suffering Hallucinations, Killing 5

French Bread was Spiked with LSD in CIA Experiment: Unsolved for 50 Years, the ‘Cursed Bread’ of Pont-Saint-Esprit left Residents Suffering Hallucinations, Killing 5

In 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least five people died, dozens were interned in asylums and hundreds afflicted. For decades it was assumed that the local bread had been unwittingly poisoned with a psychedelic mould. Now, however, an American investigative journalist has uncovered evidence suggesting the CIA peppered local food with ...
Former OSS and CIA Journalist Edward Hunter Writes Propaganda Article "Brain-Washing: Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party"

Former OSS and CIA Journalist Edward Hunter Writes Propaganda Article “Brain-Washing: Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party”

According to Annie Jacobsen in her book 'The Pentagon's Brain' who uncovered shocking details via the FOIA, following several confessions by captured POW's that the American's had been using germ warfare on Koreans in the Korean War, the Pentagon began a propaganda campaign to discredit the claims. Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson suggested an "all out campaign to smear the Koreans." He wanted the Pentagon to ...
The CIA Begins Project BLUEBIRD (later ARTICHOKE) - a Mind Control Project Using Hypnosis & Drugs, Plutonium, etc. on Hundreds of Unwitting Test Subjects

The CIA Begins Project BLUEBIRD (later ARTICHOKE) – a Mind Control Project Using Hypnosis & Drugs, Plutonium, etc. on Hundreds of Unwitting Test Subjects

The CIA and later the Office of Scientific Intelligence begin Project Bluebird (renamed Project Artichoke in 1951) in order to find ways to “extract” information from CIA agents, control individuals “through special interrogation techniques,” “enhance memory” and use “unconventional techniques, including hypnosis and drugs” for offensive measures and the 'covert use of biological and chemical materials' as part of the agency's continuing efforts to control behavior ...
George Orwell Publishes 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', a Dystopian Novel Written as a Warning about the Menaces of Totalitarianism

George Orwell Publishes ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, a Dystopian Novel Written as a Warning about the Menaces of Totalitarianism

The novel is set in an imaginary future world that is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states. The book's hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of these states. His longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government. Smith has a love affair with a like-minded woman, but they are both arrested by the Thought Police ...
Rockefeller Foundation Psyop Broadcast of WAR OF THE WORLDS Creates 'Accidental' Hysteria Throughout the U.S.

Rockefeller Foundation Psyop Broadcast of WAR OF THE WORLDS Creates ‘Accidental’ Hysteria Throughout the U.S.

A classic early example of a psyop was the 1938 "War of the Worlds" broadcast which created "accidental" and "unfortunate" panic and hysteria throughout the United States. Listeners tuned in to what they thought was a real invasion by Martians. It was funded indirectly by the Rockefeller Foundation through the  The Princeton Radio Project, and guided at every stage by members of the Council on Foreign ...
Huxley's 'Brave New World' is Published. A Futuristic Novel of a Dystopian Society whose Subjects are Programmed to Enjoy their Subjugation to a Totalitarian Government

Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ is Published. A Futuristic Novel of a Dystopian Society whose Subjects are Programmed to Enjoy their Subjugation to a Totalitarian Government

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLTS5cv45Cs Huxley believes society is controlled by an “impersonal force”, a ruling elite, which manipulates the population using various methods. “Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new ...
Edward Bernays Publishes 'Propaganda': "Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government"

Edward Bernays Publishes ‘Propaganda’: “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government”

Edward Bernays, who is considered to be the “father of public relations” and used concepts discovered by his uncle Sigmund Freud to manipulate the public using the subconscious, publishes his book "Propaganda". Chapter 1 begins with these words (Unless otherwise noted, page numbers refer to the 2004 Ig Publishing edition, ISBN 0970312598): The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses ...
Famous Magician (and Intelligence Asset?), Harry Houdini, Dies After being Poisoned?

Famous Magician (and Intelligence Asset?), Harry Houdini, Dies After being Poisoned?

by Paul A Drockton M.A. After reading "Gematria 9-11" aloud to my wife, and then showing her the "1164 Facade" where "Bewitched" was filmed, she commented that it sounded like the Laurel Canyon research of D McGowan. McGowan has uncovered the strange nexus of entertainment, politics and perverted and deadly partying that exists in Laurel Canyon, a suburb of L.A. So I did a search for ...
The Frankfurt School, an Illuminati Think-tank, is Formed by Marxist Philosophers

The Frankfurt School, an Illuminati Think-tank, is Formed by Marxist Philosophers

Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the ...