( b. June 28, 1971 in South Africa) A pro-transhumanist billionaire and entrepreneur of several companies including Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, The Boring Company, Twitter (as of October 2022), and other endeavors attempting to turn science-fiction into reality; and has been ranked as the wealthiest man in the world, depending on fluctuations in the stock market [2022 Forbes has him 1st($219bln) ahead of Jeff Bezos ($171bln)]. Musk’s wealth increased by tens of billions of dollars during the COVID lockdown. Though he supports freedom of speech and was critical of tyrannical lockdowns during COVID-19, he supposedly is “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” but endorsed hyperinflationist Andrew Yang for the Democratic party nomination in the 2020 presidential election. Musk insists that he did not purchased Twitter to “make more money,” but rather to “help humanity.” We shall see, but his Twitter Files exposed massive government corruption, conspiracy to censor truth, and collusion with big tech so he is doing good things.
For the three or four people out there who have never heard of Elon Musk before or the dozens that may not know his background, the bullet points:
- Born in Pretoria, South Africa in 1971 to Errol and Maye Musk (née Haldeman);
- A computer whizkid who taught himself programming at the age of 10;
- Moved to Canada in 1989 and the US in 1992 to study economics and physics at the University of Pennsylvania;
- Went to Stanford to earn a PhD in energy physics, but dropped out after two days;
- Started Zip2, a software company, at the dawn of the dotcom boom in 1995, and sold to Compaq in 1999, personally pocketing $22 million on the deal.
Elon Musk appears to some to be another CIA front man being used as a pawn to carry out the globalist agenda. Billions of taxpayer dollars have been pumped into his companies (Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and the the failed SolarCity). The South African-born / Canadian & American college-educated charlatan has been promoted into an amalgamation of Nikola Tesla and Andrew Carnegie. Far from being either, he can only exist with the powerful combination of government welfare and free publicity behind him.
Having made his first $22 million with the sale of his “Zip2” web software company in February 1999, Musk launched X.com, one of the first online financial service companies, the following month. X.com then merged with its main competitor, Confinity, which had a money transfer service called PayPal. Musk served as CEO of the PayPal conglomerate until 2000 and remained its largest shareholder until it was bought out by eBay in 2002 for a cool $1.5 billion. Musk pocketed $165 million from the deal.
From there, Musk founded SpaceX, which borrows money from the government at ridiculously low interest rates, and Tesla, which borrows money from the government at ridiculously low interest rates, and SolarCity, which borrowed from SpaceX and Tesla. All were financed by the US taxpayer at ridiculously below market rates. The table is now set for financing using inflated currency (sound familiar?) in the form of Tesla stock to get real cash in Mr. Musk’s pockets.”
“Under any rate of advancement in AI we will be left behind by a lot. The benign situation with ultra-intelligent AI is that we would be so far below in intelligence we’d be like a pet, or a house cat. I don’t love the idea of being a house cat. The solution that seems maybe the best one is to have an AI layer. A third digital layer that could work symbiotically [with your brain].”
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has said: ‘I don’t believe anything Elon Musk or Tesla says.’
Musk has become known for his . . . shall we say, “eccentricities.” Like when he called British diver Vernon Unsworth—who helped in the Thai cave rescue of 2018, and who dismissed Musk’s hamhanded attempts to help in the rescue as a “PR stunt”—a “pedo guy.” Or when he (falsely) tweeted that he was taking Tesla private and had “funding secured.” Or when he started selling flamethrowers to fund one of his business ventures, but renamed it “Not A Flamethrower” to help insure it would sail through customs without being confiscated. Or when he smoked marijuana on the Joe Rogan podcast (with 6% of Tesla’s share value evaporating in one puff of smoke).
To his fans, all of this merely adds to his mystique. He’s just a fun, unpredictable guy who knows how to generate publicity and make money.
However, as even his fans are forced to admit, this does mean he oversells and underdelivers on every project he ever announces: Production of actual working Teslas is consistently short of expectations and whistleblowers have revealed that the production process itself is a hot mess; his grand vision of a futuristic “NY-DC in 29 mins.” hyperloop quickly devolved into a normal car tunnel; his “private” space exploration company is the recipient of billions of dollars of taxpayer money; his tiny contribution to Tesla’s $2.8 billion capital raise this year (which came after Musk’s insistence that Tesla would not be raising any more capital) shows that he’s either not confident in his own product or too far in debt to make a significant investment.
But to his supporters, these failures are just signs that Musk’s genius is constantly pushing him beyond the boundaries of current technology. His detractors have a simpler explanation: He’s a conman. But if he were only a conman, that would be one thing. The problem (according to James Corbett) is he’s much worse than that. As Corbett also noted in his brain chip article: “[Musk is] like Beelzebub, popping up every time the worlds of government funding, military research and Bilderberg technocrats collide.”
- When our good friends at DARPA hold a Robotic Challenge, Musk is there.
- When the World Government Summit convenes, Musk is the star attraction.
- Need someone to pimp transhumanism? Musk is only too happy to explain the potential dangers of AI, and to present his solution: We must merge with the machines so that we’re not “irrelevant” when the robots take over. (And, oh yeah, he happens to have a company that’s working on the first “neural lace” mind-machine merger technology).
- Yes, wherever the globalist fat cats meet to discuss technocratic ideas for the future, it’s a safe bet that Musk will be within spitting distance. But the part of this story you may not know is that Musk’s technocratic proclivity is not just a happenstance of character; it’s in his genes. You see, Elon Musk is the grandson of Joshua Haldeman.
This may be the reason…
The Occulted History of Elon Musk and Family

Elon Musk’s Canadian grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was an avid supporter of Technocracy, served as Research Director and ultimately became the the head of the Technocracy, Inc. party in Canada until it was banned and he was later arrested. In the technocrats’ vision—which gained widespread traction with the public in America and Canada in the 1930s—the world would be divided into regional units called “technates” which would be run by “technocrats” (scientists, engineers, economists and others with specialized knowledge of specific technical fields). According to this ideology, economic—and thus societal and even geopolitical—turmoil could be eliminated if the technocrats were given control of the economy and all its aspects, from manufacturing to retailing to the currency itself.
A Financial Times article reported that:
“North of the border, the technocracy movement was taken so seriously that it was banned by the Canadian authorities, fearing it planned to overthrow the government. The party’s disillusioned leader, the adventurer Joshua Haldeman, later abandoned Canada and moved to South Africa. One small, but intriguing, footnote in the history of the technocracy movement, though, may have particular resonance today. One of Haldeman’s grandsons is Elon Musk, the space entrepreneur who aims to turn…”
Joshua Haldeman fathered Elon’s mother Maye Haldeman and her twin sister Kaye in 1948 after marrying his second wife (he had 5 total children). Joshua Haldeman took his entire family on expeditions to the Kalahari desert of South Africa, searching for a lost civilization that many revisionist and alt. historians consider part of the ancient city of Atlantis. Having lived in South Africa during her youth, Maye Haldeman was allegedly into African secret societies and witchcraft. Maye was allegedly connected to CIA mind-control subject Charles Manson (See link, pp.81-83, 150-151) and the Manson crime family. Given Elon Musk’s fame, it’s noteworthy to mention Google and Microsoft’s (Bing) complete omission of key phrases such as Maye Haldeman, Maye Musk, etc. clear digital “white washing”. Kaye Haldeman allegedly visited Charles Manson in prison, becoming familiar with the crime family by providing TV’s and other luxuries. Kaye’s visitations with Manson allegedly led to the impregnation of Kaye with Elon’s sister Tosca. Like George W. Bush’s mother (Barbara) being the offspring of Satanist Aleister Crowley (See pp. 35-36), these claims are impossible to verify. Maye Haldeman does appear to be featured in a photo on the original Helter Skelter book.
The idea was ludicrous. The type of technology that would have been required to properly administer this technocracy—technology for monitoring every industrial process, every product and every transaction in the economy in real time—simply did not exist when the idea was first conceived. But that didn’t stop the technocrats, or the visionary leader of what became Technocracy, Inc., a fully-fledged movement/political party/cult complete with a uniform (a “well-tailored double-breasted suit, gray shirt, and blue necktie, with a monad insignia on the lapel”) and a mandate to salute the movement’s leader on sight. As viewers of Why Big Oil Conquered the World will know, that leader—Howard Scott—was a charlatan, and he was quickly disgraced when it was discovered he had “padded his resume” and falsely claimed engineering credentials which he did not possess. But while the technocracy movement might have been set back by the fall from grace of its charismatic leader, the idea itself never fully went away.
This transhumanist connection between Elon and his grandfather is not just tangential. It tells us something about Musk’s roots and his vision. And it tells us that when he says he is preparing “to build the Martian Technocracy” he is not using that word in a careless way. He knows exactly what it means.
Accelerating Starship development to build the Martian Technocracy
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 23, 2019
Despite the rabid fandom that has formed around Elon — the man behind Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company — his dad remains an enigma, a sort of fairy-tale creature trotted out merely as evidence of his son’s privileged upbringing. But how much truth is there in the stories?
“Whenever the topic of Errol arrives, members of Elon’s family clam up,” Vance wrote. “They’re in agreement that he is not a pleasant man to be around but have declined to elaborate.” When Vance reached out to Errol himself, he only responded via email. Let’s take a look at a few of the more eyebrow-raising claims that have cropped up surrounding Mr. Musk in recent years.
He didn’t own an emerald mine & I worked my way through college, ending up ~$100k in student debt. I couldn’t even afford a 2nd PC at Zip2, so programmed at night & website only worked during day. Where is this bs coming from?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 28, 2019
Did Errol Musk own an emerald mine?
However, Errol’s involvement in a lucrative mining operation and Elon having to pull himself up by his bootstraps are not mutually exclusive. As Vance wrote in his book Elon Musk, “The family owned one of the biggest houses in Pretoria thanks to the success of Errol’s engineering business,” a business that included “large projects such as office buildings, retail complexes, residential subdivisions, and an air force base.” Elon even admitted his father is “brilliant at engineering” despite being an overall “terrible human being.” And in an interview with Errol from 2018, British tabloid Mail on Sunday wrote, “Musk senior was a millionaire before the age of 30.”
Elon was born on June 28, 1971, to Errol and his wife Maye Musk when they were both in their 20s. This is important because the parents divorced in 1979, nine years after getting married, and it wasn’t until the mid-1980s that the emerald mine in question came into the picture.
The details of the mine stem from stories published on Business Insider South Africa from journalist Phillip de Wet that rely on Errol Musk’s personal account. According to him, Errol became “a half owner” of an emerald mine in Zambia in the ‘80s, though he doesn’t specify a year, and he “got emeralds for the next six years.” That story was preceded by an even more unbelievable one in which he spoke of Elon and his brother Kimbal selling some of the precious stones to Tiffany & Co. on Fifth Avenue off the street.
Other than that first-hand account, there’s not much to be found to corroborate this story. But the counterpoint to the obvious fact that the Musks were well off financially, especially considering their status as a white family in apartheid South Africa, is that Elon, his siblings and Maye had to free themselves from Errol’s abusive relationship. As Maya Kosoff wrote of Maye’s recent memoir, Errol was “was physically, financially and emotionally manipulative and abusive.” When Maye extricated herself from the marriage, she remembers eating peanut butter sandwiches and bean soup, not coasting on riches from an emerald mine.
According to the elder Musk, he shot and killed three people who broke into his house in Johannesburg, a crime for which he was reportedly charged with manslaughter but eventually acquitted on the basis of self-defense.
In the interview with Mail on Sunday, Errol admits that he’s philanderer, saying, “I had a very pretty wife, but there were always prettier, younger girls. I really loved Maye but I screwed up.” That became the understatement of the century when, in March of 2018, U.K. newspaper The Times reported that Musk fathered a child with his stepdaughter Jana Bezuidenhout in a move reminiscent of Woody Allen. When the story broke, Musk was 72 years old and Bezuidenhout was just 30. As MailOnline wrote in 2018, Errol described the pregnancy as an accident, but said both Jana and their son were living with him though they weren’t in a relationship.
Of course, much of the proof relayed here relies on Errol’s own personal account of the proceedings, which leads to the biggest question of all: Is he a reliable narrator? In his book Elon Musk, Vance recalled a piece of advice from his subject: “Elon warned me off corresponding with his father, insisting that his father’s take on past events could not be trusted.”
Colonization of Mars
Musk’s greatest ambition is the colonization of Mars as a backup plan in the event of either World War III or the catastrophic man-made warming of Earth. He assures his goofy groupies — who have been known to pack venues so they can worship Elon Musk ™ in person — that it is possible to settle 80,000 sheltered Earth-Martians by 2040. They would live as a “direct democracy” solely for ensuring the survival of the species. Elon’s colonization of Mars was written about in a fictional story by the father of NASA, Werner von Braun.
Musk dreamt big when discussing the future of space travel, saying it was his goal to see a million people living on Mars within 50 years. Imagine being the real-life Tony Stark: A billionaire, jetsetting tech whiz playboy who’s developing the multi-billion dollar rockets that will not only privatize space travel but help get humanity to Mars. And imagine you announce the whole thing on Twitter with a big, splashy “Occupy Mars” picture of the red planet . . .
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 23, 2019
Only to be told that you posted a picture of the moon by mistake. A red-hued “blood” moon, to be sure, but the moon nonetheless.
How embarrassing.
Luckily, the cool billionaire tech guru who’s selling electric cars and building underground hyperloops and rescuing Thai children from caves (and selling Not A Flamethrowers to raise some money on the side) took it exactly how you’d expect he would: By tweeting a couple of laugh-crying emojis and a hearty “Moon too!”
What class. But then again, would you expect anything less from the man that Werner von Braun predicted would be the future leader of Mars? Of course not.
In 1949, rocket scientist Wernher von Braun – former Nazi rocketeer, soon to be NASA’s star rocket designer – wrote a science fiction book about humanity’s first mission to Mars.Von Braun put his considerable technical knowledge to use (according to many reviewers, perhaps adding *too* much detail) in writing Project Mars: A Technical Tale. In his story, set in the 1980s, ten large space ships make the journey, a project which required “upwards of 1,000 flights into Earth’s orbit” in order to “build, supply and fuel these ten ships, and it is an international, cooperative project.”
By chapter 22 of von Braun’s novel, the human visitors have discovered a peaceful indigenous civilization that resides underground on Mars (remembering when he wrote it, little was known about the planet’s habitability). And then, in chapter 24, we are given an outline of how Mars is governed by this civilization. It’s here that we come across a wonderfully surprising discovery:
The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled “Elon.” Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet.
The Upper House was called the Council of the Elders and was limited to a membership of 60 persons, each being appointed for life by the Elon as vacancies occurred by death. In principle, the method was not unlike that by which the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church is appointed. Usually the Elon chose historians, churchmen, former cabinet members or successful economic leaders who could offer lifetimes of valuable experience.
Yes, you heard von Braun – one of the progenitors of human space travel – correctly: the leader of Martian civilization is called ‘Elon’, the same name as Elon Musk, who is currently leading the field of human space travel. Predestination, time vortex, or just a delicious coincidence? Maybe throw this one in the Mars weirdness file with Jack Kirby drawing the Face on Mars in a comic 17 years before it was supposedly discovered…
Wernher von Braun’s Project Mars: A Technical Tale is available to download in multiple formats from archive.org.
Hair Transplant Poster Boy or Elon the Clone?
Between 2000 and 2003, Musk’s hairline had transformed.
Based on the Norwood scale for thinning hair, he had reached a later stage of 4 to 5, which indicates very thin hair at the front and a bald spot beginning at the crown. Eventually, he would have likely developed into a stage 7. By many accounts, it’s the worst hairline, which is a completely receded all the way to the back of the head. Read more here and here…
In a post to the site where Dr. Sol Adoni pontificates as he calls it on anything that moves him, the Great One wrote an article about why he considered it an INSULT to be called by a person who recently met him as brilliant like Elon Musk. Dr. Sol Adoni corrected the person explaining that Elon Musk is just like Edison a person in the public consciousness that used other peoples ideas to get rich. In the article Dr. Sol Adoni sliced open the public persona of Elon Musk as being exactly similar to Edison, a person that Musk admits is his role model. Like Edison did over 100 years before him, Musk buys into ideas and MARKETS THEM.
Did Elon Musk invent the concept of local news and search online as many now credit him with, NO HE DID NOT, many companies existed as early as 1995 doing that exact thing.
While Paypal was still forming it’s brand, Elon Musk was replaced way before that company went public and upon obtaining that bankroll of almost 200 Million USD, Musk then bought into an existing company now known as Tesla. Named after Nikola Tesla who invented the electric motor and the first electric cars over 100 years ago used his idea and only the mass production by Henry Ford eventually allowed cars to be within the price range of many consumers made the modern car possible. There was an interesting lawsuit by one of the original founders of the modern Tesla Car Company in which one of the real founders sued Elon Musk for saying he founded the company. The simple truth is Elon Musk just bought into the idea and didn’t found it, although the case was settled out of court so Elon Musk can now claim being a ‘founder’ of Tesla Motors now known as “Tesla”.
His enthusiastic “the-science-is-settled” promotion of the global warming hoax only serves to help in the marketing of his electric Tesla cars.
The 500 trolls of Tesla Motors!
Elon Musk has a massive amount of fake meat puppet social media accounts that he uses to create the false impression that there are “no problems at Tesla Motors” and that the fires, lawsuits, staff departures, investor departures, criminal charges, cartel charges, toxic smoke, cancer causing chemicals, DOE application fraud, factory workers on fire, ex-wife & girlfriend abuse stories, battery factory worker deaths, buyer homicide charges, Lemon Law litigation, Billionaire sex clubs, Tesla patents disclose lethal & conflagration potential, Mexican worker battery factory “death camps” plans, dangerous chemicals, political corruption and hundreds of other issues are “keep walking, nothing to see here” issues.
Ex-Tesla staff say that, in addition to the hundreds of hired “meat puppet” trolls that Musk has hired, in India, to watch the internet 24/7 for any mention of the word Tesla”, (so they can instantly bombard the comment section with “A Tesla is Christ in the form of a car” messages), Musk has 4 news scanning services that email him, and the trolls, any mentions of the company so that their greasy troll-like knobby fingers can leap into action in their dark little troll caves. Every comment section of every article about Tesla has been IP and sequence-route traced backed to the same Tesla-hired shills and trolls who login, comment after comment, under a massive number of fake accounts and identities. There is NO massive Tesla fanboy acclaim by millionaires sitting around blogging about the orgasmic joy of even thinking about a Tesla. There are only dour 17 year old bloggers in basements in Idaho and India collecting $5.00 per post.
But the biggest, hairiest, most wart-ridden Tesla troll of all, the one that towers above all trolls, is Tesla investor: Google. Google scrapes any negative Tesla press off of the internet and manually moves all positive troll Tesla press to the top of its search and news engine.
This is cartel-level falsification of the stock market via coordinated manipulation of false information about a stock. It is an SEC felony, but federal executives, who arranged the scam, won’t allow the SEC or FBI to go after these people because it will be politically embarrassing to “Senior People”. It will be politically embarrassing because certain Washington, DC politicians gave a “massively unqualified”, “bankrupt” (Per Elon Musk himself), “failing”, “lethally debt-ratio’d”, “no-demand”, “technically old-school” Tesla a free gift of Taxpayer money as a pass along kickback to Tesla investors in exchange for billions of dollars of campaign financing.
According to David Icke, Tesla’s endgame is autonomous cars where the car is in charge of where you go, not you.
Continued on next page…