a U.K.-based voting technology company formed in 2000 with deep ties to George Soros; has provided voting technology in 16 U.S. states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Other jurisdictions affected are California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin. Its website included a flow-chart (later removed, but archived here) that describes how the company has contributed to elections in the U.S. from 2006-2015 with “57,000 voting and counting machines deployed” and “35 million voters assisted. The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in the British House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. In 2005, Smartmatic bought-out California-based Sequoia Voting Systems and entered the world of U.S. elections. According to Smartmatic’s website, “In less than one year Smartmatic tripled Sequoia’s market share” and “has offered technology and support services to the Electoral Commissions of 307 counties in 16 States.”
In 2016, Smartmatic provided the first online voting experience in Utah for the GOP Presidential caucus.
In 2014, Smartmatic’s CEO Antonio Mugica and British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown announced the launching of the SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company based in London whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer. Lord Malloch-Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO since its foundation, while Antonio Mugica remained as CEO of the new venture. They were joined on SGO’s board by Sir Nigel Knowles, Global CEO of DLA Piper, entrepreneur David Giampaolo and Roger Piñate, Smartmatic’s COO and co-founder. The aim of SGO, according to its CEO was “to continue to make investments in its core business (election technology)…”
According to Wikileaks documents Smartmatic machines were used to rig the 2004 Venezuela elections in favor of Marxist candidate Hugo Chavez and possibly other elections there.
More from Wikileaks: Smartmatic is a riddle.
The company came out of nowhere to snatch a multli-million dollar contract in an electoral process that ultimately reaffirmed Chavez’ mandate and all-but destroyed his political opposition.
The Smartmatic owners, were denounced in June 2004 by the press for having received a US $200,000 equity investment from a Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (BRV) joint venture fund called FONCREI which was a Chavez organization. A Chavez campaign adviser was also placed on the board as well.1
In 2007, Dominion acquired Sequoia Voting Systems from Smartmatic after a major election fraud controversy in Venezuela. Following the 2004 Venezuelan recall election, Smartmatic acquired Sequoia Voting Systems, from the British company De La Rue in 2005. De la Rue was the official Crown Agent of the British Empire who still prints banknotes for the Bank of England. Crown Agents ran the day-today affairs of the Empire. Smartmatic has tried to scrub the internet of the evidence that they transferred this cheat-easy software program to Dominion, however the proof is recorded. Also, in 2015 Smartmatic Chairman Lord Mark Malloch Brown told a Filipino news station that Smartmatic uses Dominion owned software!
De La Rue is banned and blacklisted in India for supplying substandard paper for printing Indian currency notes and also for its involvement in the Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) with Pakistan, posing a threat to India. De La Rue’s role in printing Indian currency notes was exposed by GreatGameIndia in 2016 which became a major scandal in India.
Documents in possession of GreatGameIndia also revealed an insidious conspiracy by these companies to smuggle biometric and demographic data of Indians collected during a Pilot Project initiated under National Population Register to Taiwan. Such sensitive data in the wrong hands in a foreign country could not just result in identity theft but pose a threat to India’s National Security since the same companies are also manufacturers of election voting machines.
The acquisition by Smartmatic of Sequoia Voting Systems from De La Rue triggered a controversy in America for its “possible ties to the Venezuelan government”. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) of the U.S. Treasury Department, which had been investigating whether there were any ties between Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the government of Venezuela dropped the investigation when Smartmatic agreed to divest Sequoia, in a deal whereby all of Sequoia’s shares were sold off to SVS Holdings for an undisclosed price.
The Wall Street Journal wrote that “Smartmatic scrapped a simple corporate structure” of being based in Boca Raton “for a far more complex arrangement” of being located in multiple locations following the Sequoia incident. Both Smartmatic and Sequoia are mired with electoral related controversies in many countries.
Among the “case studies” that Smartmatic lists on its website as examples of its work are Venezuela, where it has been facilitating elections since 2004 when it “won a bid to provide Venezuela with a reliable voting system.”
In Ausust 2017 Smartmatic Director Antonio Mugica admitted that the Smartmatic machines and software created at least one million phantom votes in the national elections in Venezuela. Mugica added that the fact election observers were not in the room helped Smartmatic machines steal the election.
It also lists Cook County, Illinois as another success story, when in “in 2006, Smartmatic signed what at the moment was the largest election automation contract in US history.” Cook County includes Chicago and its suburbs, a geographic zone that has historically and lately been subject to criticism for voter fraud.

The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in the British House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. He was formerly the vice-chairman of Soros’s Investment Funds and even the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations when he worked as chief of staff to Kofi Annan.
Malloch-Brown’s resume includes stints as vice-president of the UN World Bank and in British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s cabinet. In addition to a close relationship with Soros, Malloch-Brown has worked with consulting firms that are well-connected to Bill and Hillary Clinton. He was an international partner with the Sawyer-Miller consulting firm and was a senior adviser to FTI Consulting.
One of Sawyer-Miller’s alumni is Mandy Grunwald, who ran the firm’s communication contract for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential run. She was also the head of communications for Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 presidential bid. Jackson Dunn, who is a senior managing director with FTI Consulting, spent 15 years in Washington where he worked as an aide to President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hilllary Clinton. Smartmatic encountered controversy in the 2016 presidential contest. It ran the online balloting for the Utah Republican caucus in March of that year, when many critics said it was impossible to secure personal electronic devices that are used to register and vote.
Source: The Daily Caller
The Philippines Department of Justice (DOJ) ordered the filing of criminal charges against the Commission on Elections (Comelec) and vote-counting machine supplier Smartmatic for changing the script in the servers in the middle of results transmissions during the 2016 polls. The issue on the script change that altered the hash codes in the servers was among Senator Ferdinand Marcos’ main arguments when he accused the Liberal Party and Vice President Leni Robredo of rigging the elections. His camp has insinuated cheating when Robredo suddenly took the lead in the unofficial canvassing of votes after the code was changed. Marcos initially led the race on election night, but the LP bet took the top spot at around 3:45 am. Robredo emerged as the winner in the vice presidential race, leading Marcos by only 200,000 votes-plus.
BELOW: Attorney Glenn Chong, a former Filipino lawmaker, joined Michelle Malkin to discuss the Smartmatic corruption scandal in the Philippines election:
After the fake news declared Biden the winner of the 2020 election, Biden named Peter Neffenger, who was the current Chairman of the Board of Directors of Smartmatic, a member of his “Transition Team” according to Sidney Powell.
In an official press release published by Microsoft on September 24, 2019, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella announced the availability of “Election Guard”.
“ElectionGuard is accessible by design and will make voting more secure, verifiable and efficient anywhere it’s used in the United States or in democratic nations around the world. Today we’re announcing that ElectionGuard is now available on GitHub so that major election technology suppliers can begin integrating ElectionGuard into their voting systems.
“As we’ve previously announced, all major manufacturers of voting systems in the United States are working with us to explore ways to incorporate ElectionGuard into their systems including Clear Ballot, Democracy Live, Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, Hart InterCivic, BPro, MicroVote, Smartmatic and VotingWorks. We’ve worked deeply with many of these companies over the summer to prepare them for today’s SDK release.”
The ElectionGuard specification includes both “informal” and “formal” road maps for how ElectionGuard works. The informal spec is authored by Dr. Josh Benaloh of Microsoft Research and provides the conceptual and mathematical basis for end-to-end verifiable elections with ElectionGuard. The formal spec contains detailed guidance manufacturers will need to incorporate ElectionGuard into their systems, including a full description of the API – which is the way voting systems communicate with the ElectionGuard software – and the stages of an end-to-end verifiable election.
So in other words, through his “Defending Democracy” program, which was established in 2018, Bill Gates has infected the voting machinery across the country in an effort that would eventually eradicate in person voting and result in our future elections being carried out on the Internet. ElectionGuard hopes to end in-person voting altogether. Microsofts “Defending Democracy” Program reveals that one of its core goals is “Defending against disinformation campaigns” by partnering with think tanks and academic institutions. See article here.
In September 2023, The Gateway Pundit reported that The US Department of Justice brought charges against Andres Bautista, a Filipino election administrator, for money laundering. In the case, however, four executives of Smartmatic were reportedly named as uncharged co-conspirators. At the time, Smartmatic was also embroiled in defamation lawsuits filed against several American people and firms, including Mike Lindell and FOX News.
Bautista served as the Chairman of COMELEC from April 2015 to October 2017. COMELEC, or the Commission of Elections of the Republic of the Philippines, is an “independent agency mandated to enforce and administer election laws in the Philippines.
According to charging documents, “In or around the later part of 2015 and into 2016, Company 4 won bids for three contracts worth a total approximate value of $199,000,000 to supply COMELEC with voting machines and related services for the May 2016 elections for President, Vice-President, and other official positions.”
In August 2017, Bautista’s wife informed the Philippine National Bureau of Investigations that “her husband had large amounts of unexplained wealth.” From the charging documents:
“In or around August 2017, Bautista’s wife informed the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation agents that her husband had large amounts of unexplained wealth. She informed NBI’s Anti-Fraud Division that her husband had approximately one billion Philippines Peso, or approximately $20 million USD, of ‘ill-gotten wealth’. At their residence, she found foreign bank account information for Baumann, Shell Company X and Shell Company Y, that she previously did not know existed.
The documents allege that:
Bautista, in his capacity as Chairman of COMELEC, received and attempted to receive bribes from Co-Conspirator 1, 2, 3, 4 and Vendor A in exchange for using his position as Chairman of COMELEC to assist Company 2, Company 4, and others to obtain and retain business and improper advantages, including payments from COMELEC…Co-Conspirators 1, 2, 3, and 4 furthered the criminal scheme using personal email accounts and messaging applications to avoid detection, and in particular, Co-Conspirators 1 and 3 used email accounts registered under aliases.
All four co-conspirators are alleged to have “caused or attempted to launder” at least $4,000,000 USD through foreign and US bank accounts for the benefit of Bautista.
Malloch-Brown told ANC News that Latin America is a region that, much like the Philippines, has a “history of disrupted and thwarted elections” and in Latin America, “there has been the greatest adoption of these systems precisely because people trust machines to count fairly and not get into this sort of abuse that has happened with hand-counting systems in Latin America in the past.”
He continued, “COMELEC itself, you know the election body here, it’s own standing and confidence in it, has gone up dramatically since it adopted Smartmatic’s automatic systems.” The reporter responded by bringing up the 2010 election in the Philippines and the fact that Smartmatic should not have been permitted to bid in those elections because they did not own the software, “Dominion Voting Systems owned the software. Plus the difficulty which Smartmatic had to put the COMELEC through just in order to access the source code…people say we should not be subjected to Smartmatic again this time around.” Malloch-Brown goes on to defend the licensing with Dominion saying “it’s competitors who say that” and confirming that the license with Dominion to use their proprietary software is a “live license” and “has not been revoked.”