Taking Back Our Stolen History
Sovereign Rights

Sovereign Rights

The Battle of Stirling Bridge

The Battle of Stirling Bridge

The Battle of Stirling Bridge, fought on September 11, 1297, marked a turning point in the First War of Scottish Independence and solidified William Wallace's status as a national hero. This battle was a testament to Wallace's strategic genius and the determination of the Scottish forces to resist English domination. Stirling Bridge was a crucial crossing point over the River Forth, and controlling it was key to maintaining ...
King John Affixes His Seal to the Magna Carta, an Inspiration for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights

King John Affixes His Seal to the Magna Carta, an Inspiration for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights

"The democratic aspiration is no mere recent phase in human history . . . It was written in Magna Carta." --Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1941 Inaugural address On June 15, 1215, in a field at Runnymede, King John affixed his seal to Magna Carta. Confronted by 40 rebellious barons, he consented to their demands in order to avert civil war. Just 10 weeks later, Pope Innocent III ...