Obama signs NDAA 2012 Legalizing Use of Propaganda and Indefinite Detainment of US Citizens
Excellent article below by Alton Lu, an 18-year-old senior in high school at the time Back in the beginning stages of the War on Terrorism, President Bush …
Excellent article below by Alton Lu, an 18-year-old senior in high school at the time Back in the beginning stages of the War on Terrorism, President Bush …
From https://311truth.wordpress.com/: By now you may have already found out that the official story about March 11, 2011 in Japan, is not a representation of what …
On February 4th, 2011, an article appears in the NY Times regarding changes in the landscape of women’s soccer as the U.S. team becomes a …
A leaked U.S. Army document (May 2012) prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for “political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers” …
The Army’s internal study of the war in Iraq criticizes some efforts by its own psychological operations units, but one spur-of-the-moment effort last year produced …
The US government fabricates a psychological warfare campaign (aided by the compliant mass media) on the American people of the Jessica Lynch “rescue” which was …
The main argument former President George W. Bush used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a claim that Saddam Hussein was ramping up …
In January, 1999, as the US and NATO were preparing to launch a pre-planned massive bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, National Public Radio (NPR)and the Cable …
Q: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows”], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujaheddin …
The United States Army’s publication Special Forces Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures – updated in 2004 – recommends employing terrorists and using false flag …