Freedom House released a Report on China’s Religious Freedom
Freedom House released a report on China’s religious freedom. Key Findings Controls over religion in China have increased since 2012, seeping into new areas of …
Freedom House released a report on China’s religious freedom. Key Findings Controls over religion in China have increased since 2012, seeping into new areas of …
A Chinese pastor who served North Korean refugees and encouraged them to return to their country to minister to others was martyred in Changbai, China, …
When Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Apple CEO Tim Cook, who is openly homosexual, scolded him on morality; threats to …
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) has been, in modern campus terminology, “derecognized” by California State University schools. Basically, they will no longer be a recognized campus …
The Obama Department of Justice defunds a Young Marines chapter in Louisiana because their oath mentioned God, and another youth program because it permits a …
Melissa Harris-Perry, an MSNBC host and Tulane University professor, said in an MSNBC network promotion spot that, “We haven’t had a very collective notion of, …
In February 2012, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized guidelines requiring employers to pay for coverage of contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing …
A quarterly review document was leaked by government scientists for the FUNVAX vaccine for “Religious Fundamentalist” designed to infect brain cells and alter beliefs and …
Madalyn Murray O’Hair, a militant left wing atheist with close ties to the American Communist Party, took the school board of Baltimore to court for …
The Pennsylvania school system complied with a state law requiring that ten verses of scripture be read every day. The readings were without interpretation, comment …