Taking Back Our Stolen History

CFR Study No. 7: “…building a New International Order [which] must be Responsive to World Aspirations for Peace, [and] for Social and Economic Change”

In Study No. 7 Basic Aim of U.S. Foreign Policy, published by the CFR in November, 1959, they revealed their plans for the country: “The …

Rosa Louise Parks, a Resident of Montgomery, AL Refused to Obey Bus Driver James Blake’s Demand that she Relinquish Her Seat to a White Man.

She was arrested, fingerprinted, and incarcerated. When Parks agreed to have her case contested, it became a cause célèbre in the fight against Jim Crow laws. Her …

John O’Donnell on the Education System: “It is Simply to Reduce as Many Individuals as Possible to the Same Safe Level, to Breed and Train a Standardized Citizenry”

John O’Donnell, “Capitol Stuff,” From an article in the Daily News, May 12, 1954: The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; …

Rep. John Wood: “Are there no limits to our callousness and neglect of palpable and evident treason stalking rampant through our land, warping the minds…of even our… children”

“THE GREATEST SUBVERSIVE PLOT IN HISTORY: REPORT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON UNESCO” from The Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 82nd Congress, First …