While active denial of even the acronym TEMPEST, which is well known in the defense industry, is still in effect, it is the standard known to determine how much electromagnetic shielding is needed to thwart an attempt at reading the energy from monitors, TVs, or computers at a distance and reconstructing the information. This is the TEMPEST standard for military labs. Many have offered insight into what it might stand for. The best one I found is “The Electro-Magnetic Probability Estimates of Safe Thresholds” for undetectibility . These standards change with technology and guestimates on what sensitivity other countries have implemented. More satellites or bigger dishes, the more stringent the TEMPEST standards need to be.
MIND is the acronym for the top secret project of electromagnetic mind control. It stands for “Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator”. This is just a fancy phrase that means EEG cloning. TAMI stands for “Thought Amplifier and MIND Interface” . It seems to be a second generation system built on top of MIND. The acronym for the kill mode weaponized software of this technology is SATAN, “Silent Assassination Through Amplified Neurons” . While the CIA has a whole bag of “tricks” to menticize people, the drugs can leave a trace of metabolic residue or a signature of damage that they leave in the body and brain. So SATAN has become the preferred method of silent assassination in the agencies with the best “plausible denial” rating.
Mind magicians, mood mystros, and electronic illusionists
My interest as a child in magic sparked the interest which I have in physics, science, and psychology. Trying to understand how mental errors of assumptions could be induced in an audience by slight of hand techniques and verbal cues was an astounding psychological trick to me. I loved solving the mysteries of every illusion and magic trick I have ever seen. This love of solving mysteries continued throughout my life. There are almost no “black boxes” left for me to understand. I have taken apart every appliance and machine ever made. Later in life, I wanted to understand the most complex pieces of machinery on the planet, humans. I have explored many fascinating minds from all walks of life and cultures on this planet except for one segment. Sociopathic, unquestioningly obedient or “SchadenFreude” diseased people have eluded me on how they are created. I generally try to rid myself of negative people in my life. So this knowledge is something I did not seek, it found me.
Sociopaths occur both naturally from childhood traumas, genetics, or life experiences effecting people in unpredictable ways. Of interest to the CIA and some military divisions with assassins is how to create them. How can a Manchurian Candidate or programmed assassin be created is the question the MKULTRA mind control experiments help answer.
There have been many books written by survivors and experts in this area that I list in the appendix so I won’t go into every detail of the program that continues to this day. The basic steps that they use in the extreme can be experienced in milder forms such as boot camp in the military or cults. The only new twist to these horrific acts of experimentation and brutality to children and others destined by the corrupt elements in the government to perform programmed assassinations on command is that the MKULTRA programming can now be done completely wirelessly using TAMI, and various neural programming techniques. Less evidence, fewer memories, and more plausible denial makes this a great leap forward for the MKULTRA mind control chuckleheads who operate the systems and who are undoubtedly programmed using similar techniques.
For example if you believe the Columbine Shootings were caused by Marilyn Manson lyrics or hidden backwards messages on rock music like the investigation tried to finger, then why wouldn’t you believe that the military/CIA wouldn’t use Rock Music and subliminal programming to kill people. Their tactics and technology of mind control and subliminal persuasion is so much more advanced than these simple messaging techniques. You are naïve to believe such things caused the shootings.
Please pay attention, ignore the man behind the curtain! This is how the mind melding works . EEG Cloning (i.e. mind melding) or synchronizing of brainwaves has been known for half a century. The German Nazi scientists conducted countless brutal medical dissection on Jews. Not only were the Nazi’s close to building an atomic bomb but from these experiments they had figured out how to control the human mind with just electromagnetic energy. These scientists were divided up between the Russians and the US after WWII. They were brought over to the United States under project Paper Clip. For their loyalty they were forgiven for their war crimes. The U.S. and USSR began a new arms race. The first population wide system came online sometime between 1953 and 1960. These systems often are guised as over-the-horizon radar or ionosphere research projects.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear like magic to a lesser technologically advanced civilization.” – Isaac Asimov
The most basic mode first discovered was a simple amplification of brain waves. There are a couple patents that describe this in detail in the patent office. By feeding back EEG like waveforms into the same brain one amplifies thoughts. There are two types of brain amplification. One amplifies the synaptic modulation and the other amplifies brain entrainments, i.e. inducing more neurons to join a firing group at each pass or presentation of a stimuli. This is apparent from the project acronyms, TAMI and SATAN. In this mode, one experiences sounds louder, vision brighter, and an ADD (attention deficient disorder) like condition. It also leads to a paranoid schizophrenic condition over time. It is a good way to “incapacitate a target” as the military literature describes. In the patents that define this system, they used directed microwaves. But now what happens if you instead amplify one persons EEG signals by some method into another person’s brain? That person would begin to think like the person’s whose brain waves were being cloned onto him. They in fact by all intensive purposes, become that person to a great extent. I’ll leave the philosophy of this up to others. These people who have this done to them by choice or force are called “psychics”. It turns out that there are many methods and biochemical and biophysical mechanisms to induce synchronized brain entrainments. Three recent Sony patents use Ultrasonics to transfer the energy and signals. Other researchers have used magnetic coils, and electromagnetic frequencies that seem to traverse the spectrum up through microwaves. Even the modes of neural pathway induction vary from pulsed waveforms encoded by the pulse duration and timings to continuous ELF amplitude and phase modulated signals. It appears from the literature that many things work. Even sound and light flashing can entrance or entrain peoples’ brains to follow the simple patterns.
Now the third big area of research for the CIA in the past that leaves one scratching their heads as why our tax dollars would be going towards that endeavor is splitting personalities. Splitting personalities was a mechanism used to create and control the old fashioned mind slave spies . The CIA call themselves handlers of these people.
But interestingly enough, the effect of a hive mind is to create what appears to be a split personality if one didn’t look behind the curtain to see who was pulling the levers. The hive mind EEG cloning experiments involve 2-6 people typically in a test cell . Cloning someone’s mind onto someone else changes their personality and behavior. But in the best conditions, the entire body and will are taken over. “Forced speech” is one of the unsettling capabilities of the technology and the term used by people who have been given demonstrations of it. The best way to describe what a neural link feels like in a medium intensity cloning signal, is it is a cell phone call with the callers voice, emotion, and some physical urges transferred while they speak. This is why many victims “talk to themselves”. They actually are talking to someone else. With cell phone head sets getting smaller, more people are being accused of being crazy or being psychic. If the target does not move his/her mouth when the other people talk but he/she talks back by using his/her mouth, he/she is said to be talking to him/herself as psychologists describe. But if the person moves their mouth in sync with the speech from the cloner due to the cloning link intensity, they have multiple personalities according to the shrinks. In a strange way, they do have separate personalities. The neural modulation from the external cloning signal conveys certain aspects of the transferred brain entrainments. However, the target’s “sense of self” is not usual lost due to the external cloning signal and the other “person” is still perceived as separate much like how one doesn’t get confused by a telephone conversation. Now, what if someone used voice transformation software and threw your own voice while you were talking on the phone using an ear piece, could your mind get confused as to what was said by “you” and your sense of self blurred?
Everyone gets a different subset of involuntary experiments conducted on them but only a few get the whole shebang. The patterns are obvious. I am no Sherlock Homes and I solved this age old riddle in less than six months of interviewing people. Don’t tell me that the most inept FBI agent investigating these “x-files” couldn’t have solved it. The corruption and conspiracy are very real in this country.
Mind magicians use slight of mind tricks through strategic distractions. The government uses this technique all the time. The Iraq war is somewhat of a planned distraction away from what is happening domestically. More overtly, there have been many examples where strategic media leaks occur in order to change the focus of attention of the nation. Bush used it when he got caught with his NSA scandal; he tried to focus the attention on the whistle blowers rather than his illegal domestic spying practices. Even the NSA domestic spying scandal can be viewed as a charade compared to psychic spying and torturing of thousands of Americans. It pales in comparison as a news worthy topic.
Do you comprehend the magnitude of this discovery and technology yet?
In the EEG hive mind, with equal weighting amongst all the participants, you have a severe problem with multiple foci of attention creating attention deficient disorder like symptoms. By reconfiguring the hive mind into a tree like structure of EEG influence, the shared brain waves are more manageable. Also after spending a lot of time adapting to each others thoughts, there is less mental conflict. However as a weapon, the tactic of diverting a thought of a target can be extremely useful in controlling their decisions or actions.
Stupid Alien Tricks
Laughter is the best medicine. It helps us emotionally cope with potentially uncomfortable situations and slowly integrate disturbing new information. So, throughout our voyage we will be periodically entertained by the ship of fools in a segment called “Stupid Alien Tricks.”
The first and most important stupid alien trick is to make the target think that the aliens have the capability to cause heart attacks or strokes. This is almost a universal prank and was used on Saddam Hussein in 1992 according to USA Today. Remember that with EEG heterodyning (the Electromagnetic Matrix), you only die if you believe that you can die. It is the panic and paranoia that causes the heart to race ever faster and causes the target to do irrational things dangerous to them self.
I know magicians are never supposed to reveal their tricks but here is how it is done. During an attack, the brain waves of the attacker are more strongly amplified onto the target and the target’s brain waves are only lightly amplified into the attacker. Simply by the psychic assailant pressing on their chest, spinning in their chair, and being out of shape and having their heart rate speed up from spinning in their chair, these sensations feel very scary to the target. They feel their heart pounding out of their chest. They feel the pain in their chest. And they are getting dizzy. The assailants can even make their left arm numb or cold by putting it in water to further the illusion. All the sensations are amplified into the target’s mind. There will be more detail on this “remote controlled heart attack” methodology later in the book, that was first described by Russian ‘psychics’ back in the 1970’s.
The psychic army needs to practice on civilians because in my case the attacker thought the heart was in the right side of the chest. This spoiled the illusion for me. Silly Aliens, tricks are for kids.
Brain Mapping and Normalization Software
You can get free brain mapping software from open source forums. The trick here is to align brain signatures. If the same stimulus is given to two individuals their whole brain patterns will be close but different enough that it may make them incompatible for raw EEG heterodyning. Let’s say a word is presented to two humans with similar cultures, their brains will produce similar wave forms for the given frequencies of interest and cascading sequences. That is the key. One must analyze the time sequence of the cognitive model. A famous example of this is called the multiple segment truck backing up problem. I used back propagation neural networks to demonstrate it. The exact mathematical modeling doesn’t matter as much as one would think. As Steven Wolfram concludes in his book,”A New Kind of Science”, computation equivalence gives rise to the exact same subjective manifestation or model that we experience as consciousness.
The cover of this book shows a mock graphical presentation of the DoD’s brain mapping application. The only screen shot that I nearly exactly replicated was the psychic warfare training program nicknamed, “The pain game”. The others I doctored to improve on their design.
Brain Signal Filtering Software
The other amazing technology that they have been working on for EEG heterodyning is brain wave sequence filtering. Clearly when you mind meld with someone and you are the interrogator, you don’t want them to read your bluffs or information from your brain. So they have developed frequency time filters to isolate types of brain information from being transferred. I am happy to report that they are still very flawed, and certain scanning and probing techniques that I will explain in detail in my next book work quite well at hacking the hacker’s mind.
“The Science Channel” produced a documentary called “Spied R Us”. It has an episode on the CIA methods of hacking the human mind. But in that episode you will see the slight of hand technique so often used. They talk about putting a video camera on flying model airplanes for surveillance around corners as a new CIA investment. This is to mislead people how advanced the state of the art actually is. I have a model airplane I built 15 years ago that does the same thing. There is a mechanical dragon fly in the CIA museum from 1970 that was a working spy cam. This is how your tax dollars are wasted just to mislead you, because you can’t be trusted. Without the cloak and dagger ego currency for the boys that never grow up, how could they motivate this army of retards to attack their own people for weapons’ data.
The Psychic Wars
I can’t believe my business school classmates at Dartmouth would joke about how smart I was by asking me if I have been bending any spoons lately with my mind and now I am writing about psychic wars. Truth is stranger than fiction.
One objective of psychic attacks or more accurately called EEG heterodyning attacks is to screw up someone’s visual perception. This is done by the EEG cloner almost always unbeknownst to the target. The psychic soldiers practice this mental trickery routinely in psychic war games conducted on people worldwide and talked about by Dr. Becker in a CNN interview on these weapons back in the 80’s. I have been able to compile a comprehensive list of practiced illusions from my countless interviews with test subjects around the U.S. and the demonstration I was given. Referring to the Malech Patent by Dorn and Company, the apparatus can detect if someone is hallucinating or cause hallucinations in them.
The black magic practiced by the psychic warriors is mostly illusions and tricks of the mind. The game of psychic soldiers is to cause errors in thinking and perceiving. When brain waves are mixed (i.e. heterodyned) any auditory or visual misperceptions, i.e. errors, are transferred to the target. So psychic soldiers practice perceiving visual errors. Like one who stares at an autostereogram (see cover of book), if you relax your eye gaze, the dots below in the picture form a 3-d pattern in your brain. This is an error of perception because there is no real object there. Oddly enough, this is what it takes to be a psychic attack soldier. In a near sensory deprivation setting, the heterodyned attacker sees in his mind’s eye the same visual scene as the target. By focusing on bringing objects into the foreground that are normally in the background causes a parallax visual perception error in the target. This can be devastating while driving since only road markers can be seen as cues to stay on the road at night. Flying at night like JFK Jr. did would pose another serious risk of disorientation. The attacker can also cross their eyes or focus on perceiving movement visually to disorient the target. You can try this yourself by turning your T.V. onto a station with just white noise. If you practice and concentrate you can see the noise moving in any direction you want or cause other spinning patterns and such that are not truly there. It is almost purely random visual noise but your expectations of what you think you should see cause the visual processing algorithms in your brain to converge on a faulty solution of the ill-posed vision problem.
If the connection is strong, shadows and fully conjured images can be overlaid into the target’s visual cortex. A strong connection depends on many factors discussed later.
This random dot autostereogram features a raised shark with fine gradient on a flat background. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autostereogram .
Another capability of the system “is to drive the target crazy with voices” as one colonel published. This is like having a crying baby and a cell phone you can’t turn off duck taped to each ear. If the conversation is bad enough it could drive someone crazy over time. Another Colonel said, “If you can project voices into the enemy, I will talk them to their death.” More likely to be used during a Holy War, is being able to fake “the voice of God” as the weapons capability is often termed and order them to lay down their arms or kill their comrades. More useful are the subliminal suggestions that can influence their actions and opinions without them being fully aware of the influence.
We have gone so deep into the hole following this stupid white rabbit that we have almost reached HELL .
Stupid Alien Tricks
So, I admit it. I fell for it. Almost every victim tries the same defensive shielding approaches at great cost. Part of the strategy of the weapons testers is to deplete the victims of financial resources while by forcing the victims to spend all their money on defense research. One of the shielding approaches that everyone thinks of is a Faraday Cage. It is supposed to stop low frequency electric fields but as one find’s out cell phones work in them so they can’t be that effective.
Anyway, once I was completely contained in my Faraday Cage the abusive testers said, “Look, we caged our human animal. Now the real experiments can begin.” I have to admit that I laughed aloud. They indeed have imprisoned me both physically and mentally now. Score one for the Aliens.
Examples of Electronic Warfare capabilities and Other Types of Directed Energy
The same RADAR and global surveillance grid of directed energy can be used for many other purposes than just human nervous system manipulation and disruption. Just through a satellite signal the many segments of the U.S. power grid could be taken out. One capability that my EEG heterodyned experimenters told me about was that not only can they capture all electronic device signals and play them back like car locks, alarm systems and garage door openers is that they can simultaneously hack all garage door opening systems in the U.S. causing a power surge that will shut down power in many metropolitan cities, especially California where consumption is at a critical capacity. Or they could set off all car alarms systems simultaneous causing havoc. They even are working on testing a theory that they will blame on cyber terrorists. A computer virus that turns the computer into a radio frequency emitter that can hack external systems like garage doors at a specific time to see if they can cause a massive power outage with just a computer virus. The Russians were blamed for the computer virus called Satan 666 that was to cause heart arrhythmias by sending psychotronic signals through a computer monitor, but I suspect it came from the same source as most domestic espionage. Remember the game, more terrorism, more fear, more money and power for the defense industry.
But more disturbingly, these power obsessed agents bragged about how other Star Wars Initiative weapons they have access to could destroy most life on Earth. How, by systematically burning down all the world’s forests and suffocating much of the life that requires oxygen. I’m sure it is true since making powerful CO2 lasers that can start fires up to two miles away can be done by hobbyists . But don’t fear, the aliens have nukes that could do it much quicker anyway. In addition Oxygen can be manufactured artificially.
The military has documents that discuss hacking 802.11b wireless standard from their communications command structures. So even if your computer isn’t connected to the internet, if you leave your wireless link on, the tax dollar funded crooks can hack you. The first week when I was “abducted” someone started hacking my computers from an SID of “AngelNet”. I put trip wires in my system to see what they were looking for. They eneded up purging 7 years of my digital life. Obviously “AngelNet” could have been a reference to the book,“Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” and they were boldly saying that the HAARP antenna field has the ability to hack and read computers in this hemisphere. I assumed at the time it was a neighbor within 100 feet of my dwelling who was hacking my system as I watched them. I hate cyber terrorists and ‘psychoterrorists’ . I am extremely disappointed that the majority of terrorism and psychos can be tracked right back to the CIA/DoD shadow government.
Stupid Alien Tricks
In order to test their abilities to intercept mobile phone communication and scramble it, the aliens exercise their power in several ways with the integrated signal and communication intelligence systems. Their cell phone jammers work quite well. Most victims describe no matter how often they move, this scenario occurs. They choose a location and check to make sure it gets great mobile phone reception, once they move in their mobile phone reception drops to zero after a week.
My neurally linked brethren enjoyed telling me when I was about to receive a call on my phone or they would tell me that I missed a call and often who it was. Other capabilities demonstrated on me for example, one time when I called myself to record license plates of alien paparazzi (stalkers) on my voicemail, they told me to listen to the messages that I left myself. To my amazement, they had scrambled the packets from my phone to the message center. It was like every quarter second the voice information was reversed. So I sounded like I was speaking an alien language and the content was unintelligible for all of the messages. This capability was used in Operation Desert Storm on Iraqi Generals with voice transformation software to mimic other Generals.
Back to unraveling “The Matrix” metaphor. In the movie the heroes would get pulled out of electromagnetic matrix by a phone call. The reason for this is because the technology is based on the CIA program RHIC, remote hypnotic intra-cerebral control. The loud startling ringing of a phone breaks the hypnotic spell temporarily and pulls one out of the electromagnetic matrix world. Hypnosis is used both as a weapon and a necessary synchronized state for a strong bi-directional neural link.
Aliens suck! We need to capture and dissent them to see what makes them so evil and sociopathic if we are to stop the spread of this cultural virus, this disease of the collective consciousness.
Continued on next page…