Architecture of “The Matrix”
During the experiments, the data collectors perform tests of sentence completion and prediction probabilities. In another mode of TAMI, what sounds like multiple threads simultaneously running, about ten to twenty possible completions of your precognitive thoughts or partially begun sentences are spoken back to you. They called these programs mimicants. Each one completed the thought or sentence differently. It was like a matrix of probabilities of previous sentence patterns used to guess like fill-in-the-blank sentence completion on the SATs. It sounded exactly like the scene in “The Matrix” where Neo meets the architect. I have worked in both industry and for the Department of Defense on pattern recognition systems and artificial intelligence. I recognized much of my own type of work in TAMI’s algorithms. Every classification category has a confidence metric associated with it. Sentence completion, word, image and object recognition, etc., works on the same principles. Rather than just speaking back to the target the most probable speech pattern for completion, the top ten responses were spoken back simultaneously. My mind seems to be too complex for their sentence completion algorithms to accurate forecast, and almost every “thought sonarization” was incorrect, but close enough for government work.
Resonant Feed Forward Neural Network for Speech Recognition
If you aren’t a geek you may want to skip this section. There are many artificial neural network models. One popular one is called back propagation. Speech recognition software often uses classification algorithms called Markov Modeling. All statistical classification algorithms have slightly different tradeoffs in terms of ease of programming, invariance, and necessary training dataset size.
There are two interesting observations to point out with TAMI. The Stanford Research Institute demonstrated an EEG inner voice recognition system back in the 70s. It classified certain brainwaves of a person’s thinking about speaking a word and it recognized the phonetic decomposition and spoke it aloud from a computer. This technology went black for several decades.
Sequential Brain Wave Entrainments for Speech Recognition in the Wernick center of the human brain.
The other discovery for civilian scientists I would like to emphasize during the technology transfer demonstration for me by the DoD/CIA is that language, words, and sentences are created from time sequenced frequency “modes”. That means that word understanding is a combination of sound perception (possibly induced by the microwave hearing effect) at the primitive level and the state of prior presentations of the brain phonetic recognition resonant frequencies. So this means that the understanding of language only requires the correct sequence of induced currents in the brain based on achieving the new resonant state and not dependent on the exact timing between each state transition for the final recognition of a word. This is intuitive based on Markov models and resonant neural network state dependent model theory. {This is where the output of the neural network is looped back as the next state or inputs into the beginning of the network.}
Demonstrations of precognitive phoneme , word, and sentence classification, a subsystem of TAMI
People speak in fairly predictable sentence patterns. The sentence predictor software learns an individual’s sentence patterns over months of training samples, correlating the precognitive word formations with the actual utterances. This system is a demonstration of precognitive recognition and classification of intent and would allow split second faster reaction times if it were a physical intention that was being predicted. The Navy has done the most research in this area in regards to reading EEG signals for faster reaction times. However, this software’s actual purpose is to be used to help with “locking on” to a host mind by helping the psychic soldier begin the same cognitive and linguistic brain patterns as the host so as to synchronize the entrainments more precisely. That is the main goal for psychic warriors. Better they become at “locking on”, adapting their minds to the host, the more control they have over the host mind, will, and then body and better they can experience the targets thoughts, i.e. mind reading.
The system repeats phrases over and over again to lock the host mind into that linguistic pattern until the host and target minds match above some threshold.
Here is a screen shot inside the US psychic war room, I mean the Borg Cube. The waveform on the left is some visual transformation of the psychic attacker’s brain entrainments and activity and the one on the right is the target. The graph in the middle below is a differential overlay of the two people and useful as visual feedback for the cloning army solider to acquire a lock on .
For a personality type that is not in the human MIND database, EEG cloning takes a while to occur. The target unbeknownst to them are receiving the modulated brain signals of the attacker and vice versa. The neural networks of the combined mind begin to self organize the shared data. In addition to the self organizing feature of neural networks, the software behind the scenes is doing autocorrelation with some human intervention to map and align the variances of the two minds to speed along the process to full cloning capability.
One simple method of breaking the cloning lock involves word games. By speaking nonsensical sentences that can’t be predicted by the software and that the other person must think about to understand, the mind patterns separate for a brief time until the psychic attacker can reacquire the host brain patterns. Bilingual speakers can break the lock by switching to another language. Inner voice conversations which are difficult if not impossible to avoid, strengthens the link increasing all the shared perceptions, especially higher order mental functions like concepts. This is one of the main purposes of what is termed “voice to skull” . Longer a lock can be broken or disrupted, the more time it takes for it to be reacquired. See the section on Anti-Psychotronic Theory for technologies that help break this lock.
Neuromarketing has appeared many times in innovation and then disappeared. If the microwave hearing effect can be used to pipe in voice commands directly into the subconscious mind, you can imagine how powerful a marketing tool it would be. But for now, the DoD and intelligence communities circle around like vultures to intimidate any who works on such technologies. This is still a forbidden area of research. You must go abroad to work on it.
Elisa and Natural Language Processing Using Phonemes From Brain Waves.
The MKULTRA programming also adds an element of automation to creating your private purgatory. Elisa was a computer program back in the 70’s which demonstrated artificial intelligence. It acted like a psychologist and asked stupid questions and responded to answers. It would parse and understand sentences. This field is called (NLP – natural language processing not to be confused with NLP – neural linguistic programming). Elisa fooled about half the people who communicated with it into believing it was a real human being on the other end. Now, fast forward 35 years and instead of parsing natural language phrases from keystrokes, it recognizes phonetic brain waves and parses them into words and sentences for artificial intelligence and natural language processing. This was demonstrated by the Stanford Research Institute in the 70’s. Now the tortures and menticizations can scale to entire populations through this automation. I call one of TAMI’s functions, a sentence stimulator. For many of the test subjects, they describe the conversations in their head as very artificial and with almost no intelligence and very repetitive and limited in terms of topics of discussion. This would describe about the current state of the art.
Artificial intelligence and natural language processing were other areas of interest that I studied at Harvard. I worked on a program that was to show emotion based on the probable frustration level of the computer user (which was based on the frequency of errors and crashes). The brain wave cognitive Elisa, adds realism by inducing an empathetic emotion with the words that the target feels. This adds a new dimension of convincing information that the synthetic mind virus is a real person.
Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) was first introduced into the Army and pursued as a weapon by the infamous Col. John Alexander. These brain washing techniques fit quite intuitively into the capabilities of TAMI. I endured about 2 months of this kind of repetitive programming which basically consists of repetitive overt suggestion very similar to a technique called psychic driving invented by the CIA paid torture specialist Dr. E. Cameron.. It wasn’t very effective on me, so I’m not very impressed by the technique and think that “NLP masters” are joke profession. However the national anthem “psychically driven” at every sporting event seems to work quite well.
However, due to the large numbers of people that this is done to and the often full time aspect of the constant babble, it would make sense that they would switch over the live hive mind participants to an automated system so that they could move on while both maintaining the illusion of a live neural link and a “psychosis” that never heals. Then only a single moderator would be needed to monitor the interactions of several targets in case the link failed for any number of reasons.
Synthetic Telepathy
Phoneme recognition uses some brain waves from the premotor cortex for tongue, mouth, and throat and the audio cortex recall to be amplified and rebroadcast into another mind which is then perceived as speech and sound. It turns out that speech is not encrypted in the brain as much as one would think. There is a direct mapping between sound recall and speech phonemes with their audio wave analogue. This was first demonstrated with EEG probes at the Stanford Research Institute.
Design Flaws with TAMI
TAMI has a voice recognition interface that the EEG cloners use during collection of internal sentences for training TAMI’s precognitive sentence prediction software. The Cloner’s would say “Shut up TAMI!” as a computer voice recognized phrase, in order to increase the recognition threshold confidences. The problem with the interface design is that the attacker can be hacked by the target. The system does not distinguish between any of the internal voices of the collective hind mind. See hacking the eye gaze tracker interface.
System Flaws with TAMI
As with any system where a signal is amplified and fed back to the sensor, oscillations can occur known as feedback. This also applies to amplified brain waves. They are working on finding fixes for these feedback conditions. Two examples can be found in synthetic telepathy. The first kind of feedback loop occurs at the phrase level where a decaying echo of the phrase is heard and repeated. The second one is at a sound perception level. Almost everyone who is EEG heterodyned and not just cloned, hears a tinnitus at some point. If a psychic cloner is just replicating your brain waves onto his, there is no feedback loop. Feedback only occurs when the psychic is trying to influence you in a two way brain entrainment lock. The tinnitus is caused by several signals, but the loudest steady state tone is due to the feedback loop generated from the host’s hearing, being amplified to the parasite and mixed with his brainwaves, and then amplified again and sent back to the host. The feedback frequency is usually around 11,111 hertz. Like with a microphone too close to a speaker, they have come up with some unusual ways to break the feedback loop. The feedback is automatically detected and a strong secondary pulsing frequency is injected that is slightly off the feedback frequency, which over powers the conscious focus on the feedback base frequency. This slight change of attention in the brain, dampens the tinnitus frequency attenuation and returns the signals to controlled levels and synthetic telepathy can again be heard.
This flaw can be a point of detection and defense. Using a tone generator, a target can identify his/her feedback frequency. Playing an overpowering sound at the tinnitus frequency with various modulations, preferably into each ear, will lock into place the feedback loop thereby rendering a voice to skull attack void. However, the annoying high pitch ring is distracting and could still cause some decreased attention to tasks at hand.
Another method the weapons designers came up with, is to distract the targets attention from the feedback frequency using body jerks. A sequence of small, random limb jerks automatically begins when the feedback frequency is maintained for a few seconds. This too can dampen the brain wave amplification of that signal in order to regain two way communications. The brain signals of sound perception that are causing feedback are a transformation of actual frequencies so the appropriateness of the analogy of a microphone too close to the speaker is limited.
Even longer time frame feedback loops exist in heterodyned hive minds. Everyone has encountered something like this while just walking down the street. You see an oncoming pedestrian and you veer to the left. At the same time, the pedestrian veers to his right. You then respond by correcting the other way, and in return he does too. You find yourselves in a comedic dance with a stranger.
Most victims of government practice torture and kill programs die unnatural deaths from car crashes, heart attacks, suicide, and cancer that the weapons test program managers justify mostly as secondary effects from the testing.
While there are many purposeful attempts to make people crash, most crashes are probably caused by secondary effects. Driving while talking on the cell phone has been compared to being legally drunk in terms of increased risks due to the distraction. Similarly, voice to skull harassment is a much more profound distraction with proportionately increased risks. But an anomalous feedback loop of physical intentions also occurs, decreasing the ability of a target to operate a plane or vehicle properly. EEG hive mind participants share almost every desire from hunger to scratching an itch. When one person is driving and pressing on the gas or brake pedal, the other people in the hive mind have the urge to tap their foot. Their urge to tap their foot is amplified back to the driver who then presses harder or softer on the gas. It leads to a very jerky ride. It is the same comedic dance that occurs with pedestrians avoiding each other. In engineering this feedback system is called resonance or instability due to under dampening of the signal.
In response to these higher level brain patterned resonances, brain wave filtering methods are being developed to dampen all these abnormalities that occur in the most wasteful and unnatural configurations of brains currently being researched, called EEG cloned hive minds. This is how your tax dollars are being wasted and keeping the aliens on welfare.
Stupid Alien Tricks
The Aliens often amused themselves by leaving clues in their words spoken to their projects. One of the phrases they repeated over and over again to me was, “You are the one!” This is a clear reference to Neo in the movie The Matrix, who everyone referred to as the one. Neo was the one whom the Oracle prophesized would save the humans from the machines. Well as I conducted more research, to my surprise the pitch of my newly acquired tinnitus was exactly 11,111. The aliens laughed at my discovery and it was never mentioned again. I hate aliens.
{Screen Shot of SATAN’s GUI – eye gaze tracking interface. To start up a torture the eyes drag the menu item to a sand box area that activate it. Another menu on the sand box shows a menu list of all active tortures and by selecting one and dragging it back to the other menu area it is deactivated.}
The lettering on the pull down menu items have a cryptic language on them. It looks like a combination of Russian, Greek, English, Egyptian, Japanese, and Chinese characters with a hieroglyphic twist. Remember the matrix code that drips down the screen? For each menu item in the eye gaze interface, there is a unique blend of symbols derived from the various languages of the planet. It was created so that it can be used by and on any nationality in the world without clues to the real country of origin doing the attacking in case there is a visual filter breech and the target sees the screen. That is why it looks both alien and native. The matrix code characters which stream down the screen are really just the pull down menus expanding and then submenus expanding with this language independent interface. Interesting to see how it was interpreted in the movie. (See the document in the appendix on NASA’s mind control program with children.) NASA conducted mind control on children as testified by an astronaut. The children who are grown up now were involved in MKULTRA like programs and have recovered most of their memories. One child says that they were trained to read “intergalactic symbols” developed by NASA for the purpose of communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is these symbols that are used on the SATAN torture and psychic warfare interface that I have seen and approximated in the screen shots in the movie, “The Matrix”. They were not developed for speaking to extraterrestrial aliens, but just the evil ones born here on Earth.
Scary Alien Quotes
“Will you tell anyone that we planned the assassination of Kennedy and screwed up Michael Dukakis’s speeches? We’ve done this to so many doctors none of whom could figure it out. We are going to turn a Harvard grad into a homeless bum within a year unless you can stop us. If you can do it to you, we can do it to anyone!”
Capabilities and Uses of TAMI, SATAN, and MIND
Remote Controlled Heart Attacks – Don’t Panic!
There are two methods used to induce heart attacks by electromagnetic energy. Here is the trick behind the first method of remote controlled heart attacks and how you can defend against them. It was theorized by Russian scientists that a runaway adrenal panic process in conjunction with stimulating the heart to beat faster and causing some vasoconstriction could lead to a heart attack. This was done on me several times where I passed out on one occasion but I am young and healthy. It would definitely work on the elderly. It is mostly a head game. It is true that they can speed up the heart rate with EEG brain waves (many of the brain waves are above 60 hz) and they can cause vasoconstriction but the designer of us in his great wisdom made it nearly impossible for our minds, even in extreme fear and panic, to kill the body or literally to be scared to death. The best motto for an EEG clone remote control heart attack attempt is, “If it is satanic, don’t panic!” If you know how the effect works and you have Beta Blockers or Valium on hand, it will be impossible for them to accomplish it. They will cause imaginary heart pains. They will make your left arm feel cold and numb. Check your pulse; it will be within tolerable limits. It is merely a trick to make you think they have this capability. Beta blockers block the signal from the brain that will increase the heart rate. Many people suffer “panic attacks” that they mistake for heart attacks and call an ambulance. I would bet that when all is known in 20 or 30 years on these mass experiments on the public that “panic attacks” will drop off significantly because most are caused by the weapons testing groups without the microwave hearing effect telling them what is happening.
All the ‘voice to skull’ attacks on people are scripted performances by the human effects weapons testers. They follow the exact same series of events with just the details tailored to the individual. It is very advantageous to the humans that the machine is predictable and uncreative. Here are the main points of panic that they will use against a victim who hasn’t read this book.
- “Your brain is being fried by microwaves”. There is a 5% increase risk for brain and other cancers for these experiments according to my government sources but this is insignificant compare to the number of years of your life they take through the stress of believing they are cooking you.
- Once you understand what EEG cloning is, you can see how ridiculous these big bad psychic attackers really are. Everything you feel, they feel amplified and vice versa. They have developed a few brain wave filters for certain types of brain activity but on the most part, you both are of one single mixed mind. So they might say, “We are giving you a stroke.” You will feel a strange sensation like what you might imagine as blood leaking into your head. While in reality, the psychic attacker puts water on his/her hands and is dampening their scalp. It really is this pathetic. This is like when children pretend they are breaking eggs on other children’s head by slowly running their fingers in a spreading gelatinous mess like motion.
- “We are cooking your heart muscle”. The psychic attackers press on their chest or play a prerecorded heart ache to further this illusion of mind. Remember in these mind control experiments, it is only brain waves that are being manipulated no matter how real anything feels. You can’t trust any of your senses.
- “We are going to kill your entire family and all your friends if you tell anyone.” Quite the opposite is true, informing a few trusted friends what is happening would more likely keep you from disappearing without a trace. Do not go to the police or FBI. They will lock you up in the psych ward. That probably should go for all rape victims, mental rapes or physical. Most authorities are not smart enough or educated enough to understand the physics behind these weapons so don’t bother trying to update them. Many hundreds have tried and failed. You will learn in time, that all the threats made by synthetic telepathy from guys probably based in Virginia are empty.
- If they are able to raise your sensitivity levels to paranoid through the stalking program and threats, you will begin to attribute every bad luck event in your life to them. This creates an illusion that they have lots of power over your life. Be logical and practice double checking your conclusions.
- “We have the police in our pockets and they will plant drugs on you.” While there are a few CIA and other agents posing as California Highway Patrol that might do that, there is still no reason to panic because there is nothing you can do to avoid that level of corruption. Deal with it if it happens the best you can.
- Also, once they have you believing that they are going to destroy everything in your life that you value, your mind starts thinking of ways they might do it. EEG cloning allows the psychic attackers to read every little fear that crosses your mind and they are trained to use them against you. Remember that. Practiced positive thinking can help thwart this kind of attack of using your own mind against you.
- Visual imagery of daemons and such that victims report as holograms or materializations are often used to frighten the more superstitious and religious types. This is the traditional haunting and ghost imagery method.
I do not want to take away from the fact that the prolonged experimental process is incredibly debilitating due both to the constant various pain and a severe distraction of noise piped into your head. It will to say the least ruin your life as you had planned it. But you need to accept your temporary slavery status, and move towards educating more people. The mass information streams have been locked up, so grass roots efforts and some creative thinking is needed to scale and spread this information. Remember the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s advice, “Don’t Panic!”
The second method of remote controlled heart attacks is more direct. The heart, like the brain, uses patterns of electrical signals to maintain its function. Disrupting the regular electrical pattern can under certain circumstances cause fibrillation or over prolonged periods, heart arrhythmias. Precisely timed pulses or electrical resonance modulation of the heart will cause the heart to skip a beat and decrease the overall compression force of each stroke. These more direct methods can be thwarted with a thick leather jacket many test survivors have stated. Leather acts like an external skin and absorbs much of the radar energy before entering the body. However, I was a bit cocky during these remote assassination attempts and let them do their worst for five hours until they gave up and were convinced that this method was not enough to work on me. These are the weapons of silent assassination being touted as “non lethal” because their dial-in-effects kill settings are still not satisfactorily predictable.
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