Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

I know that I am probably going into too much detail about the CIA mind control experiments, but one that I found particularly interesting is that they can determine what images and forms you find attractive. They can show you a sequence of people and determine through some brain wave response who you found attractive. This could be useful if they were to use an agent to try and extract information or gain confidence through intimacy. On a funny note, I was told that one characteristic that CIA field agents usual have is below average looks. The psychological advantage is that most people don’t remember or stare at average or below average looking people and hence it makes them more covert in their missions. The truth isn’t nearly quite as glamorous as James Bond or Mission Impossible.

One of the more advanced microwave hearing effect tricks

Phase angle segmentation of voice throwing

Imagine a bunch of soldiers surrounding a speaker listening to static, barely able to pick up their orders which are cutting in and out, garbled intentionally by the electronic warfare jammers. Every listener will have a different angle relative to the speaker. It is possible to make every person hear different commands coming through the speaker. Several psychic soldiers could get them to argue over what was heard or get them all to do the wrong things in a disorganized fashion. How is this done?

I was demonstrated this technique for an entire day and had many different theories how it was done at the time but I am certain that the ventriloquism and bar trick is done this way…

So an amusing spy game that was played with me, as a nice distraction from the torture, was an encoded message, one like I have never seen. I studied how to crack DES and other encryption technologies but had no real experience in the hacking techniques of the human mind before my ordeal. In secret government laboratories, the encryption keys are changed as frequently as can be cracked by the best decryption machines they have. The human brain can not change its encryption, so once decoded your brain is forever part of the TAMI database and network. The mind has no firewall.

Using any noise source, specific frequencies from that source can be amplified perceptually. So, encoding a voice pattern into a noise source is simply a matter of timing of the neuronal pathways that amplify the perception of the projected voice frequencies. In my research into FBI cases and interviews with government test subjects, it is obvious that any noise source can be used and in some cases not even necessary depending on the individual’s brain amplification. I have read testimony that describes how refrigerators or even Rice Krispies would talk to test subjects. In my demonstration, I had a rain maker/white noise generator running. It had a single speaker.

The message was complex, patterned, and repetitive. I heard a sequence of four words which rotated through 10 other sets after each phrase was uttered in a poetic style.

The phrases were, “Talk to your governor”. “I’ll bring you coffee”. “I am the secretary.” “Now, raise a caucus”. “Dukakis went to Harvard”. “Join their cosmology department”. This game got boring to me since I was not a spy and turned off by the cloak and dagger bullshit. I would walk away. At about 10 feet away from the noise source, the message became “Get back here!” It was all computer generated. Later they explained the cloak and dagger game.

The basic gist of the message was that the secretary of defense ordered these projects. All you can do is complain to your governor. Michael Dukakis maybe has a chance at running for president, but people who are familiar with the Kennedy assassination conspiracy and the mind control angle also know that Dukakis’s run for presidency was interfered with using these directed energy mind control weapons. So the message is that it is even futile trying to change the government. At the time, I didn’t understand the message to join the cosmology department completely. It is that this is all done by Star Wars technology, and a clue that stealth RADAR uses scalar waves which can only be resolved using a radio telescope.

By rotating the sound source or by walking around the device, I would hear a different set of the 4 word messages depending on my head orientation to the sound source. The real message could only be heard by walking from left to right after one word was uttered. There were 4 segmented phase angles with a different set of words that would be played in each. But the real messages could only be deciphered if you followed the word train in order through each segmented phase angle. The real message was encoded in a few of the diagonals of each set of word trains. This was just a spy game and the messages are irrelevant. It was only a test.

Now let’s look at the science behind the trick. Close your eyes and listen to your environment. You can pinpoint the location and direction of all the sounds. How does your brain know where sound is coming from? Bats are exceptionally good at locating objects based on sound. We have a type of sonar built into our auditory cortex. Using just tonal quality and the difference of timing of the sound waves hitting each ear drum, our brain creates a model of what and where the sound source is. Modern surround sound systems use this science to create virtual speakers and the perception of being immersed into a movie from all directions.

By analyzing the brain waves associated with hearing and integrated at the base of the brain, one can determine the perceived sound direction of the source. The BAER auditory test using traditional EEG probes placed behind the ear can pick up these neural pathways. From signal analysis, the phase angle of the sound sources is determined and segmented into groups. The predominant sound source is easily identified and depending on which phase angle segmentation is classified, a different computer generated voice message is modulated into the neuronal amplification, and thereby the perception of frequencies. This is the crux of the ventriloquism act played on so many people.

It is pretty obvious how voice throwing can be used to get someone to check out a false noise or voice and leave their post.

{place diagram here of sound waves hitting each ear at slightly different times}
{show EEG pattern collected and integrated at base of brain with timings}
{how direction of sound is perceived through this phase difference and neuron timing}

Illusions of Mind

Into the second week of my torture, I was told that most “projects” are terminated with car crashes or heart attacks. Although the microwave hearing effect is debilitating and very distracting, I actually consider myself lucky to have been told all the experiments before they happened or explained how they were accomplished while they were performing them. Most “projects” are never told and left confused or dead.

After surviving the constant remote heart attack attempts, I had to be vigilant of the psychic assassination attempts through car crashes. There are the bland methods for automobile assassinations such as hypnotizing the subject to run red lights, suddenly jerking their arms to steer off the road, putting them to sleep, or blinding their minds eye to see an obstruction or approaching object, etc.

But the more extreme and visually exciting method was discussed by Dr. Becker back in the early 1970’s on the news. He said that this technology could be used to create visual perception errors to make airplane pilots crash, etc. JFK Junior’s demise could have been caused in this way and assassinated like his father by the same shadow government. Princess Dianna’s demise could also have been cause by these weapons. Or maybe they were natural perceptional errors and misjudgments.

In any case, I was shown how, during night driving, lights from oncoming cars, the road markers, or distant houses could be made to move around and appear in the foreground then in the background again. I was told this is accomplished by the psychic attacker synchronizing with the hosts visual cortex strongly while they are in a dark room. They then shine a pinpoint flashlight and move it around in their own, the attacker’s, eyes. What happens is the brain signals from the attacker are sent to the target and the targets visual cortex tries to make sense of the two competing signals, his own from the optic nerves and the attackers. If you were able to see the secret message on the cover of this book, then you get a good sense how the brain will extract depth information from higher order patterns and can mismatch the data from each eye. You have taken the first step to being a psychic soldier. Silly isn’t it? But effective.

So I gave them some improvements on their techniques because according to my research they haven’t changed their methods much in thirty years. I despise inefficiency, waste, lack of creativity, and slow progress. Clearly I don’t have a future in government. I suggested that they use a slide or hologram instead of a pinpoint light on their side. The hologram or slide could be images such as angels’ or daemons’ faces. I postulate that the target would see the subtle image in the light sources that his/her brain integrates with the attackers. This would give the very spooky and eerie illusion that souls or ghosts were passing by on the road for each point source of light. The effect should be similar to that demonstrated in the movie “Poltergeist”. Maybe they already thought of this. They seemed excited about the possibilities to try it on their next project after I was dead.

{ sketch of poltergeist faces in car headlights or road markers. Show image of two overlaid views, one from attacker other from target}

Stupid Alien Tricks

On day three of my brain napping, the aliens demonstrated some hilarious visual manipulations. They could put pixilated shadow animations in my peripheral vision of a running man. They could create subtle shadow illusions of children in the road. While it could make someone swerve who is unfamiliar with the technology, it was fascinating and amusing to see it done. I believe a horror movie was just released that demonstrates the “ghost” children who make people crash their cars. There are no ghost, just shadow government testing of EEG heterodyning weapons. The visual cortex illusions seem to only work in dim lighting which is intuitively what you would expect. Less sensory stimuli and information there is, the more easily external signals can influence the neurons.

I interviewed psychic war test subjects that were fully convinced that they saw a wall open up into a war room with uniformed soldiers and other objects materialize. My visual cortex was never mapped that well, but you can see that fully conjured images as real as what is presented from your optic nerves can be induced in subjects. The technology seems to have gotten better since the 70’s when people just saw shadowy ghost like figures in these “hauntings”.

The Ghost in the Machine

Electronic warfare capabilities have become so refined that all electronic devices can be made to malfunction. The military directed energy labs are perfecting ways to induce electromagnetic signals so precisely as to reprogram your computer or more easily influence your keyboard and mouse. If they can do it to a brain, they can do it with other electronics. Almost all targeted individuals report these kinds of tests of electronic control. I will save my amazing accounts for the movie of real footage in order for you to see and believe. These capabilities far exceed the older weapons of EMP and HERF that could stall your car or fry your data drives. The military gremlins are wreaking havoc in their electronic warfare exercises on the unsuspecting citizens. See the appendix for the Air Force Directed Energy “truly futuristic” weapons description.

Perhaps EMP and HERF weapons could be tested on the ionospheric heaters and their computing facilities to see if a minor disruption would cure thousands of people of pain and “mental illness” worldwide.

Another perspective

Abstractly, think about the Earth’s magnetic field as an ocean. If you move through it you will create an electromagnetic wake which can be detected since all charged particles have a resistance to motion when bathed in a magnetic pool except if moving along the lines of the field.

There is an effect called Electron Cyclotronic Current Driving . It is usually only studied under extreme conditions in high energy physics laboratories. But it may be a possible mechanism of the current induced in the ionic channels of the neuron. Microwaves and a magnetic field is all you need.

Lens Effect from Ionosphere Signal Bouncing

The Earth’s Ionosphere is spherical. This allows a phased array beam to be bounced off the ionosphere and focused on a point on the Earth. The total internal reflection only occurs at a certain angle from the source. Imagine you are in a swimming pool underwater looking up. You see people standing above on the edge of the pool but when you look further away you see the surface of the water acting like a mirror and reflecting the interior of the pool. This is exactly how the Earth’s atmosphere acts with vacuum outside in space or at the ionospheric layers. So now imagine that the pool that you are in is somehow curved into a spheroid. When you look out of the pool people will look smaller and the mirror portion will act like a telescope amplifying small points inside the pool depending on your angle of view. The reflection amplification is due to the curvature and the shrinking of the outside view is due to refraction effects. Do you get the picture yet? Satellites would have the reverse effect. The atmosphere would act like an amplifying lens at very high frequencies making the Earth act like it is under a microscope but this refraction affect is minimal at less than visible light spectrum.

So these over the horizon Radar systems, which are mostly used for viewing and tracking people, have their radar signals bounced off of the Earth’s atmosphere in a donut like circle for the strongest energy areas due to the phenomena known as total internal reflection. The energy that does not hit the vacuum of space or different layers of the ionosphere at the angle of “total internal reflection” will have a much larger percent of its energy dissipated into space. Here’s what it looks like:

Now, more importantly in order to find a point on Earth where people might find sanctuary from the US virtual HELL, we only need to calculate the angles of total internal reflection based on the index of refraction for various radar wavelengths to see the range in which they are active. The US and NATO allies have 15 or more giant antenna fields covering most of the world so intersection of all the active areas shows us that it is almost a total and complete global surveillance system. Interesting to note though, is that the intersection of HAARP, the Brazilian, and Puerto Rico’s radar fields and a couple other active fields all intersect over the US and then cover the rest of the hemisphere. Even South Wales ionospheric heater radar field can observe through the radar magnifying glass US citizens.

However due to the ozone holes over the North and South poles, the performance is different. This explains all the research interests from the DoD into ionopsheric conditions and cold plasma. Every time there is a wake or anomaly in the smooth surface of the ionosphere due to a hurricane or some other event, the lens is disrupted and victims in that part of the world find relief from the killing and torture signals. After the last two major hurricanes in the US, I received reports from victims that they “escaped” the torture during the hurricane. They of course came to the conclusion that the hurricane must have knocked out the power stations which ran the directed energy weapon. They were unaware of the ionosphere lens effect. This shows a defense weakness both in the continental ballistic missile surveillance system and the psychotronic torture system, which are one and the same.

Eastern Medicine

There is a technique practiced called “Healing Hands” where practitioners move their hands without touching the patient all over the person’s body who is experiencing discomfort and somehow it makes them feel better. There is a psychological component to this but since the ionospheric radar signals are so powerful many people around the world feel the effects even if they aren’t directly targeted for torture. The static electricity fields created between the healer and the patient are moved and the body electrical resonances and electronic spin alignments are altered, the person feels better while the practitioner is doing it. Amazing how much human suffering these military surveillance systems are causing and have caused. Even the magnetic jewelry craze and negative ion generators that make people feel better can be linked to these Radar signals and human surveillance techniques of bioelectric field modulation and reading. The cover story of ionospheric heating and observation of meteors is almost 99% bullshit in terms of the true purpose of these systems.

More Psychic Phenomena Explained

I, like most people, never understood the voodoo of quartz crystals that the “new age” crowd was into. Some of the healing effects are of course due to the placebo effect and power of suggestion. But, so many people are affected by the scatter radar energy which has been around since 1960, that people have discovered things that make they feel better without knowing the exact underlying physics and biology. Negative ion generators are now standard in fans. Magnetic jewelry has become quite popular because of its lessening of pain effects. And quartz crystals work for some people. It turns out that quartz disrupts scatter radar fields due to the wavelengths at which they operate. So much pain and suffering throughout the world can be explained by the electromagnetic pollution of these stealthy scalar scatter radar systems tracking life forms.

Silent Assignations

Car Crashes

The psychic soldier or CIA brain damaged warriors can place shadows of children in the road so that you will swerve to avoid hitting them. Luckily, I was aware of the technology while they were performing their tests. People that were more susceptible to the visual cortex stimulation could easily see holographic like images of children or people to avoid. If they were unaware of this military capability, they would swerve if they were good people. I found this to be absolutely amusing and astounding that they can create shadow like figures, especially ones that “haunt”, running outside your peripheral vision. Useful if you want to get someone to follow the imaginary shadows, like lead a guard aware from his post.

Stupid Alien Pranks

In the continuous onslaught of psychological abuse, the DoD/CIA evil aliens tried to get me to fall for another degrading trick. Proudly, I can say I had caught onto their abusive pranks quickly. They would tell me in order to stop the pain and torture all I had to do is ground my hands on the floor when I walked. They would project images of guerillas walking. The attempt at humiliation is self evident. Humans and Aliens – This planet isn’t big enough for the both us. It obvious who we can do without.

Directed Energy Silent Assassinations

All RADAR technology uses a mathematical technique to calculate EM wave form effects called Finite Difference Time Domain in computational electrodynamics. This is important in calculating the properties of antenna design or near field effects from waveforms. Using the same technique it is possible to calculate a waveforms time domain effects on different human bodies, heads, organs, and brains. By modeling a human body and head, one could calculate the resonant pattern in the human body, i.e. the standing wave formations and where the high and low energy absorption nodes would be. So a directed energy weapon could be made more effective by precision targeting of energy to specific organs for example. If you wanted to give a target diabetes, you could destroy some of the pancreas or alter the sugar metabolism in the cells. If you wanted to increase the chance of lung or brain cancer, the weapon merely needs to add energy to those locations and overtime the probability will increase dramatically.

Plausible Denial and Silent Assassination Techniques

  • Airplane Crashes
  • Programmed Assassins
  • Heart Attack and Stroke
  • Depression and Suicide
  • Self Destructive Behavior Amplification
  • Poverty and Medical Treatment
  • Accidents – Dark Cloud
    • Walking in front of car
    • High Voltage Electricity
    • Gas Stove
    • Drowning
    • Doctor during an operation
    • Taxi Driver. Like Princess Dianna.


  • Remote controlled heart attacks. Runaway adrenal process.
  • Falling down stairs and breaking a hip or neck
  • Hypnotizing to walk in front of car. While driving, running red lights, putting to sleep at wheel, forced steering into cars, emotional triggers to the point of road rage.
  • Distraction of voices equivalent to cellphone and drinking
  • Inability to take necessary medications properly. Messing up body sensing ability can kill a diabetic who takes insulin.
  • Forced depression state, subliminals of suicide
  • Seizure signal
  • Other situations where poor judgment could be life threatening.
  • Obviously airplane pilots would be potentially deadly for many others.
  • Disregard for the safety of other citizens who are not targeted for weapons testing.
  • Children are being targeted and are far more easily influenced by voices. Told to play with parents guns or sharp objects has been reported in several cases.

Additionally signals are amplified. So smoking and drinking habits would eventually lead to an early death.
While I haven’t heard of any events like this, directed energy weapons could be used to ignite gas stations, that is why cell phone use is not allowed near a pump. Certainly they could be used to take out an airplane by sparking the fuel tank like what happened with flight 800. Of course JFK junior supposedly got confused where the horizon was is a practiced psychic assassination.

Continued on next page…