Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Anti-psychotronic Theory

Prevention and Solutions to Brain Interfering Technologies

“The truth is out there.” – X-files

In the X-files solution, they mention that a new race immune to the effects of the black oil is being cloned from alien biomaterial and human ova. This race will avoid the eventual mind enslavement. When translated, this would mean that the agents, whose cover story is evil aliens, are EEG cloned into the “new” race of cyber hive mind hybrids. The justification for brain napping the population and putting them on the TAMI mind surveillance network is to make sure no other countries are controlling or spying into their minds. However as with most Hollywood interpretations of the psychotronic holocaust, it incorrectly describes who the enemy is. In this case the so called “immune race” is actually the mind slaves. They are immune because they are already infected by the “black oil”.

How and why movies and TV series like the X-files or Outer Limits are created to subtly tell an unspoken truth is beyond me. I wish I understood why hints for the justification of the evils of the government are somehow conveyed to the mass programming media. Is it to clear their conscience or arrogant mockery? Or maybe it is a discrediting tactic used against those who dare come forward to speak about it.

Jammers, Detectors, Shielding Oh My!

The “Vaccine” Against the Black Oil

The black oil is symbolic of the black sciences and the electromagnetic signals that are forced into those “mind controlled” or zombified by TAMI, MIND, or SATAN. The Evil Aliens in the X-Files was symbolic of the Russians or US department of defense and the timeline for takeover is a reference to the bioelectromagnetic weapons arms race we are in. I speculate that the secret vaccine that the x-files solution speaks about is a bioinformationally incoherent signal so that peoples’ brains don’t learn to interpret an EEG cloning attack signal.

The crack that the CIA sold to black neighborhoods supposedly to fund the Nicaragua rebels served a dual purpose and that is creating a whole new generation of “psychics” to “catalogue and clone”. Crack and methamphetamines cause damage to the dopamine reuptake receptors thereby leading eventually to psychosis. As I mentioned before, amplification of electromagnetic signals occur at much lower power levels with synapses flooded with excess neurotransmitters. The Air Force documents I discovered for research into “non-lethal weapons”, was testing for neurotransmitter release under different microwave frequencies. This research is either another method of nervous system influence or they are looking for an electromagnetic way to flood the brain with neurotransmitters rather than by natural or chemical means to increase EEG cloning effectiveness. I have not been able to validate that the Prozac craze, SRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors), has any effect on the increased effectiveness of TAMI or the electromagnetic influence of those neurons involved that use that neurotransmitter. However, higher levels of dopamine are very much desired for the voice to skull (synthetic telepathy) to be effective. It takes much smaller nudges electromagnetically to create word recognition or amplify thoughts. As a bonus, people with increased dopamine levels would be cake to discredit. It can be done to anyone even within average dopamine levels but slightly higher power levels are required . Since the beam widths from the large fields of phased arrays are still very broad, the potential exists that several people in an area would learn the same signals and that would be problematic to the secrecy. This is also why identical twins, couples and entire families end up being targets if they live together.

Scrambling the Informational Coherence of the Biocommunication Signals

Like how Star Trek defeated the Borg, shields need to be modulated in order for the signal not to be informationally coherent to a brain. The adaptive algorithms will adjust to any stable frequency domain background noise. This is a form of Fourier filtering. The adaptability appears to have a 6 degree of freedom function. So a semi chaotic changing modulation of electric and magnetic fields should stifle the forced brain learning and insertion of “the sixth sense.” Their adaptation requires a pattern that they follow to filter so it needs to be led continuously to chase a white rabbit of noise. This is the basic theory behind scrambling the signals to the target brain which will over time “unlearn” how to interpret the signal with this additional noise.

Psychic defenses and war games

The brain mapping has limitations. The kind of neurological information that is cloned is constrained due to bandwidth and resolution limits. Many test subjects incorrectly describe that their invisible attackers can see through their eyes and then falsely conclude that microchip implants have been placed on their optic nerves. Only the higher level cortexes are mapped onto the psychic observer like the audio and visual cortex for example. They can see only your mind’s eye and not the raw output of the optic nerve. So if a target knows they are being spied upon, they can imagine false images that do not correlate with the actual optical view and thereby transmit false data back to the psychic spies with some practice. Similarly, the audio cortex can be misrepresented by imagining false sounds or conversations. However one can not block real audio input from being gathered because the raw output from the cochlea can be measured in the EEG called the BAER, Brain Auditory Evoked Response test.

More Stupid Alien Tricks

It is a fair comparison to call these “psychic soldiers”, chimps. When they are panicking their victims to whom they say they are going to cause a heart attack and a stroke, they literally thump on their chest and stand on their heads to cause the sensation of increase blood pressure in the brain. The thumping on the chest feels like arrhythmia and skipped heart beats. These dumb asses aren’t even Neanderthals, they never evolved to humanoids.

National Defense Lie

More disconcerting in these experiments that have been marketed to the black budgets as national defense, is that there is no defensive action about these weapons. If the government were truly trying to protect its citizens, they would be building superconducting shelters within the nuclear shelters they already have for the citizens. There are several high tech defenses against neurological weapons that they are not sharing with their bosses, the tax payers. With our own money and resources, we are covertly constructing these shelters in the safe houses that will be popping up around the country and world. For more information on zero emission TEMPEST shelters visit the website www.TheMatrixDeciphered.com.

Defeating Non-Lethal ADS, PEP, and Rubber Bullets

I am a scientist for civilian defense not to be confused with the department of defense. I help protect the people from the department of defense. Protests and demonstrations have become painful and dangerous for those who still wish to have a democracy. Here are some defenses against the tyrannical federal forces.

  • A Mylar umbrella would deflect some of the microwave and laser energy necessary to create these pain weapons and stun weapons.
  • The umbrella could also serve as a shield for the water guns used at demonstrations too.
  • With a Kevlar backing the umbrellas would also serve to stop 22 caliber bullets.
  • Ear plugs will prevent nausea created by ultrasonic acoustic weapons.
  • Infrasound weapons can be lessened by sound absorbing anechoic cones.
  • If you are protesting peacefully like at the Word Trade Organization conference in Seattle, expect rubber bullets will be used and bring your motorcycle helmet and thick leather garb to protect yourself from the few over exuberant bouncers, accidentally accepted to the police academy who are unable to professionally control their emotions.

Stupid Alien Tricks

“We are shooting a sonic bullet at you and hitting your brain and heart!” Houses creek and make noises which the zombiloids hear through your ears. “Did you hear that? We missed. Now we are going to shoot you in the brain which does lots of damage.” One of the cloners presses their finger on their head. “Did you feel that?”
Stupid aliens!

Brain Wave Tracking Evasion

A possible secondary reason drugs are such a concern in our society, is not just the detriment to the individuals that become addicted and thereby are unable to take care of themselves or even the secondary crimes that take place because of the poverty associated with drug use and the desire to reacquire a particular mental state, it could be that people are identified by a brainwave signature and tracked in this way as described by patent # (). Drugs may change the brainwaves enough that their unique brainwave signature can’t be recognized by TAMI for tracking or monitored by the Echelon-like system for thoughts with current artificial intelligence capabilities. It might also be that the signal that every human in the world adapts to and integrates in their neural network as a “sixth” sense is unlearned and they therefore fall off the global human surveillance grid and outside TAMI’s influence.

So creating a “scarecrow” by recording and replaying your brainwaves on a dummy, might confuse one type of tracking technique.

Pain weapons – Fear of pain of death not of death itself

“The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”
– FDR’s First Inaugural Address. Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.”
– Shakespeare.

The Next generation Psychic Warfare

Denial of Service Attack

The developers of this biocommunications weapon have approached the hacking of the human mind (see science channel special “Spies R Us”) just like a rogue computer hacker. Every analogous computer hackers’ method has been tested, developed, and practiced on worldwide citizens. The Denial of Service Attack as it is termed has brought down major computer companies websites like Amazon and even Microsoft. It works by a hacking then zombifying thousands of computers anywhere in the world. They then begin to request information from the website simultaneously and thereby bring the web servers to their knees and therefore they can not service real customers. In the equivalent hacking of the human mind, several “connected” minds or just their voice is piped into a target. Either they use their own voices or transform them into the targets voice. The target begins to have difficulty filtering all the questions and conversations especially if they are using his own internal sounding voice. It brings his productivity and clarity of thought to a new low level. A human can not survive under this condition, either to maintain a job or operate as a military leader.

Trojan Horse

A Trojan Horse is a computer program that acts just like any other useful utility but has malicious code inside that is also run at some specific time. The comparison to the CIA MKultra programming of assassins or “Manchurian Candidates” is very appropriate. This is the programming I went through. They haven’t changed much of it since the 1950’s so I won’t detail here. But the idea is to take a sociable, well educated, connected person and create hypnotic or EEG cloned trigger signals that will cause the person to commit some action at a specific time once the “Manchurian” is in the proper social setting. (See the appendix for a CIA document that describe practicing on American Politicians). Ironically, the test of whether they succeed will happen on June 14 – 17 of 2006. I am meeting with many members of Congress and their assistants to discuss this topic and what can be done to stop the militaries practice on US citizens. I’m not worried. If you knew the incompetence of the US government and military as well as I do, they have a 99% chance of failure.

Trip Wires and Unique Hashing IDs

Know thy self and you will have an immunity to many kinds of mind hacks. This good advice is equivalent to a diagnostic algorithm used to detect hacks called trip wires. If a program is altered by a virus, the unique encrypted hashing ID is changed. If you notice that any of your perspectives and capabilities have changed, suspect an infection. This can be the “Saccadic eye movement frequency”, a perspective change like disassociation, or emotional associations to ideas, words, or people for example. The neural programming techniques have become quite sophisticated, but I will only consult to other countries about the details to help them protect their populations and souverenity. The fitness function of countries political systems must play out without cheating an using these very anti-democratic methods to cheat. Only by allowing the search space of different possibilities of optimal governmental forms to play out without influence can the world determine truly what works best.

Worms and Viruses

Worms in the cognitive modeling world are implemented through Memes. Memes are introduced to the populations or subcultures through social information streams. This can take the form of TV advertising, programming, or movies. It can even be an infiltraded group of agents that can introduce a worm. Cultural mind viruses and worms are difficult to distinguish. I practiced non-malignant mind viruses which I coined “pings” of social networks by creating interesting truths or misinformation to see how far in social networks the information would travel. Any fad or common belief that spreads can be included in this category. One very popular belief is that if people hear voices without electronic devices, that they are crazy. Another could be a detrimental fad like the “gangster look” with baggy pants that begin at the knees. If you are a gangster, you would want to be able to run away from your crimes and this fad clearly prevents that.

Buffer Overflow

Another very successful but complex hacking method is called a buffer overflow. In computer science this means that the input stream overflows the memory space allocated to input and begins to write into the executable space. In mind hacking it is done with levels of logic and information. Information is presented in such a way as to require the target mind to maintain a large set of logical inferences in order to determine the truth of the statements. It is like a chess game where you need to think many level deep and remember all the possibilities. If you can’t, you will make a logical deduction or inference error and consume that piece of information as truth.

There are many other forms of hacking that are practiced but that gives you a good idea how the games work. Now, let’s look at the defense and how to hack the hackers mind.

In an EEG cloning lock, the attacker has the advantage of anonymity, surprise, and brain wave filters that shield some of their thoughts from the cloner to the target. However, every system has flaws and the filters are far from perfect. Learning to extract information from the attacker can be just as effective as their interrogation techniques both traditional and non.

Trace route is a utility to try to find out where the hacker is located. It can be difficult because hackers can bounce their information stream off many different computers all around the world before reaching the target. Similarly, the scatter stealth Radar used is almost undetectable in terms of direction of source and due to synthetic apature and beam steering techniques. However, accessing the attackers mind and tripping them up with emotion and verbal cues can be done. In addition, traditional internet research pays off immediately.

The Psychic War Games Will Increase in Complexity

Since the EEG cloner attacker, if human, is linked to the perceived target brain signals, it is possible to use cognitive model simulations to mimic the supposed targets brain waves and in fact reprogram the attacking human or simulated model accordingly. This is hacking the hacker’s mind. This is theory only. The US and Russia do not have this capability yet. (See “Scare Crow Tactics” for more detail).

Hacking the Eye Tracking Interface

Knowing how the eye tracking interface is laid out would allow a counter attack by forcing the heterodyner’s eyes to various menu points. Remember during cloning and heterodyning the attacker is usually more susceptible to your brain amplifications than you are to theirs. It is a two way street.

Denial of service attack

One of the duties of a “psychic warrior” or the simulated Elisa cognitive model sentence stimulator is to be able to endlessly engage the target in useless banter. The strategy is to be as controversial as possible. Try this technique with someone you know. By being offensive and disagreeable, people have difficulty walking away from the conversation or remaining silent. With enough practice, you will have developed the most important skill in a “voice to skull” electronic harassment attack. This method using microwave hearing effect and synthetic telepathy will degrade the productivity of the target enormously and as one treacherous colonel put it, “Drive a target crazy with voices.”

Imagine if you can, a conversation that you can not walk away from, a conversation where any voice pattern can be mimicked, even your own internal voice, and where the urge to respond is amplified. This kind of attack mimics the symptoms of schizophrenia exactly. Mental illness is how the military has traditionally and illegally disposed of undesirables such as disobedient soldiers or whistle blowers and now in ever increasing numbers, the randomly selected weapons test subjects.

The movie “V is for Vendetta” isn’t all that far from the truth. Enemies of the state are being created by the tens of thousands due to torture and government experimentation in this country and worldwide. We have been wronged in the worst way. Nothing short of a new transparent government ruled by the people is our goal. The movie reminded me of my own brutal torture by the government.

The population has been electromagnetically and psychologically doped by the “shadow government”. They have been placed in a system that keeps them complacent and focused on the unimportant details of their existence. The devil is in the details.

I offer thanks on behalf of the true Americans to the NSA agents that proudly and rightly came forward to alert the U.S. population of infractions of privacy ordered by a president who can’t even recite the constitution. Where did our standards go? To make sure that the American public couldn’t prove he was a silver spoon fed glide-by, he had the secret service confiscate his academic records at Yale.

Lucid Dream Interrogations

To see how the subconscious will react under certain scenarios, dreams are manipulated to place the subject in situations where they are forced to continue the dream sequence. This gives some insight into what situations the subject has been in before and predicts how s/he might react. People usually don’t remember their dreams very well, so dream interrogations are a subtle way to probe someone’s mind without them becoming suspicious. Dream manipulation is also a very powerful tool to program an individual by subconscious associations. Repetitive nightmares in connection with a political candidate, for example, can obviously change a person’s opinion whether rational or not.

The subject can be put into the state that one experiences just before they wake up. In this state the subject is questioned like the way children question their mothers to get a ‘yes’ from them when they are half awake.

Musical Interlude

A strange odyssey you have embarked upon, isn’t it? The secrets that lie in the bowls of unmarked government labs are repulsive to say the least. I thought that I would take the time to share a gift with you before we journey onward.
I wanted to share the insight that all that we know is made up of music, harmonies and resonances. We are part of a cosmic symphony, energy in traveling and standing waves. One scientist even took the cosmic background radiation pattern and transformed it into the sound spectrum to hear what the universe sounded like since its birth. Ironically, it sounds like a mother’s scream that is giving birth to a child.

An analogous experiment I conducted was to transform my brain waves into the audible spectrum and listen to my thoughts. You will be surprised by what the music of the mind sounds like and you can learn to control it.

Continued on next page…