Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Publicity Stunts

We are left with no choice but to employ more drastic measures in order to raise awareness, get noticed, and have the problems addressed since the mass news streams refuse to pick up this story or broadcast the many peaceful protests, and no government agency has responded to the thousands of letters these organizations have written.
We are planning the coordination of blocking major thoroughfares in all the metropolitan areas with trucks and protest signs. We have organized call centers, dialing over 700 people a day and are sending emails worldwide at a rate of 20,000 a day. We are renting high powered argon lasers to project our message in the sky simultaneously in all major cities around the world. This is just a list of a few of the activities going on to awaken the sleepy minds that need to be vigilant as to what is occurring in order to expose and hopefully stop it. Saddening that something as horrific as domestic torture and federally sponsored terrorism against its own citizens can’t be immediately addressed in a civil forum.

We are also compiling a name and face book of all those suspected in aiding and abetting in these programs from scientific researchers, to CIA trainees stalking gang members, to irrationally skeptical politicians that block laws to protect its citizens. The face book of the conspiracy will be distributed to other countries in hopes of ending the careers of those agents involved.

The Promised Land

Land Ho! Quickly, take a gander through the looking glass of time and see what rewards are in store for humanities future whence we have defeated the witches, spooks, zombies, and devils. We can return to the Garden of Eden, the perfect world of our very own design. We take our rightful place as Gods of ourselves. Perhaps that’s what we were all the time.

“Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings”.
– Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Act I, Scene II).

EEG Heterodyned learning efficiencies

We are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Be it the current MKULTRA like human torture and experimentation by the DoD or politicians not heeding the warnings of the collapse of other civilizations’ past. This inability to pass on all of human knowledge to the next generation continues to plague our progress. It is the death toll of the human race, for machines never forget.

EEG cloning is the ultimate teaching tool. The learning process is greatly expedited both through shared understanding and mimicking the professor’s brain waves not just through speech but conceptual communication takes place too. In the shared visual cortex space, 3-D images and animations can instantly be shared and understood without the time consuming process of making slides and visual simulations.

In “The Matrix” this feature of EEG heterodyning was symbolized by the heroes being able to upload knowledge of operating a helicopter almost instantly.

But of course, the less noble route of this technology development is occurring. They are using this accelerated training to train brains into delusional thinking and psychotic symptoms. They have found that they can actually teach a brain directly how to misthink through brain entraining. This is useful to cause errors in judgment and perception in the enemy. (refer to the appendix for the Air Force description). This will also help with the cover-up, not only to discredit the individual victims testimony but once perfectly shielded from the electromagnetic influence, it may take some time for those mind to adjust back to their natural normal thinking patterns.

However, if the DoD would just release this technology to the world for all its potential, they too could get a lifetime of the best education in a mere fraction of what it took current scholars and they would see the world not as a conquest for power but as a life form to nourish.

“Tomorrow is another opportunity to turn it all around.” – Vanilla Sky
A Rare Example of a Smart Alien Trick

So one of the benefits we discovered of EEG cloning is the ability for multiple minds to convey complex concepts quickly to each. It is the ultimate teaching tool and could allow education to be absorbed in a tenth of its current time and effort.

But there is a dark side to it. That is if one doesn’t know they are part of a hive mind collective, they can be led down a path of scientific errors. Common errors of logic are being mapped so that the scientific discovery process can be stifled or delayed in the civilian world. Below is considered a complex model of our universe which unifies gravity with electromagnetic field theory. Grand Unified Theories have been around since 1920 and Einstein died while trying to solve this puzzle. I don’t know much about advanced physics, but it seems plausible to me. Here is what was conveyed to me via the mind meld and synthetic telepathy I imagine as an example of scientific espionage.

Gravity travels at the speed of light. Gravity weakens by the square of the distance like a point of light. It appears that gravity behaves very much like electromagnetic energy. Why? Gravity attracts based on the energy density. Force of attraction = GM1M2/r^2. Or substituting e=mc^2, where M1&2 is just a standing wave of energy. GE1E2/r^2c^4. This is not inconsistent with known observations. A black hole that only swallowed huge amounts of light, would still grow in mass and still bend light traveling nearby. It is energy density that bends space/time not just mass.

Field energy, or “Gravity waves” as they are nicknamed, are created by intersecting nearly perfectly aligns beams of energy 180 degrees out of phase with the same intensity. So one could conclude that gravity is just a special case of electromagnetic field theory where a positive field is canceling the negative field. The frequency of the fields would be irrelevant except for the amount of energy contained in it and hence the frequency of a gravity wave is simply based on the mass or energy density which generates it and hence its intensity. So with a light photon or quantum, E=lambda*constant. Equivalently, lamda = mass quantum/constant. So the immeasurable frequency of a graviton, quantum, is inferred from its mass of origin.

If this were true, you can create a localized time distortion with a really intense directed gravity, scalar field. Relativistic effects would apply to the localized field. You can create a tractor beam and even bend light if you can create an energy density greater than that of matter. Or create matter out of energy. This is where science future writers get their ideas like replicators, transporters, tractor beams, and time travel machines.

The intensity in order to do these thing is obviously too great for current technologies and energy sources unless fusion has come of age. Another field of science that seems to have lost the interest of the public. Plus, the slightest error in the cancellation of the two energy sources would fry the target.

The question is what is wrong with this grand unified theory?

The first question would be if there is no particle exchange, this would be like free energy being emitted by the standing mass wave. However you don’t need particle exchange to explain where the energy comes from. Just like we found that mass and energy are the same. We will find out that space/time and energy have their equivalence. The expansion of the space/time continuum requires energy and cools off the temperature of the universe. The expansion of space around energy is slower i.e. General Relativity. Time progresses more slowly and space contracts. It is this drag on the expansion of space/time that creates the gravitational wake of “free energy”. It isn’t free though. Energy is still conserved it is just converted from the momentum of space/time. This would allow us to calculate the momentum of space/time dilation, i.e. the tensor of energy per unit area/time stretch of the manifold. The graviton as a particle has never been found. Unifying General Relativity’s geometric interpretation of the universe and the standard model of particle physics has always posed a hurdle for physicists.

Now to consolidate quantum effects we need only apply the rules logically. Since it is known that mass is energy, and momentum of space/time is energy, and gravity is another field created from the drag on space/time momentum, then we should expect that gravity and space/time have quanta. This might be defined both by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and Plank’s constant.

That’s all they conveyed to me. It makes you wonder if John Nash, noble prize winner, thought of his ideas before or after he was part of a hive mind and diagnosed with schizophrenia. This is a good example of the wireless “Global Brain” project and how the CIA plays Robin Hood with intellectual property.

So we now may know why they call it the Centralized Intelligence Agency. It might be more appropriately called the wireless “Global Brain” project, created in 1947. They constrict knowledge and decide when and who will disseminate information or disinformation of their choosing through traditional media streams. We also know why CIA agents are called “Spooks”. It is because their first scripts were all based on hauntings and possessions when testing the EEG heterodyning technology.

Another Stupid Alien Trick

“Boo! It’s Colonel Casper the ghost,” the main hive participant says as he taps himself on the shoulder which I feel and turn around. Laughter ensues.
Dreams and Harvesting the Wet Nets

Two years prior to my one year torture and menticization, I stopped dreaming or stopped remembering my dreams. It didn’t disturb me. It was merely a curious note.

I heard an analysis that only 15 years ago that all the world’s computers combined didn’t equal the computing power of one human brain. I do not know how the author derived it. But I surmise that it was based on the fact that the brain has 1 trillion synaptic connections and assuming a human used their full capacity that each synapse would equal one transistor. Well imagine if that were true, we could harness the down cycles of every human brain while people are sleeping. Like with the distributed grid computing frameworks such as SETI or Globus, the unused human computing power could be harnessed for unbelievably powerful distributed computations. Dividing a problem up for distributed computing might have the subjective experience of dreaming to an individual. Parts of the brain being used to calculate partial problems where the results would seem nonsensical and non-sequitorial in a conscious state.

Becoming Borg

Let’s look at the collective conscious of the human race. Communication amongst people can be thought of as signal transmission analogous to synaptic transmissions in the brain. Throughout the last century we have been speeding up the communication and growing connections through the telecommunication infrastructure from email to mobile phones. The Earth is becoming more aware and conscious. When you speed up information flow from one person to the other, the ideas become more integrated to the individual and the sense of self becomes blurred. Now continue this trend line into the future with brain to brain interfacing technologies. The communications are even faster and more efficient. The distinction of information flow and storage becomes more amorphous. The physical housing of the brain is still well defined and segmented but the “soul”, the information that “you” experience, becomes less and less tangible and distinguishable as to where the boundaries are. We will become the Borg. Now the question is will it be designed with a centralized intelligence or be like the internet, a free forming and evolving self organizing distributed intelligence? Elements in the government obvious prefer the former, which is clearly suboptimal according to evolution and optimization theory.

Mankind is Obsolete

The futurists all predicted that we would have our own robot slaves by now doing our work for us while we relaxed and could do anything we wished due to the prosperity. In a twist of fate, we humans turned out to be the robots with the machines enslaving us. As long as we don’t become too aware of the inconsistencies of the system and keep our minds on our little job, work hard for the machines in exchange for points, hopefully we can live our entire lives without being pulled out of the delusion. We are the land of the free and brave, with people afraid of their own government.

From another perspective, how long will humans be cheaper than machines to do any task? Ask yourself truthfully, do you see a computer or machine doing your job as well as you ten years from now? I have analyzed the largest companies in the world in a management consultant role, the most sophisticated computer systems, and worked in almost every corporate function at some point. I assure you that automation of your tasks is not far away. Right now the U.S. economy has been shifting to a servants, I mean “service oriented economy”. Will the human race be downsized?

Noah’s Ark

A disturbing theory that has been postulated and repeated many times by those involved in watching the government is that there appears to be a plan for a major population decrease. DNA samples are being catalogued for every species on the planet and unique brains are being catalogued into the CIA/DoD TAMI network. The cataloguing may not just be to improve the cloning capabilities for spying and warfare. It may be a justification that not that much will be lost for global population genocide. The Earth can not support the projected population growth. Resources will run out. So a plausibly denied event might be planned. A terrorist releases an air born virus. Rogue countries decide on nuclear war. It is difficult to guess exactly how it would be architected to look like another group was responsible for it. It is something to keep in mind for the next 50 years while world events unfold.

Since silicon immortality isn’t that far away. A decrease in population might be justified for that reason. Most life will do anything to survive. If it were known that immortality is being rolled out to a few very rich people, desperate people may do anything to get it. Or if it could be given to everyone simultaneously, the planet would always remain crowded yet might be another concern.

The Ego Trip

In Arnold Swarzenheger’s movie “Total Recall”, there is a false memory implantation technology that uses magnetic coils around the head. This is one way that brain waves can be modified as being researched by several academic institutions and labs. In this application, he wants to take a vacation to Mars. He elects an option of the virtual experience called the “Ego Trip”. Why be yourself on this trip? EEG heterodyning causes an alteration in personality, some weighted combination of all the people in the hive mind. I was shown that “personality overlays” can be captured from one person and replayed onto someone else. The “ego trip” really exists. It is a capture of temperament and emotional state mix and can be inserted by the computer interface onto the whole hive mind or just individuals.

This aspect of EEG heterodyning has unusual applications for empathizing with other people. Don’t judge someone until you walk a mile with their brain waves. How about the application of self improvement. Don’t want to be shy with the ladies anymore, just put on a personality overlay. Wives can finally make their husbands understand them better. Enemies can resolve their misunderstandings and differences. The list is endless just for this particular aspect of full brain communication. For the spy community it can help them more easily infiltrate organizations with a particular belief system and mind set so that they are less likely to be discovered by subtle voice intonations and body language cues.

Judgment Day

The current evil uses of EEG heterodyning can all be turned around. Rather than ruining the concept of justice by manipulating witnesses, judges, and juries or by committing crimes that can’t be traced back to the person’s will who cloned his/her brain waves onto someone else, the technology allows the judge to understand the sincerity of the accused. Truth can be more easily interpreted. Prisoners could be released under psychic surveillance parole. Sentenced people could opt for mental reprogramming rather than incarceration. Rather than being the number one nation in the world for incarcerating our people, we could be the freest nation through use of the technology. All these benefits are predicated on being able to awaken the world to its existence thereby taking it out of military “Top Secret” status so that civilian commercialism and development can commence.

Philosophy of consciousness

The keepers of EEG heterodyning technology fear that there will be a break down of social order, a vast moral cataclysm, and dissolution of religion around the world if it were known that the brain has been deciphered. People are resistant to the idea that our soul, our entire essence is contained in the electrochemical signals of the brain.
However, I disagree. I believe that religions will adapt as will morality to the better understanding of ourselves. There are two important ethical and legal questions that arise from this. How can we be held responsible for our actions if we are purely a product of genetics and stimuli from the environment? If the government is messing around with the electrical signals of the populations’ brains, how can anyone be charged for any crime given the unknowns of their experimentation? How can we even trust ourselves and our own thoughts if we know that they can be manipulated electromagnetically?

{Pilosophical thought experiments in psychophysics. Transporter problem. Operating table. Wireless connections. Freedom and choice defines “living”. }

More EEG Cloning Crimes

More new kinds of crime on their way. Rich, arrogant, desperate old men that want to live forever can clone their brain in silicon to be transferred or EEG cloned onto another body without the stored facsimile being at mortal risk within their purchased host. We found organ harvesting a repulsive crime, body snatching and soul stealing is far worse but less bloody.

Robin Hood of Intellectual Property

There is some evidence that the psychic operatives play a role similar to that of the tale of Robin Hood. They EEG clone spy on scientists’, inventors’, dreamers’, and writers’ minds, steal their intellectual property and ideas, and transmit them to others so that the recipients think they came up with the ideas. I believe that this is how Hollywood and mass media is used inadvertently to make movies that help to discredit test subjects testimonies. Intellectual property lawyers are going to have difficulty sorting out hive mind intellectual ownership. What if the whole human race was neurally linked into a complex cyber hive mind network ? Maybe it already is. Maybe there is no difference between a neurally linked hive mind and other information streams except for speed of communication. The philosophers of our time will enjoy debating this topic.

Audaces fortuna iuvat – Fortune favors the bold . (Virgil)

At Harvard College as a undergrad in Gray West in Harvard Yard, I held many philosophical debates with a guy named Ramsey. He believed in mind body duality and was a philosophy major. He believed that you could imprison the body but never the mind. I argued against him for weeks. And as irony would have it, a spirit and mind as free as mine where the only strong opinion I vocalized was intolerance for was intolerance itself, is now in an electromagnetic government sanctioned mind control prison. Apparently there are limits to freedom of thought and expression. I ventured too far. Hear the sounds of psychotronic technology as perceived by targets at the website www.thematrixdeciphered.com.

For anyone who wants to be the next Bill Gates out there and would like some coaching into how to pursue synaptic amplification cognitive modeling for applications like reliving a memory with all the emotions, visions, and smells attached to it for the next generation video camera-like device, I will guide you but I can’t help you directly because I’ve been tortured more than any common man could bear and have psychological blocks how close to the technology I can get without getting ill. They modeled their behavior control methods after a movie called “Clockwork Orange”.

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