Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Potential Beneficial Uses of Neuron Influencing Technology

Other research that is occurring in this area of brain amplification technologies, is tuning a brain for optimal problem solving for different situations. One neuroscience publication describes how adding noise to a neural network can increase its convergence speed. So for example, your mind when you are problem solving is trying every possible combination of solutions it can think of to coverage on the best probable answer. This searching algorithm can be speeded up with brain amplification. It is also useful during brain storming sessions or creative problem solving. A brain amplified state jostles the usual mental pathways out of their ruts of entrainment and can help with finding new solutions. It is extremely likely that a mind is often not at its maximum potential state for particular situations. Coffee helps achieve a better state of mind for some going to work for example. Others find meditation a way to achieve a desire state of mind. Being able to electromagnetically dial in a desirable mental state any time one wishes would be a huge boon for the human race and progress. This could have been available since 1960 if we didn’t have such selfish, power hungry, small minded men and women controlling this technology.

While increasing the brain’s amplification can increase the intelligence of a person up to a point. Tuning a brain past the point of optimal amplification turns the amplifier into a disabling (informational) weapon. The symptoms induced are ADD, psychotic, and schizophrenic like. The person becomes unable to focus on one task and often becomes paranoid. The brain’s pattern recognizers begin to misfire and patterns are perceived where there are none of significance. It is this sliding threshold of sensitivity that can be useful to increase hearing perception or visual motion perception. One can see why the DoD is studying this for soldiers.

The Dawn Devours the Darkness

Here are some good potential uses of classified mind control non-lethal directed energy weapons if the public accepted it despite all the abuses already committed by researchers, governments and agencies. {Sorry this section is not finished and probably of most interest to people. Come back later.}


Since the epileptic seizure signal has been developed as a weapon, a brain about to go into seizure could be detected and the oscillation prevented.

Anesthetizing via Neuronal Amplification

I know much of this material is hard for people to grasp. So I try to reiterate the concepts more than once. I have tried my best to simplify the material for general consumption but some details are necessary in order to capture the ghost in the machine.

There have been several audio frequencies that have caused an anesthetizing effect on humans. Pain perception is decreased. Almost all the experiments that I and others have conducted point to the property of the weapon system as being only able to amplify or add energy into the system. This is consistent with the Air Force Non-Lethal weapons research at the University of Nevada where stimulated neurotransmitter release is the mechanism of synaptic modulation. However, in one of the tests in the MKUTLRA sequence, they do anesthetize sensations and sensitivities. This is not due to reducing neuronal amplification but rather amplifying inhibitory synaptic connection pathways. About 10% of synapses have a negative voltage addition to the summation at the Hillock amplification determination for firing. So amplifying those synaptic connection pathway frequencies would create a dampening effect on other pathways but not due to taking energy out of the system.

Sensitize areas with neuropathy

For example, the feet in diabetics become numb after many years and this leads to infection detection problems. Brain amplification technologies are used to increase the perception of pain so it could also be used to increase the sensitivity to areas of the body that have lost it.

Cure Multiple Sclerosis by forcing electrical depolarization compensating for demylinization of the axons of nerves.

Depression relief – dopamine and other neurotransmitter can be increased through brain amplification. The side effects of anti-depressant medications would be eliminated.

Appetite Suppression – They are looking into placating hungry populations so that they peacefully starve to death. But what a multi billion dollar market they are missing out on.

Students who have trouble focusing on a subject like science because it disinterests them could turn up their interest levels when they needed to.

Insights into mental disorders – “faith healing”

Through hive minds, psychologists could get a perfect understanding of psychological illnesses or delusions and correct them through thought training.

non-invasive electrical brain stimulation

Tremors are often cured by invasive electrical probes like what Michael J. Fox had done. It could be cured by non-invasive neuron modulation technologies.

negotiations and communications – United nations and meetings where total disclosure and trust is needed (to avert war for example) can be used to probe minds and build trust.

an experience recorder – relive emotions and sensory experiences of others and self. i.e. strange days (the movie) Seriously, this exists now but just for military covert uses.

The Babble Fish – Universal Translator

When you have the meaning of words mapped along with the internal vocalization, it is a far easier problem in computer science to translate in real time to another language.

music and movie creation

I was demonstrated a very cool example of what future commercial technology will bring. The system can capture the imagined sounds and visions in this extrasensory mode. If two or more people are connection they both create the one share visual workspace or sound space. There is both huge potential for interactive movies and efficiency at creation. Similarly, a band could produce an album in a day. These brain signals are decoded and capture on computers. The cognitive models enable translation into traditional media forms. In addition, action games are played. The problem to overcome for this industry is that there are no rules to constrain the imagination of either of the players so anything can happen even if it doesn’t follow physical dynamical laws.

electronic inebriation – Dependency intervention. Get drunk and be able to shut it off for driving.

Electronic Drugs

Psychoactive drugs are pleasurable and often addictive. They are altering neurotransmitter release or reuptake. In effect they are simply changing brain signals. The mind control experiments done on me and thousands of others can reproduce electromagnetically many effects known from abused drugs. If I were a major Columbian leader of a multibillion dollar drug cartel I would be investing in research to produce legal electromagnetic signals that provide similar effects as their commodity. The only difference is that brain signals need to be specialized to the individual unless you have the kind of database the CIA/DoD keeps up for mapping between variances.

Perhaps not in the too distant future, we will see teenagers, rather than getting stoned, using magnetic coils, microwave emitters, and EEG probes listening to Pink Floyd and downloading new electromagnetic brain patterns from the internet.

Clearly, since schizotronic (Psychotronic) generators can amplify brain signals and induce the same symptoms as naturally occurring schizophrenia, electronic magnetic inductions could also cure the illness. Researchers at Yale University are looking into this using a $2 million dollar grant from the department of health although their research is flawed and based on faulty assumptions about their subjects’ root causes of the symptoms. Seizures can be induced with these weapons, so the reverse is true. Sugar metabolism can be manipulated using microwaves so diabetes can be induced or potentially cured in a similar fashion. Emotions are precisely manipulated in the mind control demonstrations. Since depression can be induced, that means all the people taking prozac and other depression medications could be cured through this electromagnetic brain mapping tool. Maybe the whole population is already being subjected to an apathy signal during this continued takeover. That is what was speculated about the Russian Psychotronic Signals from the 7 most powerful transmitters in the world directed at the U.S. back in 1976. It was a hypnotic subduing apathy like brain entrainment. If you can make people feel happy about a fascist government, who will put up a fight or resist?

The list is endless what self deterministic neural programming technology can do for humanity once it is taken away from the small minds that current hoard it. If you want to quit biting your nails, it is only a signal away. This was demonstrated for me. I have bit my nails all my life and suddenly for a period of two months in the middle of my year long demonstration, I quit biting my nails. This actually disturbed me more than anything because I didn’t feel like myself without this bad habit. If you want to quit smoking, eat less and lose weight, exercise more, watch less television, be more patient with your kids, it can all be done with neural programming. Think about how fewer pharmecudical drugs will be necessary to become what we strive to be. Unless we can expose the technology details now and get the funding for demonstrating the prototypes, society will have to wait at least another 25 years before the Air Force and other agencies divulge these secrets according to scientists in top secret labs.

cyber hive mind – Meeting of the minds possibility for constructive IQ EQ tasks. See the “Global Brain” project.

Mobile communication without cumbersome electronics. Full emotional content conveyed with speech.

new forms of intelligences

I couldn’t dig up all the details of the early work on MIND (magnetically integrated neuron duplicator) but here is the basic gist of it. It is a known adaptability of the brain to compensate for a loss of a sense like vision or hearing. The neurons that were used for those functions get harnessed by the other senses and those senses become sharper. This is equivalent to increasing the resolution and processing power of that sense. Now the reverse phenomenon also is true but rarely studied or cited. That is the brain will incorporate a new sense and use it. This is what the “psychics” call the sixth sense. It is this electromagnetic constant signal modulated into their neural influences that a brain learns to interpret. The field and weapon is called biocommunications. This signal is basically composed of virtual neurons or sensing capabilities. The army is studying using the tongue as an input device into soldier’s brains by retraining the way a person interprets the taste and tactile information. The new information can be sonar or visual for example and the brain will readjust to create mental models of the surroundings with tongue information like a snake or how a bat uses sound.

But this has even more profound consequences. Virtual neurons act just like regular ones except they are stored or computed from a computer anywhere in the world. So part of these “psychics” brains are located someone else. In addition, this could have serious consequences if the entire population has been put on this network and their brains have learned to listen to the “signal” often heard as tinnitus when out of tune. The plasticity of the brain is due to the self organizing nature of neural networks. Add a few more inputs, the brain will learn to use them but at a cost of computing power to the other senses and mental tasks. Take some inputs away, like in a sensory deprivation chamber, and the brain will quit relying on them and focus the neurons on whatever other input they have.
So some of the top secret research that has been going on for many decades now involves trying to create a higher order intelligence composed of virtual neurons and multiple brains and new sensors using this wireless neural linking system. See Mind Viruses for further understanding of threats this research has caused. We are way past just the sixth sense.

These kind of neurally connected work groups could prove to have enormous efficiency and potential to be used to create a smarter being of sorts. It might be useful to compensate for neuron loss due to aging or Parkinson’s syndrome.

immortality – way to duplicate biological form into pure information. Our species can assend to a purely informational state and leave the corpuscle behind.

Brain Machine Interfacing Technology

Not only are they conducting internal voice recognition using the neural feature set of premotor muscle movements and word meaning recall brain waves, they are less successfully working on computer vision image recognition techniques from the decoded visual cortex. Once the visual cortex is decoded back into a 2-d or 3-d representation , traditional computer vision techniques are applied to recognize words or objects. This has incredible potential for mind/machine interfacing. By just visualizing characters being typed, a computer could recognize the characters, send them to a virtual keyboard to an internet browser and then project the resultant information page in their minds eye. This would be getting close to a true cyber hive mind interface and access to instant information on demand.

In business school I borrowed a pair of heads-up display glasses from DARPA for a wearable computer entrepreneurship project. The idea was to overlay a computer screen in each eye that would enhance reality with information that only you could see. For example, with a small camera embedded in the glasses face recognition could be done. A bio of the recognized face comes up. Or if you are giving a presentation, you could read off a teleprompter only you could see. We focused on airplane maintenance where workers could read manuals but use their hands simultaneously. Doctors could get a magnified view of their patients or a real time MRI scan overlaid on their normal sight and sounds, etc. At the time, I did not think that direct wireless neural interfacing techniques were so developed.

While the scientific community is very aware of the advances in wired or probed brain interfacing from monkeys that control robot arms with their thoughts to humans that can control mouse cursors with magnetic brain probing, no one is allowed to know or acknowledge the wireless methods I exposed in this book.

better truth detection methods

instant control of moods and energy levels – electronic coffee served in bed in the morning maintaining perfect energy levels, sleep aids (i.e. 1/2 hertz signal at bed time)

kidnappings – can locate anywhere in world by EEG or body resonances signatures

Better medical diagnoses. Expert can feel the symptoms of the patient and immediately and more accurately diagnose patients. For example, someone suffering a heart attack could be diagnosed immediately and even potentially the particular clogged arteries vs. those that come in with panic attacks.

Neuromarketing – Direct implanting of advertising and subliminal suggestions.
Create good habits in yourself.

Personality overlays.

The demonstration

I was replayed PMS as a torture. Guys, it is the worst set of emotions and physical cramping you can possibly imagine. The military is using a captured signal from someone who suffered terrible PMS for torture just to give you an idea what some women go through monthly. Have sympathy.

Any set of brainwaves can be captured and held or replayed continuously.

Variable weightings of brain entrainment participants are achieved. They can become mostly you, or vice versa they can take control of your mind and body. It’s an unnerving experience (no pun intended) to become a silent observer while you transform into someone else. You feel their will, emotions, and physical movements. Add more participants in the cyber hive mind, and you get multiple mental focuses of attention and it quickly becomes dysfunctional. Many subjects of these mind control experiments have been duped into believing they are possessed, have multiple personalities, or that some religious figure is speaking through them.

Teaching is the biggest use. Having children model teachers mind. As well as teacher being able to convey concepts and create 3-d animations in his mind for all to view and understand instantly.

control fear like for public speaking or skydiving

Identify sociopaths and criminal intent through brain prints. Flush out the traitors in the government who commit criminal acts of torture and practice assassinations.

Continued on next page…