Taking Back Our Stolen History
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans
Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

Whistleblower Robert Duncan Exposes How CIA and Military Secret Technology is Weaponized and Used on Innocent Humans

The Scripts

The EEG heterodyning psychic soldiers want-to-be’s doing the weapons testing are trained to follow a plethora of scripts used to confuse the target during the torture and make the target appear crazy when they seek help from a doctor. In almost all the cases, the belief that a microchip or tooth transponder (like in the movie, “Real Genius”) is responsible for the conversation without a cell phone is suggested to the target. That actually sounds more reasonable given the average person’s knowledge of this technology or directed energy weapons capabilities. Only in victims of ten years or longer are small biotelemetry antennas found in x-rays which used to be used for pin point tracking to direct the energy thereby amplify the biosignal for EEG cloning.

The scripts then progress to making the person believe that specific people or groups are behind their torture. In many cases, people heard the voice of JFK, JFK Jr., Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton. Sometimes, it was a famous person. Often it was just someone they knew in their past. Clearly, the EEG heterodyners are manipulating votes by always using democrats’ voices or trying to get them killed if the victim believes it. Bill Clinton mentioned the “Right wing conspiracy” during his downfall. This would back the known political slant of extreme right wing ideologies in the CIA/DoD that border Nazi values. Using these people’s voices as the most common ones heard by victims should point out whom they are gunning for. Do you still have doubts that the voting and political system isn’t manipulated by these folks? They practice changing the beliefs of their victims using the different scripts. When you interview as many as I have, you can easily seen the pattern once the personalization of the scripts is removed.

The weapons testers get to choose which scripts are to be used on a “project”. They then personalize them for that particular project and must get approval for it. The weapons testers are in a strange culture to say the least. They have a strict protocol for doing things. But no restrictions on who they kill or what collateral damage is done.

From Creation to Chaos

Another project name for the EEG cloning and cataloging operations and media “strategic deception” was called project “Chaos”. The soul goal of these groups in psychological warfare, CIA mind control, and INSCOM’s stragetic deception is to create errors of judgment and reasoning and vocabulary confusion by every means possible. They have perfected control of the media through leaks and strategically placed disinformers in the industry. They have perfected disinformation on the internet using “the method” that plays off of people’s black and white thinking by flooding it with partial truths and lies. And finally they have found a way to inject by electromagnetics errors into people’s brains directly using misnamed umbrella classifications of technology like “nonlethal weapons” which contains EEG heterodyning, psychic warfare, and another overlapped classification of “directed energy” weapons. They have used the pseudo sciences of the psychology community to create and propagate misdiagnosis of weapons testing effects as mental illness. They have used Hollywood and television to program the masses to discredit anyone who talks about something that was labeled as a work of fiction, such as a movie or shown on the science fiction channel.

Acceptable Mind Games

Gambling is a legalized form of a head game that is quite lucrative. People from all walks of life gamble partly because of the entertainment value but more often because they believe in luck or that they have a system. The mathematics of gambling is quite well known and defined. Logically, unless you cheat, you can not win in the long run. Yet, based on the simple common delusion that all people share, we think we can find a way to beat the house odds. I, for example, knowing that every event is independently random still can trick myself into believing that if I see a streak of 5 or more in a row of one color in roulette that I can beat the odds by betting against that streak. The probability of getting 5 red numbers in a row is (½)5 or 1 out of 32. But that doesn’t actually affect the independent random event of the next spin. I must say that I haven’t lost yet with that strategy but that is the addiction of gambling. People derive superstitions about luck by falsely identifying patterns where there are none. Sounds like the same symptoms as schizophrenia, seeing patterns where there are none. Some people call the state lotteries a stupidity tax. Tell that to the winner.

The Psychology of “Crazy”

It is interesting to poll people as to what they believe “crazy” means. The average person’s intuitive understanding of the word usually means to do or say something very unusual or bazaar. Geniuses and eccentrics have throughout history been called crazy. My father is a very conservative man, and he calls about a third of everyone he meets crazy. People who visit San Francisco from a conservative culture, thinks the whole city is crazy.

The trend that I have found is that less worldly experiences one has, the more often one judges behavior that is not native to their own culture as some form of mental illness. This is clearly an error to believe that something that has not been thought, heard, or seen before is some kind of pathology of the mind. When one has many errors of thinking, it could be classified as mental illness, unless the errors of thinking are being induced electromagnetically through TAMI. Stop the signal and the brain will regain its normal processing. But this is an important psychological observation, that these discrediting tactics are regularly and historically used by the CIA and psyclOps. Create a scenario that is so improbable like government goon squads or being abducted and tortured, and the majority of people will think the person reporting it is crazy, simply because it is so unusual. Image if you were one of Jeffrey Dahlmer’s victims, and you escaped and you told a story about a man who eats dead people, keeps them in his fridge, and drills holes in their heads to try and create a sex zombie to the police. We know this happened, but the police would most likely have locked you up in the psyche ward for showing delusional symptoms. In fact, the police returned a boy who was bleeding from his head, naked, confused, and didn’t speak English very well, back to Jeffrey Dahlmer and within ten minutes after the police returned the kid, he killed and ate him. Jeffrey Dahlmer used the same tactics as the CIA successfully. Of two possible scenarios which was more believable? Jeffery told the police that he and the boy were fighting, homosexual lovers.

So this is how the game is played. Get some famous psychologists on your payroll. Have them create new mental illness like “Thought Sonarization”. And you can label anyone as mentally ill who speaks about the “voice of god” weapons, microwave hearing effect, mind reading radar, or ultrasonic heterodyning technologies that you wish to keep out of the population’s awareness. As time progresses over the decades, the new mental illness will gain more credibility due to its age and number of people reporting it.

I tracked back several “mental illnesses” to the same time frame as TAMI came on line and to known mind control monster psychologists on the CIA payroll like Cameron. This has allowed the human effects weapons testing industry on the population to expand and go unrecognized. One percent of the population has schizophrenia. According to some psychological studies, over 20% of the population has some form of mental illness. Perhaps the categories are getting too broad. See the appendix for my facetious comments on many popular illnesses.

What percentage of those classified as mentally ill are genetic and environmentally caused, and what percent is government menticide? The two groups overlap significantly. Through my protected sources, I was told that government weapons testers look for brain waves that show three traits that they want. One is an amplification factor of neurons often found in dopamine excessive brains. This group has traditionally been known to exhibit psychosis. The other is brain entrainment inducibility indicative of a high susceptibility to hypnosis. The third is the uniqueness of the brain waves to add to the database which increases the effectiveness of TAMI for other people. Other factors for target selection include the ease of discrediting and isolating the victim. Of course being a disobedient politician or a government whistle blower will increase your chances of being thrust into the virtual hell and beginning your journey into madness. There is no other word for this program other than diabolical.

Can you feel the pride of being American coursing through your veins?

Psychopathy and sociopathy for human weapons effects experimentation is not uniquely found in serial killers and government agencies. But it is the worst and truest form of mental illness.

Strategies to paralyze the victims

Victims of testing are left dysfunctional and rarely are they allowed to work. The strategy is to mimic the dysfunctionality of mental illness and drain the victims’ resources so that they can not find help or shielding. The other reason for this is to make sure that they can not get a security clearance. During the background check for security clearances for any Department of Defense contractors they look for any signs of mental illness or financial strain, probably to weed out those people that might be seeking revenge for their senseless destruction. You must keep in mind how many decades the death lottery has been going on. It started after WWII and project Paperclip where thousands of Nazi scientists were smuggled into the U.S. Since then, human effects for drug, radiation, mind control, and now directed energy weapons testing has occurred in ever growing numbers despite the attempts by Congress to stop it.

White House Psychos

On April 9, 2006, another person attempted to contact the president directly by running onto the white house lawn shouting that he has very important intelligence information. He was promptly taken down by the Secret Service. This is a typical script that the handlers use on their victims. To discredit and see how far they can go, they often convince mind controlled experiment victims that this is a Russian takeover with a new weapon of mass destruction that only the victim knows about. The victim being a patriotic American will do anything to convey the information. When disbelieved by the FBI and other authorities they resort to desperate measures to do the right thing. These victims did not do their homework and realize how large the test group is and how long it has been going on. INSCOM and strategic deception groups need “psychos” in the news to account for the population of “mental illness” who have similar claims around 5 different scenarios. Periodically publicized incidences like this one, is enough to keep the programming of the masses in tact. We won’t hear about the details of this person’s need to convey intelligence to the president, but I guarantee it is about this mind control technology. They attempted similar head games with me 3 days before my torture began. They asked leading questions like, “Can you get close to the president?” “I know where this is going,” I replied.

Information Streams

How the mass media is misused by the propaganda machine aka psychological operations, or PSYCLOPS the myopic, one-eyed monster as they joke about.

In order to understand the psychology employed by various agencies and political forces, one must study the patterns of misinformation on the mass news media, popular publications, and the internet.

First let’s look at the internet. I have been working with Truth.org a privately funded internet archive system. Their tools allow me to view any information ever posted on the internet for a three month duration using their tool called the WayBackMachine. This has allowed me to research the patterns of disinformation websites, who owns them, what psychological tools they use to cover up information leaks, etc.. As it turns out their formulas are pretty standard and much of the trash is computer generated even in foreign languages. I worked on natural language information parsing and collection algorithms for CIA knowledge organizing projects but nothing that purposefully would generate misinformation, however they easily could have been adapted for them. PSYCLOPS, INSCOM, CIA, DIA, and electronic warfare divisions use many of the same tools but run their own campaigns.

Just to show you how well the information stream grid lock works, type in “mind control” into google to see how much information there is on supposedly something that is “science fiction”. People don’t have time to waste their lives writing about this topic if it wasn’t real or if they weren’t paid as disinformants. There are 293,000,000 hits on google. Are you scared yet? Start clicking through the links. It is beyond experiments on the public, it is now a well orchestrated takeover using just information weapons. The psychotronic concentration camps are growing rapidly. It is a matter of time before you are “brain napped” and then you wished you hadn’t stayed so ignorant and quiet hoping it won’t happen to you. The soul stealer is doing good business under the U.S. flag. I worked on integrating HAARP and the Puerto Rico “ionic heaters” that are often implicated in the global mind control network, and I had no idea what they were used for. That’s how secret this technology is. I was told they were command and control centers. But from those locations the entire world can be viewed by bouncing their signals off of the ionosphere in a configuration they call over the horizon radar. Satellites make better over the horizon sensors so this is probably a tag line phrase to mean psychotronics.

Foundations of Reality

The whole illusion of gentility and freedom relies on life long programming of this image and repetition of mantras, pledges, imagery, and anthems. Asking someone to imagine an alternate government system that was in place that is exactly the opposite to what people have experienced their entire lives, is like asking someone to suddenly believe in another God. Their entire belief system and foundation of reality must be changed to accommodate the new model. Most are unwilling and incapable of this kind of reality shift without a direct demonstration. But in order to get the demonstration they would permanently be enlightened to the truth and can not be put back into the blissfully ignorant matrix of delusion. This is the Catch 22. Most targets will find it futile to awaken others and be viewed as crazy if they try. This is how the system of controls is maintained and drastically important information for the people is suppressed.

Inducing Delusions

How is delusional thinking induced in a target? Some of the long logical thought trains which are based on a faulty assumption are due to the amplification of the target’s own brain signals. In addition, the EEG hive conspirators simply need to agree and reassure the target that those are the right ideas. Since the target is usually isolated socially, this is naturally their only source of “feedback”. The feedback is of course untrustworthy but it is difficult for one to adapt to a faulty source that mimics sources that one usual trusts, people. This again amplifies confidence levels of ideas and thereby multiplies the logical errors downstream of inferences and conclusions.

This is the fundamental flaw with our governmental system especially the military. If you surround yourself with “yes” wo/men, you will be getting a false reassurance of the correctness of your ideas. This is what creates delusional thinking and is being used as an information weapon tactic. To worsen the collective intelligence of the organization is the fact that the culture practices false signaling in their communication style. Generals bark out orders to signal extreme confidence. Pure black or white thinking is practiced. Information is lost without the confidence level as any information theorist or statistician can tell you. Add the fact that there is little feedback or information flow from the lower levels since they must “just follow orders”, sprinkle in some egos for extra irrationality, and you have the perfect recipe for a destructive intelligent system. Truly frightening that they are in control of all the weapons.

Catching the Slow Fat White Rabbit

If this topic of dark American history interests you, you merely need to replace “Aliens” with “Department of Defense” and “terrorist” with “CIA programmed assassin” while you research and you will have much of the truth. To understand the imaging technology that is operating on the American citizens, you only need to study the stars. All technologies advanced under the auspices of space research actually get implemented and used on the people. To understand what psychotronics is, research the capabilities of “ionospheric heaters” and distributed radio telescopes in the context of directed energy weapons and a full spectrum, Earth gazing microscope.

“The common curse of mankind, – folly and ignorance”.
– Shakespeare. Troilus and Cressida (Act II, Scene III).

It is difficult enough for people to learn and understand. We spend a third of our lives in school. It is difficult to comprehend the thinking it took the militants to decide to declare an informational war on the very country and people that they were sworn to protect and uphold the words of the founding documents and ideals of this nation. All foreign governments clearly have deciphered these technologies as much as I and others have, so the only conclusion that you can draw is that the CIA/Military are not afraid these secrets will fall into the wrong hands abroad but that they do not trust the citizens with these secrets and have even declared psychological and informational war on us.

Reign of Terror – The Dark Ages

Military and CIA Engineered War and Terrorism

“Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war”.
– Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Act III, Scene I).

CIA Incompetence or Planned Treason

They wouldn’t be seeking intelligence if they already had it.
The oxymoron of “intelligence” agencies.

Bin Laden was a known terrorist far before he orchestrated 9/11. His brain wave signature has to be in the database and he should be able to be spotted anywhere in the world. In many people’s opinion who know global surveillance capabilities, the government doesn’t want to catch him. The CIA goofed on informing the right agencies about the impending attacks on the world trade center, then they somehow are goofing on being able to track specific people around the globe. One obvious reason is they don’t want to show their hand and demonstrate beyond doubt that they even have this capability. Secondly, where would their and the warrior class jobs go if we didn’t have enemies. Thirdly, we wouldn’t be able to justify to the public, invasions of Middle Eastern countries if we couldn’t link them to the 9/11 event in some way and have an outstanding threat to accuse countries of helping him.
Problems with our democratic election process

Why career military and CIA should never be elected president

How can you expect someone who barely tasted freedom to value it as much as those who have? The government organizations are not democratic by nature and free speech certainly is not tolerated. Someone who you want to lead this country to its agreed upon future should only come from the culture that represents those ideals.

Macbeth by William Shakespeare. … when Ross uses this same title, Macbeth protests, “The Thane of Cawdor lives: why do you dress me In borrowed robes? … Thane of Cawdor’s robes.”

In “Borrow Robes”, Macbethian warlords throughout the military and pentagon are just peasants in borrowed robes with no noble qualities what so ever. The Thane of Cawdor had been treacherous at the Battle of Fife and now we have a similarly treacherous group testing weapons on their employers, the American taxpayers. These warlords are more like the petty Greek Gods who acted like children but had access to power. And as irony would have it, history repeats itself. MacBeth who inherits the borrowed robes kills King Duncan in betrayal. MacBeth was modeled after real events that took place. The story as it was told to me, is that seven of the King’s sons fled to America not long after the King’s death, one of which I am a descendent. Of course that may just be a fun genealogic tale passed on.

Miscellaneous Cloak and Dagger Games

While this fact isn’t relevant to this investigation I thought it an interesting tidbit that I came across while chasing the white rabbit. Some KGB agents had surgically implanted clay contained in a plastic pouch into the chin, cheek bones and nose area of agents. With just a quick push in various parts, they could remodel the major features of their face.

Executive Branch Corruption Goes High, Wide, and Deep

If there is any doubt how deep the corruption goes, we only need to be reminded of a comment made out of anger and haste. On October 24, 1990, President George H.W. Bush’s White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater discussed Republicans who had opposed the President’s policies, threatening: “If they can sleep with their conscience, let them try.” He cautioned that while they were free to “say whatever they want,” penalties might ensue, “but we never discuss it in public.” He suggested that they would “suffer in their private purgatories.” Pressed for an explanation, he responded: “I can’t tell you. If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

Any one of the thousands of people who have been EEG cloned tortured knows exactly what this threat means. Bush’s father made several references to the technology in his speeches. A private purgatory is how your own mind is used against you with increasing paranoia. Thought amplifications of your fears fed back into your brain is another way of phrasing it. One signal that they test in order to see if they can keep soldiers up and functioning without any drugs for days works quite well and is termed, “artificial caffeine.”

Dream manipulation is extremely effective to persuade people to think differently. Dreams can be fully manipulated like a joint interactive movie creation. Hollywood should take notice to the applications. However, once again I sigh, and just think how many people had to suffer and die so that a weapon used in the most antidemocratic way can be used to control the masses and politicians via threats or directly. It only took a few corrupt dishonorable men to do this to our country and way of life. I don’t know if there is anyway to stop them now except a mass awakening of the people which is proving impossible.

Even the Iraqi’s have been complaining about microwave hearing effects being used against them along with other directed energy weapons. They are targeting radio towers that they believe to be responsible probably not realizing it can all be done with satellites and over-the-horizon radar.

If you can get your news from outside the U.S. and break through the information bubble by which we are oppressed and controlled, you can more easily see what is truly happening in the world. If you knew the capabilities of the global surveillance systems, you would know that it could not be possible for the U.S. to lose the whereabouts of Bin Laden. You would know that the CIA didn’t just mess up and not stop 9/11. Events have been planned to persuade the 300,000,000 people in this country to back aggressive expansion and justify tightening of domestic surveillance and to change the public attitudes about these secret mind control and thought reading weapons of tyranny. If the public attitude ever does change significantly because of government planted “terrorist” fears, any hope of maintaining and restoring a democracy will be history.

Continued on next page…