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- EbolaA hoax pandemic where the CDC, who owns the patent for Ebola, blames a germ for flu-like symptoms in poverty-stricken countries of Africa wrought with illnesses when the Ebola virus has never been isolated from a human, thus it cannot be proven to be the cause of an outbreak or even a single persons symptoms. Cases were diagnosed with the PCR test which is not a testing method according to its inventor, Nobel prize-winner Kary Mullis. The 'Ebola effect' of excessive bleeding is also a side(...) Read More
- Echinaceaalso known as the American coneflower, it is a brightly colored medicinal plant named for the prickly spines in its large cone-shaped seed head. Based on those spines, its name is derived from the Greek word ekhînos, meaning hedgehog. Although used widely to treat all kinds of diseases and infections prior to the introduction of antibiotics in the U.S., this popular herb is now prized for its ability to shorten the duration of colds and flu, but also boosts the immune system,(...) Read More
- Eclipse FoundationStarted on Aug. 29, 2001 using the inventions of Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies, IBM “donated” $40 million to The Eclipse Consortium (later renamed The Eclipse Foundation) to promote “open source” software (free to users without licenses). The formation of Eclipse was nonsensical to IBMers because IBM’s culture was and still is to create proprietary software and hold patents and copyrights. In fact, IBM is today the largest holder of patents in the world. Evidence shows that(...) Read More
- EcoHealth AllianceA group interested on emerging viruses. It received millions of dollars from the US government, before Donald Trump stopped funding them in April 2020, concerned about its collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The director, Peter Daszak, is a UK born virologist, had publicly defended gain-of-function research and co-signed a February 2020 statement published in The Lancet in "to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin."(...) Read More
- Edmonds, Sibela Turkish-American[1] former FBI translator turned whistleblower. The most gagged woman in US legal history, she founded the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition[2]. She posted images without comment onto a page entitled "State Secrets Privilege Gallery" - which has assisted others in tracking malfeasance. Principal among her revelations are the development of Operation Gladio into Operation Gladio/B, a NATO-backed project to carry out false flag attacks in the name of "Islamic(...) Read More
- Education for DestructionA book written by patriot whistleblower Dr. B.R. Burchett and self published in Philadelphia, PA in 1941. She gives us a first hand look at her battle with the beginnings of collectivism and the communization of American schools, removing God from school, and other agendas carried out by infiltrators of our education system. Dr. Burchett was former Head of Department of Latin in the Philadelphia public school system.The promotional flyer for Dr. Burchett’s book read as(...) Read More
- Education SystemWhile parents, schools, provinces and states across North America bicker about the democratic process of running public schools, forces are manipulating education from behind the scenes - sexualizing, dumbing down, and indoctrinating children as early as they can. Major international players are reshaping public education to suit their own self-serving agendas, without regard for the wants of parents and the welfare of their children. Compared to 34 other modernized countries, the United(...) Read More
- Edwards, Jonathan(Oct 5, 1703 – Mar 22, 1758) A theologian/philosopher (considered by many as America's greatest theologian) who is considered a Founding Father of American evangelicalism, Edwards, the grandfather of Aaron Burr (3rd U.S. VP), is best known for his fiery sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Edwards wrote numerous sermons, books, and pamphlets that helped start the religious revival known as the Great Awakening and according to one historian, “provided pre-revolutionary America with(...) Read More
- Edwards, Steven L.CEO of American engineering firm Black & Veatch, a longtime contractor for the Pentagon used for a variety of construction tasks. “He has been with the company since 1978 and was formerly its Chief Operating Officer. Black & Veatch was long known to be working on Pentagon projects in Ukraine, but the documents seized by Russian forces earlier this month revealed the firm’s job in overseeing biological programs there, including the UP-8 project previously mentioned, studying Crimean-Congo(...) Read More
- Einstein, Albert(1879 -1955) Today revered as “the Father of Modern Science”, his wrinkled face and wild hair has become a symbol for scientific genius and “his” famous E=MC2 equation is repeatedly used as the symbol for something scientific and intellectual. And yet there has for years been mounting evidence that Time Magazine's 'Person of the Century' was nothing but a con man, lying about his ideas and achievements, and stealing the work and the research of others.[caption id="attachment_516048"(...) Read More
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.(1890-1969) A five-star general in the US Army during World War II and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. He was the first supreme commander of NATO from 1951 – May 30, 1952, and 34th US President from January 20, 1953 – January 20, 1961. Topwards the end of his life, he became increasingly concerned about the activities of the CIA, and in his now famous farewell speech, he warned against the dangers of the "military–industrial complex." (Wikispooks) See(...) Read More
- ElderberryA plant, mostly found in North America, with small berries rich in potassium, fiber, beta-carotene, iron, vitamins A, B6, and C which are often made into healthy syrups, juices, or even jams. Antioxidant-rich sambucus nigra, European or black elder, may help relieve cold and flu symptoms, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke, combat infections, ease arthritis, induce wound healing, maintain a(...) Read More
- Election Assistance CommissionCreated in 2002 by the Help America Vote Act. One of its principal responsibilities is to develop federal voting system standards, known as the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG), and to certify voting systems to those standards. Since it began testing and certifying voting systems in 2006, the EAC has certified voting systems to outdated guidelines from 2005. In 2015 the EAC began developing an updated set of guidelines, termed VVSG 2.0.The EAC was sued after the 2021 Election(...) Read More
- Election Integrity PartnershipA partnership group of far-left, anti-free speech zealots created with the government and social media before the 2020 Election to combat any election-related reporting on the stolen 2020 Election. This nefarious partnership's top target was The Gateway Pundit, which relentlessly (more so than any other media) reported excellent and factual news that exposed the stolen election. The first paragraph on the group’s website shares lies and far-left fantasies that prove the group’s bias,(...) Read More
- Election Official Legal Defense NetworkOrganized in September 2021 by David Becker with hundreds of liberal attorneys offering their services for free. Becker was also the founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) a group Zuckerberg funded with $69.5 million during the 2020 election. EOLDN purports to be a nonpartisan nonprofit, but their hidden purpose is to protect the 2020 steal by protecting the election officials who helped carry it out and keep them from caving to the pressure applied by patriots(...) Read More
- Electoral CollegeThe method by which the United States elects a president every four years. This mechanism was devised by the Founding Fathers as a compromise between large states (who felt they should have a greater say than the smaller states) and small states (who feared a straight proportional number would leave them too little influence). The College is outlined in Article II, Section 1 and in the Twelfth and Twenty-Third Amendments to the United States Constitution. It calls for each state to be(...) Read More
- Electoral FraudThe criminal manipulation of elections to secure the supposed victory of a candidate who, had the election been conducted legally and fairly, would not have won. Many forms of electoral fraud have been recorded including: (1) 'personation': voters assuming the identity of another registered voter (sometimes a recently deceased voter); (2) registration of non-existent voters (e.g. "Mickey Mouse", "Bugs Bunny", "SpongeBob SquarePants", etc.); (3) multiple voting by the same individual (for(...) Read More
- ElectrocultureA simple method of applying atmospheric (free) electricity to significantly increase plant growth. Using basic materials like copper wire (and/or magnets) to vitalize the soil and increase yields by 100% - 300%. It also eliminates the need for fertilizer and pesticides, explained that “it is not electricity as we know it, but a breath of energy... which stimulates and increases the fertility of the soil.” Since the beginnings of electricity in the 1780s, experiments have been(...) Read More
- Electromagnetic FieldsAccording to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, EMFs are “invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power.”1 Ionizing radiation is generally believed to have enough energy to break the covalent bonds in DNA but actually most of the damage is due to the oxidative stress resulting in excessive free radicals. The type of EMF your cellphone emits is in the microwave 2 to 5 gigahertz range. Besides your(...) Read More
- Electronic Registration Information CenterERIC is essentially a left wing voter registration drive disguised as voter roll clean up. It was formed in 2012 as a membership organization primarily for blue States (it’s been gaining traction in Red States too) to clean voter rolls their way, using their rules. Originally funded by the Soros Open Society, it is now responsible for cleaning the voter rolls in 31 States, plus D.C. A top election official from each member State is appointed a seat on the ERIC Board or as an Officer, all(...) Read More
- Elliott, Yandell(May 12, 1896 - Jan 9, 1979) Oxford-trained, British-allied Harvard history professor, CFR member, and political advisor (ie: handler) to six US presidents and would also serve as a mentor to Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Pierre Trudeau, McGeorge Bundy, among others. He, along with many of his star pupils, would serve as the key connectors between the American national security establishment and the British “Round Table” movement, embodied by organizations such as Chatham House(...) Read More
- Ellison, Larry(born Aug 17, 1944) is an American business magnate and investor who is a co-founder, the executive chairman and chief technology officer (CTO) of Oracle Corporation. As of April 2021, he was listed by Bloomberg Billionaires Index as the ninth-wealthiest person in the United States and as the tenth-wealthiest in the world, with a fortune of $93.9 billion, increased from $57.3 billion in 2018. He is also the owner of the 41st largest island in the United States, Lanai in the Hawaiian(...) Read More
- Endgame: Blueprint for Global EnslavementAn Alex Jones’ documentary released on November 13, 2007 that charts the history of the elite blueprint for social domination and control, outlining the ultimate plans that those who consider themselves the anointed have for our planet. The first section of the film documents the rise of the banking cartels, who since 1800 have funded both sides of almost every war. Endgame charts the usurpation of the British economy by the Rothchild family who went on to bankroll all factions during the(...) Read More
- Entomological WarfareEntomological warfare is a type of biological warfare that uses insects to transmit diseases. The Pentagon has allegedly performed such entomological tests in Georgia and Russia. In 2014 The Lugar Center was equipped with an insect facility and launched a project “Raising Awareness about Barcoding of Sand Flies in Georgia and Caucasus”. The project covered a larger geographic area outside of Georgia – Caucasus. In 2014-2015 Phlebotomine sand fly species were collected under another(...) Read More
- EntrustA Minnesota-based global IT firm that was handed £250,000 to provide cloud computing software for the Covid vaccine passport scheme and has already helped roll out national ID systems in Albania, Ghana and Malaysia and trying to sneak it into the UK. The Quandt family, step-grandchildren of Nazi Joseph Goebbels who inherited over 200 Nazi companies with tens of thousands of slave laborers, purchased 43% of the company Data Card Corporation in August of 1987. One month later, they purchased(...) Read More
- Environmental Protection AgencyThe EPA, created with much fanfare by Richard Nixon in 1970, was an agency crippled at birth by inadequate funding, heavy staffing from corporate indoctrinated USDA disciples, political hypocrisy, and laws protecting industry profits above all. These understaffed and overloaded scientists rubber stamped hundreds of outdated and fraudulent pesticide studies every year resulting in further fraud and cover up in defense of bad science. FDA whistleblower scientist Adrian Gross alerted the EPA(...) Read More
- Epstein, JeffreyA multi-millionaire, not billionaire, pedophile who ran a sex trafficking operation on his private Caribbean island (Little St. James or 'Orgy Island'), on his private jet (the Lolita Express), and at his several residences throughout the US. The federal government had mountains of evidence to put Epstein behind bars for decades for child sex-trafficking and serial molestation but in one of the biggest cover-ups of all time, gave him a sweetheart deal where he only served 13 months of an(...) Read More
- Erasmus, Desiderius(Oct 27, 1466 - July 12, 1536) a Dutch theologian born Geert Geertsen in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and died in 1536 in Basel, Switzerland. The great scholar was so moved to correct the corrupt Latin Vulgate, that in 1516, with the help of printer John Froben, he published a Greek-Latin Parallel New Testament. The Latin part was not the corrupt Vulgate, but his own fresh rendering of the text from the more accurate and reliable Greek, which he had managed to collate from a half-dozen(...) Read More
- Essential OilsUsed for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes because of their antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral and calming properties, they are recently gaining popularity as a natural, safe and cost-effective therapy for a number of health concerns. They require a large quantity of plant material and need to be diluted before use because they are concentrated. Essential oils can be used in different ways, including aromatherapy (smell(...) Read More
- EugenicsThe science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. (Oxford dictionary) “Eugenics” comes from the Greek roots for “good” and “origin,” or “good birth” and involves applying principles of genetics and heredity for the purpose of improving the human race. The term eugenics was first coined by Francis Galton in the late 1800’s (Norrgard 2008). Galton (1822-1911) was an English intellectual whose body of work spanned(...) Read More
- Event 201A pandemic preparation exercise that was held in New York in front of an audience on 18 October 2019 (2 mos. prior to the COVID 'pandemic' in Wuhan. The "exercise players" simulated a global coronavirus pandemic. At least one participant went on to feature in a COVID task force the following year. Bill Gates, whose Gates Foundation co-funded the event, was aggressive in his support of the COVID Lockdown strategy and his promotion of a COVID vaccine and accompanying digital ID as their only(...) Read More
- Evers, Tony(b. Nov 5, 1951) Democrat totalitarian fascist governor of Wisconsin where “recall Evers” has been a somewhat popular battle cry on the right in the state, especially on social media. The recall effort fail short, but grew in popularity with his tyrannical covid illegal stay-at-home and illegal mask mandates while crippling the state's economy with communist lockdown orders. In 2018, Evers pulled out a last-minute Biden-like win after counting of the absentee ballots on Election Night put(...) Read More
- EvolutionA atheistic, naturalistic theory of the history of life on earth (this refers to the theory of evolution which employs methodological naturalism and is taught in schools and universities). The theory has 'evolved' drastically over the relatively brief period that it has been the ruling paradigm of Western thought, though changes are not usually broadcast to the general public. (See Arthur S. Lodge's search for a definition.) Merriam-Webster's dictionary gives the following definition of(...) Read More
- ExpediaObnoxious left-wing American online travel shopping company that pulled advertising from Laura Ingram for criticizing anti-gun activist, David Hogg. Its websites, which are primarily travel fare aggregators and travel metasearch engines, include Expedia.com, Vrbo, Hotels.com, Hotwire.com, Orbitz, Travelocity, trivago and CarRentals.com. Former CEO, Barry Diller has Trump Derangement Syndrome. Diller signed an open letter opposing the candidacy of Donald Trump. Diller said he would move(...) Read More