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Wage Growth For Men About 1/4% Per Year Since 2000, Women About 1/2% Per Year
Wage Growth For Men About 1/4% Per Year Since 2000, Women About 1/2% Per Year

Wage Growth For Men About 1/4% Per Year Since 2000, Women About 1/2% Per Year

Women are slowly catching up to men in median wages but growth has been pathetic across the board.

BLS data on real wages shows women are slowly catching up to men.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is real wages for women have only risen at slightly over 1/2 of 1 percent per year for 19.5 years.

Men performed even worse. Real wages for men have risen at a pathetic rate of about 1/4 of 1 percent per year in the same period.

The featured images is from a set of Interactive BLS Graphs on Fred.

The anecdotes and calculations are mine.

I used an Annual Rate of Return Calculator to determine the percentages.

Major Assumption

The numbers assume you believe the BLS’ questionable rates of inflation.

I don’t because the BLS excludes housing prices and ignores asset bubbles. The BLS also dramatically understates health care costs.

Questioning the BLS Medical Care Index

I discuss health care and incorrect BLS methodology in Another Surge in CPI Medical Care Costs.

One person commented “I bought my own insurance and it went up about 180% in the first three years of Obamacare.”

Unfortunately, that’s typical. Anyone buying their own insurance will not believe the purported 4.3% rise in the past year.

I discuss other problems with the BLS’ medical calculations.

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