“Internationalism must first be a state of mind, an ideal, a chivalry, a religion, before it can be a reality and a system.”
— Samuel Zane Batten, The New World Order, 1919
Federal Council joined with other interdenominational agencies to constitute the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. The Council has aided the Communist cause and sided with Russia on point after point during the cold war and after. It has been a spokesman for socialism, advocated federal aid to education, opposed states rights, stimulated racial strife in the country, promoted the welfare state, and maintained a political lobby in Washington. It claims to be the voice of millions Americans. In choosing Mr. Dahlberg to lead the organization for the initial three years, the National Council of Churches followed the precedent of the old Federal Council of Churches which numbered among its presidents such well known Communist fronters as the late Bishop Francis J. McConnell and Bishop G. Bromley Oxam.”
According to public records, the following indicates some of Dr. Dahlberg’s Communist-front activities:
When Harry Bridges, a self-confessed Communist, was ordered deported, from the United States by the Attorney General, Dr. Dahlberg, on April 22, 1943, joined with a group of Communist front clergymen in signing an open letter to President Roosevelt calling for the release of Harry Bridges. The letter said:
“We respectfully ask that you set aside the deportation order against Harry Renton Bridges, President of the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union, Congress of Industrial Organizations, and afford him full opportunity to become a citizen of the United States of America.” The letter maintained that his deportation would be an “injustice to him,” and it expressed “our own belief in his loyalty.”
A Citizens Committee to Free Earl Browder has been cited as “Communist and subversive” by the Attorney General of the United States. Browder was imprisoned following a conviction for perjury. He was the general secretary of the Communist Party. One of those affiliated with this committee was Dr. Dahlberg.
Another well known Communist-front organization was the National Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism. Even Jewish groups in the United States warned that the National Committee was a Communist front. But, according to the letterhead of the organization, dated March 26, 1946, Edwin T. Dahlberg was one of the sponsors of this National Committee.
The Communists set up another front organization, known as the Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact. This organization was launched by a meeting called “Washington Conference on Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact” and, according to The Worker, July 24, 1949, Edwin T. Dahlberg was one of the organizers of this conference.
When a group of American clergymen visited Communist Yugoslavia, with all their expenses paid by the Communist government, the delegation returned with a glowing report praising the Tito regime. This report was printed and circulated in the United States under the sponsorship of a group of Protestant clergymen, one of whom was Dr. Dahlberg. Such Communist-front activity has given great aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.
There is a Communist-front organization just now known as The Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobel. The publication of this organization dated August, 1957, reports that Dr. Dahlberg was a signer of an appeal on behalf of the Communist espionage agent, Morton Sobel. Sobel is now serving a thirty-year prison term in Alcatraz because of his connections with the Rosenbergs’ espionage activity.
Human Events, December 14, 1957, published in Washington, D. C., quotes material from the files of the National Republic “Washington’s most authoritative reference service on Communism,” concerning the record of Dr. Dahlberg:
“Member, National Committee for Defense of Political Prisoners, 1931 (cited as subversive by the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1942, and by the Attorney General of the United States in 1947 and 1948) ; sponsor, Political Prisoners’ Bail Fund Committee, 1935; signer, open letter to President Roosevelt asking that the deportation order against Harry Bridges be set aside; one of several ‘prominent Americans’ who favored ‘Presidential clemency for the release of Earl Browder,’ under auspices of the ‘Citizens Committee to Free Earl -Browder’ (cited as a Communist front by the HUAC Guide to Subversive Organizations) ; one of 17 churchmen asking a Senate probe of ‘perjured testimony by informers’ (Daily Worker, November 3, 1953) ; signer, open letter to the President urging support of the Lehman bill as substitute for the McCarran-Walter Act (Dail y Worker, November 3, 1953) ; signer of open letter to Representatives and Senators urging outright repeal of McCarran Act sponsored by National Committee for Repeal of McCarran Act (Daily Worker, December 28, 1954); petitioned President Eisenhower to ban H-bomb tests (Sunday Worker, July 14, 1957) ; signer of open letter to platform committees of Republican and Democratic parties urging them to back repeal of McCarran Act (Daily Worker, July 9, 1952); initiator, National Committee to Repeal McCarran Act (Daily Worker, December 27, 1950), this group is cited as a Communist front in the Guide to Subversive Organizations.”
NCC was founded in 1950 and describes itself as “…the leading force for ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the United States. The NCC’s member faith groups [are] from a wide spectrum of Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Evangelical, historic African American and Living Peace churches…”
When the organization was founded, it absorbed the Federal Council of Churches, which DiscovertheNetworks.org refers to as a “communist front-group.” In recent years, NCC has been accused of having cozy ties with various organizations that exist on the far edges of the American left. The group’s activities and stances, without a doubt, mirror those of some of the most secular non-profit organizations in the United States.
Many accuse the NCC of spending the majority of its time confronting political and social issues, rather that preaching the Christian gospel it claims to hold as its main underpinning. According to a special report compiled by the The Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD) back in 2006, NCC has not lived up to its spiritual commitments nor to its intended purposes:
The reality of the NCC has always fallen short of its high ideals. Articulating a “common faith in Jesus Christ” has not been a high priority for the council, as measured by its budgets, news releases, and publications. Instead the stress has fallen upon a “prophetic” social witness (i.e., taking positions on controversial political issues).
Multiple attempts have been made to urge the Christian churches to get behind programs for world governance. If the attempts were not spearheaded by Rockefellers themselves, significant financial support was provided to organizations sharing their vision for the world. A discernable pattern emerges, with the ability to look back at history, that escalating world crises have served as convenient launching points for incrementally larger pieces of the world government agenda. If this pattern continues – and there is little doubt that it will – we will inevitably see greater pieces locked into place after future crises.
It should be reiterated that while the Rockefeller family has been involved with promoting the ideas of world government and actively pursuing its formation, the idea did not originate with them. Utopians throughout history have promoted ideas of a world civilization and a world government, often with humanitarian aims. For example, as documented by Frederick Charles Hicks in his 1920 book “The New World Order”, Royal Society member John Bellers presented in the year 1710,
“…an elaborate proposal to Parliament for a confederation of states to do away with war. It contained also a proposal for a convocation of all religions.” [2]
Just as the Interchurch World Movement of 1919-1920 was presented to the churches as a solution to problems facing the globe after the first world war, the Federal Council of Churches (FCC) presented its own solution in the early 1940’s for a program “for a just and durable peace” upon the end of World War II. Not surprisingly, the Federal Council of Churches – which was merged with the National Council of Churches in 1950 – received significant funding from John D. Rockefeller Jr. [3]
[1] Hicks, Frederick Charles. The New World Order. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1920. p. 71
[2] Harvey, Charles E. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the Interchurch World Movement of 1919-1920: A Different Angle on the Ecumenical Movement. Church History, Vol. 51, No 2. (Jun., 1982), p. 205
[3] “American Malvern.” Time. March 16, 1942. Available at: <http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,801396,00.html>
Sources: https://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/rockefeller.1.html