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Australian Police Say Arsonists & Lightening to Blame for Bushfires, Not Climate Change
Australian Police Say Arsonists & Lightening to Blame for Bushfires, Not Climate Change

Australian Police Say Arsonists & Lightening to Blame for Bushfires, Not Climate Change

Authorities in Australia are working on the premise that arsonists and lightning strikes are to blame for bushfires that have devastated numerous areas of the country, not “climate change” as many global warming alarmists have claimed.

Since November, the fires have struck various regions of the state of New South Wales, destroying thousands of buildings and killing at least 22 people.

Despite the fact that bushfires are not uncommon in Australia, the severity of the damage led numerous climate change alarmists to blame the disaster on man-made global warming.

Earlier this week, Bernie Sanders blamed those who were “delaying action on climate change” for “the blood-red sky and unbreathable air in Australia because of raging forest fires.”

However, according to those tasked with investigating the fires, climate change has nothing to do with it.

“Police are now working on the premise arson is to blame for much of the devastation caused this bushfire season,” reports 7 News Sydney.

Authorities in the country have formed Strike Force Indarra, comprising of detectives from homicide and arson units in an attempt to find the culprits.

Other causes for the fires include lightning strikes and a natural weather phenomenon called Dipole, again neither of which have anything to do with man-made climate change.

Many bushfires are also actually caused by environmentalist ‘green’ policies which prevent land owners from clearing their own vegetation to protect themselves.

“Governments appeasing the green beast have ignored numerous state and federal bushfire inquiries over the past decade, almost all of which have recommended increasing the practice of “prescribed burning,” writes Miranda Devine. “Also known as “hazard reduction”, it is a methodical regime of burning off flammable ground cover in cooler months, in a controlled fashion, so it does not fuel the inevitable summer bushfires.”

As ever with climate change alarmists, they don’t let the facts get in the way of a good power grab.

Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the bushfires that have devastated the country, yet the media and celebrities continue to blame “climate change” for the disaster.

The fires have caused at least 18 deaths, destroyed thousands of homes, millions of hectares of land and killed hundreds of millions of animals.

A total of 183 people have been arrested by police in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania for lighting bushfires over the last few months, figures obtained by news agency AAP show.

In New South Wales, 24 people were arrested for arson, risking prison sentences of up to 25 years.

In Queensland, police concluded that 103 of the fires had been deliberately lit, with 98 people, 67 of them juveniles, having been identified as the culprits.

“The link between arsonists and the deadly fires that devastate Australia every summer is well known and well documented, with the rate of deliberately lit fires escalating rapidly during the school holiday period,” reports Breitbart’s Simon Kent.

Around 85 per cent of bushfires are caused by humans either deliberately or accidentally starting them, according to Dr Paul Read, co-director of the National Centre for Research in Bushfire and Arson.

“About 85 per cent are related to human activity, 13 per cent confirmed arson and 37 per cent suspected arson,” he said. “The remainder are usually due to reckless fire lighting or even just children playing with fire.”

Read also highlighted the link between school holidays and kids starting fires, commenting, “School holidays are a prime time for fire bugs, but especially over summer.” The kids have got time to get out there and light, and the most dangerous adults choose hot days.”

Tne apocalyptic wildfires in Australia didn’t have to be that way, according to English journalist James Delingpole, who blames misplaced environmentalist policies for exacerbating this tragic situation.

In an article he wrote for Breitbart News, Delingpole explains how this extreme natural disaster has nothing to do with man-made “climate change” – unless you consider environmentalist interference with nature mitigation a form of human-induced climate alteration.

The mainstream media both here and in Australia has been quick to blame these out-of-control blazes on “historic” high temperatures, which simply isn’t the case. Not only is Australia not breaking any heat records, rainfall levels have also been mostly normal – meaning it’s business as usual down under for this time of year.

So, why are there raging infernos, you’re probably asking yourself? The first culprit, which has nothing to do with humans driving cars or eating meat, by the way, are arsonists, which the media has barely been reporting on in its fervor to cast “global warming” as the perpetrator.

The second culprit, and this is where ideologically retarded environmentalists come into play, is a coordinated failure by the Australian government to properly manage its forests with controlled burns, brush cleanup and other mitigatory efforts.

Similar to California’s wildfires, which were also determined to have been caused by the Golden State’s failure to keep its forests healthy, Australia’s wildfires are largely a product of environmentalist objection to things like controlled burns, dredging, and other forms of standard environmental maintenance.

Irony: Those trying to save the climate are actually destroying it

Let’s be frank: Many leftist “tree-huggers” reel at the thought of anything being burned, because that means trees disappear and smoke is created, which is simply too much for them to handle. Thus, they’ve influenced the political system to avoid doing things like controlled burns that are absolutely critical for preventing the types of raging infernos that destroy entire neighborhoods, animal habitats and even human lives.

“[W]ell-meaning idiots who don’t understand that unless you manage forested areas with controlled burns, you’re going to end up with out-of-control wildfires,” represent a form of man-made “climate change” that changes the climate for the worse, as we’re now seeing in Australia, according to Delingpole.

If you don’t believe us or Delingpole, then you might want to check out this story, which explains how deranged climate fanatics protested and ultimately stopped one such controlled burn that was supposed to have taken place in Nowa Nowa prior to these current out-of-control blazes.

These environmental morons actually held up protest signs that said things like, “Spring burns kill baby birds alive” and “Stop burning nesting birds.” Well, those nesting birds are all now gone, as are hundreds of homes and at least 17 people who were burned alive in the now-raging infernos that came instead – ah, and at least half a billion animals and counting have died as well.

The so-called “greens” in Australia have also successfully blocked routine forest clearance, another vital process for ensuring that forests don’t become the major fire hazards that they’ve now obviously become.

“… in large parts of Australia, it remains illegal to remove trees from your land even in order to create fire breaks and protect your property – despite the obvious risk this ban creates to homeowners living in potential bush-fire zones,” Delingpole notes.

“Trees have been designated a ‘carbon sink,’ which supposedly offset Australia’s CO2 emissions.”

In other words, environmental stupidity is to blame for all of this death and destruction, not people watering their lawns and failing to trade in their combustion engine vehicles for an expensive Tesla.

Sources: Infowars, Infowars 2; Breitbart.com

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