Taking Back Our Stolen History
Become an Exclusive Editor at HistoryHeist.com

Become an Exclusive Editor at HistoryHeist.com

It’s becoming impossible to find true history on the internet with the censorship by Google, Wikipedia, and almost every other website of significance. They all echo the official narrative. Most alternative websites have dozens of articles that covered what were at the time current and breaking news regarding the event details. You would have to dig through these details to discover the whole true story, or those covering historical events may have articles on certain events, but are difficult to find so the objective of History Heist / Wickedpedia is to create a chronological history of events from mostly alternative media regarding events that most likely did not happen as we have been taught in our history books or currently propagated to us in the controlled media.

The word ‘history’ comes from the Greek word historia meaning “knowledge acquired by inquiry or investigation,” so HistoryHeist.com is an alternative history, news and encyclopedia where investigations by investigative journalists, historians, and other researchers of the official account often provide evidence of a different story than the official narrative.

Knowledge is a key to choosing wisely. As we gain more knowledge of truth, it allows us to make wiser choices and we’re less likely to be deceived – thus allowing us to obtain greater liberty.  However, choosing unwisely (infidelity, drugs, allowing ourselves to be deceived by conspirators, etc.) yields less liberty and freedom because we become enslaved by addictive behaviors or lying psychopaths that inhibit and limit our choices or freedom. Satan wants to take away all of these (knowledge, liberty, and freedom) because that’s what the war in Heaven was all about – our free agency here on earth.

It is important to know and understand our enemy, Satan, and those whom he enlists here on the earth to do his evil work and build his counterfeit kingdom. As with any good general, coach, or athlete – we must know and understand our enemy. Sun Tzu said in ‘The Art of War’: ”

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

We are in a battle every day against this powerful enemy and we must study the many tactics he uses to attack us mentally, spiritually, and physically. If we know and understand true history, we can and will see that the conspirators are doing exactly what they said they were going to do decades and centuries ago. We’ll see through their lies and deception and be able to resist tyranny with truth and liberty.

The goals of History Heist are multiple.

  1. Provide a true accounting of history in our era and the recent centuries.
  2. Provide the documentation, history, and research necessary to connect the dots of the global new world order conspiracy which will:
    1. Help wake up conspiracy deniers
    2. Expose the evil conspirators and their evil deeds
    3. Help others understand that we are in a spiritual warfare.
  3. Shout out to James Perloff, as Truth IS a Lonely Warrior! Thus, we need a community to band together, crowdsource truth, and support the censored research and work of the authors, investigative journalists, whistleblowers and others that are putting their neck on the line to reveal hidden secrets the powers-that-be don’t want us to know. History Heist allows authors of pages to earn residual income for life on referrals (up to 70% on subscriptions) and there are more ways to earn.
  4. Help fund those on the front lines fighting specific battles in defense of liberty in health, politics, finance, etc. via donations and crowdfunding.

I hope you’ll become an editor and share your knowledge to expose how the enemy is attacking us and the many lies told of our history. Our religious, political, and financial freedoms could be on the brink of extinction if we don’t band together and take a stand! Those who understand history, true history, will understand what is coming and will be the few prepared to save the constitution and the world from the tyrannical elite hell-bent on a new world order.

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