an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information. In a passive cover-up, information is simply not provided; in an active cover-up, deception is used. The expression is usually applied to people in positions of authority who abuse power to avoid or silence criticism or to deflect guilt of wrongdoing. Perpetrators of a cover-up (initiators or their allies) may be responsible for a misdeed, a breach of trust or duty, or a crime. While the terms are often used interchangeably, cover-up involves withholding incriminatory evidence, while whitewash involves releasing misleading evidence. See also Misprision. A cover-up involving multiple parties is a type of conspiracy.
When a scandal breaks, the discovery of an attempt to cover up the truth is often regarded as even more reprehensible than the original deeds. The mildest case, not quite a cover-up, is simply to release news which could be embarrassing but is not important enough to guarantee attention, at a time when other news is dominating the headlines, or immediately before a holiday or weekend.
Initially a cover-up may require little effort; it will be carried out by those closely involved with the misdeed. Once some hint of the hidden matter starts to become known, the cover-up gradually draws all the top leadership, at least, of an organization into complicity in covering up a misdeed or even crime that may have originally been committed by a few of its members acting independently. This may be regarded as tacit approval of that behavior.
It is likely that some cover-ups are successful, although by definition this cannot be confirmed. Many fail, however, as more and more people are drawn in and the possibility of exposure makes potential accomplices fearful of supporting the cover-up and as loose ends that may never normally have been noticed start to stand out. As it spreads, the cover-up itself creates yet more suspicious circumstances.
The original misdeed being covered may be relatively minor, but the cover-up adds so many additional crimes (obstruction of justice, perjury, payoffs and bribes, in some cases suspicious suicides or outright murder) that the cover-up becomes much more serious than the original crime. This gave rise to the phrase, “it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up”.
Cover-ups do not necessarily require the active manipulation of facts or circumstances. Arguably the most common form of cover-up is one of non-action. It is the conscious failure to release incriminating information by a third party. This “passive cover-up” is often justified by the motive of not wanting to embarrass the culprit or expose them to criminal prosecution or even the belief that the cover-up is justified by protecting the greater community from scandal. Yet, because of the passive cover-up, the misdeed often goes undiscovered and results in harm to others ensuing from its failure to be discovered. Real cover-ups are common enough, but any event which is not completely clear is likely to give rise to a thicket of conspiracy theories alleging covering up of sometimes the weirdest and most unlikely conspiracies.
“Snowjob” is an American and Canadian colloquialism for a deception or a cover-up; for example, Helen Gahagan Douglas described the Nixon Administration as “the greatest snow job in history”.1
Chronological History of Cover Up Events

IRS Whistleblowers Expose 2020 Election Interference By The IRS, FBI, DOJ and Biden-Harris White House

Epstein Victim Who Testified Against Ghislaine Maxwell Mysteriously Found Dead in Hotel

Whistleblower: The Pentagon Mandated COVID Vaccines, But Then Ignored Concerns About Adverse

Epstein Victim Claims She Has Epstein’s Blackmail Videos That Expose Wealthy Elite

Fake News Claims Attack on Paul Pelosi

‘Catastrophic Contagion’: Gates, Johns Hopkins, WHO Simulated Deadly Pandemic to Cover Up Children Covid Vaccine Deaths & Adverse Events

Florida Surgeon General Releases Report: 84% Increase in Cardiac-related Death among Males 18-39 yrs old within 28 days following mRNA Vax

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Letter to AG Garland and FBI Director Wray on Hunter Biden Cover Up

HR4350 Introduced: Plan for Martial Law w/Military, Suspend Congressional Oversight, and Implementing Biden as a Dictator