Taking Back Our Stolen History
Cover Ups

Cover Ups

A usually concerted effort to keep an illegal or unethical act or situation from being made public by a stratagem to masking or conceal the act. We see the deep state continually covering their tracks from assassinationsfalse flags, coups, psyops and hoaxes, mass shootings, massacres, genocides, and other heinous crimes against humanity constantly. Those who help cover up these crimes are rewarded and heralded by the controlled mainstream media  while  whistleblowers, brave journalists, and others who investigate and have or may expose their crimes find themselves victims of smear campaigns, ‘suicided‘ or ‘accidented’ in mysterious car, plane, or boating accidents, or sudden victims of cancer, heart attack, or other weaponized poisons, cancers, etc.

Assassinations / Mysterious Deaths  Coup d’état  False Flags  Psyops Mass Shootings  Massacres  Trafficking  War on Terror

Chronological History of Cover Ups Below:

The Coup of Napoleon Bonaparte

The Coup of Napoleon Bonaparte

In November 1799, in an event known as the coup of 18 Brumaire, Napoleon was part of a group (the Jacobins and Freemasons) that successfully overthrew the French Directory. The Directory was replaced with a three-member Consulate, and Napoleon became first consul, making him France’s leading political figure. In June 1800, at the Battle of Marengo, Napoleon’s forces defeated one of France’s perennial enemies, the Austrians, ...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dies, Allegedly Poisoned by the Illuminati for Trying to Expose Them

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dies, Allegedly Poisoned by the Illuminati for Trying to Expose Them

 On 5 December 1784, the freemasons asked the brilliant Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to become a freemason. He joined the lodge Zur Wohltatigkeit (To Charity) on 14 December 1784. He was also a member of another lodge, Zur wahren Eintracht (To True Concord). This was a double lodge. Soon Mozart reached the very highest degree, the 33rd. Mozart wrote many compositions for Masonic ceremonies. The ...
Swedes Stage a False Flag Attack on Puumala Leading to the Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790)

Swedes Stage a False Flag Attack on Puumala Leading to the Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790)

In 1788, the head tailor at the Royal Swedish Opera received an order to sew a number of Russian military uniforms. These were then used by the Swedes to stage an attack on Puumala, a Swedish outpost on the Russo-Swedish border, on 27 June 1788. This caused an outrage in Stockholm and impressed the Riksdag of the Estates, the Swedish national assembly, who until then had refused to agree to an offensive ...
The Bank of England is Formed by Royal Charter - later to be Purchased for Pennies on the Dollar After a Rothschild Financial Coup

The Bank of England is Formed by Royal Charter – later to be Purchased for Pennies on the Dollar After a Rothschild Financial Coup

For purposes of a mainstream account, the official site of the Bank of England provides a flowery version about the background and purported success of the scheme proposed by “William Paterson, envisaged a loan of £1,200,000 to the Government, in return for which the subscribers would be incorporated as the "Governor and Company of the Bank of England". Although the new bank would have risked its ...
Oliver Cromwell and the Beheading of King Charles I - Financed by the Jewish Bankers

Oliver Cromwell and the Beheading of King Charles I – Financed by the Jewish Bankers

JEWISH BANKERS FROM AMSTERDAM led by the Jewish financier and army contractor of Cromwell’s New Model Army, Fernandez Carvajal and assisted by Portuguese Ambassador De Souza, a Marano (secret Jew), saw an opportunity to exploit in the civil unrest led by Oliver Cromwell in 1643. A stable Christian society of ancient traditions binding the Monarchy, Church, State, nobles and people into one solemn bond was disrupted ...
Gunpowder Plot: Guy Fawkes a False Flag Patsy?

Gunpowder Plot: Guy Fawkes a False Flag Patsy?

Is the story we've been taught about the Gunpowder plot really treason by Guy Fawkes and the group of Catholic men, or has history gone the way of the victors once again? What we're told... As midnight approaches on November the 4th – the eve of the traditional opening of Parliament – armed agents of the King raid a basement room of the Houses of Parliament. They discover ...
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

(Image) One Morning at the Gates of the Louvre, The day after St. Bartholomew’s Eve On this day commenced this diabolical act of sanguinary brutality. It was intended to destroy at one stroke the root of the Protestant tree, which had only before partially suffered in its branches. The king of France had artfully proposed a marriage, between his sister and the prince of Navarre, the ...
Basel Massacre: Dozens of Jews Executed for Well Poisoning Allegedly Causing the Black Death

Basel Massacre: Dozens of Jews Executed for Well Poisoning Allegedly Causing the Black Death

Jews had lived in Basel since at least 1213, when the local community was one of the largest in Europe.[3] The community grew, and by the middle of the 14th century it featured 19 houses and a synagogue.[4] With the spread of the Black Death in the 14th century, there were pogroms against Jews because of rumors of well poisoning and very few Jews dying from the Black ...