The Erased of Slovenia: Over 25,000 Permanent Residents Lose their Citizenship and thus all of their Rights (Work, Travel, Bank, Pensions, etc.)
Slovenia has always been the most prosperous of the six former Yugoslav republics: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia. It's a small but proud country, and that pride is often taken as arrogance, especially by other Balkan nations. When the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) began to dissolve in 1991, Slovenia was the first to declare independence. After a quick 10-day war, the ...

The Bleiberg Massacre: Croatian Soldiers who Surrendered after WWII to the British were Given to Communist. Tens of Thousands were Starved, Beaten, & Raped.
Official British documents state there were 200,000 Croatian soldiers and 500,000 civilians in Bleiberg, Austria. After peacefully surrendering, they were told their destination was Italy, but the British knowingly loaded them on trains back to the Soviet and Yugoslav communists and certain death. Survivors of the initial atrocities were sent on "death marches" where tens of thousands of men, women, and children, their hands tied with ...