David Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience:
“George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging.”
When Bush was elected, the CFR member became the first President to publicly mention the “New World Order” and had in his Administration nearly 350 CFR and Trilateral Commission members:
- Brent Scowcroft (National Security Advisor)
- Dick Cheney (Secretary of Defense)
- Colin L. Powell (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)
- William Webster (Director of the CIA)
- Richard Thornburgh (Attorney General)
- Nicholas F. Brady (Secretary of Treasury)
- Lawrence S. Eagleburger (Deputy Secretary of State)
- Horace G. Dawson, Jr. (U.S. Information Agency and Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights)
- Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board)