Sackett v EPA: Supreme Court Rules Against EPA in Major Wetlands Case
The Supreme Court voted to rein in the power of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate wetlands in a ruling issued on May 25, the latest in a series of rulings curbing federal regulatory authority. The nation’s High Court ruled in favor of an Idaho couple who have been battling federal officials for years over the right to develop their own property. The case, ...

‘Watch the Water’ Documentary Released: Dr. Ardis Discovers Real Cause of Covid-19 – King Cobra Venom?
This documentary contains stunning new information about the true vector killing those with Covid, the Vaccines, and Remdesivir. Evidence is shown. Someone murdered to cover this up. It is an important watch, so that you understand how to protect yourself and your family. You need to filter your water, and change what you buy that uses city or county water. The CDC "investigates" water treatment plants, ...

EWG’s 2022 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce
Today the Environmental Working Group announced that strawberries, spinach and leafy greens are again the top offenders on its 2022 Dirty Dozen™ – a list of the most pesticide-contaminated fresh fruits and vegetables, based on the latest tests by the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration. Pesticide residues were found on over 70 percent of the non-organic produce tested by the USDA and FDA, continuing a problem highlighted ...

Study: Millions consuming ‘invisible toxic cocktail’ of cancer-linked chemicals
Millions of Americans are unknowingly ingesting water that includes “an invisible toxic cocktail” of cancer-linked chemicals, a new survey of the nation’s tap water has found. The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) 2021 Tap Water Database, available to the public as of Wednesday, revealed contamination from toxins like arsenic, lead and “forever chemicals” — perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) — in the drinking water of tens of millions ...

Australia: Food Ministers Forum Rates Fresh Juice Lower Than Diet Cola
Pure Australian fruit juices—with no added sugar—will now be classified as less healthy than soft drinks after the Food Regulation Forum, comprising of State and Federal Government ministers, rejected a move to ensure fresh juice has a higher health rating than soft drinks. In a move that Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said could cost orange growers $67 million, the majority of states and territories will now give ...

Rockefeller Foundation Releases ‘Reset the Table’ Report, part of “The Great Reset” Describing Radical Transformation of Our Food System
The Rockefeller Foundation has released a new report, “Reset The Table” — an implied part of “The Great Reset” — describing a radical transformation of our food system in the face of the most significant disruption to our food supply in history. The report calls to provide food to all (like UBI), use schools as community nutrition distribution anchors, de-fund farms/ranches via “true cost accounting” that ...

Rockefeller Foundation / WEF Article: “How to reimagine our food systems for a post-COVID world”
Sara Farley, Managing Director of Food Initiative for the Rockefeller Foundation, penned an article that was posted on Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum as part of their Covid Action Plan. The article is in full below: The COVID-19 crisis is a ‘stress test’ for our global food systems – and they are failing. Today we see farmers dumping milk and ploughing crops back into their fields, even as stores ...

Chemical Found in Drinking Water Linked to Tooth Decay in Children
Children with higher concentrations of a certain chemical in their blood are more likely to get cavities, according to a new study by West Virginia University School of Dentistry researchers. Manufactured chemical groups called perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances are universal as a result of extensive manufacturing and use. Although manufacturers no longer use PFAS to make nonstick cookware, carpet, cardboard and other products, they persist in the environment. Scientists ...

EPA Announces it Will Stop Monitoring Drinking Water for Atrazine
Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted the Environmental Protection Agency over its decision to stop monitoring the dangerous herbicide known as Atrazine in the U.S. water supply. “Despite its name, the Environmental Protection Agency doesn’t just exist to protect the environment,” Carlson said Friday. “It also exists to protect you, by policing against the many pollutants that are generated by modern life. But soon, the EPA ...

Kids Twice as Likely to Eat Healthy after Watching Healthy Cooking Shows
Television programs featuring healthy foods can be a key ingredient in leading children to make healthier food choices now and into adulthood. A new study found kids who watched a child-oriented cooking show featuring healthy food were 2.7 times more likely to make a healthy food choice than those who watched a different episode of the same show featuring unhealthy food. Television programs featuring healthy foods ...