Taking Back Our Stolen History


NEWS FLASH: CERN Did Not Discover the Higgs Boson Particle

In an article by Jim Algar of Tech Times we read that:

A simulation of the Higgs-Boson particle. Nice picture, but where is the REAL picture?

The elusive Higgs boson, the so-called “God particle,” may not have been discovered despite claims of it being detected, some scientists are saying. Particle physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced two years ago they had discovered the Higgs particle, considered the foundation particle in the Standard Model of Particle physics, and a Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert for their work on the theory of the Higgs boson.

Now, though, researchers at the University of Southern Denmark’s Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology suggest that while the CERN scientists did discover a unique new particle, there’s no conclusive evidence of it being the Higgs boson.

The Higgs could explain data obtained by CERN scientists using the Large Hadron Collider, but other particles could have created the data, suggesting there might be alternate explanations for it, they say in a paper published in the journal Physical Review:

“The current data is not precise enough to determine exactly what the particle is,” says university researcher Mads Toudal Frandsen. “It could be a number of other known particles.”

Internet and Internet of Things Surveillance of Everyone?

In 1989, under the guidance of Tim Berners-Lee, CERN began the World Wide Web project, which led to the first webpage in history. On April 30, 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone. Essentially, CERN wrote the base code for individuals to access the internet.

The first packet-switched computer network was the ARPANET. It used a backbone of routers called Interface Message Processors. Other packet-switched computer networks began to proliferate in the 1970s, eventually adopting TCP/IP protocols or being replaced by newer networks. The National Science Foundation created NSFNET in 1986 by funding six networking sites using links and peering to the ARPANET. In 1987, this new network was upgraded with links to thirteen sites.

These sites included regional networks that in turn connected over 170 other networks. IBM, MCI and Merit upgraded the backbone bandwidth (T3) in 1991. The combination of the ARPANET and NSFNET became known as the Internet. Within a few years, the dominance of the NSFNet backbone led to the decommissioning of the redundant ARPANET infrastructure in 1990.

In the early days of the internet, backbone providers exchanged their traffic at government-sponsored Network Access Points (NAPs), until the government privatized the internet, and transferred the NAPs to commercial providers. 

A Network Access Point (NAP) is a public network exchange facility where internet service providers (ISPs) connected with one another in peering arrangements. The NAPs were a key component in the transition from the 1990s NSFNET era (when many networks were government sponsored and commercial traffic was prohibited) to the commercial Internet providers of today.

The four Network Access Points (NAPs) were defined under the U.S. National Information Infrastructure (NII) document as transitional data communications facilities at which Network Service Providers (NSPs) would exchange traffic, in replacement of the publicly-financed NSFNET Internet backbone. The original four NAPs are in Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, and California.  As a transitional strategy, NAPs were effective, giving commercial network operators a bridge from the internet’s beginnings as a government-funded academic experiment, to the modern internet of many private-sector competitors collaborating to form a network-of-networks, anchored around Internet Exchange Points.

Cisco Systems – Child of DARPA 

Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in San Jose, California, that designs, manufactures and sells networking equipment. It is considered to be the largest networking company in the world.  Cisco was one of the first to sell commercially successful routers supporting multiple network protocols, routers that quickly became vital to Internet service providers and by 1998 gave Cisco de facto monopoly in this critical segment.  Essentially, every internet message originally went through a Cisco router.

In 2000, Cisco became the most valuable company in the world, with a market capitalization of more than US $500 billion.

Cisco’s Linksys E2700, E3500, E4500 devices have been reported to be remotely updated to a firmware version that forces users to register for a cloud service, allowing Cisco to monitor their network use, and ultimately shut down the cloud service account and thus render the affected router unusable. Cisco has been found to have built in a backdoor to all of their routers that connect them to the NSA’s PRISM program of surveillance.

According to the German magazine Der Spiegel the NSA has developed JETPLOW for gaining access to ASA Cisco series 5505, 5510, 5520, 5540 and 5550 and 500-series PIX Firewalls. The National Security Agency’s Tailored Access Operations (TAO) unit and other NSA employees intercept servers, routers and other network gear being shipped to organizations targeted for surveillance and install covert firmware onto them before they’re delivered. These Trojan horse systems were described by an NSA manager as being “some of the most productive operations in TAO.

Initially the Network Access Points were controlled and operated by Cisco Systems in conjunction with DARPA and the National Security Agency. CERN is Europe’s oldest and largest Network Access Points used by the rogue faction of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for surveillance of foreign countries and their citizens.

CERN also coordinates the work of Onyx, the Swiss intelligence gathering system maintained by the Federal Intelligence Service of Switzerland.  The mission of Onyx is to monitor both civil and military communications via telephone, fax, internet traffic and satellite communications. Onyx uses lists of keywords to filter the intercepted content for information of interest.  Onyx coordinates the work of other collection centers like Zimmerwald, Heimenschwand and Leuk. 

CERN is a Network Access Point for surveillance for the ECHELON spy system.

ECHELON is a surveillance program (signals intelligence / SIGINT collection and analysis network) operated on behalf of the five signatory nations to the UKUSA Security Agreement—Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The program was created in the late 1960s to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies during the Cold War, and was formally established in 1971. By the end of the 20th century, the system referred to as “ECHELON” had allegedly evolved beyond its military and diplomatic origins, to also become “…a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications.”

Britain’s The Guardian newspaper summarized the capabilities of the ECHELON system as follows: “A global network of electronic spy stations that can eavesdrop on telephones, faxes and computers. It can even track bank accounts. This information is stored in ECHELON computers, which can keep millions of records on individuals. Officially, however, Echelon doesn’t exist.”

In 2000, James Woolsey, the former Director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, confirmed that U.S. intelligence uses interception systems and keyword searches to monitor European businesses. Some of the systems used to accomplish these tasks at CERN include:

ADVISE: (Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement) is a research and development program within the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Threat and Vulnerability Testing and Assessment (TVTA) portfolio. It is developing a massive data mining system which collects and analyzes data on everyone in the United States and performs a “threat analysis” of them. The data can be everything from financial records, phone records, emails, blog entries, website searches, and any other electronic information that can be put into a computer system.

  • Boundless Informant: NSA system to analyze global electronic information.
  • BULLRUN: NSA program to preserve its ability to eavesdrop on encrypted communications.
  • Carnivore: FBI system to monitor email and electronic communications.
  • DCSNet: FBI surveillance system that can perform instant wiretaps on any telecommunications device.
  • Fairview: A mass surveillance program directed at foreign mobile phone users. 
  • Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: A bureau of the Department of the Treasury that collects and analyzes financial transactions in order to combat financial crimes.
  • ICREACH: Surveillance that is shared with 23 government agencies, including the CIA, DEA, and FBI, to search illegally collected personal records.
  • Magic Lantern: A keystroke logging software deployed by the FBI in the form of an e-mail attachment. When activated, it acts as a trojan horse and allows the FBI to decrypt user communications.
  • Main Core: A personal and financial database storing information of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats to national security.
  • MAINWAY: NSA database containing metadata for hundreds of billions of telephone calls made through the four largest telephone carriers in the United States.
  • MUSCULAR: Overseas wiretapping of Google’s and Yahoo’s unencrypted internal networks by the NSA.
  • MYSTIC: NSA voice interception program.
  • PRISM: NSA electronic surveillance program which can target customers of participating corporations outside or inside the United States.
  • Sentry Eagle: Program to monitor and attack an adversary’s cyberspace.
  • Special Collection Service (SCS): It employs covert listening device technologies to bug foreign embassies, communications centers, computer facilities, fiber-optic networks, and government installations.
  • Stellar Wind: The name for four surveillance programs in one.
  • Tailored Access Operations: Intelligence-gathering unit of the NSA.
  • Turbulance: NSA information-technology project. It includes offensive cyberwarfare capabilities, like injecting malware into remote computers. 
  • US Intelligence Community (IC): A cooperative federation of 16 government agencies working together, but also separately, to gather intelligence and conduct espionage.
  • Utah Data Center: The Intelligence Community’s US$1.5 billion data storage center that is designed to store extremely large amounts of data.  CERN is the European Data Center.
  • X-Keyscore: NSA system for searching and analyzing internet data about foreign nationals. 
  • Information Awareness Office: An office established to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying surveillance and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and other threats to U.S. national security.
  • ThinThread: NSA program involving wiretapping and sophisticated analysis of the resulting data.
  • Trailblazer Project: NSA program intended to develop a capability to analyze data carried on communications networks including cell phone networks and the Internet. 

Miami and its CERN-like Network Access Point

Miami’s Network Access Point, located in central Miami, is called “The Cube”.  It is the Network Access Point (NAP) of the Americas, one of the world’s largest data centers, which redirects most of the digital information that comes from Latin America. About 90% of data traffic from Central and South America passes through the south Florida facility before continuing to its final destination.

The NAP is, in short, one of the internet’s brains – facilitating people’s online activity. There are 18 data centers around the world which play an important role in global digital communications. Security measures are especially strict at the NAP, and it is rare to be granted access.

The Cube, unlike other data centers, rents its equipment and space to private and public customers, so that they can share information between them. To prevent any service interruptions, the walls have seven inch thick, steel-reinforced concrete exterior panels in a hidden-from-sight building that does not have windows.

Does the secretive description of the Cube NAP sound familiar? It sounds like what CERN brags about and says it is a leader in – data mining, surveillance, and housing the largest set of Cisco routers in Europe.

CERN is clearly a collection and operation center for ECHELON and the rogue CIA that supports the transnationalists agenda. 

CERN is the Home of the World Wide Web – Europe’s PRISM

CERN is hidden from sight and as secure as possible in a country that is notorious for keeping secrets. CERN has discovered nothing and is only good for collecting data and analyzing it. Such far-fetched discoveries as CERN’s recent analysis that “classical music exists in the fifth dimension and humans cannot go there” is just one of the ridiculous “discoveries” that the CERN super computers have been working on. This is, of course, complete hog-wash; any spiritual researcher could have concluded as much in far less time and money.

The Opening of the Gates of Hell

The agents of the Antichrist have done very well in preparing the world for their “messiah”. They have completely brainwashed the masses into an individualistic, “me first” society rooted in self. Man, thinking, he is his own “god” if you will. We have a situation wherein only the true God can help His followers as we get closer to the climatic event of the three days of darkness. This is when every devil will be let loose (via CERN?) as the gates of hell will be wide open.

Since Lucifer and his angels were cast out of Heaven, they weren’t given the opportunity to have a physical body of flesh and bones, thus they seek to possess the bodies of mortal beings. There are many such instances recorded in scripture (Matt. 9:32; 12:22; Mark 1:24; 5:7; Luke 8:30; Acts 19:15). In Ancient Egypt, Satan promised an alliance to a few people who became the Mystery School members, and are known as the Brotherhood of the “Children of the Fire”. According to author and former high-ranking Satanist Daniel Mastral, there are two kinds of portals where these cast down demons seek to possess human bodies:

  1. Portals to the body which allow demons to interact and control humans. The most basic ritual is channeling, where a medium lets a spirit talk through his mouth, dispensing counseling and commands. Blood sacrifices, symbols, music, drugs and special meditation permit a higher level of demonic attachment and consequently, more spiritual powers to the follower. These powers are the classic occult tricks of divination, telepathy (in fact messages delivered by demons), creation of fire, telekinesis, etc. These are not enhancements on the individual, but merely deeds done by spirits to look like the person has “evolved”. More advanced followers can leave their bodies and perform astral projection, where they move around in their spirits, while their bodies are resting. In this condition, they can also visit and interact with demonic spirits. The whole hierarchy in Satanism depends on power and the level of the demon who is “residing” with the person, his protector. Usually people with long family ties with the occult have the most powerful demons by their sides. Strong demons can indeed inflict disease and create accidents, and fights among satanists are common. Fortunately, they can’t harm true Christians, who are protected by the Holy Spirit and angels from God.
  2. Portal to Earth are more complicated. According to Mastral, reality is comprised of nine dimensions which overlap in space but are separated in practice. He gives us the metaphor of an elevator. Spirits from more elevated dimensions can go down to lower floors, but no one can go up. We live in the fourth dimension. Below us there are several powerful demons who have been imprisoned by God as judgement. Lucifer is the only evil spirit to visit the ninth and highest plane. Some portals are temporary and some, the most important ones, are permanent. Temporary portals depend on exact timing and special alignment of the dimensions, and this knowledge is beyond our science or perception. That’s why occultists obsess with numerology, gematria and astrology; for these are the tools that allow the calculations to be performed in order to profit from the portals to contact high level spirits.

This is the real occultic goal of CERN. It is not to discover unknown tiny particles. Some of these particles are called dark matter, dark energy, strangelets, antimatter, or the God particle. CERN is literally going to be used to open the barrier from this dimension and another dimension where many, many demonic beings exist. Right now there is a barrier or veil between our dimension and the spiritual realm. The Lord has closed the door and it would be very wise NOT to open the door to this other dimension where evil beings dwell. The door to the pit is closed for a good reason. Once it is opened great evil will come forth and torment many. No good will come of this. It just shows how stupid a person can be, who may call himself ‘elite’ and serve/worship Satan. They will open the door and unleash great evil and suffer terrible torment from their actions. These so called, ‘elite’ will be the first in line to accept and receive the mark of the beast when it is given. Their place burning in hell, the lake of fire, will be well deserved as they have completely rejected the Lord Jesus and the only way to be saved.

Back in the days of Nimrod, God confounded the languages and stopped them from building a tower which, somehow, would make a bridge between this dimension and the other one filled with evil demonic creatures. During the 70th week of Daniels prophecy, the time of Jacobs trouble, or the tribulation period, they will succeed in opening the doorway to the bottomless pit. At the blast of the 5th trumpet the door to the bottomless pit will be opened (possibly via CERN) and many evil demonic creatures will come forth to torment mankind. This will be part of the wrath of God upon the wicked.

In Revelations 9:1-2, John witnesses Satan turn the key to unleash the very powers of hell on an unsuspecting world.

1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

Satan’s intent is to destroy the earth, and those that serve him will be deceived into carrying out his chaotic and evil ambitions. Previously, God has overmastered the plagues through his destroying angels, but Satan is permitted to direct operations from this point bringing the misery that fuels hell to the surface of the earth. The Greek for the KJV phrase “the key to the bottomless pit” literally translates to “the key to the shaft of the abyss,” the shaft, or portal, that leads to depths of hell. As the pit is opened, smoke billows forth and obscures the light of the sun. The darkness of the billowing smoke of false theology, deception, and sin reigns upon the earth blinding those that have eyes to see, but see not thus polluting the hearts of men and the entire earth. Satan, the Destroyer, must mitigate the positive effects of the sixth seal and the first four trumpets so he sends forth deception and illusions similar to those used before.

Revelations 9 goes on to describe locusts coming out of the smoke upon the earth that have a king over them with the name of Apollyon. It is interesting to note that CERN is built where Apollyon’s temple once was. This is another indication of the satanic religious nature of CERN. Apollyon was such an evil fallen angel that he was locked up into the bottomless pit where he could no longer cause trouble. This happened during the days of Noah. Apollyon does not get to come out of the bottomless pit to unleash horror to those on the earth until the pit is opened. Since CERN is placed at the same place Apollyon was worshiped, could CERN be placed at the doorway to the entrance of the bottomless pit?

Sources: CERN: Biggest Science Scam in History; CERNHell

See also: https://aim4truth.org/2017/02/17/why-cerns-big-bang-research-is-a-big-fraud/

Chronological History of Events Involving CERN

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