Wuhan, China
Leaked proposals show that US and Chinese scientists were planning to create a new coronavirus before the pandemic erupted. A grant application submitted to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) revealed that an international team of scientists had planned to mix genetic data of similar strains to create a new virus. The grant application was made in 2018 and leaked to Drastic, the pandemic origins analysis group.
The grant application proposal was submitted by British zoologist Peter Daszak on behalf of a group, which included Daszak EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the University of North Carolina and Duke NUS in Singapore, The Telegraph reported. Read more here…
In mid-2022, Judicial Watch received 1651 pages of records from the NIH revealing an FBI “inquiry” into the NIH’s controversial funding of bat coronavirus “gain of function” research. The documents reveal that Fauci continues to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to the China biowarfare program using front-type organizations to obscure the trail.
Some of the earliest cases were directly associated with stallholders who worked at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, but Chinese scientists concluded in February that the Wuhan coronavirus did not originate there because the diagnosis was to try to identify a single virus, as taught by the medical profession, that must be the cause.
“The disease was determined as viral induced pneumonia by clinicians according to clinical symptoms and other criteria including body temperature rising, lymphocytes and white blood cells decreasing, new pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiography, and no obvious improvement upon three days of antibiotic treatment. It appears that most of the early cases had contact history with the original seafood market…”
Based on this, they determined that the cause of all of these respiratory illnesses located at an unsanitary meat market selling bats, dogs, and other ‘exotic’ meats in the most toxicly polluted industrial city in China that had just become the first city to launch full scale 5G (which EMF radiation is harmful to the body) must be a virus. Thus, they began to collect bronchoalveolar fluid and other samples; find and separate genetic material from the sample; sequence the genetic material; and “rapidly developed a qualitative PCR detection…”. The issues are that the human body at any given time has some free genetic material circulating in our blood and body fluids as well as in various types of structures within the human body including normal bacteria found in the human body including the lungs. So, before it was proven (it never has been) that there was a new virus, or even a virus at all, a test was developed.
In fact the primary test to determine if a person has the so called COVID-19 virus, does not even test for a virus. It tests for an RNA sequence, or genetic material that they believed must be present in the virus, if the virus even exists. A COVID-19 virus has never been purified and visualized to even prove it exists. An impure sample has been visualized from one patient inside a human cell, but that proves nothing. This is not the scientific method or even the bronze standard if we consider a supposed virus of the magnitude we are told is infecting the world and there has been no control group as any gold standard study should include. While we’ve been informed that the test gives an 80% false positive rate, we actually do not and cannot know the accuracy rate because the test is not for COVID-19.
A CDC article published in June 2020, we find that rather than isolating the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, a group of 20 virologists found 37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes. This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus. They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.” In other words, the sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was done by assumption and arbitrary inference. If this is science, a penguin is a spaceship. This is Piltdown man 2.0.
Dr. Cowan uncovers more insanity in the CDC journal article. Using the ASSUMED new virus, in an UN-ISOLATED STATE, the researchers try to prove it is harmful by injecting it on to several different types of cells in the lab:
Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T). In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells [monkey cells]. … Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection. No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero [monkey] cells, which grew to greater than 10 to the 7th power at 24 h post-infection. In contrast, HUH 7.0 and 293T showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells [human cells] were incompatible with SARS CoV-2 infection’.1
The method they most rely on to prove infection and pathogenicity is inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As I (Dr. Thomas Cowan) have pointed out many times, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first starved and poisoned.
The shocking thing about the above [CDC journal] quote is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this ‘new coronavirus’ is not infectious to human beings. It is ONLY infective to monkey kidney cells, and only then when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.1
A group of Doctors, Nurses, Biologists, and Chemists led by Kevin Corbett and Piers Corbyn in the UK demanded that Public Health England must prove a virus exist or that the lockdowns, mask mandates, and other draconian laws must end. In the letter to the Prime Minister od England, they state:
We understand that the World Health Organisation has advised Public Health England not to isolate and purify a ‘virus’ said to cause the disease ‘Covid-19.’ There are major questions over the validity of the testing procedures being used to determine the presence in the UK population of the putative ‘Covid19 virus’ specifically relating to the throat swab (RT-PCR test) and evidence of previous infection using antibody tests.
The disease-causing effects of any virus are scientifically verified using Koch’s Postulates of which four conditions must be met. Currently the virus thought to cause Covid-19 does not meet any of them.
Fulfillment of Koch’s Postulates requires that the so-called Covid-19 virus must be isolated and purified. This has not been done – therefore the accuracy of the tests authorized by Public Health England is unknown.
In summary, the tests for the Covid-19 virus are of unknown accuracy, scientific procedures for viral isolation and purification have not been followed and neither have any of the Koch methods for determining any disease causing effects.
They were REFUSED a Parliamentary Petition to enlist public support in order to demand a debate in Parliament on these science issues. The establishment does not want the virus to be isolated because it would blow their whole scam wide open, expose the origin of the virus as a bioweapon, and narrow the scope of who actually has the virus dramatically.
The PCR testing method is essentially a method of selecting a genetic sequence and amplifying it enormously. There may be tremendous amounts of background “noise” obfuscating each meaningful signal. The fragments are all made of the same material: DNA. Therefore, it is harder than finding a needle in a haystack, you are actually looking for one slightly different needle in a haystack-size pile of needles. “Since the amplification is exponential, the slightest error in measurement, the slightest contamination, can result in errors of many orders of magnitude.”
Dr. James Hildreth, former professor and HIV researcher at Johns Hopkins and current President and CEO of Meharry Medical College, says of the coronavirus: “the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.” An exosome results from toxic substances, stress (joblessness) and fear (fearmongering media with inflated numbers & cancer, ionizing radiation, infection, injury, immune response, asthma, electromagnetic radiation (5G), and many unspecified diseases.
“Exosomes act much like a sponge, preventing the toxins for a time from attacking the cell, while toxins that are not corralled are left to burrow through cell membranes,” says Dr. Ken Caldwell, co-senior investigator of a study on the function of exosomes.
The faulty COVID-19 PCR test is most likely testing for host RNA from exosomes caused by various deficiencies or poisons to the body (as shown in bold above).
BELOW: Attorney Reiner Fuellmich presents comprehensive overview of how the fake PCR test was adopted as the standard for Covid-19 “diagnosis” and how Germany’s minority opposition Green Party persuaded the German majority government to adopt talking points of fear and panic in violation of international law of crimes against humanity. Fuellmich announces that an International network of lawyers will argue the biggest tort case in world history.
So, is COVID-19 a Fake Pandemic, a Bioweapon, or Both?
SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 disease and pandemic, was made in a laboratory in China as part of its biowarfare program. This has been verified by next gen sequencing performed by Czech molecular biologist, biochemist, molecular geneticist, molecular microbiologist Dr. Soňa Peková, MD, PhD using the latest next generation nucleic acid sequencing to study samples of SARS-Co-V2 from 30,000 people. After two years from the start of the pandemic, no natural source of SARS-CoV-2 has been identified. In contrast, structures within the virus itself have been identified that prove its laboratory origin.
Bat soup, known to be a popular dish in Wuhan where the coronavirus outbreak originated, was an original cause as scientists said that the virus shared a strain of virus found in bats. According to China Science Bulletin, the new virus could have been passed from bats to humans. However, Chinese scientists concluded in February 2020 that the Wuhan coronavirus did not originate at a wild meat market as the Communist Party had previously asserted, the South China Morning Post reported. It detailed how the study traced the origins of the virus in 93 different samples. If the virus had originated at the market, all samples would have been traceable there, but the researchers found otherwise. (Source)
A Chinese-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, Ming Pao, and the British daily, The Mirror, explained that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control, or WHCDC, could have spawned the contagion in Hubei Province. It stated that it’s plausible the virus was leaked from the lab and contaminated initial patients in this epidemic.
In an explosive interview, Dr. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Act, gave a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus IS an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knew about it.
In the interview given to Geopolitics and Empire, Dr. Boyle discussed the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it. Dr. Lawrence Sellin concurs and gave several reasons for his conclusion as well.
The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knew full well what was occurring. Dr. Boyle’s position was in stark contrast to the mainstream media’s original narrative of the virus originating from the seafood market. He traced the origins from the nearby Wuhan BSL-4 lab to a UNC study about a disease that can be caused by a SARS-like coronavirus (SHC014-CoV) found in Chinese horseshoe bats and infect humans. Evidence would later reveal how scientists experimenting on COVID-19 virus at the Wuhan lab were bitten by bats and were spattered with blood.
One of the scientists on the team, Dr. Xi Zhengli, continued work on the bioweaponized virus in the Wuhan R&D lab (thanks to a $3.7M gift from the Obama administration at the recommendation of then unknown Anthony Fauci) after the HHS shut down the project at UNC. 26 out of the 27 scientists who wrote a letter in Lancet medical journal in 2020 claiming COVID coming from the Wuhan lab was a “conspiracy” had ties to the Wuhan lab.
It was discovered that Zhengli, a director at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, had participated in a study published in Natural Medicine on November 9, 2015, about a disease that can be caused by a SARS-like coronavirus (SHC014-CoV) found in Chinese horseshoe bats. The researchers used the SARS reverse genetics system to generate and identify a chimeric virus. In simple terms, this chimeric virus consists of the surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of the SARS virus. The chimeric virus can infect human respiratory cells, demonstrating that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to key receptors on cells and infect cells. Chimeras can cause disease in mice, but they are not lethal. Studies have shown that viruses currently circulating in bat populations could potentially trigger the potential risk of SARS-CoV (SARS virus) outbreaks.
Infowars was the first news outlet to cover it and the mainstream media would eventually admit that the Wuhan Lab was the origin. See this article for more details.
The Editor-in-Chief of the journal – Virologica Sinica – is Shi Zhengli, and eight additional researchers from the Wuhan lab – believed by many to be the source of COVID-19 – serve on the editorial board. Another member of the journal’s editorial board, however, has ties to Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Jens Kuhn, the Director of Virology at the Integrated Research Facility which is “part of the NIAID’s Division of Clinical Research (DCR) within NIH” according to the agency, is listed as a member of the journal’s editorial board. His professional bio notes he “specializes in highly virulent viral human and animal pathogens” as one of “two Principal Scientists” at the NIAID-funded venture.1
The HHS in 2014 sent a letter to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where they announced they were going to defund the program. Dr. Ralph S. Baric was identified in the letter. Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China. After the work stopped in the US, the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that they successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with specie transmission.
It’s also important to note that back in 2017 we had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people. In 2017, the Chinese had a similar release incident that sickened eight people and killed one. It started when two workers at a Chinese CDC lab independently isolated and experimented in vitro/vivo a SARS virus. In one of these sessions the scientists took a previously unknown variant of the SARS virus and moved it out from a BSL-4 high-containment facility into a low-safety diarrhea research lab where the two were working. Apparently, the virus inactivation process didn’t work properly and both were infected at the lab and then proceeded to infect other people outside of the lab.
In an article from December 2017, Dr Shi was interviewed on her work related to the coronavirus that was obtained from bats and she shared the following:
- Shi Zhengli and others are called “virus hunters”. They search the world for viruses that have not yet infected humans. Before they wreak havoc, they study them clearly to prevent new infectious diseases.
- The bat is the source for SARS
- Viruses from bats generally require an intermediate host, such as the SARS virus.
- The SARS virus in 2002-2003 was detected in civets (wild cats) sold to the Guangdong market.
- From 2011 to 2015, Shi Zhengli’s research team took continuous samples from a small cave in Kunming, Yunnan.
- All the genetic components of the SARS virus strain that caused human outbreaks were found in the bats in this cave.
- Over the past five years [through 2017], the viruses they received were collected into a large “reservoir”.
- The prevention and treatment of SARS epidemic is mainly through the direct report system of infectious diseases in hospitals: once the patients suspected of SARS are reported, they will report it. There are already diagnostic techniques and vaccine reserves. If the diagnosis is a case of SARS virus infection, isolate it immediately.
- For these viruses that are easy to infect humans, we developed diagnostic techniques and even developed some vaccines for storage.This information provides a basis that contradicts the theory that COVID-19 is a variant that just magically mutated in a bat in the wild and then jumped to a human when they ate a delicious bowl of bat soup. From all of the published research papers that relate to this project going back to 2014, it’s clear that COVID-19 was already in a lab. (TGP)
The Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China was hiring individuals for an ecological study of bat migration and virus transmission in November 2019. Dr. Shi’s resume and papers clearly indicate that she was still working on the coronavirus at that time. In 2015 the NIH under the direction of Dr. Tony Fauci gave a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The Washington Examiner reported:
Rudy Giuliani questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci’s involvement in grants from the United States to a laboratory in Wuhan, China, that has been tied to the coronavirus pandemic.
According to a report, the U.S. Intelligence Community has growing confidence that the current coronavirus strain may have accidentally escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology rather than from a wildlife market, as the Chinese Communist Party first claimed. During a Sunday interview on The Cats Roundtable, Giuliani questioned why the U.S. gave money to the lab.
“Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving money to any laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses. Prohibited! Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory — even after the State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to humans,” he claimed.
He added, “We never pulled that money. Something here is going on, John. I don’t want to make any accusations. But there was more knowledge about what was going on in China with our scientific people than they disclosed to us when this first came out. Just think of it: If this laboratory turns out to be the place where the virus came from, then we paid for it. We paid for the damn virus that’s killing us.”
The Conservative Treehouse reported:
Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014…
…This exception [from 2014] essentially permitted the Pentagon to continue funding the creation of SARS as a biological weapon in Wuhan, China, under the auspices of national security. Which is exactly what the defense department did: “Grants from the Pentagon included $6,491,025 from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) from 2017 to 2020” (link).
♦ October 17, 2014 – U.S. funding of SARS to create a biological weapon was paused due to the extreme risk of a pandemic. However, the pause allowed agencies within the U.S. government to continue funding if they determined “the research is urgently necessary to protect the public health or national security.”
♦ 2014 through 2020 the Pentagon continued funding research in Wuhan, China. Fear of discovery would explain why many top officials in the U.S. Defense Department were against the Trump administration [with increased severity after the COVID pandemic began].
♦ May 2016 – [An Election Year] “after thorough deliberation and extensive input from domestic and international stakeholders, the NSABB [National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity] issued its recommendations. NSABB’s central finding was that studies that are expected to enhance PPP have potential benefits to public health but also entail significant risks. NSABB recommended that such studies warranted additional scrutiny prior to being funded.” Anthony Fauci is on the NSABB.
♦ January 9, 2017 – [Four Days after the Susan Rice oval office meeting with Obama, Biden, Comey, et al] The Obama Administration re-authorizes funding for the creation of SARS biological weapons. “Adoption of these recommendations will satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen’s virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).“
Ralph Baric, David Franz, Gigi Kwik Gronvall, Thomas Inglesby, W. Ian Lipkin, Kanta Subbarao all listed in the memo in support of continuing gain of function. Baric, Gronvall, and Inglesby were involved in the initial Jan-Feb 2020 cover-up of the origin of COVID with Daszak and Fauci. It’s in their emails. Kanta Subbarao joined the now infamous ‘The Lancet’ article labeling the lab origin a conspiracy theory. Ian Lipkin got a medal from the Chinese government in January 2020.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology has removed several articles revealing its deep links to the Chinese Communist Party, including receiving awards from the regime for its efforts to boost “party spirit” and pledging implementing party goals “without compromise” during communist study sessions.1 The lab’s Chinese-language site contains dozens of articles highlighting “party-building” activities occurring at the lab. The lab frequently hosts study sessions on Xi Jinping ideology, noting researchers must “implement the party’s deployment without compromise”
According to National Review:
On December 24, 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology posted a second job posting. The translation of that posting includes the declaration, “long-term research on the pathogenic biology of bats carrying important viruses has confirmed the origin of bats of major new human and livestock infectious diseases such as SARS and SADS, and a large number of new bat and rodent new viruses have been discovered and identified.”
What happened up until January is still mostly a mystery. But now we have more evidence that China was experimenting with live animals and working on the China coronavirus in a lab in Wuhan for years.
Here is the first person account of Judy Mikovits, who claims she worked in the 1990s at Fort Detrick, an Army biology lab in Maryland. Part of her job was to weaponize coronaviruses. This work was ongoing and controversial as late as 2015. President Obama approved and extended the programs. Three years ago, Nature reported that “the SARS virus has escaped from high level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times”. Only in China? Also in 2017, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce requested from CDC information about leaks from similar research facilities in the US, and they got back a 503-page document with all specifics redacted.
Dr. Mikovitz video ‘Plandemic’ went viral until YouTube scrubbed it. Watch a portion below:
The Wuhan Institute of Virology also altered their database in an apparent attempt to distance the lab from the outbreak.
“Days before the Wuhan wet market was bleached, whistleblowers were punished and virus samples were destroyed, someone at the high-security Wuhan Institute of Virology censored its virus database in an apparent attempt to disassociate the laboratory from a novel-coronavirus outbreak that would become a global pandemic,” reports the New York Post‘s Miranda Devine, citing a UK intelligence analyst who found the alterations via open-source methods.
In the full Plandemic video, you will see how and why the CDC claims proprietary rights through a patent to the coronavirus disease, the virus, its detection and all of the measurement of it. Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, the CDC and many others who wanted to claim credit for inventing coronavirus were at the hub of the entire coronavirus outbreak story. They controlled 100% of the funding and had the means and motive to turn the coronavirus from pathogen to profit. The below portion of the Plandemic Part 2 documentary covers it well:
Fauci has denied that such funding occurred. Regarding gain-of-function (GOF) research, which refers to studies that have the potential to enhance the ability of pathogens to cause disease, including enhancing either their pathogenicity or transmissibility, Fauci said, “That categorically was not done.” A lie! However, Fauci has long supported controversial GOF research, which you can hear him speak about in this video, which features a hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs at the U.S. Senate, held April 26, 2012.1
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Notably, the alteration occurred two days before a gene sequencing lab was reportedly ordered by the Health and Medical Commission of Hubei Province to destroy samples of the new disease and withhold information. According to the report, the alterations – conducted on the evening of Dec. 30 – were substantial, and occurred the day before the CCP notified the World Health Organization about the outbreak of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.
The primary database contact is none other than Shi Zhengli – now known as “batwoman” for her controversial experiments, including the creation of a ‘chimeric’ coronavirus that can infect humans. According to the report, Zhengli was in Shanghai for a conference when she was summoned back to Wuhan to deal with the outbreak which had been detected in two pneumonia patients. While on the overnight train back to Wuhan, the database was altered.
Most of the changes were to delete the keywords “wildlife” or “wild animals.” This is significant, because global health researchers think the virus jumped from bats to humans via another wild animal — the crucial “missing link” in the COVID-19 transmission chain. Read the rest of the report here.
So, there seems to be evidence that a bioweapon was being worked on in the Wuhan lab and it contained a SARS-like coronavirus that could transmit to humans. There’s certainly smoke here, but without an actual virus that has been secluded, purified and tested as should properly have been done, we do not have a way to prove it as the tests do not test for the so-called virus. Alternatively, is it possible that there is another explanation for the sickness and deaths in China? Jon Rappaport explains…
First of all, Wuhan, a city of 11 million, is called “the Chicago of China.” It is both an economic juggernaut and a transportation hub—railroads, roads, highways connecting travelers to other Chinese cities. Several sources list the annual GDP of Wuhan at a staggering $220 billion dollars. 230 foreign Fortune 500 companies have offices in Wuhan and do business there. All in all, 80 foreign countries are funding companies in the city.
The Chinese New Year was fast approaching as the outbreak ramped up. It goes from January 25 to February 10. During this period, Chinese people travel. They journey far and wide. In fact, this is the largest annual human migration on the planet. We’re talking about hundreds of millions of people on the move. So it’s a devastating coincidence (?) that now there would be an epidemic and a massive lockdown of Chinese cities and transportation. Along with stopping people from moving around, enormous amounts of money are being lost because tourist consumers can’t go on the road and spend money. This might be called a clue. It would require much investigation. Is someone intentionally torpedoing the Chinese economy?
Then there is this, from Bloomberg News, “China Wants Activists to Stay Out of Its War on Pollution. Citizen activism in the mold of Greta Thunberg is all but taboo in the world’s biggest polluter,” January 23, 2020:
“When Premier Li Keqiang declared a ‘war against pollution’ in 2014, a few hundred residents of the city of Wuhan in central China took it as a cue.”
“They printed Li’s words on a six-meter (20 foot) banner and protested outside a foul-smelling incinerator plant they feared was causing illness in the community. Buoyed by the conviction they were answering the leadership’s call, the residents were instead harassed by local police officers who tore down the sign and trampled on it.”
“’We were worried and angry when we realized what was causing the stench and making our kids sick’, said Zhang Xijiao, 44, who was detained for a week for making the banner. ‘But we are like ants, the local government can crush us as they please’.”
“Ren Rui, 40, quit her apartment in 2017 after her son developed a lung condition that required repeat surgery. She said smoke from the plant would blow her way under certain conditions. She tried to rent it out, ‘but no one wants to move here. Sometimes my mood depended on the direction of the wind,’ said Ren. Despite the financial pressure since, ‘I never regretted moving away’.”
Faulty incinerator. Illness. Pollution. Lung problems. Let’s move on to another description of Chinese protests—in Wuhan.
CNN, July 11, 2019, “China has made major progress on air pollution. Wuhan protests show there’s still a long way to go”:
“…Recent weeks [in Wuhan] have seen major protests there — in themselves a rarity in China — over plans for a new garbage incineration plant.”
“Holding banners with slogans such as ‘we don’t want to be poisoned, we just need a breath of fresh air,’ thousands [!] of people took to the city’s streets over two weeks in June and July calling for the suspension of plans to build the plant.”
“’We are fearful that the plant is too close to residence area,’ one protester in the city of 10 million people told state media. Others expressed concern that emissions could worsen air pollution and harm residents’ health.”
“Local officials were apparently surprised by the scale and size of the protests, which came after several similar waste plants were reportedly found to be giving off dangerous emissions. Photos and videos shared on social media showed large crowds marching in the streets near where the plant was to be built, and police arresting numerous protesters.”
“The government has since suspended building of the plant, which locals said had halted protests, but a heavy police presence remains in the city where the situation is tense.”
“Public pressure has been the driving force of pollution policy in China, and it shows no sign of letting up.”
“In 2016, protesters took to the streets of Chengdu wearing face masks to demand action to tackle smog, while other demonstrations have targeted power and chemical plants in Sichuan, Jiangsu and Heilongjiang provinces in recent years.”
“The Chinese government is highly sensitive to the threat of protests like those in Wuhan, with the shadow of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre looming large. Calls for collective action are among the most censored subjects online, and people organizing protests or working for civil society groups can face harassment and imprisonment.”
In other words, protests against pollution in one Chinese city can inspire protests in other cities. A very dangerous situation for the Chinese government. Furthermore, it is generally acknowledged that official and corporate reports on pollution levels are being faked, to make “dangerous” into “healthy.”
Grist.org, June 12, 2012, “China’s smog city: What Wuhan looks like with 20 times the U.S. dust limit”:
“At about 2 a.m. local time Monday morning, a dense smog began to cover the province. By early afternoon, it reached its peak density in the land-locked city of Wuhan itself…The demonstrable danger is to lungs and bloodstreams.”
Yale Environment 360, April 17, 2018, “How a ‘Toxic Cocktail’ Is Posing a Troubling Health Risk in China’s Cities”:
“The foul air of dozens of fast-expanding cities across China contains cocktails of toxic contaminants unprecedented in the range of pollutants they contain at high concentrations. Now, new research into these swirling maelstroms of gases and tiny particulates suggests that they may be incubating chemical reactions that compound the health effects in ways not seen before – effects that doctors say are cutting five years off the expected lifespan of half a billion people in northern China…China has the world’s most dangerous outdoor air pollution.”
“Three other cities listed as regularly suffering dangerous levels of four or five of the pollutants are Jining, also in Shandong, Wuhan in Hubei province, and Jiayuguan and Jinchang in Gansu. None of the seven appear in the lists of the ten most polluted Chinese cities published by the WHO or Chinese environment ministry.”
“All the five major pollutants in smogs – SO2, NOx, ozone, PM10 and PM2.5 — are known to be linked individually to increased risk of strokes, heart disease, lung cancer and asthma, and to rising hospital admissions and death rates during smogs. What is disturbing is that there is growing evidence of synergistic effects between these different pollutants that make the whole worse than the sum of the parts.”
Lung disease—and no need to invoke a virus to explain it. Getting the picture?
We have two major clues here. One, the distinct possibility of an economic warfare attack against Wuhan and, during the Chinese New Year, against all of China. And two, the use of a coronavirus cover story to obscure huge pollution dangers and put down protests against that pollution, through mass lockdowns and quarantines.
“It’s all about the virus and nothing else.” How many times have I seen that cover story deployed?
Too many times to count them. Wherever in the world you would see extraordinary chemical pollution, grinding poverty, war, starvation, lethal dehydration, absence of basic sanitation, overcrowding in cities, horrendously contaminated water supplies, corporate takeover of farm land from the people, the highly destructive use of vaccines and toxic medical drugs and pesticides—you see a conscious and sustained effort to CONTROL the weakened population—and you will find the virus cover story publicized to the sky as the explanation for suffering, illness, and death.
One US vaccine-funding official was heard to say China was a “silver lining” in the coronavirus epidemic—because that government is able to exert so much control over its people and, therefore, help contain the epidemic.
I’m sure, at some point, there will be THANK YOU, CHINA, BUSINESS, too. Thank you, China, for your rule by iron fist over the population. Your ability to stop anyone for any reason and test for “the virus” may have saved the planet from an extinction event. Freedom? Forget it. Public safety is the ace in the deck. It wins every time. Hell, we may need a good epidemic in the US, so we can exert more control over the unruly citizenry. The doctor is king. Do what he says. Always. How many vaccines are there now? Take all of them. Everyone must.JR
China becomes an example for the rest of the world, you see. “This is what has to be done in dire times, to stop the spread of an epidemic. Look to China. They’re accomplishing the right thing. If the killer virus comes here and spreads, we may to have to follow suit.”
CHINA IS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ICE-BREAKER FOR THE REST OF THE PLANET. “Well, they did it there, so it can be done…” The biggest potential contagion here has nothing to do with the virus. It has to do with other countries deciding to follow China’s example.
On February 10th 2020, China officially returned to work at Xi Jinping’s request, and 2 days later Jennifer Zeng reported that at least one CoVid2019 case was found at a company in Suzhou. As a result, the company’s 200+ employees couldn’t go home and were immediately placed under quarantine. At least the workers managed to “organize” quilts for themselves. Similar tyranny resulted in the USA and throughout the world with lockdown quarantines that suspended all human rights in the name of ‘safety.’
French virologist Luc Antoine Montagnier, who was awarded a Nobel prize in Physiology in 2008 along with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen for discovering of the HIV virus, has now spoken out. Montagnier was a researcher at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris.
Many in the scientific community were shocked when the acclaimed Luc Antoine Montagnier appeared on the French cable TV show, CNews, on April 17, 20205 to say that the virus that causes COVID-19 is manmade and that elements of HIV and Plasmodium falciparum, a parasite that causes malaria, are found in the coronavirus’s genome.6 Montagnier said:7
“We were not the first since a group of Indian researchers tried to publish a study which showed that the complete genome of this coronavirus [has] sequences of another virus, which is HIV.” Read more…
Bioweapon Conclusion
The creation of the COVID-19 virus was entirely under the command and control of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), led by presumed head of China’s biowarfare program, Major General Wei Chen, while under the day-to-day supervision of key members of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.
The scientists and resources accessed to advance the project included both Chinese and U.S. universities and research institutions. Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, one can state that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu. Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
Read More at The Gateway Pundit…
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