The US Army Corps of Engineers mobilized in the U.S. in March hiring private contractors to build emergency field hospitals around the country. But most of the facilities never treated a single patient. The cost of the facilities was reportedly $660 million of US taxpayer dollars. The field hospitals had capacity to treat 14,817 coronavirus patients across the US. They treated only 1,177 patients, 1,095 of which were at the NYC Javits Center.
It was the same story with the two Navy ships that President Trump sent to NY and LA because the liberal Governors of those states were claiming their hospitals were too full to handle the patients they were recieving. Media also made the false claims, even using video from Italy while claiming it was in NY. Hospitals in the UK had 4 times more empty beds than usual.
Hundreds of citizen videos proved hospitals were empty when the MSM claimed they were full, including the Elmhurst Hospital in NY – MSM’s “Epicenter of The Epicenter” which turned out to be a ghost town when citizen media show up only hours after MSM showed long lines. Paid actors?
People were not visiting hospitals for treatment of a number of serious conditions because they were fearful of coronavirus and health authorities also recommended that people only visit if their condition was dire. One doctor tweeted:
“Hospitals are empty due to lack of elective cases and severe drop in trauma and emergency cases. And yet we keep hearing about this “Hospitals being overwhelmed” nonsense! Yet healthcare workers somehow find time, despite being so “overwhelmed”, to do their cringy Tik-Tok videos. A lot of Hospitals are actually struggling to stay open, because their main sources of income are from elective cases and admissions.”
The Cure: Vitamin C, Hydroxychloriquine, Zinc, Vitamin D?… No, only a Vaccine!
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH testifies in front of the Texas State Health and Human Services Committee on how the NIH was not interested in treating COVID-19 until people were hospitalized and then only focused on vaccines and this philosophy led to tens of thousands of excess deaths.
In late March FOX News host Laura Ingraham reported on a study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult who was able to repeat his findings from a previous study. This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for a very sick 86-year-old with an advanced form of coronavirus infection. Since that time Dr. Raoult has continued his study and now has over 1,000 coronavirus patients. 98% of his COVID-19 patients have survived and improved using the drug combination.
A Los Angeles doctor prescribing hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with zinc is seeing a 100% success rate with every patient he has treated suffering from the Coronavirus.
The President has been repeatedly pushing Hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug, despite the fact it hasn’t been clinically tested against to treat Covid-19. But this local doctor says he’s prescribed it and it’s worked, leaving ill patients symptom free in 8-12 hrs.@ABC7— Jory Rand (@ABC7Jory) April 6, 2020
President Trump tauted the highly successful studies of hydroxychloroquine in a press conference and the media has demonized the drug ever since. Soon after, the Lancet put out a fraudulent study on Hydroxychloroquine that contradicted the study of reknowned doctor but it was a COMPLETE FRAUD and was retracted a week later. The authors were linked to the pharmaceutical industry
Reuters reported:
An influential study that found hydroxychloroquine increased the risk of death in COVID-19 patients has been withdrawn a week after it led to major trials being halted, adding to confusion about a malaria drug championed by U.S. President Donald Trump.
The Lancet medical journal pulled the study after three of its authors retracted it, citing concerns about the quality and veracity of data in it. The World Health Organization (WHO) will resume its hydroxychloroquine trials after pausing them in the wake of the study. Dozens of other trials have resumed or are in process.
The three authors said Surgisphere, the company that provided the data, would not transfer the dataset for an independent review and they “can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”
WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the China puppet, used the fake Lancet study to suspend the use hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19 in spite of contradictory evidence from multiple doctors throughout the world that were having tremendous success with it.
The FDA also folded to pressure led by the liberal press and warned against the use of hydroxychloroquine. It was a completely political move and undoubtedly led to several deaths. They, citing the latest science and data, also rescinded its emergency use authorization (EUA) for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine on May 15th. Hours after the FDA revoked its EUA on hydroxychloroquine, the agency dealt another blow to the COVID-19 treatment – warning not to combine the incredibly inexpensive anti-malarial with the incredibly expensive remdesivir; Gilead Sciences’ yet-to-be-priced experimental treatment.
Of significant note, none of the studies cited include the use of zinc – which has been widely cited as the ‘key’ which HCQ provides a tunnel into cells to halt virus replication. In fact, the FDA’s letter doesn’t include the word ‘zinc’ or its symbol, Zn. These studies were a political move setup to fail, as they certainly had the formula for success, but chose another route.
Dr Oz on Hydroxychloriquine:
A Chinese study claimed the following:
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with a decreased mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19 through attenuation of inflammatory cytokine storm. Therefore, hydroxychloroquine should be prescribed for treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients to save lives.
A Spanish study concluded the following:
Conclusions: in a cohort of 166 patients from 18 to 85 years hospitalised with COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine treatment with 800mg added loading dose increased survival when patients were admitted in early stages of the disease. There was a non-statistically significant trend towards survival in all groups, which will have to be clarified in subsequent studies.
A study from hard-hit Italy found that those Italians on hydroxychloroquine for Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis did not come down with the coronavirus.
A later (July 2020) Hydroxychloroquine study conducted by Henry Ford Health System revealed hydroxychloroquine successfully lowered the death rate among hospitalized COVID-19 patients by a significant margin. According to Just The News the use of hydroxychloroquine cut the mortality rate of coronavirus victims in half.8 Via The Ingraham Angle:
Dr. Fauci used a reported study to debunk the use of hydroxychloroquine but an expert’s review of the report showed that the study actually confirms that hydroxychloroquine saves lives not the opposite.
A July 2020 White Coat Summit in Washington DC was highly censored by social media and mainstream media while garnering some coverage from Fox News. The summit was further evidence that hydroxychloroquine works very effectively when combined with Zinc and Zithromax or some similar drug. Dr. Stella Immanuel bravely came out during the summit and said that she has personally treated over 350 patients with 100% success.
Dr. Stella did not back down after being criticized and silenced. “Yes, it eradicates the symptoms. It eradicates the virus… Of course they think I’m dangerous because I’m speaking truth. Ask Dr. Anthony Fauci, “When was the last time you saw a patient?”… I’m not going to stop. I’m not going to be silenced. My immediate plan is to pray on to these powers, these diabolical powers that are out to destroy this nation. Before this nation is going to be destroyed.”
Another study that can be seen at shows that PrEP, PEP, and early treatment studies result in high effectiveness, while late treatment shows mixed results when treated with HCQ. The countries that limited the use of HCQ had the highest rate of morbidity while those that treated early with HCQ had the lowest. The Gateway Pundit has a great report on the study that indicates that deaths in the US could have been reduced by up to 80% based on what the statistics show had HCQ been used early in treatment.
Virologist Steven Hatfill wrote a great op-ed on the media’s biased coverage of the studies on Hydroxychloroquine and how the Fauci-Hahn strategy (US/UK) has by far the worst record vs countries with aggressive early-use of the drug. Dr. Hatfill also points out:
There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID infections. There are 14 global studies that show neutral or negative results — and 10 of them were of patients in very late stages of COVID-19, where no antiviral drug can be expected to have much effect. Of the remaining four studies, two come from the same University of Minnesota author. The other two are from the faulty Brazil paper, which should be retracted, and the fake Lancet paper, which was.
Dr. Harvey Risch, a noted Yale epidemiologist, went on with Mark Levin and described how Dr. Fauci allowed at least 17,000 AIDS victims to die by not certifying an effective drug for treatment back in the 1980s and is doing the same thing with a COVID-19 treatment. Lock him up!
Vitamin C
Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties to help reduce damage from toxin-induced oxidative stress (free radicals) and thus has been shown to be very effective in treating symptoms categorized as COVID-19. But doctors who administer, or even promote, this nutrient to treat COVID-19 risk intimidation, arrest, and censorship.
The NY Post reported:
“Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, said his intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C.”
The patients receive identical doses three or four more times per day. The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C. It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it’s not a sexy drug.”
High-dose IV Vitamin C also proved to be useful in China, arresting the potentially lethal lung inflammation found in patients identified with COVID-19 according to Dr. Andrew Saul and Dr. Richard Cheng. (See here, here and here) Naturally, the corporate media denounced this as fake news and censoring it.
Allure Medical Spa, which is owned by Dr. Charles Mok, had been giving out vitamin C injections for free to first responders before the FBI came in and aggressively shut him down. While it may not be a “cure,” vitamin C is being used widely as a treatment for coronavirus in hospitals throughout the world and has been shown to be effective in patients with sepsis and severe acute respiratory failure in past studies. Multiple clinical trials to study its effectiveness at treating the coronavirus are currently ongoing. Mok was charged with health care fraud and conspiracy to commit health care fraud.
See Also: Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19
Besides Hydroxychloroquine, there is yet another safe, effective and cheap cure for COVID from Australia that is being suppressed by government. Learn about that treatment HERE.
In December 2020, after the Pfizer vaccine was announced, the AMA rescinds its attacks on hydroxychloroquine. It was all a sham to get vaccines approved under “emergency authorization.”
Ironically, the American Journal of Medicine, when President Trump was out or on his way out of the White House in January 2021, began recommending Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc for the treatment of Covid 19 outpatients – the treatment that former US President, Donald Trump promoted.
Inhaled budesonide
Inhaled budesonide is a safe, generic, inexpensive prescription medication. It is used by millions of people who suffer from asthma every day. It can be prescribed by any doctor or nurse practitioner for respiratory symptoms (FDA-approved). Budesonide is so safe that it is in some over-the-counter nasal sprays such as Rhinocort. Please note that this is NOT Dr. Bartlett’s personal website so he does not see nor respond to any email. Please do not email him through this website. We are volunteers who are just helping people get access to solutions. The most recent study by Oxford University (randomized control trial) showed a 90% reduction in hospitalization for people with COVID.
Inhaled budesonide used with a nebulizer blocks the inflammatory chemicals released by the virus and stops them from spreading. Inhaled budesonide targets the lungs and does not affect your immune system or your body’s ability to heal like systemic steroids do. See
Vitamin D
All things considered, vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest, least expensive and most beneficial strategy that anyone can do to minimize their risk of COVID-19 and other infections. Vitamin D reduces your risk of COVID-19 specifically, and how it helps suppress and control both acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and cytokine storms, which is a primary cause of death in COVID-19. Dr. Mercola wrote, what he calls the most important paper he’s ever written, a peer-reviewed comprehensive paper on the importance of vitamin D in the prevention of COVID-19.
On April 9th, initial data from the Philippines on 212 confirmed COVID-19 patients showed that Vitamin D status was strongly associated with severity of COVID-19. The study sorted patients into 4 categories of severity based on criteria established in Wuhan. The levels were:
- Mild – Mild clinical features without pneumonia
- Ordinary – Confirmed pneumonia by CT with fever and other respiratory symptoms
- Severe – Hypoxia (low oxygen) and respiratory distress
- Critical – Respiratory failure requiring intensive care monitoring.
In the analysis, 85.5% of patients with sufficient (>30ng/ml) Vitamin D had mild cases while 72.8% of patients who were deficient in Vitamin D (<20ng/ml) had severe or critical cases.
On April 26th, a second retrospective study came out of Indonesia. This larger study investigated Vitamin D status in 780 confirmed COVID-19 cases. The researchers collected data on Vitamin D status, age, sex and the presence of comorbidities along with mortality data. The study confirmed what we know—that male patients, those over age 50, and those with pre-existing conditions were all significantly more likely to die of COVID-19. However, the most dramatic finding was that patients with Vitamin D insufficiency (between 20 and 30 ng/ml) were 12.55 times more likely to die and patients with Vitamin D deficiency (<20ng/ml) were 19.12 times more likely to die from the disease than patients with sufficient Vitamin D.
Since age, sex and comorbidities can also be associated with Vitamin D deficiency, the researchers then did an adjusted analysis. The key finding is that, even after controlling for age, sex and having a comorbidity, “When compared to cases with normal Vitamin D status, death was approximately 10.12 times more likely for Vitamin D deficient cases.”
A third small study out of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center dated April 24th, examined Vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) in severe COVID-19 patients and discussed possible Vitamin D-related mechanisms for the coagulopathy and immune responses that are being seen. It stated that, “Among ICU subjects, 11 (84.6%) had VDI, vs. 4 (57.1%) of floor subjects. Strikingly, 100% of ICU patients less than 75 years old had VDI.” The study is limited by its small sample size but is consistent with the above studies.
In an excellent 2018 review paper on Vitamin D in critical care, the authors stated, “Vitamin D deficiency is common in critical illness with prevalence between 40 and 70%.” They continue, “Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to be associated with sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute kidney injury and three different meta-analyses confirm that patients with low Vitamin D status have a longer ICU stay and increased morbidity and mortality.”
Z-Stack™ is one of Dr. Zelenko’s premier products that he specifically designed. With decades of experience in the medical field, the knowledge Dr. Zelenko has gained over the years led to him formulating his own supplement, which we now know as Z-Stack™. After careful examination, Dr. Zelenko put together an all-natural formula design for supporting the natural defense system of the body. Read More
More recently, in another review paper (2020) investigating the potential links between Vitamin D status and risk of Influenza and COVID-19, the authors point out that, “Through several mechanisms, Vitamin D can reduce the risk of infections. Those mechanisms include inducing cathelicidins and defensins that can lower viral replication rates and reducing concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines that produce the inflammation that injures the lining of the lungs, leading to pneumonia.” Cathelicidins and defensins are molecules your body produces to protect you against bacteria, viruses and fungi and modulate your immune system.
- While preliminary evidence seems to suggest Ivermectin can be useful at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection, its real strength appears to be as a preventive approach
- Of 58 health care workers who took ivermectin once a month for four months, only four (6.96%) came down with mild COVID-19 symptoms during the May through August 2020 trial period, compared to 44 of 60 health care workers (73.3%) who declined the medication
- In August 2020, India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, added ivermectin to its recommendations and distributed the drug for home care free of charge. The state of Bihar also started recommending ivermectin, and by the end of 2020, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh had the lowest and second-lowest COVID-19 fatality rates in all of India
- A WHO-sponsored review suggests ivermectin can reduce COVID-19 mortality by as much as 83%
- In the U.S., the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance is calling for widespread adoption of ivermectin, both as a prophylactic and for the treatment of all phases of COVID-19
- Covid Deaths Plunged in Mexico City when Ivermectin was Introduced
- A Cochrane-standard (=highest) review and meta-analysis of Ivermectin against Covid-19 by Bryant-Lawrie, now peer-reviewed and published, concludes Ivermectin has “significant impact” on Covid-19
- Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State Is COVID-19 Free Proving the Effectiveness of “Deworming Drug” IVERMECTIN
Here is Dr. Pierre Kory’s opening statement on December 8th, 2020 to the Senate Committee on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a Covid-19 Solution, Part II”.20
Nebulized Peroxide
Dr. Mercola’s personal choice for prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 symptoms is nebulized peroxide. This is a home remedy he recommends everyone familiarize themselves with, as in many cases it can improve symptoms in mere hours.
Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide into your sinuses, throat and lungs is a simple, straightforward way to augment your body’s natural expression of hydrogen peroxide to combat infections and can be used both prophylactically after known exposure to COVID-19 and as a treatment for mild, moderate and even severe illness.
Dr. David Brownstein, who has successfully treated over 100 COVID-19 patients with nebulized peroxide, published a case paper32 about this treatment in the July 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy and The Law. He also reviews its benefits in “How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections.”
Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is extremely safe, and all you need is a desktop nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide, which you’ll need to dilute with saline to 0.1% strength. I recommend buying these items beforehand so that you have everything you need and can begin treatment at home at the first signs of a respiratory infection. In the video above, I go over the basics of this treatment.
The nebulizer I use is the Pari Trek S Compressor Aerosol System. The large battery option is unnecessary as you can simply plug in the device to run it when you need it. There are likely other nebulizers you can use instead, as long as it plugs into an electrical outlet and doesn’t use batteries, as they are low-powered and ineffective nebulizers that don’t work as well.20
Nitric Oxide
A well known antimicrobial, Nitric Oxide, has been found to rapidly reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral load, knocking it down by 95 percent within 24 hours, and 99 percent within 72 hours. More here…
FabiSpray (Nasal Spray)
The Canadian pharmaceutical company SaNOtize Research & Development Corp., (SaNOtize), and Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited (Glenmark), announced earlier this month the successful outcomes of a nasal spray in its Phase 3 clinical trials and approved by India’s drug regulator as a treatment for adult patients with COVID-19 who have a risk of progression of the disease in early 2022.
“The study confirmed that SaNOtize’s Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) represents a safe and effective antiviral treatment that shortens the course of COVID-19, and could prevent the transmission of COVID-19,” according to their news release.
The SaNOtize Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) is designed to kill the Covid-19 virus in the upper airways, preventing it from incubating and spreading to the lungs. It contained anti-microbial properties with a direct virucidal effect on Covid-19.
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm study at 20 clinical sites across India that evaluated 306 patients, NONS reduced the SARS-CoV-2 log viral load in COVID-19 patients by more than 94% within 24 hours of treatment, and by more than 99% in 48 hours as compared to saline control.
Source: TGP
North Korea Only Used Natural Treatments
Despite its grossly malnourished population, just 69 people in the country have died from the virus since its government acknowledged a COVID outbreak for the first time during the pandemic on May 12th, 2022. North Korea repeatedly rejected vaccines from foreign nations throughout the pandemic while its state-run media regularly reports on the rampant adverse reactions to mRNA technology in the United States and the United Kingdom.
COVAX, a World Health Organization-funded program that provides COVID-19 vaccines to poor countries, offered the hermit kingdom nearly two million AstraZeneca vaccines in July, but North Korea rejected the offer citing concerns of detrimental side effects. COVAX then offered North Korea three million doses of AstraZeneca Covid vaccines in September, but the country turned down the shipment.
Instead, North Korea’s leaders are treating the virus with traditional medicine, urging the public to treat the virus by consuming willow leaves, ginger, honeysuckle tea and antibiotics including ibuprofen and amoxicillin and gargling with salt water.21
FDA Approved Drugs
At the beginning of May, the FDA granted emergency use authorization for Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir to combat COVID-19 with the highest mortality rate of any trial drug for Ebola, a coronavirus similar to covid-19. It is an IV pro-drug (the drug is a precursor; the body creates the active compound) that is both expensive at a potential price of $4500 per patient and challenging to scale up quickly. The NIAID/NIH Remdesivir trial was double-blinded and placebo-controlled. Participants had to test positive for the virus and have evidence of lung problems. Remdesivir improved time to recovery (discharge from the hospital or ability to return to normal activity) by 4 days, from 15 days to 11 days. However, the overall survival difference in the trial did not reach statistical significance (8% mortality in the treatment group, 11.6% in the placebo group). So, Remdesivir is unlikely to be a significant factor in the U.S. or the solution on a global scale, and though far less effective than Hydroxychloroquine, it is developed by the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences.
In 2015, Bill Gates wrote an article for the New England Journal of Medicine titled, “The Next Epidemic: Lessons from Ebola.” There he spoke of a special class of drugs that “involves giving patients a set of particular RNA-based constructs that enables them to produce specific proteins (including antibodies).”
A global flu-like pandemic in fact is something that Gates and his well-endowed foundation have spent years preparing for. In 2017 during the Davos World Economic Forum, Gates initiated something called CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, together with the governments of Norway, India, Japan, and Germany, along with the Wellcome Trust of the UK. Its stated purpose is to “accelerate the development of vaccines we’ll need to contain outbreaks” of future epidemics. He noted at the time that “One promising area of vaccine development research is using advances in genomics to map the DNA and RNA of pathogens and make vaccines.”
- China holds patent via the manufacture Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID with an office near Wuhan
- Primary financial investors in UNITAID are George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and the WHO
- Gilead & UNITAID donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign
The broad-spectrum antiviral medication Remdesivir – originally developed to treat the Ebola and Marburg viruses – was used in trials with coronavirus patients, despite its apparent ineffectiveness in follow-up tests, after only one study found the drug shortened coronavirus infection recovery times. It was stunningly FDA approved. Meanwhile, effective potential cures are being ignored such as one developed by the biotech company Yumab.
As lockdowns kept people at home and out of medical facilities, infant vaccination dropped. As you might expect, this was bad news for the drug industry, which is likely why they started promoting baseless claims that childhood vaccinations might prevent COVID-19 deaths. There’s absolutely no evidence for this, yet, in March 2020, they started pushing the TB vaccine, claiming it might “steel the immune system” against SARS-CoV-2. As reported by Science:1
“Researchers in four countries will soon start a clinical trial of an unorthodox approach to the new coronavirus. They will test whether a century-old vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), a bacterial disease, can rev up the human immune system in a broad way, allowing it to better fight the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 and, perhaps, prevent infection with it altogether.”
In April 2020, the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was touted as a “major breakthrough” against COVID-19. The British Express reported:2
“Researchers at the University of Cambridge said the injection could prevent severe symptoms in people who have had it because the rubella virus has a similar structure to the coronavirus …
When they compared the rubella virus and the coronavirus the researchers found that they were 29 percent identical … The researchers have no evidence that the MMR vaccine works on COVID-19 patients but they assured ‘a study is warranted.’”
In June 2020, it was the polio vaccine’s turn in the spotlight, the primary cause of polio paralysis in the world. According to The Hill,3 tuberculosis and polio vaccines are being examined “for possible protection against COVID-19.” Jeffrey D. Cirillo, a professor of microbial pathogenesis and immunology at Texas A&M Health Science Center, went so far as to state, “This is the only vaccine in the world that can be given to combat COVID-19 right now.” Based on what? Based on vaccination rates in countries such as Pakistan, “where most of the population is vaccinated for tuberculosis and death rates for COVID-19 have been extremely low.” That’s it.
Meanwhile, discussions and evidence showing the benefits of vitamin C and vitamin D — as well as many other therapies — are banned and censored. This, despite significant scientific evidence actually backing their use and showing the biology by which these nutrients and therapies can prevent and/or treat this particular infection. Talk about travesty.
A graduate of Yale University who also obtained a PHD at Princeton University and an MD degree from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine has published a paper in which she concludes that mandating the public to take a vaccine is a harmful and damaging act because of excellent scientific research papers which clearly demonstrate the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of Covid-19.
She writes that since the principal reason of a mandate is to protect others from infection, and these studies prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do not do this, those who mandate the Covid-19 injections may wish to seek legal counsel regarding their culpability and liability for potential long-lasting harm to those whom they pressure into vaccination with the threat of exclusion from employment, education or society.
Global Martial Law & Medical Tyranny
Whatever the source of COVID-19, by their own actions, it’s now clear that what we are all witnessing is yet Another False Flag, Mass Casualty Event Staged By All The Usual Suspects known as OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. Of course, there are many pieces to this conspiracy puzzle, but they’re all leading to the same outcome—an unparalleled lockdown of planet Earth. Really, is there any other way to incarcerate humanity so quickly and efficiently than by establishing Medical Martial Law?
British Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption made some observations in a March 30, 2020 interview with The Post warning early that COVID-19 rules were paving the way for despotism — the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive manner.
“The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it’s not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It’s usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated.
That’s what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on politicians has come from the public. They want action. They don’t pause to ask whether the action will work. They don’t ask themselves whether the cost will be worth paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has studied history will recognize here the classic symptoms of collective hysteria.
Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease.”
It is time to ask ourselves some very pressing questions. Is it reasonable to expect government to eliminate ALL infection and ALL death? They’ve proven they cannot, yet we keep relinquishing more and more freedoms and liberties because they claim doing so will keep everyone safer. It’s an enticing lie, but a lie nonetheless. Remember, they sold us on the business shutdowns and home quarantining by saying we just need to flatten the curve of infection to avoid hospital overcrowding. Now, hospitals are near-empty and deaths are so low they’re not even reported anymore. Yet lockdowns remain in many areas and some — Australia being a prime example — have reached shocking new heights. Sooner or later everyone must decide which is more important: Personal liberty or false security? (Mercola)
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a pandemic exercise in late 2019, less than 2 months prior to the official outbreak in Wuhan City, that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak. They also just happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly virus and are working on a vaccine to solve the crisis.
Moderna, the company that will be making and testing a new RNA vaccine against the China coronavirus, was awarded funding from CEPI, another Gates Foundation organization. So the stage was set for a grand planet-wide guinea-pig test. In a recent piece, Jon Rappaport explained the admitted danger of RNA vaccines. They can cause autoimmune reactions. The body goes to war against itself. What are the chances that one of these new vaccines will be mandated in the US and other countries? Mandated. Ordered. Commanded. “In order to preserve public safety.” They later were in several states and cities!
In November of 2019, the Pirbright Institute’s website published an article focusing on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s funding of “a Livestock Antibody Hub” to the sum of $5.5 million. Gates is also caught secretly funding a well-timed docu-series called Pandemic where Bill & Melinda Gates are the heroes.
The Endgame
A vaccine has always been the answer by the powers that be. ‘Lockdowns will not end until there’s a vaccine uttered politicians, a fake study in the Lancet – the same rag that had to retract a fraud study on Hydroxychloroquine, so-called experts, and of course, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates mouthpiece.
Operation Warp Speed, led by Moncef Slaoui, former chairman of global vaccines at GlaxoSmithKline, and Army Gen. Gustave Perna, head of U.S. Army Materiel Command, is spearheading simultaneous efforts to develop, manufacture and distribute a vaccine. As part of the effort, HHS has awarded nearly $1 billion to pharmaceutical companies Johnson & Johnson and Moderna to support their vaccine candidates, which have started early clinical trials or are about to start them. The vaccine guinea pigs, according to US officials, will be military, as well as vulnerable and essential workers.
(Below) Co-founder and president of the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Barbara Loe Fisher outlines the history of the National Vaccine Plan developed by the U.S. government since 1994 in partnership with the pharmaceutical industry to ensure all Americans receive every federally recommended vaccination. Also included is a review of major types of vaccine-related legislation pending in states to eliminate or restrict voluntary vaccine decision-making.
But this will be no ordinary vaccine…
The New York Times, 3/10/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes a frontier of research. Here are key quotes that illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction:
“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”
“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”
“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.” [That was five years ago.]
“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”
Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”
Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.” Alteration of the human genetic makeup. Permanent alteration.
The Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:
“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”
Below: Dr Carrie Madej, DO is a Internal Medicine Specialist in McDonough, GA and has over 19 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Kansas City Univ Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001. She claims that the COVID-19 Vaccine Could Be Trojan Horse To Patent Humans as it will change your DNA.
Continued on next page…