Taking Back Our Stolen History
Divide and Conquer
Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer

The idiom “divide and conquer” is said to have originated with the Latin maxim “divide et impera” meaning divide and rule. Julius Caesar used it in reference to defeating the Gauls during the Gaelic War. While its first usage in the English language began circa 1600, through the centuries it’s carried a commonly understood meaning.

The retention of power by utilizing a deliberate strategy of causing those in subordinate positions to engage in conflicts with each other that weaken and keep them from any unified effort to remove the status quo force from power. This policy of maintaining control over subordinates or potential opponents by encouraging or causing dissent between them, thereby preventing them from uniting in opposition to pose any serious threat to the existing power structure is a very familiar story throughout history. It’s an age old formula having multiple applications, most commonly used in the political arena but also in the military, sociological and economic realm as well.

Machiavelli formulated the divide and conquer strategy as an axiom in his Art of War where the enemy can be forced to break up their forces or where the mutual trust between the opponent’s leader and his men can be sabotaged and broken. Economically in the corporate world it’s used to gain advantage by triggering smaller competitors to take business away from each other and in effect canceling each other out, leaving the larger corporation to move in to reap greater profits, an indirect way the bigger fish eat the littler fish. Business models also use it to successfully tackle a large project by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable components. Sociological application of the divide and conquer strategy involves causing discord and conflict among racial/ethnic groups, or exploiting class, religious, age or gender differences to divide and diminish power of various groups according to these sociological classifications.

History is ripe with examples of its successful implementation. One illustration of its sociological application was during the 17th century when the Virginia elite quelled a rash of uprisings from ex-indentured servant white men unified with black slaves by enacting race laws that elevated the rabble status of poor whites so far above the slaves that it effectively eliminated the threat of their ever joining forces in armed rebellion again. This divide and conquer stratagem was frequently repeated by European colonial powers typically pitting competitive tribal, ethnic and religious factions against each other to ensure they would not conspire revolt against the ruling imperialists. In Asia the British took full advantage of Moslems versus Hindus in India as well as creating conflict between Indians and Pakistanis. In the African colonies of Rwanda and Burundi Germany and Belgium created conflict between the Tutsis and Hutus that’s continued right into the genocidal 1990’s. For centuries the Rothschilds made it a family tradition funding both sides in a long series of wars in Europe and America guaranteeing them as the sole benefactors of waging war over the long haul.

This constant thematic thread of divide and conquer permeates the twentieth century on an epic, never before seen scale. The globalist-internationalists intentionally instigated both World War I and II as well as every major rise and fall of the stock market. The German militarization that led directly to WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution that violently evolved into both the Soviet and eventual Chinese Communist regimes along with Hitler’s rise to power (compliments of the likes of globalist George H.W. Bush’s father Prescott) were all examples of how the ruling elite directly funds and willfully creates conflict amongst competing powers, thereby covertly consolidating and expanding their own power base. Their heinous crimes against humanity for their own selfish gain resulted in the two most destructive, bloodiest conflicts in human history.

As an outgrowth of World War II, the globalists devised the diabolical scheme of carving up the world by political ideology, promoting a relatively permanent, ready-made solution. The so called free world’s chief nemesis would be the Communist enemy.

Read the full article at Global Research by Joachim Hagopian

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