It appears that Grossmann was not smart enough to figure it out for Einstein. So Einstein was forced to look elsewhere to plagiarize his General Theory. Einstein published his correct General Theory of Relativity in 1915, and said prior to its publication that he, “completely succeeded in convincing Hilbert and Klein.” He is referring to David Hilbert, perhaps the most brilliant mathematician of the 20th century, and Felix Klein, another mathematician who had been instrumental in the development of the area of calculus that Grossmann had used to develop the General Theory of Relativity for Einstein.
Einstein’s statement regarding the two men would lead the reader to believe that Einstein had changed Hilbert’s and Klein’s opinions regarding General Relativity, and that he had influenced them in their thinking.
What this means is that Hilbert wrote basically the exact same paper, with the same conclusions, before Einstein did. Einstein would have had an opportunity to know of Hilbert’s work all along, because there were friends of his working for Hilbert. Yet, even this was not necessary, for Einstein had seen Hilbert’s paper in advance of publishing his own. Both of these papers were, before being printed, delivered in the form of a lecture.
Einstein presented his paper on November 25, 1915 in Berlin and Hilbert had presented his paper on November 20 in Göttingen. On November 18, Hilbert received a letter from Einstein thanking him for sending him a draft of the treatise Hilbert was to deliver on the 20th. So, in fact, Hilbert had sent a copy of his work at least two weeks in advance to Einstein before either of the two men delivered their lectures, but Einstein did not send Hilbert an advance copy of his.
Therefore, THIS SERVES AS INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF THAT EINSTEIN QUICKLY PLAGIARIZED THE WORK AND THEN PRESENTED IT, HOPING TO BEAT HILBERT TO THE PUNCH. Also, at the same time, Einstein publicly began to belittle Hilbert, even though in the previous summer he had praised him in an effort to get Hilbert to share his work with him. Hilbert made the mistake of sending Einstein this draft copy, but still he delivered his work first. Not only did Hilbert publish his work first, but it was of much higher quality than Einstein’s. It is known today that there are many problems with assumptions made in Einstein’s General Theory paper. We know today that Hilbert was closer to the truth. Hilbert’s paper is the forerunner of the unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism and of the work of Erwin Schrödinger, whose work is the basis of all modern day quantum mechanics. That the group of men discussed so far were the actual originators of the ideas claimed by Einstein was known by the scientific community all along. In 1940, a group of German physicists meeting in Austria declared that “before Einstein, Aryan scientists like Lorentz, Hasenöhrl, Poincaré, etc., had created the foundations of the theory of relativity.” However, the Jewish media did not promote the work of these men. The Jewish media did not promote the work of David Hilbert, but instead they promoted the work of the Jew Albert Einstein.
As we mentioned earlier, this General Theory, as postulated by Hilbert first and in plagiarized form by Einstein second, stated that light rays should bend when they pass by a massive object. In 1919, during the eclipse of the Sun, light from distant stars passing close to the Sun was falsified and presented that it was observed to bend according to the theory. This ‘evidence’ supported the General Theory of Relativity, and the controlled media immediately seized upon the opportunity to prop up Einstein as a hero, at the expense of the true genius, David Hilbert. On November 7th, 1919, the London Times ran an article, the headline of which proclaimed, “Revolution in science – New theory of the Universe – Newtonian ideas overthrown.” This was the beginning of the force-feeding of the Einstein myth to the masses. In the following years, Einstein’s earlier 1905 papers were propagandized and Einstein was heralded as the originator of all the ideas he had stolen. Because of this push by the Jewish media, in 1922, EINSTEIN RECEIVED THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR THE WORK HE HAD STOLEN IN 1905 REGARDING THE PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT.
Heinrich Zangger received a letter from Albert Einstein dated 3 January 1920, in which Einstein stated, among other things, “As for me, since the light deflection result became public, such a cult has been made out of me that I feel like a pagan idol.”

In an epiphany of Saint Einstein, Jewish journalist Alexander Moszkowski wrote to Albert Einstein on 1 February 1917, “Regardless of what happens, I would like to continue the ‘cult’; for you it is secondary, for me it is of paramount importance in life. Additionally, I have the encouraging feeling that, with my modest writing abilities, I may also serve the cause once in a while.” Moszkowski used his writing talents to make Einstein a superstar. In October of 1919, Moszkowski fulfilled his promise to Einstein to promote the “cult” of Einstein, and began the international “Einstein mania”, which peaked in November and December of 1919.
With Einstein’ s blessing, the Jewish litterateur Alexander Moszkowski published a sensationalistic and hagiographic book, which advertised Einstein to the public in an unprecedented and shameless way: Einstein: The Searcher, E. P. Dutton, New York, (1921). This self-aggrandizing book recorded Moszkowski’s conversations with Einstein, and presented Einstein to the public as if he were a god condescending to speak to mere mortals.
The public was vulnerable to such hype. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes wrote to Albert Einstein on 8 February 1920, as if Einstein were the law giver Moses, “In my imagination I can already see you at our university’s venerable rostrum that was born of the struggle for freedom of conscience smiling down at us and telling us about your communion with the gods and about the fine interplay of harmony by which hints of Nature’s laws are revealed, your kind eyes sparkling with delight!”
The establishment of the Einstein farce between 1919 and 1922 was an important coup for world Zionism and Jewry. As soon as Einstein had been established as an idol to the popular masses of England and America, his image was promoted as the rare genius that he is erroneously believed to be today.
Many leading scientists found such unprecedented advertising for Einstein distasteful. In 1924, Ernst Gehrcke preserved conclusive evidence that Moszkowski’s book was promoted in the daily newspapers as part of an overall plan to promote Albert Einstein to the gullible public through intensive advertising. The press and elements of the Physics community did indeed create an “Einstein ‘brand’” which has lasted. Peter Rogers, editor of Physics World, stated in his editorial in the August, 2004, issue of Physics World,
“His legacy as the greatest physicist of all time is guaranteed, despite the regular claims that ‘Einstein was wrong’ or that he stole his ideas from someone else.
The real opportunity presented by 2005 is the chance to sell Einstein and physics to the young. Physicists have to realize that physics needs the ‘outside world’ more than it needs physics. [***] Physics as a subject is lucky in having Einstein as a ‘brand'[.]”
Rodgers wrote, in September of 2003, “[. . .Einstein developed the special theory of relativity in 1905. This potted history is true, of course, but it overlooks the contributions of Poincare and Lorentz. However, if every article had to give full credit for every advance in the history of physics, there would be little room for what is going on today.”
Rodgers also stated, in November of 2003, “Fabrication, plagiarism and a range of other offences — duplicate submissions, conflicts of interest and referee misconduct — were among the topics discussed at a recent workshop on scientific misconduct. Failure to cite the work of others adequately is also an offence. [J]ust one more major case of fabrication or plagiarism would be very bad news for our subject.”
The Einstein brand was already established and used to market products in January of 1920, shortly after the press hyped Einstein and the theory of relativity in November and December of 1919. Alexander Eliasberg, a Jew who wore his Jewishness on his sleeve, wrote to Albert Einstein on 27 January 1920, “This new type of monthly, which will serve a very large readership, is characterized by its emphasis on the sciences — of which your illustrious name serves as a symbol[.]”
In letter to Albert Einstein, Paul Epstein described Alexander Eliasberg, who was Epstein’s cousin, in the following terms, in the hopes that it would impress the Jewish racist and segregationist Albert Einstein, “Eliasberg is a Jew of nationalistic bent, who stresses his Jewishness at every opportunity that presents itself. His name is emblazoned on the cover of the Jewish monthly Judische Monatshefte; furthermore, he has published a library’s worth of translations from Yiddish.”
In 1930, some German Jews recognized the danger of Zionist racism and demanded that Albert Einstein stop using his scientific fame to promote racism, disloyalty and “interracial” strife. The New York Times reported on 7 December 1930 on page 11 , “The National German-Jewish Union, a small group of extreme nationalist and anti-Zionist Jews, protested against Professor Einstein using his world-fame as a scientist for ‘propagating Zionism.’”
As such, he immediately began his work as a tool for World Zionism. The masses bought into the idea that if someone was so brilliant as to change our fundamental understanding of the universe, then certainly we ought to listen to his opinions regarding political and social issues.
This is exactly what World Jewry wanted to establish in its ongoing effort of social engineering. They certainly did not want someone like David Hilbert to be recognized as rare genius. After all, this physicist had come from a strong German, Christian background. His grandfather’s two middle names were ‘Fürchtegott Leberecht’ or ‘Fear God, Live Right.’ In August of 1934, the day before a vote was to be taken regarding installing Adolf Hitler as President of the Reich, Hilbert signed a proclamation in support of Adolf Hitler, along with other leading German scientists, that was published in the German newspapers. So the Jews certainly did not want David Hilbert receiving the credit he deserved. The Jews did not want Max Planck receiving the credit he deserved either. This German’s grandfather and great-grandfather had been important German theologians, and during World War II he would stay in Germany throughout the war, supporting his fatherland the best he could. The Jews certainly did not want the up-and-coming Erwin Schrödinger to be heralded as a genius to the masses. This Austrian physicist would go on to teach at Adolf Hitler University in Austria, and he wrote a public letter expressing his support for the Third Reich. This Austrian’s work on the unified field theory was a forerunner of modern physics, even though it had been criticized by Einstein, who apparently could not understand it.
The Jews did not want to have Werner Heisenberg promoted as a rare genius, even though he would go on to solidify quantum theory and contribute to it greatly, as well as develop his famous uncertainty principle, in addition to describing the modern atom and nucleus and the binding energies that are essential to modern chemistry.
NO, THE JEWS DID NOT WANT HEISENBERG PROMOTED AS A GENIUS BECAUSE HE WOULD GO ON TO HEAD THE GERMAN ATOMIC BOMB PROJECT AND SERVE PRISON TIME AFTER THE WAR FOR HIS INVOLVEMENT WITH THE THIRD REICH. No, the Jews did not want to give credit to any of a number of Germans, Austrians, Irishmen, Frenchmen, Scotsmen, Englishmen, and even Americans who had contributed to the body of knowledge and evidence from which Einstein plagiarized and stole his work. Instead, they needed to erect Einstein as their golden calf, even though he repeatedly and often embarrassed himself with his nonfactual or nearsighted comments regarding the work he had supposedly done. For example, in 1934, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran a front page article in which Einstein gave an “emphatic denial” regarding the idea of practical applications for the “energy of the atom.” The article says, “But the ‘energy of the atom’ is something else again. If you believe that man will someday be able to harness this boundless energy to drive a great steamship across the ocean on a pint of water, for instance then, according to Einstein, you are wrong.”
Again, Einstein clearly did not understand the branch of physics he had supposedly founded, though elsewhere in the world at the time theoretical research was underway that would lead to the atomic bomb and nuclear energy. But after Einstein was promoted as a god in 1919, he made no real attempts to plagiarize any other work. Rather, he began his real purpose evangelizing for the cause of Zionism and World Jewry. Though he did publish other articles after this time, all of them were co-authored by at least one other person, and in each instance, Einstein had little if anything to do with the research that led to the articles; he was merely recruited by the co-authors in order to lend credence to their work. Thus freed of the pretense of academia, Einstein began his assault for World Zionism.
In 1921, Einstein made his first visit to the United States on a fund- raising tour for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and to promote Zionism. In April of 1922, Einstein used his status to gain membership in a Commission of the League of Nations. In February of 1923, Einstein visited Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. In June of 1923, he became a founding member of the Association of Friends of the New Russia. In 1926, Einstein took a break from his Communist and Zionistic activities to again embarrass himself scientifically by criticizing the work of Schrödinger and Heisenberg. Following a brief illness, he resumed his Zionistic agenda, wanting an independent Israel and at the same time a World Government.
There was a panic in the western world following the violent Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917. The New York Times in the late teens and early twenties published numerous articles warning of the dangers of Bolshevism. Many conservative German newspapers also tried to rouse public apprehensions over the dangers of the Communist revolution and Einstein was widely seen as an anarchist and a Communist. 33 Max Born wrote, “Einstein was well known to be politically left-wing, if not ‘red’.” Einstein put his name to Communist and Socialist causes and both groups actively sought his support, with varying degrees of success. When Einstein wanted to visit the United States in the early 1930’s many protested against his admission into the country on the grounds that he was a Communist, an anarchist and a Socialist. The New York Times, on 4 December 1932, on the front page, stated, “The board of the National Patriotic Council in a statement today termed Dr. Einstein ‘a German Bolshevik’ and said his original theory ‘was of no scientific value or purpose, not understandable because there was nothing there to understand.’”
The Patriot of 22 December 1932 published an article “The Visa of Professor Einstein” detailing the objections raised to the granting of a visa to Albert Einstein, “Professor Einstein has informed the world, through the Press, of his difficulty in getting an American visa in Berlin, owing to the U. S. Consul having been warned that he is an undesirable alien by the American Women’s Patriotic Association. In the end the professor got his visa, and chuckled over the fact that the sentries of America had not given heed to ‘the wise, patriotic ladies,’ but had forgotten the occasion when ‘the Capitol of mighty Rome was once saved by the cackling of its faithful geese.’ The fact is that the patriotic American women had as substantial a reason for giving warning as had the Roman geese. The Patriot has given many instances in which Americans had as much right to object to the meddling of Professor Einstein in revolutionary movements on his visits to the U. S. as we have to protest against the Bolshevik finger in the preparation of revolution by British Communists.”
The Patriot article continued with extracts from the law and from the charges, which proved that Einstein was a member of several Communist front organizations and encouraged illegal activities, and that he could not be lawfully admitted into the United States of America. Einstein had influential friends and his record was ignored. The protests that he should not be allowed a visa to come to the United States were ultimately unsuccessful. Einstein expressed himself in Marxist terms and his friends as well as his foes recognized the Socialistic tones in his statements in the early 1920’s. In 1949, Einstein published an article in the Monthly Review in which he advocated Socialism. Since both world wars weakened the nations of the world, both wars created an atmosphere where Communism could flourish.
In the 1930s he actively campaigns against all forms of war, although he would reverse this position during World War II when he advocated war against Germany and the creation of the atomic bomb, which he thought was impossible to build. In 1939 and 1940, Einstein, at the request of other Jews, wrote two letters to Roosevelt urging an American program to develop an atomic bomb to be used on Germany – not Japan. Einstein would have no part in the actual construction of the bomb, theoretical or practical, because he lacked the skills for either.
In December of 1946, Einstein rekindled his efforts for a World Government, with Israel apparently being the only autonomous nation. This push continued through the rest of the 1940s. In 1952, Einstein, who had been instrumental in the creation of the State of Israel, both politically and economically, was offered the presidency of Israel. He declined. In 1953, he spent his time attacking the McCarthy Committee, and he supported Communists such as J. Robert Oppenheimer. He encouraged civil disobedience in response to the McCarthy trials. Finally, on April 18, 1955, this Jewish demagogue died.
Dead, the Jews no longer had to worry about Einstein making stupid statements. His death was just the beginning of his usage and exploitation by World Jewry. The Jewish-controlled media continued to promote the myth of this Super-Jew long after his death, and as more and more of the men who knew better died off, the Jews were more and more able to aggrandize his myth and lie more boldly. This brazen lying has culminated in the Jew-controlled Time Magazine naming the biggest fraud of the century, “The Person of the Century” in 1999.
Einstein was given this title in spite of the clear-cut choice for the “Person of the Century,” Adolf Hitler. Hitler was indeed named “Man of the Year” while he was still living by Time Magazine, and according to a December 27, 1999, article in the USA Today, Einstein was chosen over Adolf Hitler because of the perceived “nasty public relations fallout” that would accompany that choice; yet in internet polling by Time, Hitler finished third and was the top serious candidate.
Still the issue of Time Magazine dedicated to Einstein, which has articles by men with names like Isaacson, Golden, Stein, Rudenstine, and Rosenblatt, is interesting to read. For one, they found it necessary to include an article rationalizing why they did not pick the obvious choice, Adolf Hitler. But more interesting is the article by Stephen Hawking which purports to be a history of the theory of relativity. In it, Hawking admits many things in this article, such as the fact that Hilbert published the General Theory of Relativity before Einstein and that FitzGerald and Lorentz deduced the concept of relativity long before Einstein. Hawking also writes:
“Einstein was deeply disturbed by the work of Werner Heisenberg in Copenhagen, Paul Dirac in Cambridge and Erwin Schrodinger in Zurich, who developed a new picture of reality called quantum mechanics. Einstein was horrified by this. Most scientists, however, accepted the validity of the new quantum laws because they showed excellent agreement with observations. They are the basis of modern developments in chemistry, molecular biology and electronics and the foundation of the technology that has transformed the world in the past half- century”.
This is all very true, yet the same magazine credits Einstein with all of the modern developments that Hawking names, even though Einstein was so stupid as to be vehemently against the most important idea of modern science, just as he opposed Schrodinger’s work in unified field theory which was far ahead of its time. The same magazine admits that “success eluded” Einstein in the field of explaining the contradictions between relativity and quantum mechanics. Today, these contradictions are explained by the unified field theory, but Einstein, who proved himself to be one of the least intelligent of 20th century scientists, refused to believe in either quantum theory or the unified field theory.
To name Einstein as “The Person of the Century” is one of the most ludicrous and absurd lies of all time, yet it has been successfully pulled off by Isaacson, Golden, Stein, Rudenstine, and Rosenblatt and the Jewish owners of Time Magazine. If the Jews at Time wanted to give the title to an inventor or scientist, then the most obvious choice would have been men like Hilbert, Planck, or Heisenberg.
If they wanted to give it to the scientist who most fundamentally changed the lands 20th century science, then the obvious choice would be William Shockley. This Nobel prize winning scientist invented the transistor, which is the basis of all modern electronic devices and computers, everything from modern cars and telephones, VCRs and watches, to the amazing computers which have allowed incomprehensible advances in all fields of science. Without the transistor, all forms of science today would be basically in the same place that they were in the late 1940s.
However, the Jews cannot allow the due credit to go to William Shockley because he spent the majority of his scientific career demonstrating the genetic and mental inferiority of non-whites and arguing for their sterilization. His scientific, genetic views led the Jews to financially destroy Shockley who founded Shockley Semiconductor the first company in Silicon Valley, his hometown, to develop computer chips. The Jews hired away his entire staff and used them to start Fairchild semiconductor in 1957. Many other Fairchild employees later left left Fairchild to form Intel in 1968.
Albert Einstein is a good example of another deception and hoax involved with the atomic bomb program. When many people think of the atomic bomb they think of Einstein. He was presented as the world’s greatest scientist, and a hero of the atomic bomb program.
Upon closer inspection, you will find that his major contributions were the use of his influence to obtain President Roosevelt’s support for the bomb and he was the one personally responsible for bringing the major Communist atomic spy Klaus Fuchs into the Program. The Russians know nothing about the atomic bomb until Fuchs brought it to their attention in 1942.
Thanks to Fuchs, (and to a massive amount of Secret material illegally shipped through Lend-Lease) they were able to explode their own bomb in 1949. Einstein was a communist cell member with Fuchs. Fuchs was the top scientist on the Manhattan Project and he gave the atomic secrets to the Soviets.
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