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Taking Back Our Stolen History


Merck, like Bionetics and the NYUMC, was a documented biological weapons contractor for the CIA and DOD. In fact, the pharmaceutical giant’s president,  George W. Merck, served as America’s biological weapons industry director during most of the cold war. At the end of, and following, World War II, the German-based company was spurred to global pharmaceutical industry dominance by cash infusions made by Hitler’s chief financial officer, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann. According to “Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile” (Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1981), by WWII CBS News correspondent Paul Manning, these investments were part of ‘Operation Eagle’s Flight’ – the NAZI ‘flight capital’ plan to insure a ‘Fourth Reich,’ and continuing German control over an evolving Neuordnung, or ‘New Order’ in which industrial institutions like IG Farben, Merck, and other Nazi funded firms would remain at the forefront of world economic leadership. Today, Merck spreads the depopulation agenda with vaccines and perpetual drugs that do more harm than good in most cases.

Merck’s President Led a Biological Warfare Program Against Americans

Merck and Co created the HPV vaccine Gardasil, the MMR vaccine, and others. During the peak of WWII, George W. Merck, president of Merck and Co was in charge of the War Research Service, the biological warfare division of the larger Federal Security Agency. George W. Merck led the biological warfare department for almost half a decade, during the same years he was the president of Merck and Co. His trusting customers had no idea he was in charge of a secret biowarfare program.

His War Research Service was in charge of Ft. Detrick. Dozens of academic institutions in the US participated in the War Research Service: the same prestigious institutions that promoted eugenics during the decades leading up to World War II, such as Harvard and Stanford. Ft. Detrick was a center of mad science that would culminate into biological warfare experiments on Americans: spraying San Francisco with the infertility causing bacteria Serratia marcescens.

Their techniques were improved with the aid of paperclipped Nazi scientist Kurt Blome. Kurt Blome was brought to the US from Nazi Germany to work at Ft. Detrick: he previously experimented on victims with the horrible Black Death, or Bubonic Plague. (Source)


Merck has been under the spotlight recently thanks to their controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil. The Gardasil vaccine has a very questionable timeline, riddled with corruption and devastating side effects. Shockingly, the HPV shot led to 3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths between May 2009 and September 2010 alone. Of the 3,589 adverse reactions, many were debilitating. Permanent disability was the result of 213 cases; 25 resulted in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome; there were 789 other “serious” reports according to FDA documents. To add icing on the cake, a California bill was passed that would mandate Gardasil and hepatitis B vaccinations for children as young as 12 — without parental consent.

Even more shocking is the fact that Merck was pinned for bribery in order to pass the California Gardasil bill, giving financial incentives to key legislators in order to push the bill through. But it looks like this information isn’t stopping consumers from buying into the shot. Merck is reporting a major increase in third-quarter profits due in part to the skyrocketing sales of death-linked HPV shot Gardasil – up 41 percent to $445 million thanks to government backing and a hugely successful yet deceptive ad campaign targeted at unsuspecting parents and children.

In 2016, Irish communities gained public, political and mainstream media traction by taking on Merck and GSK as HPV vaccine injury from Gardasil & Cervarix mounted and the country’s medical system had to play catch-up to help its injured daughters. Irish families faced an uphill battle against a pharmaceutical invasion of their healthcare system. Loss of informed consent and medical ethics at the hands of the school system came between parental rights. Yet acknowledgment within Irish healthcare and politics is still slowed by the crippling pharmaceutical control and conflicts of interest that remains.

As it turns out, according to a paper published by McCormack et al in Molecular Cytogenetics titled, “Individual karyotypes at the origins of cervical carcinomas,” an HPV infection is not even necessary for the development of cervical cancer, a cancer that only affects about 1% of women anyway. Thus, a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) is extremely unlikely to protect against cervical cancer. If HPV vaccines are useless, it is certainly not worth submitting yourself (or your loved ones) to the 2.3 to 2.5% risk of serious adverse reactions AND the 2.4 to 3.3% risk of developing a new medical condition potentially indicative of autoimmune disorders experienced by Merck’s Gardasil 9 clinical trial participantsALL RISK AND NO BENEFIT IS NOT A WISE MEDICAL CHOICE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

How did such a terrible vaccine ever get approved you may wonder? Another deep state revolving door trick. Meet Dr. Julie Gerberding, MD, MPH, the former CDC Director that approved the Gardasil Vaccine and then became head of Merck’s Vaccine Division and later named 2018 “Woman of the Year.” Dr. Gerberding was named as one of the “most evil people in medicine today,” by the website Medicine News.

Of course Merck manufactures many other vaccines other than Gardasil. The danger behind these vaccines do not dampen, however, as nearly all vaccines contain toxic chemicals like aluminum, formaldehyde, triton X-100, thimerosal, and lead, to name a few. With vaccines leading to convulsions, killer nerve diseases, immune system disorders, and paralysis, you have to ask yourself: Is this profit-driven company responsible for so many vaccine-induced deaths really focused on bettering our society and our world?



Dr. David Graham identified the FDA’s handling of Vioxx as the worst public health disaster in its history. In a plea agreement with a federal court, Merck paid a $321 million fine in exchange for a guilty plea to a ‘misdemeanor’ for the illegal promotion of Vioxx for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, before it was approved for that use. Vioxx caused the deaths of more than 60,000 people, and was withdrawn from the market in 2004 when it became apparent that it was causing heart attacks.

”One of the biggest bugaboos about hiding the real truth from the public is how Big Pharma’s biggest screwups go unreported, sometimes ending in the death of patients who should have been warned of the risks. Vioxx is the most blatant and widely reported example of a coverup gone wrong. In this case, Vioxx manufacturer Merck, couldn’t hide all the bodies, as it is believed that the drug killed at least 27,785 people and caused 160,000 heart attacks and strokes. David Graham, whose job at the FDA was to report dangerous drugs, was told to shut up when he warned about Vioxx. The New England Journal of Medicine printed glowing reports about Vioxx’s virtues, neglecting to publish the dirty little secret that it killed people in higher numbers than acceptable–even for drugs! And, in the end, when the truth came out that tens of thousands of people died because the truth was suppressed, one of the Vioxx developers was still willing to lie in court about its safety and for six years never bothered to correct the article, either. [2006] DEATH BY PROPAGANDA by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND and Elissa Meininger 

Ghostwritten studies appear to have been relied upon to support Merck’s claim that Vioxx was safe and effective. A 2008 editorial published in JAMA questioned whether Merck might have deliberately manipulated dozens of academic documents published in the medical literature, in order to promote Vioxx under false pretenses.

“Mainstream media has sold out.  It sold out. …I sat once with Sharyl Attkisson, one of this country’s greatest journalists, working for CBS.  And she said to me, ‘Andy, when we finish this interview, . . . I will get a call from the top floor, from the money men, and they will say, that interview does not go out, because I’ve had a call from our pharmaceutical industry sponsors, and if it goes out, then they are going to pull their sponsorship.’ And that is why she left [CBS].” ……”I was sitting with [NBC Today Show’s] Matt Lauer in an interview and he said, ‘Dr. Wakefield, isn’t this just conspiracy theory?’  The press loves that!  They love that, don’t they?  Conspiracy theory. Like that’s it.  A panacea for your madness.  Conspiracy theory.

I said, ‘Well Matt,’ because we were on really good term at that stage, I said, ‘Matt, it’s really interesting that you should say that because in the courts, in Australia, just this week, in the Vioxx trials against Merck, where they killed thousands of patients with Vioxx, knowingly.  There were a series of disclosures about internal emails at Merck about how they would deal with doctors who dissented from the safety of Vioxx.  And they said, we’ll isolate them and we’ll discredit them, and the final one, in court, said, ‘We may have to seek them out and destroy them where they live.’   So I said, ‘Matt, you know it’s less a question of conspiracy theory and more a question of corporate policy, don’t you think?’  And that did not make it off the cutting room floor, as you can imagine.” [2015 May] Moms In Charge Presents Dr. Andrew Wakefield on CDC Whistleblower

Exposed in a lawsuit in 2009, Merck paid scientific publisher Elsevier to produce what was essentially a fake peer-review journal to market the drugs Vioxx And Fosamax. The world’s largest medical publisher (Elsevier, which produces The Lancet) asked the manufacturers of anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx which articles they wanted to include in a so-called medical journal on bone health…..The plaintiff in the class action alleged the journal was fake and it was simply a marketing exercise designed to promote Vioxx. The court also heard Merck put the names of high-profile arthritis experts on the editorial board of the phony journal without telling them they had done so.

[2009 April] Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list “We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live,” a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read to the court by Julian Burnside QC, acting for the plaintiff. Also in 2009, a prominent Massachusetts anesthesiologist fabricated 21 medical studies that claimed to show benefits from painkillers like Vioxx and Celebrex, according to the hospital where he worked.


‘Statin research was founded on scientific assumption and an agenda. Statins are dangerous drugs developed in error for profit. Scientific evidence had proven that statins were lethal  years before lovastatin’s approval. Merck corrupted the science and the scientists. The approval process was so corrupted by Merck that lovastatin was bound to be approved.’—James B. and Hannah Yoseph

Statin cholesterol-lowering drugs are widely touted as the best way to lower your cholesterol and thereby prevent a heart attack. They’re recommended to people who have “high cholesterol,” those who have heart disease, and even for some healthy people as a form of preventive medicine. Statins are among the most widely prescribed drugs on the market, with more than 1 in 4 Americans over 45 taking them. This already inflated number is set to increase significantly due to draft recommendations by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). The truth is that statins do NOT work. In addition, they deplete your body of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), they inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K2reduces ketone production; and because statins deplete your body of CoQ10, inhibit synthesis of vitamin K2, and reduce the production of ketone bodies, they increase your risk of other serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and cataracts. Research also reveals that lifestyle is by far the best prevention of heart disease, not statins. (Mercola.com)

Many drugs are now “marketed for perpetuity,” meaning they’re intended to be taken for life. These include ADHD drugs, antidepressants, statins, hormone replacement therapy, proton pump inhibitors, and asthma-control medicines. Sadly most of these drugs come with potential side effects that can be far worse than your original symptom, and few of them have been definitively proven to actually provide any significant health benefits. In fact, some of these drugs have been found to worsen the very condition they’re meant to treat, and/or cause other serious diseases.

There are many articles and evidence that continue to come forth that expose Merck’s corruption and fraud to get gain at whatever cost. The public is merely dollar signs to the upper echelons of Merck.

A Chronological History of Events Involving Merck

Researchers Discover COVID Drug Created By Merck Is Causing Virus Mutations In Patients

Researchers Discover COVID Drug Created By Merck Is Causing Virus Mutations In Patients

Researchers in the United States and the United Kingdom have revealed that Lagevrio, a drug designed by Merck meant to treat COVID, is causing the virus to mutate in patients. This creates the potential for more communicable and deadly versions of COVID to emerge in the future. When one studies how Lagevrio works, this should not come as a shock. The pill attacks the COVID virus by trying ...
15 Vials of Smallpox (variola) were Reportedly Found at Merck’s North Wales, PA Lab

15 Vials of Smallpox (variola) were Reportedly Found at Merck’s North Wales, PA Lab

On November 16, 2021, it was reported that 15 vials of smallpox (variola) were found at Merck’s North Wales, PA laboratory in a freezer. While many people are panicking about smallpox being used as a bioweapon to unleash on Americans, as Bill Gates suggested just a couple weeks ago, the real question is – were there really vials found, or is this to invoke panic, siphon ...
The German Club of Clear Words Report: Exposes the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam

The German Club of Clear Words Report: Exposes the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam

The video below, by the German Club Der Klaren Worte, or the Club of Clear Words, takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam. The audio is in German but there is a captioned translation at the bottom of the video. See PDF report HERE LifeSiteNews’ editor’s note: To view English, or other language subtitles in the video, ...
Vaccine Whistleblower Found Dead After Saying She’d Never Commit Suicide

Vaccine Whistleblower Found Dead After Saying She’d Never Commit Suicide

A renowned whistleblower of Big Pharma and vaccines has been found dead roughly a year after she released a public statement saying she’d never commit suicide. The body of Brandy Vaughan, former pharmaceutical insider and ex-Merck sales executive, was discovered by her nine-year-old son earlier this week, according to reports. The cause of death is currently unknown. “I’ve NEVER had any thoughts of taking my own life, ...
Whistleblower: FDA Failed to Address ‘Biohazard Nightmare’ at Merck Vaccine Plant

Whistleblower: FDA Failed to Address ‘Biohazard Nightmare’ at Merck Vaccine Plant

A former FDA employee-turned-whistleblower says the agency downgraded his report on safety violations at a Merck vaccine plant. The allegation raises questions about how the FDA will monitor safety of COVID vaccine manufacturers. A former employee of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) whose job it was to inspect vaccine manufacturing plants told Vanity Fair that when the FDA ignored his allegations of gross safety violations at ...
Study: CDC Illegally Inflated COVID Fatality Number by at least 1,600 percent Ahead of 2020 Election

Study: CDC Illegally Inflated COVID Fatality Number by at least 1,600 percent Ahead of 2020 Election

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands accused of violating federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE. CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, ...
Merck & Co. Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Murdered by Big Pharma

Merck & Co. Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Murdered by Big Pharma

Pharmaceutical representative Brandy Vaughan had decided to leave her profession at the drug company Merck & Co amidst Merck & Co’s famous Vioxx scandal. Vioxx— an arthritis drug directly caused an estimated 50,000 deaths, and paid over $7.5B by individual court settlements due to a their ensemble of victim related crimes. After her three years in the business which ended in 2003. Ms. Vaughan spent the ...
AMA Adopts New Policy to Allow "Mature" 12 Year Olds to Consent to Vaccination without Parents Consent

AMA Adopts New Policy to Allow “Mature” 12 Year Olds to Consent to Vaccination without Parents Consent

At the conclusion of the annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) in Chicago, AMA delegates adopted a doozy of a new policy. The powerful trade group agreed to develop model legislation that pressures state legislatures into allowing minors to “override refusenik parents on vaccination.” Interesting that the medical tyrants and communists use the soviet word "Refuseniks". Refusenik was an unofficial term for individuals, typically ...
Report: Big Brother and Big Pharma Collude to Choke Vaccine Skeptics Off Crowdsourcing Platforms

Report: Big Brother and Big Pharma Collude to Choke Vaccine Skeptics Off Crowdsourcing Platforms

After successfully targeting Trump supporters with a repressive crackdown, Big Brother is heading onto their next target: so-called antivaxxers. GoFundMe is booting all vaccine skeptics from being able to raise funds on their platform, as they bend their knee to the digital lynch mob. “Campaigns raising money to promote misinformation about vaccines violate GoFundMe’s terms of service and will be removed from the platform,” GoFundMe spokesman ...
Total Internet Censorship Plan Announced: Leftist Groups Given Live Access To All Cell Phones And Computers By Plan Set Up By Obama

Total Internet Censorship Plan Announced: Leftist Groups Given Live Access To All Cell Phones And Computers By Plan Set Up By Obama

Soon after the social media “purge” of independent media sites and pages this past October, a top neoconservative insider — Jamie Fly — was caught stating that the mass deletion of anti-establishment and anti-war pages on Facebook and Twitter was “just the beginning” of a concerted effort by the U.S. government and powerful corporations to silence online dissent within the United States and beyond. While a few, relatively ...