Unlike many religions, Islam includes a mandatory and highly specific legal and political plan for society called Sharia (pronounced “sha-ree-uh”), which translates approximately as “way” or “path.” The precepts of Sharia are derived from the commandments of the Quran and the Sunnah (the teachings and precedents of Muhammad as found in the reliable hadiths and the Sira). Together, the Quran and the Sunnah establish the dictates of Sharia, which is the blueprint for the good Islamic society. Because Sharia originates with the Quran and the Sunnah, it is not optional. Sharia is the legal code ordained by Allah for all mankind. To violate Sharia or not to accept its authority is to commit rebellion against Allah, which Allah’s faithful are required to combat.
There is no separation between the religious and the political in Islam; rather Islam and Sharia constitute a comprehensive means of ordering society at every level. While it is in theory possible for an Islamic society to have different outward forms — an elective system of government, a hereditary monarchy, etc. — whatever the outward structure of the government, Sharia is the prescribed content. It is this fact that puts Sharia into conflict with forms of government based on anything other than the Quran and the Sunnah.
The precepts of Sharia may be divided into two parts:
1. Acts of worship (al-ibadat), which includes:
- Ritual Purification (Wudu)
- Prayers (Salah)
- Fasts (Sawm and Ramadan)
- Charity (Zakat)
- Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)
2. Human interaction (al-muamalat), which includes:
- Financial transactions
- Endowments
- Laws of inheritance
- Marriage, divorce, and child care
- Food and drink (including ritual slaughtering and hunting)
- Penal punishments
- War and peace
- Judicial matters (including witnesses and forms of evidence)
As one may see, there are few aspects of life that Sharia does not specifically govern. Everything from washing one’s hands to child-rearing to taxation to military policy fall under its dictates. Because Sharia is derivate of the Quran and the Sunnah, it affords some room for interpretation. But upon examination of the Islamic sources (see above), it is apparent that any meaningful application of Sharia is going to look very different from anything resembling a free or open society in the Western sense. The stoning of adulterers, execution of apostates and blasphemers, repression of other religions, and a mandatory hostility toward non-Islamic nations punctuated by regular warfare will be the norm. It seems fair then to classify Islam and its Sharia code as a form of totalitarianism.
The violent injunctions of the Quran and the violent precedents set by Muhammad set the tone for the Islamic view of politics and of world history. Islamic scholarship divides the world into two spheres of influence, the House of Islam (dar al-Islam) and the House of War (dar al-harb). Islam means submission, and so the House of Islam includes those nations that have submitted to Islamic rule, which is to say those nations ruled by Sharia law. The rest of the world, which has not accepted Sharia law and so is not in a state of submission, exists in a state of rebellion or war with the will of Allah. It is incumbent on dar al-Islam to make war upon dar al-harb until such time that all nations submit to the will of Allah and accept Sharia law. Islam’s message to the non-Muslim world is the same now as it was in the time of Muhammad and throughout history: submit or be conquered. The only times since Muhammad when dar al-Islam was not actively at war with dar al-harb were when the Muslim world was too weak or divided to make war effectively.
But the lulls in the ongoing war that the House of Islam has declared against the House of War do not indicate a forsaking of jihad as a principle but reflect a change in strategic factors. It is acceptable for Muslim nations to declare hudna, or truce, at times when the infidel nations are too powerful for open warfare to make sense. Jihad is not a collective suicide pact even while “killing and being killed” (Sura 9:111) is encouraged on an individual level. For the past few hundred years, the Muslim world has been too politically fragmented and technologically inferior to pose a major threat to the West. But that is changing.
Islamic apologists often point out that Islam is not a monolith and that there are differences of opinion among the different Islamic schools of thought. That is true, but, while there are differences, there are also common elements. Just as Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Christians differ on many aspects of Christianity, still they accept important common elements. So it is with Islam. One of the common elements to all Islamic schools of thought is jihad, understood as the obligation of the Ummah to conquer and subdue the world in the name of Allah and rule it under Sharia law. The four Sunni Madhhabs (schools of fiqh [Islamic religious jurisprudence]) — Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali — all agree that there is a collective obligation on Muslims to make war on the rest of the world. Furthermore, even the schools of thought outside Sunni orthodoxy, including Sufism and the Jafari (Shia) school, agree on the necessity of jihad. When it comes to matters of jihad, the different schools disagree on such questions as whether infidels must first be asked to convert to Islam before hostilities may begin (Osama bin Laden asked America to convert before Al-Qaeda’s attacks); how plunder should be distributed among victorious jihadists; whether a long-term Fabian strategy against dar al-harb is preferable to an all-out frontal attack; etc.
Sharia Law represents the polar opposite of a Libertarian world view. Reasons for this are many, and this particular video should make it obvious as to why Sharia Law is incompatible with the West and libertarianism, among other values, not the least that Sharia Law merges State and Religion.
Islam’s Sharia law is cast from the words of Muhammad, called “hadith,” his actions, called “sunnah,” and the Quran, which he dictated. The Sharia law itself cannot be altered but its interpretation, called “fiqh,” by muftis (Islamic jurists) is given some latitude.
As a legal system, the Sharia law is exceptionally broad. While other legal codes regulate public behavior, Sharia regulates public behavior, private behavior, and even private beliefs. Compared to other legal codes, the Sharia law also prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation and favors corporal and capital punishments over incarceration. Of all legal systems in the world today, the Sharia law is the most intrusive and restrictive, especially against women.
According to the Sharia law (see the links for details):
- Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38).
- Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
- Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
- Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
- A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (See Compulsion).
- A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
- A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
- A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
- Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
- A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
- A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death (see “Islamophobia“).
- A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
- Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab (see Taharrush).
- A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
- A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
- Girls’ clitoris should be cut (Muhammad‘s words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
- A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34 and Religion of Peace).
- A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband’s consent to divorce.
- A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
- A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man’s.
- A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Mathematics in Quran).
- A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
- Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah – i.e., be “Halal.”
- Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
- Continue…
Which countries use the Sharia law? Muslims’ aspired Sharia state is the birthplace of Muhammad that has no legal code other than the Sharia law and enforces it without mercy: Saudi Arabia. But as detailed below, the Sharia law is also used in full or in part, nationally or regionally in:
Afghanistan (89%)** | France* | Lebanon | Spain* |
Algeria | Gambia | Malaysia (86%)** | Sudan |
Austria* | Germany* | Maldives | Sri Lanka |
Bahrain | Ghana | Mauritania | Syria |
Bangladesh (82%)** | India | Morocco (83%)** | Tanzania |
Brunei | Indonesia (72%)** | The Netherlands* | Thailand (77%)** |
Canada* | Iran | Nigeria | Uganda |
Comoros | Iraq (91%)** | Oman | United Arab Emirates |
Djibouti (82%)** | Jordan (71%)** | Pakistan (84%)** | United States (USA)* |
Egypt (74%)** | Kenya | Qatar | United Kingdom (UK)* |
Eritrea | Kuwait | Saudi Arabia | W. Bank & Gaza (89%)** |
Ethiopia | Libya | Somalia | Yemen |
* In the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and other European countries that resist the Sharia law, it has proven adept at infiltrating elements of the society that are left vulnerable (see Sharia law in America and Islamization of America).
** Percent of Muslims who favor making Sharia the official law in their country (source: Pew Forum Research). In many countries where an official secular legal system exists alongside the Sharia law, the majority of their Muslim citizens favor making Sharia the official law. For example, while Egypt’s military blocked the Muslim Brotherhood‘s efforts in this direction in 2013, 74% of Egypt’s Muslims still favor it. Even in Jordan, Indonesia and Malaysia – Muslim countries with progressive images – the relatively secular ruling elite sit atop Muslim masses, 71%, 72% and 86% respectively of whom want their countries to be ruled by Sharia. And in Iraq, where the United States has been propping up democracy since 2003, 91% of its Muslims want to live under the Sharia law.
The number of countries penetrated by Sharia law continues to grow, as does the depth of its penetration in the countries already affected. This penetration is not by happenstance; it is managed to occur in five phases: see Spread of Islam and the 10 steps to Stop Islam.
Sharia law in the United States of America (“America”) has reached penetration phase 3 (see Spread of Islam). As the number of court cases in which civil law and Sharia law clash rose across America, many American states introduced bills banning their state courts from accommodating Sharia law. Many of those bills have been stalled by the Muslim Brotherhood, which accuses the bills’ sponsors and supporters of Islamophobia, campaigns against their re-election, and sues in court. States that have managed to pass Sharia law-blocking legislation, known as “ALAC” (American Laws for American Courts), are listed on Islamization of America.
While fighting to a draw in many state legislatures, Sharia law has been advancing faster, in many cases unopposed, in other American institutions, as follows:
- An increasing number of America’s public schools are commemorating Muslim holidays, serving Halal food, and holding Islamic prayers towards Mecca. In 2014, Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado became the first American high school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, replacing “One nation under God,” with “One nation under Allah” (see Allah Moon God).
- Bill Clinton was the first US president to hold a White House Eid al-Fitr dinner at the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month-long, dawn-to-dusk fast. Eid al-Fitr includes six Takbirs, the raising of hands and shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” to declare that Allah is “greater” (than the God of Christianity and the idols of other religions – see Jesus vs. Muhammad and Halal). Every US president since Clinton, including George W. Bush, held this blasphemous dinner for a total of 20 years (1996 to 2016) until Donald Trump scrapped it in 2017.
- In 2000, the Republican National Convention became the first US presidential convention to open with a Muslim prayer to Allah.
- In 2007, Quran for the first time was used to swear into office a new US Congressman, Keith Ellison (right). In 2017, this former spokesman for Nation of Islam became the second highest leader of the Democratic National Committee.
- In 2009, a Christian US soldier at Baghram Air Force Base in Afghanistan received Bibles in two local languages from his American church as planned. The US army confiscated those Bibles and instead of at least returning them to his church, burned those Bibles. When Terry Jones, a pastor in Florida, announced his plan to burn a copy of the Quran in 2010, General David Petraeus, the commander of the US military in Afghanistan, publicly objected to his plan, while US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced his plan as “disgraceful” (see Bible vs. Quran and War against Islam).
- In the landmark 2010 pro-Sharia ruling on S.D. v. M.J.R., Judge Joseph Charles Jr. of New Jersey concluded that the Muslim ex-husband repeatedly had raped (see Taharrush) his Muslim ex-wife. After testimony from the Muslim man’s imam, the judge denied the ex-wife’s request for a permanent restraining order against her ex-husband, citing the Muslim man’s “belief.”
- To attract and manage Muslim wealth, an increasing number of American financial institutions quietly began taking steps to become Sharia-compliant. This includes donating a percentage of their annual profits to Islamic groups that are designated by their Sharia-compliance advisors, many of whom belong to the Muslim Brotherhood and funnel funds to Jihadi groups (the donations must go to one or more of eight recipient categories, one of which is Jihad), including Hamas and Hezbollah (see Hitler’s Islam, how to Stop Islam).
- In 2016, candidates who openly identified themselves as Muslims and campaigned for national or statewide offices numbered about a dozen. In 2018, that number rose to about 90. After 31 primaries in July of 2018, about 50 of them remain in their races, far more than the number of candidates who openly identify themselves as Christians (see: source).
- https://www.jihadwatch.org/islam-101
- http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/sharia-law.html
- http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/america-sharia-law.html
Chronological History of Events Related to Sharia Law

Taliban outlaw the production of poppies in Afghanistan

Report: European Union paid €36.5 Million to Groups with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

Report: Young Iraqi Girls sold for Sex in Temporary ‘Pleasure Marriages’ That can Last as Little as an Hour

Mozambique: Muslims murder 13 Villagers, Destroy over 120 Houses, in Quest to Impose Sharia Law

Christian Mother Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy in Pakistan Wins Final Appeal

Freelance Journalist Laura Loomer was Banned from Twitter for Criticizing a Politician’s Support of Female Genital Mutilation.

Swedish Dental Expert Fined $50,000 for Exposing Adult Migrants Masquerading as Children

Obama Modifies U.S. Oath of Citizenship

Senior CIA Intelligence Expert declares Obama is Forwarding Radical Islam and is on the Wrong Side of the War on Terror