Tools to move people off rural lands
How do you remove people from the rural areas and herd them into the cities? Make it impossible to live there. Control water and energy use as the land is locked away from human activity.
Selling an international agenda as “local”
The agenda is being sold to the public as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” And it is exactly that. Yet, the public is being conned to believe it is being created locally. But all of the policies enforce international building, electrical and plumbing codes.
Is 2018 turning into 1984?
Who really owns and controls your private property…you or Big Brother? Rules, regulations, taxes, licensing… It’s all governments at every level talk about. Rarely does one hear a word about protecting an individual’s property, or encouraging building the economy with free enterprise, or individual creativity. Such concepts have become a threat to well-laid government plans and projects. Those who propose such ideas of freedom are labeled as radicals. Meanwhile government invades every aspect of our lives – unabated.
Tom DeWeese argues that private property ownership is the single most effective tool to eradicate poverty, yet it is being systematically eliminated under these programs. For homeowners across the nation, property rights have been reduced to the obligation to pay taxes and the mortgage, while nearly every other decision about the use of the property is made by a government agency. Says DeWeese, “Without the right of use, property ownership becomes a barren right. Individual choice is eliminated by the dictates of the collective and free enterprise is replaced by partnerships between government and huge corporations. Those private corporations then use their collusion with government to help eliminate competition, all under the innocent sounding excuse of Sustainable Development.”
Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center suburban Washington, DC, passionately believes in the rights of the individual over a powerful, tyrannical, collective society. He is also the author of the policy book Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, and the fiction political thriller, ERASE. To promote his strongly held philosophy of free enterprise, national sovereignty, and limited government, he travels extensively across the nation speaking out as an advocate of private property rights and personal privacy protections. Recognized internationally as an expert in these fields, Tom DeWeese has been quoted in such national publications as the New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, while making regular appearances on a large list of national and local radio and television news programs.
In Henry Lamb’s Freedom 21 publication, Mr. Lamb explains,
“The goals of sustainable development amount to a complete transformation of American society. Sustainable development embraces education, economics, and social justice, as well as environmental issues. Once the new collaborative decision process has been established, it can be used to develop policy in all these issue areas. Whenever public policy is developed by government-funded advocacy groups, administrators, or bureaucrats, there can be no accountability to the people. Private property rights are eroded and individual freedom evaporates.
Advocates of government control of land use have exerted their influence since long before the term ‘sustainable development’ was first uttered. The 1976 U.N. Conference on Human Settlements uses the raw language: ‘Government control of land use is therefore indispensable.’ By 1992, the advocates of government control had learned that words matter, and rather than use words such as ‘government control of land use…’ they coined terms such as sustainable development, smart growth, and sustainable communities.
It matters not what euphemism is used to shield the reality of government control. Sustainable development, smart growth, and sustainable communities all describe a government-controlled society. Every time a public policy requires a private citizen to ask permission from government, another expression of freedom is destroyed.”
This is a broad rundown of the complex and detailed issue of the environmental whacko, “sustainable development” agenda, and it is important that we make an effort to become informed by studying the extensive amount of materials available on the Internet and elsewhere. The good news is that more and more people are becoming aware of this sinister movement and are working tirelessly to inform leaders at the local, state and federal levels. Tea Party groups are doing a good job of this, including our own local South Mississippi Tea Party, which has a special section on its website for Agenda 21 information and has hosted Agenda 21 educational events.
As with most issues in life, ignorance is our greatest liability. An uninformed citizenry is an enslaved citizenry. We must embrace the knowledge we need to combat these communistic efforts to rob our freedoms. The sustainable movement has infested the entire nation, and beating it back will take a massive effort. There is a ton of money and power involved in pushing this radical agenda, and when community leaders cannot resist the handout of federal taxpayer money grants, they place their whole area under the iron thumb of the tyrannical “green” movement.
Politicians on both sides of the political spectrum have embraced this movement. In the story with which I opened this broadcast, one of our Republican Senators, Roger Wicker, was the one who presented the “green” award to the Ocean Springs housing development. He should know better, but apparently he does not.
A good place to start reversing this communist “sustainable” movement is in our local city councils and planning commissions. Many of these elected and appointed officials are ignorant of what these issues mean, and they need to be taught. As with other freedom-robbing initiatives of the communist Left, if we do nothing it will continue to grow ever more powerful.
I will close with another quote from Mr. Lamb’s Freedom 21 report,
“The current attack on America’s freedom is not with bombs and bullets from foreign tyrants. It is from an internal enemy of freedom that is just as vicious and much more sinister. America is a nation created expressly to defend and protect the freedom of its citizens. Any system of government that replaces that freedom with government control is an enemy.
Sustainable development, as defined in Agenda 21 and the documents published by the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, cannot exist without government management and control. To the extent that local, state, and federal government yields to the demands of sustainable development, freedom is diminished. To the extent that local, state, and federal government rejects the principles of sustainable development, freedom is advanced.
The only power on earth sufficient to constrain a government out of control is the determination of an informed, involved, and inspired electorate, exercised at the ballot box.”
Here are equivalent concepts: Technocracy, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Natural Capitalism. All of this is a grand deception, as Patrick Wood explains in Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.
Was Sustainable Development disingenuous or was it for real? Pratap Chatterjee and Matthias Finger, authors of The Earth Brokers in 1994, were direct participants in the UN meetings leading up to the Earth Summit held in Rio in 1992. They were environmentalists of the original order that preceded globalization, and they were deeply disappointed in the entire process and outcome. They concluded that “as a result of the whole UNCED20 process, the planet was going to be worse off, not better.” In further opposition, they wrote,
“We argue that UNCED has boosted precisely the type of industrial development that is destructive for the environment, the planet, and its inhabitants. We see how, as a result of UNCED, the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.”
Toward the end of the Earth Summit, youth representatives were allowed to give their impressions of the process and proceedings, and they selected a young lady from Kenya, Wagaki Mwangi, who worked for the International Youth Environment and Development Network in Nairobi. Her short, pointed and shocking statement left many attendees in dead silence:
“The Summit has attempted to involve otherwise powerless people of society in the process. But by observing the process we now know how undemocratic and untransparent the UN system is. Those of us who have watched the process have said that UNCED has failed. As youth we beg to differ. Multinational corporations, the United States, Japan, the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund have got away with what they always wanted, carving out a better and more comfortable future for themselves… UNCED has ensured increased domination by those who already have power. Worse still it has robbed the poor of the little power they had. It has made them victims of a market economy that has thus far threatened our planet. Amidst elaborate cocktails, travailing and partying, few negotiators realized how critical their decisions are to our generation. By failing to address such fundamental issues as militarism, regulation of transnational corporations, democratisation of the international aid agencies and inequitable terms of trade, my generation has been damned.”
While this may seem to be a harsh assessment to some readers, I am only setting up to ask this question: If Sustainable Development is not really about saving the planet, then what is it?
Here is the short answer: It is a scam to twist the economic resources of the world out of your hands and give them to the global elite. It is a power grab to take over all means of production while dictating to you what you are allowed to consume. It is a Scientific Dictatorship designed to control you, your thoughts, your behavior, your consumption and your family from cradle to cradle. Property rights, wealth, savings and the right of inheritance will be tossed out the window. Welcome back to the Dark Ages!
If this is true, then it represents nothing less than the biggest heist in the history of man on earth, and there is an abundance of evidence to prove that it is already well underway. It might be stopped before our nation is ravaged, but not while so many Americans still have their head still planted firmly in the sand. (source)
Chronological History of Events Related to Sustainable Development

Paper: Empty Gestures on Climate Change

Study: Scientists Find “Man-made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist In Practice”

UN Summit in Nairobi Seeks “New World Order” to “Transform the Way We Live”

Guaido invites Ocasio-Cortez to Venezuela to Witness Socialism in Action

India Orders ‘Staggering’ Eviction of 1 Million Indigenous People. Some Environmentalists are Cheering.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey released a fourteen-page resolution for their Green New Deal

AI for Good Global Summit: UN Weaponizing AI to advance its totalitarian UN “Agenda 2030” and the “Sustainable Development Goals”

Pesticide Manufacturers’ own Tests Reveal Serious Harm to Honeybees

Study: The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives