Taking Back Our Stolen History
Gun Control

Gun Control

The founding fathers clearly secured the right of “We the People” to bear arms in defense of himself or the State, as an absolute right and that no law can “be passed to infringe upon or impair it because it is above the law, and independent of lawmaking.” The globalists who seek a tyrannous world government under their elite control have slowly eroded this platform and are trying to repeal the 2nd amendment using false flags, lies, and propaganda to brainwash the masses that it is a necessity to reduce gun violence. Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Center has the stats to prove that (1) more guns equals less crime and less guns equals more crime; (2) expanding background checks doesn’t cut down on gun violence; (3) how gun free zones leave innocent Americans vulnerable, thus making them prime targets for mass shooters; (4) how the federal government and the institutional left are funding bogus health studies to undercut our Second Amendment rights; (5) why women concealed carry holders are surging; and (6) how the media is a total disaster when it comes to gun laws and the lexicon within the firearms industry that could prevent egregious mistakes in reporting gun crimes.

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Chronological History of Gun Control

President Lyndon B. Johnson Signs the Gun Control Act of 1968 Making Gun Ownership a Privilege Rather than a Right

President Lyndon B. Johnson Signs the Gun Control Act of 1968 Making Gun Ownership a Privilege Rather than a Right

The state used the JFK, RFK, MLK (all with connections to deep state intelligence) and UT Massacre (shooter on psychotropic drugs) to propose and pass the 1968 Gun Control Act. The wording of this piece of legislation was taken almost word for word from the 1938 Nazi Gun Control Act. Let me see now; The 1968 Gun Control Act is a re-do of the 1938 Nazi ...
Protests and Riots of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Protests and Riots of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

The assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. (in April) and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (in June) were flash points punctuating a months-long series of deadly race riots, student riots, and violent demonstrations: Detroit (43 killed, 1,189 injured, over 7,000 arrested); Newark (23 killed, 725 injured, 1,500 arrested); Washington, D.C. (12 killed, 1,097 injured, over 6,100 arrested, more than 1,200 buildings burned); and additional death, destruction, and ...
First Mass School Shooting in America Occurs at the Univ. of Texas by 25yo Engineering Student Charles Whitman Killing 17

First Mass School Shooting in America Occurs at the Univ. of Texas by 25yo Engineering Student Charles Whitman Killing 17

On August 1, 1966, after stabbing his mother and his wife to death, Charles Whitman, a former Marine sharpshooter, took rifles and other weapons to the observation deck atop the Main Building tower at the University of Texas at Austin, then opened fire on persons indiscriminately on the surrounding campus and streets. Over the next 90 minutes he shot and killed 14 people (including one unborn ...
Congress Begins Reviewing a Document Entitled 'Communist Goals for Taking Over America'

Congress Begins Reviewing a Document Entitled ‘Communist Goals for Taking Over America’

The House of Representative and later the Senate began reviewing a document entitled "Communist Goals for Taking Over America." It contained an agenda of 45 separate issues that, in hindsight was quite shocking back then and equally shocking today. Here, in part, are some key points listed in that document. 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to ...
President Kennedy Issues Document 7277 Entitled 'Freedom From War: The US Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World'

President Kennedy Issues Document 7277 Entitled ‘Freedom From War: The US Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World’

In the interest of peace, many Americans have been persuaded to support disarmament programs and to create as a substitute for each nation's military a United Nations Peace Force. Most feel certain that their own rights and the independence of their nation would in no way be placed in jeopardy. But there is a vital question few seem willing or able to ask: Who would be ...
CFR Study No. 7: "...building a New International Order [which] must be Responsive to World Aspirations for Peace, [and] for Social and Economic Change"

CFR Study No. 7: “…building a New International Order [which] must be Responsive to World Aspirations for Peace, [and] for Social and Economic Change”

In Study No. 7 Basic Aim of U.S. Foreign Policy, published by the CFR in November, 1959, they revealed their plans for the country: "The U.S. must strive to build a new international order ... (which) must be responsive to world aspirations for peace ... (and) for social and economic change...including states labeling themselves as 'Socialist' ... (and to) gradually increase the authority of the U.N.." ...
National Firearms Act of 1934 by FDR

National Firearms Act of 1934 by FDR

Roosevelt’s original proposal for what would become the National Firearms Act of 1934, the first federal gun control law in the US, sought to tax all firearms and establish a national registry of guns. When gun owners objected, Congress scaled down FDR’s proposal to allow only for a restrictive tax on machine guns and sawed-off shotguns, which were thought to be gangster weapons with no usefulness ...
The League of Nations was Founded as a Result of the Paris Peace Conference that Ended World War I.

The League of Nations was Founded as a Result of the Paris Peace Conference that Ended World War I.

The League of Nations was founded on 10 January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. Its ostensible mission was to be an organization to help maintain World Peace, but it is evident from the documentation of its conspiratorial organizers (the same as the agitators of war as well) that its true mission was to create a Illuminati ...
Soviet Firearm Confiscation

Soviet Firearm Confiscation

The Council of People's Commissars (the government) ordered the surrender of all firearms, ammunition, and sabres. As has been the case in almost every nation where firearms registration has been introduced (see April 1, 1918), registration proved a prelude to confiscation. Exempt from the confiscation order, however, were members of the Communist Party. A 1920 decree imposed a mandatory minimum penalty of six months in prison ...
Firearm Registration Introduced in Soviet Union

Firearm Registration Introduced in Soviet Union

The first Soviet gun controls were imposed during the Russian Civil War, as Czarists, Western troops, and national independence movements battled the central Red regime. In October 1918, (the government) ordered the surrender of all firearms, ammunition, and sabers… Stalin’s determination to destroy the “kulaks” led his regime to equally reinforce disarmament laws with the intent of eventually exterminating defenseless segments of the population. “Stalin apparently found little need to ...