Taking Back Our Stolen History


A George Soros’ election-rigging project founded by Ellen Kurz and Jeremy Bird of 270 Strategies, national field director for the 2012 re-election campaign of President Obama, that was resurrected in 2014 from the former (2006-2012) Secretary of State Project (SoSP) … that went dormant two years earlier. Claimed to be a “PAC of grassroots activists and veterans of the campaigns of last three Democratic nominees[sic], (who) launched a campaign to ‘flip the script’ from playing defense on voter suppression, to playing offense, not only on voter protection, but also on expansion of voting access.” It is rather a well organized deep state operation clandestinely funded by deep state donors like Soros and Tom Steyer to change election laws (no ID’s required, legalize ballot harvesting, illegal immigrants allowed to vote, etc.) under the guise of racial discrimination to label opposition as racist, and thus make cheating easier. They use the same strategy to elect District Attorneyssame strategy to elect District Attorneys.

Matthew Vadum wrote on Capital Research.org in  2014:

… Like SoSP, iVote is trying to help left-wing candidates, who think voter fraud is a figment of your imagination, become elected as secretaries of state in states across the country, where they can then change election rules to discriminate against Republicans.

iVOTE Fund’s website was explicit about its purpose:

Secretaries of State: If we want the Resistance to succeed we have to elect Democratic voting rights champions in to this critical office. Now more than ever we need to elect Democratic Secretaries of State in order to secure voting rights for all citizens. In 2018, iVote is zeroing in on this key office in swing states and across the nation. Electing those who will fight to ensure Republicans can no longer bar certain people from the ballots is crucial to our democracy.

iVOTE was responsible for getting corrupt SoS’s elected such as Katie Hobbs (AZ) and Jocelyn Benson (MI), who were blatantly doing everything in their power to cover up the stolen 2020 Election in their states. Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Michigan, Ohio, New Mexico, and Iowa were targeted and obviously some states already had Secretaries of State in the Deep State’s pocket like Brad Raffensperger in Georgia.

The iVOTE Fund was specifically endorsed and financially supported by Hillary Clinton’s massive nonprofit cabal, Onward Together, starting in late 2017. Because OT and iVOTE donations are funneled through the Democrat’s ActBlue platform, it is impossible to figure out how much in donations a candidate may have received from OT and from iVOTE. The iVOTE Fund itself is part of a massive, co-mingled, nonprofit corporate architecture which democrats always build to obscure financial donors, transactions, and purposes: the iVOTE Action Fund, an unauthorized Super PAC; iVOTEINC (501(c)(4) ); iVOTE Civic Education Fund (501(c)(3) ).

Source: TheGatewayPundit