Ross: So that’s obviously operational use of sophisticated mind control amnesia inducing and false memory implanting techniques in the USA in the 1950’s by the CIA. It’s part of a broad program of mind control research, experimentation and operational use which included the creation of Manchurian Candidates. So this is why I say that I conclude that it’s an established fact that the CIA and the military have been creating Manchurian Candidates for operational use since World War II at least into the 1950’s, and that it’s not plausible denial in my mind to claim that it all stopped in 1973.
How did this whole network get constructed, and how does it work and how is it supported? We are going to take several steps beyond Oliver Stone in terms of level of conspiracy theory, but that’s not the point of the talk. The conspiracy theory is interesting to get into, but what I actually believe is that there isn’t a conspiracy. I think that the Intelligence Community itself is a polyfragmented entity with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and that there is no single Executive Host Function. There is no little where everybody has it all planned out and under control.
That it works sort of as Neural Network with no Executive Host Function, and that these Old Boys talk to these Old Boys who know this, who don’t know this, know that, it’s this kind of Network Model and that’s what you see on the slide. And all these slides are going to look like this. I am going to walk you now through all these interconnections in this Network as I said all of which are documented, and tell you about some of the history, and talk about some of the ethical problems that arise.
As a matter of general background now, this slide is called “Funding Fronts for CIA Mind Control Research“.
MKULTRA, you have already seen, was from 1953 to 1963. The major funding fronts for MKULTRA were the Human Ecology Foundation that Carl Rogers was on the Board of; the Josiah Macey Jr. Foundation, and the Geshickter Fund. Charles Geshickter was one of the MKULTRA contractors himself. So what happened was the CIA would have its budget who would pop money over to the Human Ecology Foundation … HEF would put out a call for grants and people would then submit applications.
So it looks like a normal funding foundation, and some people were unwitting and just thought they were applying for a grant, and other people knew perfectly well there was a front, the technical terms for these kinds of funds was a “Cutout”. HEF, Josiah Macey Jr. and Geshickter were CIA cutouts. This Geshickter Fund was interesting. One of the MKULTRA projects that they funded was the construction of the Gorman Annex at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C. You have to remember that the military and the CIA are federal bureaucracies. You anticipate the behaviour of federal bureaucracies in general when you are looking into their history and operations. So what they did was through MKULTRA they funded to Geshickter who then funded out to the contractor money to build the Gorman Annex as an addition to the hospital. Since this was money coming from a private foundation, it generated matching funds from another sector of the federal government. So the CIA got to double its budget by sucking its money out of unwitting civilian areas of the federal purse.
What was the Gorman Annex for? It was for mind control experimentation on terminal cancer patients. Three career officers, CIA biochemists, were employed at the Gorman Annex under full cover. This is not completely above board and ethical behaviour. So Carl Rogers who is on the board of the Human Ecology Foundation is himself an MKULTRA contractor and his specific projects have got this MKULTRA grant application … I’ve got him on the Board of the HEF, I’ve got the description of his project that was funded through MKULTRA, and I’ve got the publication flowing from the project that exactly matches the grant application, and in the published paper, he acknowledges funding from the Human Ecology Foundation. So it’s a completely documented closed loop.
Josiah Macey Jr. Foundation. Who was on the Board? An interesting fellow named Daniel X. Friedman. Daniel X. Friedman was the Editor of the Archives of the Journal of Psychiatry from 1970 until his death in 1993. The Archives of the Journal of Psychiatry is the most referenced psychiatric journal in the world, by far. In other words, if you do citation index searches of references of published psychiatry papers, that is it’s an indexing of all the published papers in all the psychiatry journals in the world (the number of references to articles published in the Journal of Psychiatry is 7x the number of the next psychiatry journal in the world. So this “the” number one great big place to publish. It is very biomedical reductionist and it’s virtually impossible to get a dissociative paper published in there.
So these people, like Daniel Friedman, who are in network, are incredibly influential, powerful, controlling people in terms of the history of psychiatry, what gets funded, what gets reviewed, what gets published, who gets appointments, etc etc etc. It’s all part of a very powerful tight structured network. MKULTRA connects itself up to Allen Dulles which connects us back to Human Ecology over to Harold Wolff and back to Allen Dulles. How does that work? Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961. He has the longest-running tenure as DCIA-Director of Central Intelligency Agency. In World War II he was employed by the OSS – Offices of Strategic Services – which is the pre-cursor of the CIA which was run by a guy called Wild Bill Donovan. He was stationed in Switzerland and was heavily involved in, obviously since the enemy was the Germans and the allies were the Russians, in the War he was supposed to be working with the Russians against the Germans which he did.
However, when you read the history of the OSS in World War II, in the last years of the War, the Cold War was already being deliberately planned out and set up by the Intelligence Agencies, and it was already apparent to the Intelligence Agencies that things were going to flip – that Germany would become the Allies and Russia would become the enemy. There was an awful lot of jockeying about whether the Germans were going to surrender in North Italy before the Russians got to Yugoslavia – so there were now negotiations with the Germans – because if they agreed to surrender early – before the Russians got there – then there would be such-and-such a payoff which would secure the area for the Allies so they wouldn’t be taken over by the Russians.
There was all this jockeying going on, all this intrigue, communications between the OSS and some of Hitler’s generals. The arch-enemy spymaster, who Allen Dulles was fighting against was Reinhard Gehlen who was head of German Intelligence in the Eastern Front, which means Russia. At the end of World War II, Allen Dulles recruited Reinhard Gehlen to become the Head of that Division of the CIA’s operations against Russia. This is a totally established fact. Harold Wolff who was the Head of the Human Ecology Foundation, was a neurologist at Cornell. When Allen Dulles’ son received a head wound in the Korean War, he was brought back to the USA and treated by Harold Wolff. You start to get a feel for why I call this an Old Boys’ Network.
Let’s come down here to MKULTRA-we’re over at hallucinogens. A lot of MKULTRA subprojects had to with funding LSD and other hallucinogens. A person who did a lot of hallucinogen research and published a lot of hallucinogen research was Daniel Friedman. Hallucinogen research also connects us down to Loretta Bender. Loretta Bender is the much-revered author of “The Bender Gestalt”.
Now look at these three names: Loretta Bender, Paul Hawk and Ewen Cameron. You will see that each of these names (they are all supposed to connect to the American Journal of Psychiatry obituaries). Ewen Cameron, Paul Hawk and Loretta had their obituaries in the American Journal of Psychiatry. So these are revered people, who are being honoured posthumously by the flagship Journal of the American Psychiatric Association. It’s actually Stella Chess who writes the obituary for Loretta Bender, very glowing, what a wonderful contributor to child psychiatry, what a pioneer … well, she forgot to mention in the obituary – in a publication that I have in my Loretta Bender file that I got from a medical school library – Loretta Bender describes giving 150 mcg per day to children ages 7-11 years for days, weeks, months and in some cases, even years in a row. This would not get through an Ethics Committee. This is discussed at a CIA sponsored symposium on LSD.
Paul Hawk, anybody ever hear of a disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder? Hawk and Pollett(sp) in 1949 Psychiatric Quarterly, Pseudo Neurotic Forms of Schizophrenia – these people are on the borderline between neurosis and schizophrenia – we call it pseudoneurotic schizophrenia because they are on the borderline. It’s one of the reasons why the word “borderline” caught on.
Well he did hallucinogen research in New York for the military, and it had one unfortunate side effect – he killed Harold Blauer(sp) a tennis pro, in 1953, with an injection of Army mescaline and the family was eventually compensated for that. He’s big-time connected into all the hallucinogen research by the military, CIA, and he’s at many different CIA-sponsored conferences. Ewen Cameron, former Head of the Quebec Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the World Psychiatric Association – in fact, the founder of the World Psychiatric Association – and also one-time President of the Association for Biological Psychiatry. As politically connected a guy as ever existed in the entire field of psychiatry in the 20th Century, with his obituary in the American Journal of Psychiatry, funded through MKULTRA and Human Ecology Foundation, did LSD and other hallucinogen research funded by Canadian military and the CIA and was successfully sued (he had already died) – the CIA settled out of court actually – it wasn’t a successful suit technically – with eight of his patients who had been victims of experimentation that was first funded directly by the CIA through the Human Ecology Foundation and then through the Canadian government.
One of his papers, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry is on Psychic Driving, another is on Production of Differential Amnesia in Schizophrenia. I interviewed a woman named Linda McDonald, who is identified in public, this is not a problem with violation of her confidentiality, and I have a release to talk about her and write about her – she was 25 years old when she went to McGill to be treated for a relatively mild post-partum depression. She turned 26 during her hospitalization from March to early September, 1963. During the course of her hospitalization, she received 102 ECT treatments, using the Paige-Russell technique, in which the button is pushed 6x per treatment, instead of 1x. She also received about 80 days of barbiturate and neuroleptic induced sleep.
During the course of her hospitalization – now, I have not only her testimony I also have the actual medical record, with all of the nursing notes documenting this and Ewen Cameron’s signature in the chart. So this is not rumour or patient distortion this is the actual record. And this is work that has been settled out of court by the CIA. She comes in a normal, somewhat depressed person, who on my interview I would say she probably had DDNOS before she was admitted – she gets regressed back to incontinent of urine, incontinent of feces, totally disoriented, unable to state her own name, year, where she is, recognize her children, recognize her husband. She gradually comes out of this. At the time of discharge she is sent home to live with her husband and children, resume normal sexual relations with her husband – she doesn’t know how to drive a car, read, cook, use a toilet. Not only does she not know exactly what sex is all about, and she’s not exactly sure who her husband is, she doesn’t know what the concept of a husband is.
She neuropsychologically pulls out of this over months, and several months down the road, she’s at the point where a full time homemaker has taught her how to scramble eggs. She was a fully competent housewife and mother before this. When her children go out to play on the street, she is unable to remember 30 seconds later where they are, so she puts a map of the neighbourhood up on the wall and puts pins in the map to keep track of where her kids are playing. Otherwise she goes into a panic and doesn’t realize what’s going on. By about a year, she appears to have made a full neuropsychological recovery, and when I interview her several years ago in Vancouver, she appears to be neuropsychologically intact and to be suffering from no active psychiatric disorder.
The problem is that she can’t remember anything from the time she left the hospital back to birth. So this is CIA and Canadian military research to totally wipe out somebody’s memory, which is very successful. In the published articles on psychic driving and the creation of differential amnesia and schizophrenia, the claim is that if you have somebody who has been delusional for the past five years, and you give them this “regressive ECT” and regress them down to total infantile incontinence and bring them back up, and while you do that, you play a lot of tape loops (looped statements) over and over and over, hundreds and hundreds of times a day … they will come back to their normal waking state, and they will have specific amnesia for the time during which they have been delusional and for the delusional material and their schizophrenia will then be cured.
So this is very careful, deliberate research to produce specific amnesias, and total global amnesia. We would certainly want to honour that man in the American Journal of Psychiatry. This is how the funding was set up. Let’s look at the network for both the creation of Manchurian Candidates and the denial of the existence of Manchurian Candidates. How’s that structured? You would think it might be logical to have a disinformation program in place. Like any complex system, it’s sort of arbitrary where you enter the system.
Let’s enter at MKULTRA which we saw is connected to Bluebird and Artichoke – both of those are connected to the CIA. The CIA is highly connected to the military intelligence structurally (committees, cross-references, cooperation in many of these documented mind control research projects). In the Senate Committee Hearings in the 1970’s on MKULTRA, John Gittinger who was the head Ph.D. psychologist in MKULTRA testified that the creation of Manchurian Candidates and the movie, The Manchurian Candidate, which were referred to in his testimony, were just fiction, that’s ridiculous, and that had never been done. But we see that MKULTRA, on which he was the lead psychologist, was actually an administrative rollover from Bluebird and Artichoke-we have just read material in which they are explicitly describing clear creation of Manchurian Candidates so it’s not possible that he didn’t know that. The options here are either he was so out of it that he didn’t realize that was Manchurian Candidates that were being created there, or he was somehow administratively out of the loop and never even looked at the Bluebird and Artichoke documents which is fairly unbelievable, or it is deliberate disinformation.
Let’s go from the CIA here over to military intelligence over to Estabrooks. We’ve got Estabrooks actually creating Manchurian Candidates. So that’s Manchurian Candidate creation which goes back to Bluebird and Artichoke. We’ve got that loop already discussed. Let’s hop from CIA to Martin Orne. Well, we saw in the original list of MKULTRA consultants that Martin Orne was funded through that, and had top-secret clearance. When you look at Martin Orne’s C.V.-he lists in his C.V. numerous military intelligence funding sources (virtually all branches of the military) and he, in his publications, cites funding by Air Force, Army (I am pretty sure), Office of Naval Research, and Human Ecology.
A reliable source informed me that he also consulted with the National Security Agency. He basically has consulted with all branches of the military intelligence and civilian intelligence network. He also has taken the position, since at least 1984 in public, that MPD is almost always an iatrogenic artifact. He has debated this vociferously at the APA annual from 1988 on, and has published a large discussion and commentary on this in the International Journal of Clinical Experimental Hypnosis. His basic position is that MPD is created by the therapist. Now why would Martin Orne think this, and believe this, when he is totally connected into military intelligence? He is one of the leading experts in hypnosis, he is a friend and correspondent of and has been edited by and he references G.H. Estabrooks who was also one of the leading hypnosis experts at the same time, who was also tightly tied into military intelligence-and Estabrooks knows those other people like Milton Erickson and Hilgaard(sp) who are all totally interconnected by their common work and references.
Well, Martin Orne might believe that all the civilian DID cases are actually iatrogenic DID because that is the universe he has grown up in. He can’t step outside his own knowledge of the creation of Manchurian Candidates by the military to conceive of the idea that it might arise naturalistically. So it is basically a project, or lack of intellect. It can’t be lack of intellect, because Martin Orne does not lack intellect. The fact that he is too dumb to get it is totally implausible because he’s a very bright guy, so that explanation we can rule out. And the other explanation is deliberate disinformation. There is no way to discriminate between those hypotheses or test them with the available data. So Martin Orne says that DID is iatrogenic.
Oh, what’s this thing over here? FMSF – False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Well, isn’t this funny. Martin Orne is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation clearly promotes the idea that DID is either almost entirely or 100% entirely an iatrogenic artifact. Where does that take us down to? That takes us down to Manchurian Candidate Denial. That is done specifically by Richard Ofshe, who is a Scientific Advisory Board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. In his book, “Making Monsters” where he ridicules me as a CIA conspiracy nut who believes that the CIA has been creating MPD (which in fact is a documented fact).
Let’s skip back to here. We’re at the CIA and we’re at MKULTRA, we’re missing another connection here. It should go MKULTRA to Joly West, but … the CIA connects to Joly West because he was funded under MKULTRA to study the psychobiology of dissociation. He will probably go down in history as the only person to kill an elephant at Oklahoma City Zoo with LSD. Well, Joly West is going to show up on a bunch of subsequent slides. What we’re looking at is two-dimensional slices of a three- or end dimensional space. So you are going to see Joly West connect out to here, and off the screen, and up and down and around the back of the screen, and so on. One place that he connects if from here to here. Now, where did Joly West start off in his professional career? He started off as a Top Secret cleared guy for the Air Force who interviewed the American pilots who came back from Korea having been captured and brainwashed by the Communist Chinese.
These were people who were real good Americans, who were flying jets who were shot down by the Communist enemy who went to prison as POW’s and came back as Communists. Have we ever heard of anything like this before in our lives? This is the creation of a new identity and suppression of the old identity and all its allegiances through mind control coercive persuasion techniques. These American pilots were Manchurian Candidates of a sort, without full amnesia for the previous identity. So they were kind of a DDNOS level Manchurian Candidate as opposed to a full level DID Manchurian Candidate, and Jolyn West was one of the guys who interrogated them, understood them, wrote about them, and wrote about how to arm future military personnel against such interrogation.
Robert Lifton also had Top Secret Clearance from the Air Force to interview these downed American pilots, and there are several other people in the group there, including Margaret Singer, who wrote the book, “Cults in Our Midst” which I talked about as the foundation of the iatrogenic pathway to DID. She had Top Secret Clearance to interview these pilots as well. Margaret Singer publishes with Joly West, and Margaret Singer publishes with Richard Ofshe, who is an expert on coercive mind control and cult persuasion techniques. So that’s real funny.
Let’s go from Military Intelligence over to False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Who is that guy? Oh … it says Paul McHugh(sp). Who is Paul McHugh? He is the guy who is Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins who says that 100% of cases of DID are iatrogenic and says that all the DID Units should shut down, and he is on the Advisory Board of the FMSF. He connects to DID as iatrogenic, he connects to Johns Hopkins as the Chairman of Psychiatry. He connects over to Walter Reed Hospital because when he was in the military he did research connected to Walter Reed Hospital that is listed in his c.v. which is a major site for military intelligence work, and is directly connected into the mind control network.
Now why do I have Johns Hopkins connected to MKULTRA? Because a prior Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins named James Whitehorn was on the Advisory Board of the Human Ecology Foundation. He had Top Secret Clearance and was Witting. The Human Ecology Foundation was actually a funding front for MKULTRA. So one of his immediate predecessors was directly in network with Top Secret Clearance. The research in his c.v. – and I haven’t actually got the papers out and read it – that he did in the military doesn’t look like mind control research. But then the whole question becomes, what are the hypotheses that account for his behaviour? Here we have an apparently relatively bright guy who is the Head of the Department at one of the leading medical schools in the world, who just doesn’t get it, he thinks that all DID is iatrogenic. Is this because he is not smart enough? Doesn’t seem to be a plausible explanation. Well, is it because of some sort of peculiarity of his personal experience in his psychology that we don’t know about? Maybe. Maybe it’s disinformation. No way to know, no way to prove it one way or another. But this is the network for the creation and the denial of the creation of the Manchurian Candidate. It is a very funny little network.
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