Taking Back Our Stolen History
“No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism” Documentary Released by G Edward Griffin Exposing Terrorism, Bill Ayer’s WUO, and more…
“No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism” Documentary Released by G Edward Griffin Exposing Terrorism, Bill Ayer’s WUO, and more…

“No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism” Documentary Released by G Edward Griffin Exposing Terrorism, Bill Ayer’s WUO, and more…

This documentary removes the mystery from international terrorism. On the surface, terrorism appears to be irrational and counter-productive but, when the long-range strategy and tactics are understood, it becomes recognizable as part of a larger plan to weaken and destroy target governments. It is but one phase of the Marxist-Leninist dogma of so-called Wars of National Liberation. The terrorists themselves are dispensable players in this deadly game because, when the target governments are finally toppled, it will not be the terrorists who come to power, but the international Marxist apparatus which has trained and supplied them. Here are the documented facts which show the detailed operation of this network. The program is built upon sound research and offers powerful visual images and amazing historical footage. Written and narrated by G. Edward Griffin. 60-min.

It was from this documentary that we also learn about FBI Agent Larry Grathwohl who infiltrated Bill Ayer’s Weather Underground in 1969. He reveals the depopulation agenda plan to kill 25 million Americans.


After fighting Communists abroad, he decided to fight them at home. He returned to America after serving in the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division and took it upon himself to infiltrate the group, joining the Weatherman collective in Cincinnati. In his clandestine enterprise he rose quickly, aided by his perceived authenticity as a working class Vietnam vet, unlike the spoiled rich-kid draft resisters who ran the organization.

For reasons that historians will argue about for decades to come, the revelation that socialist Barack Hussein Obama was close personal friends with unrepentant Weather Underground bombers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn failed to torpedo Obama’s presidential bid. In fact, it caused little more than a ripple at the time in the mainstream media and only came up when alleged journalist George Stephanopoulos, a longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton loyalist, raised the disturbing connection during a primary-season presidential debate to hurt Obama’s campaign.

Grathwohl’s daring venture into the bowels of the anti-American Left showed that the subversives of the Weather Underground Organization (WUO), which grew out of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) splinter group Weatherman, worked with Cuba and the governments of other hostile foreign nations.

WUO bombed the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol, and various other sites of national importance throughout the 1970s. One of its key leaders, trust fund baby Ayers, now portrayed by the media as an innocuous school reformer, famously said he didn’t regret what he did and he’d do it again.

Ayers claims the WUO never killed anyone. If that’s true, it wasn’t for lack of trying. Sometimes bombs failed to detonate. In a Greenwich Village townhouse, one bomb that was supposed to be planted at a well-attended dance exploded prematurely, killing several terrorists including Ayers’s girlfriend at the time.

Ayers was obsessed with violence, Grathwohl explained. Ayers spearheaded the group’s effort “to make plans to select and destroy targets that were symbols of authority. If necessary, we would kidnap government officials for ransom and assassinate others when it was politically expedient,” according to Grathwohl.

In his recently reissued work, Bringing Down America, a fascinating 1976 book he co-wrote with the late Frank Reagan, Grathwohl summed up why he took the unusual step of joining the Weather Underground in order to undermine it. He feared these New Left revolutionary communists might actually make headway with their totalitarian program.

“The Weathermen’s government will be one of total control over each individual in the society,” he wrote. “In Weathermen terminology, this new society will be ‘one people working in total unity.'”

“This means an elimination of all the individual freedoms we are accustomed to having; it was my absolute belief in the freedoms offered by our form of government that drove me to fight the Weathermen in the first place. Even though I am no longer in the underground movement where I could help prevent violence before it happened, as in Dayton, Detroit, Madison, and Buffalo, while creating as much disunity as possible, I am still working against Weathermen and other radical conspiracies. Their way of life is not mine.”

Although plenty of largely sympathetic drivel has been written about the Weather Underground, very little scholarship has focused on the truly diabolical plans the group hoped to execute had it succeeded in its stated goal of overthrowing the elected government of the United States. Time magazine once boosted Grathwohl as the only successful infiltrator of the Weather Underground, but the media could only yawn when he resurfaced on a few television shows during our terrorist-friendly president’s first drive for election. It was media malpractice at its worst.

By contrast, media outlets have been mostly enthralled by Ayers. Few treated him as a villain when he was in the spotlight. Newspaper articles typically treated him as a well-intentioned community organizer or at worst as a misguided eccentric. The headline of a particularly infamous New York Times softball of a profile published on Sept. 11, 2001, labeled Ayers a mere “War Protester.” This would be akin to describing racial arsonist Al Sharpton as a social worker or a motivational speaker.

But Grathwohl’s secret project, which put his life at risk, showed Americans that the WUO aspired to liquidate those people who stubbornly clung to the American ideals that took a daily pounding throughout the national suicide attempt known as the 1960s.

Grathwohl attended a meeting at which WUO members plotted the murder of 25 million Americans. At the meeting Grathwohl attended he said the Weather Underground planned to exterminate those who resisted the communist revolution. In a discussion about internal debates within the group, he told interviewer G Edward Griffin in Hidden Agenda this:

I brought up the subject of what’s going to happen after we take over the government: we become responsible then for administrating 250 million people. And there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics, how you’re going to clothe and feed these people.

The only thing that I could get was that they expected that the Cubans and the North Vietnamese and the Chinese and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States.

They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter revolution and they felt that this counter revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing reeducation centers in the Southwest where would take all the people who needed to be reeducated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be.

I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t reeducate that are diehard capitalists and the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill – 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”


One chilling idea WUO leaders entertained was working enemies of the revolution to death in labor camps, something many so-called progressives today would no doubt favor doing to Tea Party supporters.