Taking Back Our Stolen History
North America

North America

Occupying the northern part of the large supercontinent known as Americas or New World, North America is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean from the north and by the Atlantic Ocean from the east, by the Pacific Ocean from the west and south. It has an overland border with South America continent, which runs along the state boundary between Panama and Colombia.

Totally in North America, there are 23 officially recognized independent states. The largest of them is Canada, followed by also rather big the United States, these two giants together occupy more than 79% of the whole continent area. The smallest country in this part of the world is Saint Kitts and Nevis, it is only two small islands in the Caribbean.

Among the most visited North American countries the number one is the USA, where New York City is considered the most attractive landmark for travelers, further followed by Mexico and Canada. (Source)

Alphabetical list of countries in North America (Click a country to view events related to it):

Antigua and Barbuda


Costa Rica

Dominican Republic



Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Trinidad and Tobago

United States of America (USA)

Chronological History of Events Related to North America

A Catholic Secret Jesuit Order Document called the 'Magisterial Privilege' Requires Every New Pope to Participate in a Satanic Ritual of Child Sacrifice

A Catholic Secret Jesuit Order Document called the ‘Magisterial Privilege’ Requires Every New Pope to Participate in a Satanic Ritual of Child Sacrifice

Evidence of a Catholic Jesuit Order document called the “Magisterial Privilege" was presented in a 2014 court case by the Chief Prosecutor. The 2014 international court case involved five judges and 27 jury members from six countries including the USA, considering evidence on over 50,000 missing Canadian, US, Argentine and European children who were suspected victims of an international child sacrificial cult referred to as the ...
CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled 'The New Left'

CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled ‘The New Left’

The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a broad range of reforms on issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, abortion rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms. Some saw the New Left as an oppositional reaction to earlier Marxist and labor union movements for social ...
USS Liberty Attacked by Israel Killing 34 & Wounding 171... On Purpose! US Cover Up Begins Immediately Betraying Crew

USS Liberty Attacked by Israel Killing 34 & Wounding 171… On Purpose! US Cover Up Begins Immediately Betraying Crew

In 1967, at the height of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force launched an unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, a US Navy spy ship that was monitoring the conflict from the safety of international waters in the Mediterranean. Israeli jet fighters hit the vessel with rockets, cannon fire and napalm, before three Israeli torpedo boats moved in to launch a second more devastating ...
Freedom of Information Act in the US is Signed into Law

Freedom of Information Act in the US is Signed into Law

July 4th marks not only the anniversary of America's independence, but also the birthday of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Passed by Congress in 1966, and reluctantly signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on the last day before it would have been pocket-vetoed, FOIA has revolutionized public access to government documents and records. It is used hundreds of thousands of times each year by news ...
The Cuban Missile Crisis (a 13 day 'Confrontation' with USSR Keeping Americans Frightened)

The Cuban Missile Crisis (a 13 day ‘Confrontation’ with USSR Keeping Americans Frightened)

Initially, film makers never made any claim that what they were creating was nothing other than fiction. Lately, however, there is a growing trend to pass Hollywood’s fiction as history. As a card-carrying compassionate Liberal, Kevin Costner feels a strong attraction for starring in politically correct movies. When applied to history, however, political correctness is equivalent to the distortion of the past to justify the politics ...
LBJ: "He who controls the weather will control the world"

LBJ: “He who controls the weather will control the world”

“It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather; and he who controls the weather will control the world” - Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962) [1] “In his subcommittee’s detailed summary statement Johnson proclaimed that our very future depended on being the ones ...

Operation Northwoods: A Proposed False Flag Operation to Fly Planes into US Buildings and Blame Castro

On March 13, 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed to President John F. Kennedy that the United States attack itself — and blame Cuba. This is what is known as a “false flag” event. This proposal came at the request of the CIA’s Edward Lansdale who was in charge of the anti-Castro project. Kennedy dismissed it as lunacy, certain to lead to war. This set ...
Operation Mongoose: A CIA Proposal, Approved by the Pentagon, to Kill Innocent Americans or Cuban Refugees and Blame it on Castro to Provoke an Invasion

Operation Mongoose: A CIA Proposal, Approved by the Pentagon, to Kill Innocent Americans or Cuban Refugees and Blame it on Castro to Provoke an Invasion

Failure at the Bay of Pigs did not deter the Kennedy administration from seeking ways to topple Castro. In November 1961 Operation Mongoose was created to coordinate these efforts. This was not a strictly CIA operation - General Edward Lansdale was tasked with coordinating activities between the CIA, Defense Department, and State Department. The Special Group Augmented (augmented by the President's brother Robert Kennedy and General ...
President Kennedy Issues Document 7277 Entitled 'Freedom From War: The US Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World'

President Kennedy Issues Document 7277 Entitled ‘Freedom From War: The US Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World’

In the interest of peace, many Americans have been persuaded to support disarmament programs and to create as a substitute for each nation's military a United Nations Peace Force. Most feel certain that their own rights and the independence of their nation would in no way be placed in jeopardy. But there is a vital question few seem willing or able to ask: Who would be ...
President John F. Kennedy's Man on the Moon Speech

President John F. Kennedy’s Man on the Moon Speech

President John F. Kennedy delivered this speech, "Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs," on May 25, 1961 before a joint session of Congress. In this speech, JFK stated that the United States should set as a goal the "landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth" by the end of the decade. Acknowledging that the Soviets had a head ...