Taking Back Our Stolen History
Population Control / Overpopulation Myth

Population Control / Overpopulation Myth

One of today’s popular boogeymen, along with “climate change,” is overpopulation. It was a boogeyman centuries ago, too. The English cleric and scholar Thomas Malthus warned in 1798, “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.” Since then, the 1800 world population of one billion has risen to seven billion. And not surprisingly, the notion of an ever-burgeoning population as a clear and present danger has become a basic supposition, one creating perturbation and shaping policy.

On November 13, 2015 for instance, some celebrated “World Vasectomy Day” and held a “vasectomy-athon” in which men, many Western, trumpeted their newfound sterility. Precisely two weeks before, Bowdoin College associate professor of philosophy Sarah Conley, though doubtless a relativist, was quite absolutist in a Boston Globe op-ed entitled “Here’s why China’s one-child policy was a good thing.” Insisting “there is no moral right to have more than one child,” Conley wrings her hands as she warns that the “most recent estimate from the United Nations says we’ll reach a population of 9.7 billion by 2050” and justifies elimination of reproductive freedom by likening it to yelling “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater. It seems the rallying cry “My body, my choice!” only applies to killing children in the womb, not birthing them.

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See a Chronological timeline of Events related to the ‘Overpopulation Myth’ below:

New York Times: Spike the Food Supply with Sterilization Chemicals to Cause Global Infertility and Depopulation

New York Times: Spike the Food Supply with Sterilization Chemicals to Cause Global Infertility and Depopulation

A November 24, 1969 New York Times feature article authored by Gladwin Hill called for sterilization chemicals to be added to the food supply in order to achieve globalist goals of human depopulation. That article, entitled “A Sterility Drug in Food is Hinted” came with the byline, “Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth.” Until the New York Times memory holes the article, you can still ...
Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite's Evil Plan for Humanity

Secret Society Insider, Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Reveals the Global Elite’s Evil Plan for Humanity

There was a meeting of pediatricians and students which took place at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society and one of the speakers was Dr. Richard Day, an eminent professor and physician as well as well as Director of Planned Parenthood. He asked that no notes or recordings be made of the meeting due to possible danger and/or consequences. He then revealed not just what is planned for the ...
President Nixon Authorizes Operation Menu: The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and Laos, But Why?

President Nixon Authorizes Operation Menu: The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and Laos, But Why?

In 1969, newly elected President Richard M. Nixon, aiming to achieve "peace with honor" in Vietnam, began to put his "Vietnamization" policy into place - removing the number of American military personnel in the country and transferring combat roles to the South Vietnamese. But at the same time, Nixon resumed the secret bombing of North Vietnam and launched B-52 bombing raids over Cambodia, intending to wipe ...
Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction According to their 1968 Annual Report

Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction According to their 1968 Annual Report

In its 1968 yearly report, the Rockefeller Foundation acknowledged funding the development of so-called “anti-fertility vaccines” and their implementation on a mass-scale. From page 51 onward we read: “(…) several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those that have been tested have serious problems of toxicity. Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more ...
The My Lai Massacre: The Murder of 347 Vietnamese Citizens (Mostly Women & Children) & the Colin Powell Cover Up

The My Lai Massacre: The Murder of 347 Vietnamese Citizens (Mostly Women & Children) & the Colin Powell Cover Up

The My Lai Massacre was the mass murder of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). They were almost entirely civilians, the majority of them women and children. The massacre was conducted by U.S. Army forces on March 16, 1968. Before being killed some of the victims were raped and sexually molested, beaten, tortured, or maimed. Some of the dead bodies ...
A Catholic Secret Jesuit Order Document called the 'Magisterial Privilege' Requires Every New Pope to Participate in a Satanic Ritual of Child Sacrifice

A Catholic Secret Jesuit Order Document called the ‘Magisterial Privilege’ Requires Every New Pope to Participate in a Satanic Ritual of Child Sacrifice

Evidence of a Catholic Jesuit Order document called the “Magisterial Privilege" was presented in a 2014 court case by the Chief Prosecutor. The 2014 international court case involved five judges and 27 jury members from six countries including the USA, considering evidence on over 50,000 missing Canadian, US, Argentine and European children who were suspected victims of an international child sacrificial cult referred to as the ...
The 'Report from Iron Mountain' is Published

The ‘Report from Iron Mountain’ is Published

The substance of these stratagems [for the weakening of the U.S. so it can be more easily merged into a global government based on the model of collectivism] can be traced to a think-tank study released in 1966 called the Report from Iron Mountain. Although the origin of the report is highly debated, the document itself hints that it was commissioned by the Department of Defense ...
CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled 'The New Left'

CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled ‘The New Left’

The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a broad range of reforms on issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, abortion rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms. Some saw the New Left as an oppositional reaction to earlier Marxist and labor union movements for social ...
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was Founded in Washington, DC by Communist and Jewish Betty Friedan

The National Organization for Women (NOW) was Founded in Washington, DC by Communist and Jewish Betty Friedan

The National Organization for Women (NOW), an American leftist, feminist organization, was founded in 1966 and consists of 550 chapters in all 50 U.S. states and in Washington, D.C. This group advocates the unfettered right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; seeks to "eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia" from American society; attacks Christianity and traditional religious values; and supports gender-based preferences for women. It's co-founder and first president: Betty ...
Life Magazine's “Drama of Life Before Birth” was Published

Life Magazine’s “Drama of Life Before Birth” was Published

The editors of Life magazine documented life in the womb in a 1965 cover story featuring a vivid and unforgettable photo display. “Drama of Life Before Birth” was published eight years before the justices struggled with the concept of life’s beginnings. The non-profit Liberty Counsel, which regularly defends the life of the unborn in court, pointed out the feature was “an unprecedented photographic feat for the 1960s” that ...