Taking Back Our Stolen History
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author, Gary Webb, Who Exposed the CIA Drug Trafficking Scheme Shoots Himself in the Head – Twice? So Says the Dirty Coroner!
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author, Gary Webb, Who Exposed the CIA Drug Trafficking Scheme Shoots Himself in the Head – Twice? So Says the Dirty Coroner!

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author, Gary Webb, Who Exposed the CIA Drug Trafficking Scheme Shoots Himself in the Head – Twice? So Says the Dirty Coroner!

Gary Webb, the Pulitzer prize-winning author who exposed the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade and subsequently committed “suicide” after apparently shooting himself in the head – twice. He had complained of recent break-ins by government agents as well as death threats, and was working on a new story about the CIA and drug trafficking.

Coroner Robert Lyons said his office had been swamped with calls. “It’s unusual in a suicide case to have two shots,” he said, “but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility.”

This milquetoast declaration sounds like the pathetic utterance of someone who’s trying to cover his career ass, all the while crossing his fingers behind his back. Maybe – just maybe, it’s also indicative of someone who wants to keep his own life intact. I’d say it’s a distinct possibility! While the coroner spews his Webb suicide fallacy to the numbed down and distracted (pre-holiday) masses – he simultaneously implores any doubters of the official mythology to immediately discard their tin-foil hats along with their conspiracy theories and just move on cause there’s nothing to see here. Nope, there’s nothing to SEE or KNOW here.

Mr. Lyons pronouncement about a distinct possibility of suicide, not even PROBABILITY, should be enough of a RED FLAG to convince even the true believers that something is rotten in Sacramento. If Gary Webb committed suicide with 2 shots to the head via a .38 caliber pistol, then I’ve got a nice condo to sell you in Fallujah! But wait, there’s more compelling evidence to refute the lie that what we have here is a suicide. And it looks a lot like cotton candy all spin and mostly hot air evidence. Once you bite into it you realize it’s a bundle of perception control, mostly innuendo, or black magic designed to conjure a pre-determined picture in your mind, in order to reinforce the BIG lie. Then there’s the issue of 2 shots to the head with a .38 caliber pistol.

Shouldn’t that fact alone trigger an investigation into a POSSIBLE homicide and an independent autopsy? And I haven’t even mentioned the inconsistent reporting about Gary’s wounds/wound and purported weapon he allegedly used to kill himself.

A quick reiteration of the official obituary waffle is as follows: reported first, a suicide with multiple wounds to the head, then a suicide with a wound to the head, then there’s a speculated shotgun wound to the face, by Mike Ruppert, because of a verbal report, given to Ruppert from the coroner’s office implying that Webb’s face was beyond recognition, and finally 2 wounds to the head with a .38 caliber revolver. Incidentally his gun was kept in the nightstand next to his bed. It was his Dad’s gun. Nice touch of detail here. But what does it tell us? Maybe, Gary was concerned, because he had been the recipient of death threats? Maybe that’s the REAL reason he had a gun in a drawer next to his bed. According to an informative and revealing article /audio segment, on Alex Jone’s Prison Planet website, Gary did indeed have something to be very worried about:

Ricky Ross, one of Gary Webb’s primary sources had spoken to Gary in the days before his death. Gary told Ricky that he had seen men scaling down the pipes outside his home and that they were obviously not burglars but ‘government people’. Gary also told Ricky that he had been receiving death threats and was being regularly followed. It was also mentioned that Gary was working on a new story concerning the CIA and drug trafficking. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/141204webbmurdered.htm

Moreover, why was there so much confusion about the method and number of wounds? Was it that difficult to sort out? Or was something else going-on? I really liked the potshot in the final obituary about the feverish conspiracy theorists on the internet who had been calling the coroner’s office, demanding to know the number of wounds Webb ACTUALLY sustained. Now trying to determine factual details based on confused reports makes you a conspiracy theorist. Move on folks, nothing to see here!

Don’t you find it odd that there’s no mention of the FACT that Gary had powerful enemies in HIGH places. But we are told that Gary was a failed investigative journalist who let the public down, by inflating and inventing facts, while jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions. We read over and over again that he was rightfully demoted, had no credibility in mainstream circles, and couldn’t get a job at a major newspaper to save his sorry life because he was damaged goods. This is the mantra of the mainstream media repeated ad-nausea. The character assassination is a nice complement to the actual assassinationÖdon’t you think?

The primary reason we are to believe Gary Webb committed suicide is, because he is characterized as having been distraught. As a former psychotherapist, I can assure you DISTRAUGHT doesn’t = SUICIDAL! And I might add unequivocally, THAT CLINICALLY DEPRESSED/SUICIDAL PEOPLE ARE VERY UNLIKELY TO MAKE FUTURE PLANS THAT INCLUDE selling their homes and making MAJOR MOVES while in a depressed/suicidal state. Let’s examine a sampling of the laundry list of reasons, given by the powers that be, to persuade us that Gary Webb’s death was a shut and closed case of suicide. Move on, nothing to investigate here. But we certainly need to get the latest scoop on Michael Jackson or Jon Bennet, don’t we?

  1. It was stated that he was distraught because he couldn’t get a job at a major newspaper. And he probably was distraught– but does that make him suicidal? Besides, his career as a mainstream investigative journalist, working for a prestigious newspaper, was over a long time ago. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word distraught means: agitated with anxiety; worried. 2. Crazed or MAD. The root of the word is from ME (Middle English) and it means to distract. Moreover, Gary was employed with a weekly newspaper: Sacramento News & Review, which gave him an opportunity to ply his craft, albeit not at the level he would have liked or that he deserved. In spite of this, his ex-wife Susan Bell is quoted in one of the obituaries as saying (about Gary): “All he ever wanted to do was write.” Gary was doing what he loved best: writing, and getting paid for it. The fact that he had been basically blacklisted as a journalist for some time was something that Mr. Webb had learned to live with, and had successfully integrated into his life. I base that observation on the fact the he continued his investigative writing career, despite the earlier losses to his reputation and his earning capacity. 2. His motorcycle was recently stolen. This is so absurd it deserves no comment.
  2. His mortgage payments were too high. Many Americans are living with mortgage payments that are too high, especially when these same people are unemployed. And clinically depressed people would likely allow a foreclosure situation, before facing the problem head-on and making a firm decision to move and following up by selling their house. Apparently Gary was able to sell his house, pack his belongings, determine a moving date, hire a moving company, and continue writing and working. I assume Gary had also signed a lease, bought a house, or had other suitable living conditions set-up ahead of time– wherever he was moving to. Of course, nothing is mentioned about his NEW home. That wouldn’t fit with the spin we’re being given about the distraught Gary Webb. This doesn’t sound like a clinically depressed person to me.
  3. He PLACED (evocative and misleading word) his baby shoes in his mothers shed. To me ‘placed’ sounds very deliberate and hints at twisted act suggestive of death. Read the sentence again and substitute the word ‘put’ for ‘placed’. Ah, a completely different picture. Assuming he actually did put his baby shoes in his mother’s shed, we can only project what it MIGHT really mean–and I think that’s the point. He was moving, do you think just maybe he decided his BABY shoes should be stored at his mother’s house. After all, baby shoes are a common memorabilia for mothers. Or is it possible he RETURNED his baby shoes to his mother. A shed is a place for storing things one isn’t currently using! I think this reference to baby shoes is non- sequitur logically but creates the INTENDED picture.
  4. He made his ex wife Susan Bell a beneficiary of his bank account–months ago. How many months ago? Does this mean Gary is going to kill himself? It doesn’t sound to me like he had that much $ in his bank account, after all he’s moving because his mortgage payments are too high. It seems just as likely that he might do this as a precaution, in case he got sick, or was unable to take care of his financial matters, so his ex wife could help him. 6. Mr. Webb mailed NOTES (do we mean letters) to his family members. Well… he was moving and sending notes to his family sounds unremarkable to me. Since when are NOTES considered pathological. What’s wrong with this picture? It is never told what kind of NOTES. And yes that’s a KEY point. Without additional information there is no point to be made about the NOTES – except notes are commonly associated with suicides. Maybe that’s the REAL point.
  5. Gary’s ex-wife Susan Bell states: “The way he was acting it would be hard for me to believe it was anything but suicide.” An interesting OPINION, but she supplies no convincing evidence to illustrate what she means by this. If it’s based on baby shoes in sheds, notes to family members, or distraught over career prospects, then I’d say Susan Bell is entitled to her opinion. And no where are we told how long Ms. Bell has been divorced from Mr., Webb or if she has remarried. It’s difficult to determine just how close and involved in Gary’s life Ms. Bell has been, as of late. However, being Webb’s ex-wife still gives Ms. Bell’s opinions a lot of weight. In fact, I think she’s being unknowingly, and unfairly used as a counterweight to any theories or suspicions by others, that Gary may have been murdered. Then factor in the fact that she is grieving.
  6. Then there’s that literal smoking gun. We’re to believe that Gary shot himself in the head TWICE with a .38? Call some gun shop owners, talk to coroners, and medical personal about the likelihood of that scenario. Even coroner Robert Lyons admits it’s only a distinct possibility. I’d say that suicide is a slim to none possibility…just based on the fact that there were 2 shots to the head. It’s more like a CONFIRMED COVER-UP. Yet, based on this selective pastiche of flimsy, circumstantial evidence, projections and mere possibilities, we’re told it’s a confirmed suicide, and to move on nothing, to see here.

Mr. Webb made cremation arrangements earlier in the year. Does this prove that Mr. Webb was suicidal, because he made arrangements for cremation earlier in the year? Isn’t this something American’s do on a regular basis… plan for their eventual death via funeral arrangements. Are all people who have made funeral arrangements suicidal, or are they merely realistic planners? Taking care of one’s funeral arrangements is considered a hallmark of responsibility aimed among primarily to help minimize the emotional and financial burden of a grieving family. Oddly enough, Gary wound up adding to his family’s grief — if he indeed committed suicide. It’s well known in Hospice programs, and widely available via literature on grief and loss that suicide is one of the hardest losses to grieve and resolve satisfactorily. Here’s a quote From the San Jose Mercury News illustrating a side of Webb that’s revealing:

“Mr. Webb’s friends and colleagues described him as a devoted father and a funny, dogged reporter who was passionate about investigative journalism.”

  1. We’re told Gary was so concerned about the movers who would inevitably find his bloody corpse; he thoughtfully left them a note on the outside door warning them not to enter. “A Better Moving Company” is the name of the moving Company that came to Webb’s house that fateful morning and found that odd note posted on his door: “Please do not enter… call 911 and ask for an ambulance.” Why an ambulance if he planned to KILL himself? And how strange that he didn’t call the movers earlier in the evening or later in the day to cancel said move (due to illness, for example) via the phone. Why the dramatic note? Well, have you ever thought of the POSSIBILITY that if the moving company were involved in ‘offing’ Gary the perfect way to avoid scrutiny or being investigated would be for said moving company to find the note on the door—- instead of finding the body in the house on the floor. As we all know from the movies when someone finds a dead body they become entangled in the investigation. In this case, that would be avoided because of the NOTE. We also have to ask WHY was Gary that concerned about the movers and the post-traumatic stress that they might have been subjected to? The note to the movers is bizarre to say the least!


But there’s more. What a coincidence that this moving company has a nefarious operating profile (based on the above link) that is reminiscent, in some ways, of the notorious Israeli connected companies that have recently been coming under legal scrutiny. My point isn’t that the any Israelis were involved, but that moving companies can easily be used as fronts for intelligence operations. How easy would it have been for a moving company (person/s) to case Webb’s home under the guise of a price quote, and or packing his belongings pre-move, in order to set him-up to be whacked? The hit guy(s) could have been waiting for him when he returned home from his relatively NEW reporter’s job — at the Sacramento News and Review. Do you think it’s possible someone who didn’t have Gary’s best interest at heart could have recommended this shady moving company. How easy would it have been for someone connected with the moving company to make sure an obscure window was unlocked… for example? Of course, this is just speculation. If I were an investigator, I’d definitely find out all the details about the moving company, and how Mr. Webb found this particular moving company. Who was scheduled to move him and who had been to his house? Finally, I’d want to know if Gary had a girlfriend and if they were planning on living together in his new home. At least let’s find out if Gary was dating anyone on a steady basis and get her assessment of the situation. After all, he was a very attractive man.

  1. There’s this quote from the San Jose Mercury News from a former colleague of Gary’s: “I’m still in a state of shock,” said Tom Dresslar, who works as a spokesman for California Attorney General Bill Lockyer and had known Mr. Webb for 15 years.

“He was a hard-core, no-fear investigative reporter,” Dresslar said. “He wasn’t afraid to stand up to whatever authority.” There you have it Gary Webb a fearless reporter, for the PEOPLE, who against all odds would stand up to authority, to the ELITES in order to serve a greater master the TRUTH! We demand an independent autopsy and homicidal investigation into the “DISTINCT POSSIBILITY” that Gary Webb was MURDERED.

The way I see it we have at least 4 smoking guns:

  1. Two shots to the head
  2. Gary had received alleged death threats and had complained of recent break-ins by government agents
  3. Allegedly Gary was involved in working on a new story about the CIA and drug trafficking.
  4. Gary threatened to systemically expose the drug war for the Trojan Horse that it is, thereby provoking the wrath of the Elites and the CIA. He would not be intimidated. He kept on doing what he did so well, and what he loved so much: investigative journalism.

We owe it to ourselves, to Gary Webb, and to all truth seekers, to get behind Alex Jones and his courageous DEMAND for a full and independent investigation of Webb’s suspicious death, including an autopsy of his body, before his ashes wind up in an urn on a fireplace mantle in Langley, Virginia.

From <http://www.rense.com/general60/move.htm>

In September 2014, new documents released by the CIA show how the agency worked with some of the country’s largest newspapers to destroy San Jose Mercury News’ Gary Webb, a journalist who famously exposed the CIA’s connection to the cocaine trade in the “Dark Alliance” investigation. http://www.infowars.com/cia-admits-to…

Additional Reading:


Recommended Books:

In August 1996, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb stunned the world with a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News reporting the results of his year-long investigation into the roots of the crack cocaine epidemic in America, specifically in Los Angeles. The series, titled “Dark Alliance,” revealed that for the better part of a decade, a Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to Los Angeles street gangs and funneled millions in drug profits to the CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contras.

Gary Webb pushed his investigation even further in his book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion. Drawing from then newly declassified documents, undercover DEA audio and videotapes that had never been publicly released, federal court testimony, and interviews, Webb demonstrates how our government knowingly allowed massive amounts of drugs and money to change hands at the expense of our communities.

Webb’s own stranger-than-fiction experience is also woven into the book. His excoriation by the media—not because of any wrongdoing on his part, but by an insidious process of innuendo and suggestion that in effect blamed Webb for the implications of the story—had been all but predicted. Webb was warned off doing a CIA expose by a former Associated Press journalist who lost his job when, years before, he had stumbled onto the germ of the “Dark Alliance” story. And though Internal investigations by both the CIA and the Justice Department eventually vindicated Webb, he had by then been pushed out of the Mercury News and gone to work for the California State Legislature Task Force on Government Oversight. He died in 2004.

Gary Webb had an inborn journalistic tendency to track down corruption and expose it. For over thirty-four years, he wrote stories about corruption from county, state, and federal levels. He had an almost magnetic effect to these kinds of stories, and it was almost as if the stories found him. It was his gift, and, ultimately, it was his downfall.
He was best known for his story Dark Alliance, written for the San Jose Mercury News in 1996. In it Webb linked the CIA to the crack-cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles during the Iran Contra scandal. His only published book, Dark Alliance is still a classic of contemporary journalism. But his life consisted of much more than this one story, and The Killing Game is a collection of his best investigative stories from his beginning at the Kentucky Post to his end at the Sacramento News & Review. It includes Webb’s series at the Kentucky Post on organized crime in the coal industry, at the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Ohio State’s negligent medical board, and on the US military’s funding of first-person shooter video games. The Killing Game is a dedication to his life’s work outside of Dark Alliance, and it’s an exhibition of investigative journalism in its truest form.

Kill the Messenger” tells the story of the tragic death of Gary Webb, the controversial newspaper reporter who committed suicide in December 2004. Webb is the former San Jose Mercury News reporter whose 1996 “Dark Alliance” series on the so-called CIA-crack cocaine connection created a firestorm of controversy and led to his resignation from the paper amid escalating attacks on his work by the mainstream media. Author and investigative journalist Nick Schou published numerous articles on the controversy and was the only reporter to significantly advance Webb’s stories.
Drawing on exhaustive research and highly personal interviews with Webb’s family, colleagues, supporters and critics, this book argues convincingly that Webb’s editors betrayed him, despite mounting evidence that his stories were correct. Kill the Messenger examines the “Dark Alliance” controversy, what it says about the current state of journalism in America, and how it led Webb to ultimately take his own life.
Webb’s widow, Sue Bell Stokes, remains an ardent defender of her ex-husband. By combining her story with a probing examination of the one of the most important media scandals in recent memory, this book provides a gripping view of one of the greatest tragedies in the annals of investigative journalism.